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Assistant Professor in the disciplinary area of Communication Sciences — Digital Media

03.12.2024 21:26 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

School of Social Sciences and Humanities – NOVA University Lisbon

Public Notice No. 1755/2024

In accordance with Article 39 of the University Teaching Career Statute (ECDU), approved by Decree-Law no. 448/79, of 13 November, in its current wording, the Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon, Professor Luís Baptista, acting by delegation of powers in the terms specified in number 1 of Order no. 181/2023, of January 4th, published in Diário da República, 2nd series, number 3, hereby announces that a competition based on qualifications is now open for one faculty position of Assistant Professor in the disciplinary area of Communication Sciences, with a relevant curriculum in Digital Media/New Media/Multimedia or related areas, at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of this University. Applications are accepted for a period of 30 business days counting from the day immediately after the publication of this Public Notice in Diário da República.

The opening of this competition and the appointment of the Selection Committee were authorized by an Order of Professor João Sàágua, Rector of NOVA University Lisbon, on the 14th November 2024.

This is an international competition based on qualifications, and it is governed by the provisions of Articles 37 et seq. of the above-mentioned Statute and of NOVA University Lisbon’s Regulation for University Teaching Career Applications, published in an annex to Order no. 3012/2015, of 20 February, published in Diário da República, 2nd series, number 58, of 24 March.

I — Admission requirements:

1 — In accordance with Article 41-A of the ECDU, holding a PhD degree is a requirement for applying to this competition.

2 — The candidates must hold a PhD degree in Communication Sciences, Digital Media, or related areas.

3 — The candidates must master spoken and written Portuguese or English.

II — Application instructions

1 — All applications must be sent to the following email address: The email’s subject line must contain the reference of this Public Notice.

2 — Applications must be formalized, under penalty of exclusion, with the supporting documents listed below. All the required documents should preferably be submitted as a PDF file. Short names for files are recommended. Links are not accepted as substitutes for these same documents.

a) Document proving the fulfilment of the legal requirements laid down in paragraphs 1 and 2 of point I;

b) A declaration under oath confirming proficiency in Portuguese or English, sufficient for teaching;

c) The application form available at IO_PROF_AUXILIAR.docx;

d) A copy of the candidate's curriculum vitae, indicating completed work, publications, and activities related to all functions required of university lecturers as mentioned in Articles 4 and 5 of the ECDU. The curriculum vitae must be organized according to Section III of this notice;

e) A copy of each work mentioned in the curriculum vitae, particularly those most representative of the candidate's contribution to the development of Digital Media, with a maximum of 10 works;

f) A scientific and pedagogical development project that the candidate proposes to adopt in the future, attesting to their contribution to the institution's mission, especially in the area of Digital Media;

g) Two syllabi and associated teaching materials (lesson plans, teaching aids, bibliographies) from the following subjects, covering at least one undergraduate (1st cycle) and one postgraduate (2nd cycle - Master's or 3rd cycle - Doctoral):

1st Cycle (Bachelor’s):

  • Information Sciences and Technologies;
  • Interactive Narrative Laboratory;
  • Digital Methods;
  • Information Visualization;

2nd Cycle (Master's):

  • Visual Data Communication;
  • Interactive Narrative Laboratory;

3rd Cycle (Doctorate):

  • Digital Methods and Data Analysis;
  • Audiovisual and Interactive Content Creation Laboratory.

h) A digital portfolio documenting professional experience in managing, coordinating, or producing content in the public and/or private sectors over the last decade in the field of Digital Media.

3 — All communications and notifications carried out in this procedure will be made by email. For this purpose, candidates must indicate their email address in the application form and sign an authorization.

4 — Applications must be accompanied by a list of submitted documents.

5 — Supporting documents for proving the fulfilment of the requirements for recruitment into public functions may be replaced by a statement included in the above-mentioned application form.

6 — Applications duly accompanied by the above-mentioned documents must be submitted within 30 business days, counting from the day immediately after the publication of this Public Notice in Diário da República.

7 — The supporting documents of the application must be written in Portuguese or in English.

