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Screen Encounters with Britain: New Report on Italy. What do young Europeans (16-34) make of Britain and its digital screen Culture

24.10.2024 09:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Dear colleagues 

We are pleased to announce the publication of a free downloadable report on young audiences (16-34) in Italy (2024) and their engagement with British screen entertainment. This adds to previous AHRC-funded reports on Germany and Denmark. Please share with colleagues, students and whoever else might be interested.  

Italy: Esser, A., Hilborn, M., Steemers, J., & D'Arma, A. (October 2024). Screen Encounters with Britain - Interim Report Italy: What do young Europeans make of Britain and its digital screen culture? King's College London.

Link here:

Earlier reports are available on:

Netherlands:  Esser, A., Hilborn, M., & Steemers, J. (May 2024). Screen Encounters with Britain - Interim Report Netherlands: What do young Europeans make of Britain and its digital screen culture? . King's College London. 

Germany: Esser, A., Hilborn, M., & Steemers, J. (September 2023). Screen Encounters with Britain - Interim Report Germany: What do young Europeans make of Britain and its digital screen culture?. King's College London.

Denmark: Esser, A., Hilborn, M., & Steemers, J. (September 2023). Screen Encounters with Britain - Interim Report Denmark: What do young Europeans make of Britain and its digital screen culture?. King's College London.

Kind Regards

Jeanette Steemers

King’s College London 



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