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Call for Conference: Game, Play and the Emerging Ludo Mix

10.01.2019 19:18 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

DiGRA 2019 - The 12th Digital Games Research Association Conference

Ritsumeikan University (Kyoto, Japan)

6th of August - 10th of August 2019


It is our great pleasure to announce the Digital Games Research Association's 2019 Conference call for papers. Papers are invited under the theme 'Game, Play and the Emerging Ludo Mix', where 'media mix' serves as a starting point for considering games' convergence, transformation, replication, and expansion from platform, technology, and context to another.

For more information and updates, please see:

Submission deadlines: 

Full Papers, Abstracts, Panels, and Doctoral Consortium: February 5, 2019

Workshops: April 8, 2019



Chaussée de Waterloo 1151
1180 Uccle

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