III — Criteria, indicators and weighting factors for the evaluation and seriation of the candidates:

1 — Scientific component of the curriculum vitae (40%):

1.1 — Publication of scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and books or book chapters in the field of Digital Media; publications indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus will be valued (0-20);

1.2 — Participation in externally funded and evaluated fundamental and/or applied research projects with a relevant impact in the field of Digital Media (0-10);

1.3 — Presentations at national and international scientific conferences and colloquia in the field of Digital Media (0-10).

2 — Teaching component (30%):

2.1 — Documented teaching experience in the field of Digital Media (0-20);

2.2 — Quality of the submitted teaching materials (lesson plans, teaching aids, bibliographies for up to 2 courses in the relevant area of this competition) (0-5);

2.3 — Supervision of completed Master’s dissertations and Doctoral theses (0-5). 3 — Scientific and pedagogical development project (15%):

3.1 — Contribution to fulfilling the institution’s mission, particularly in teaching in the field of Digital Media, including its international dimension (0-8);

3.2 — Research development plan in the field of Digital Media, including its international dimension and securing national and international competitive funding (0-7);

4 — Other relevant activities (15%):

4.1 — A digital portfolio documenting professional experience in managing, coordinating, or producing content in the public and/or private sectors over the last decade in Digital Media (0-10);

4.2 — Other extension activities, awards, participation in editorial boards, committees, and associations (0-5).

IV — Jury composition

President: Professor Dr. Luís Vicente Baptista, Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon, under the delegation of powers from the Rector, Professor Dr. João Sàágua, 14th November 2024


José Miguel Tunez Lopez, Full Professor, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain;

José Miguel Santos Araújo Carvalhais Fonseca, Full Professor, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto;

Marco António Neves da Silva, Associate Professor with Habilitation, Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon;

Célia Maria Silvério Quico, Associate Professor, School of Communication, Arts, and Information Technologies, Lusófona University;

João Mário Lourenço Bagão Grilo, Full Professor, School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon;

Paulo Filipe Gouveia Monteiro, Full Professor, School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon;

Paulo Nuno Gouveia Vicente, Associate Professor with Habilitation, School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon.

V — Selection process:

1 — After the deadline for applications, the Selection Committee will meet to evaluate and rank the candidates.

2 — Based on the assessment of the curricula, their suitability to the scientific area covered by this competition, the supporting documents and their evaluation in accordance with the criteria, indicators and weighting factors set out above, the Selection Committee will admit the candidates with a final classification, in terms of absolute merit, of 50 or more and exclude those with a final classification of less than 50.

3 — The candidates who are not admitted will be notified to submit their observations, in the terms of the Code of Administrative Procedure.

4 — Once the admitted candidates have been identified, based on the classifications mentioned above, the Selection Committee will issue a written opinion with the ranking of the admitted candidates.

5 — The ranking of the admitted candidates will be determined by the votes of the members of the Selection Committee, in conformity with the ranking presented in the document mentioned in the preceding paragraph, in accordance with subparagraphs a) to f) of paragraph 11 of Article 16 of NOVA University Lisbon’s Regulation for University Teaching Career Applications.

VI — The admitted and excluded candidates will be notified by email, in accordance with subparagraph c) of paragraph 1 and subparagraph b) of paragraph 2 of Article 112 of the Code of Administrative Procedure.

VII — The file of this competition procedure may be consulted by the candidates upon request. The request must be sent to the Division of Human Resources by an email addressed to the President of the Committee:

VIII — If the PhD degree of the winner candidate has been obtained from a foreign university, its recognition must comply with the provisions of Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of 16th August 2016. The candidates must fulfil all formal obligations laid down in that diploma until the date of the signature of the contract, under penalty of exclusion.

IX – Pursuant to subparagraph h) of Article 9 of the Constitution, the Public Administration, as an employer, actively promotes a policy of equal opportunity among men and women in the access to employment and in career development and takes scrupulous measures to avoid every form of discrimination.

Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas desta Universidade da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

15th November 2024 – The Dean, Professor Luís Baptista



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