European Communication Research
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Don’t miss the conference social events!

13.09.2024 11:59 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

We are excited to announce the social events lined up for this year’s conference in Ljubljana. The start with the Welcome Reception on Tuesday, 24 September, at Cankarjev dom, Slovenia’s leading cultural and congress center. Following the conference opening and plenary session, enjoy a delightful evening with refreshments and seasonal Slovenian cuisine.

On Thursday, 26 September, don’t miss the YECREA Meet-and-Greet at Nebotičnik Café, where you can connect with colleagues while taking in stunning views of the city. Later that evening, the Conference Party will take place at the historic Križanke venue, featuring DJ NinaBelle, local delicacies, and special ECREA cocktails.

All events are included in the registration fee, so be sure to join us for these memorable occasions.

ECREA ECC 2024 also offers conference participants the opportunity to register for various tours that are part of the conference’s cultural and social programme:

  • Computer History Museum Slovenia,
  • Feminist walking tour,
  • Punk walking tour,
  • Post-communist walking tour,
  • Ljubljana alternative walking tour,
  • Visit to Radio Študent.
Read more about the social events and the tours.



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