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Call for Conference: Future of Journalism: “Innovations, Transitions and Transformations”

10.01.2019 20:19 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

12th - 13th September 2019

Cardiff University (UK)

The School of Journalism, Media and Culture (JOMEC) at Cardiff University will host the seventh biennial Future of Journalism conference.

The conference will take place in JOMEC's new state-of-the-art home in Cardiff's city centre. The theme will be “Innovations, Transitions and Transformations.”

Our distinguished keynote speakers are Professor Andrew Chadwick (Loughborough University), Professor Adrienne Russell (University of Washington), and Professor Nikki Usher (University of Illinois). Please see their bios below.

The call for abstracts is now open. We invite contributions on all aspects of journalism, with those addressing the conference theme particularly encouraged. Issues to be addressed may include:

  • How are definitions of journalism changing in an evolving news ecosystem?
  • What is the future for today’s journalist in an environment increasingly shaped by artificial intelligence, big data, algorithmic processing and "liminal" journalism practices?
  • How are standards of quality, balance and fairness changing, including with regard to the perceived decline of ‘mainstream media’ and the rise of hyper-partisan outlets?
  • To what extent are social media democratising citizens’ engagement with news across mobile platforms?
  • How best to encourage new cultures of experimentation and innovation for rethinking journalistic form and practice?
  • How should journalism studies respond to these shifts, conceptually and methodologically?

A selection of papers presented at the conference will be published in special issues of the international peer-reviewed journals Digital Journalism, Journalism Practice and Journalism Studies. Routledge / Taylor & Francis have kindly agreed to sponsor the conference.

The conference will take place on Thursday 12th and Friday 13th September 2019. The registration fee will be £250 (£200 for postgraduate students), which includes tea and coffee breaks as well as the conference dinner (to be held on the evening of 12th September).

The deadline for submitting abstracts (250 words maximum) for papers is January 31st, 2019. Please submit your abstract via the conference email address:

Please do not submit more than one abstract as first author, with no more than two abstracts in total.

Should you have any questions, please contact Bina Ogbebor at



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