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Funded PhD studentship in cultural economics/cultural value

24.01.2019 10:58 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Application deadline:  February 6, 2019

University of West Scotland (UK)

Direct and indirect contribution of developing creative industries, cultural sector and events as a core of Paisley’s economy; inclusive economic growth in Paisley and environs Applications are invited for a PhD Scholarship examining the economic impact of developing the creative economy as an important dimension of the overall local economy through a diverse range of creative industries, culture and heritage projects and programmes.

The research aims to investigate, evidence and analyse the direct and indirect effects on the local economy of Paisley, of cultural regeneration programmes and the stimulation of the local creative industries sector.

The objectives are to:

  • Explore and contextualise the economic contribution of the culture sector and event programmes delivered by public, private and third sector organisations in the area.

• Identify the economic and social contribution of and opportunities for creative industries in Paisley, and where relevant, wider Renfrewshire.

• Evaluate and demonstrate the impact of investing in cultural and creative industries development alongside other investment made to support economic growth in Paisley and Renfrewshire in pursuit of an inclusive economy.

Candidates with a first degree and/or Master’s degree with a component of economics or, an urban geography, creative industries or culture/heritage studies background are encouraged to apply. Candidates should be familiar with cost-benefit analysis and the tools of project appraisal as applied in an urban context. Some knowledge of statisticalor econometric software packages (SPSS, E-Views, or STATA) will be advantageous though further training will be provided. Demonstrable understanding of the creative industries and the roles of culture and heritage in regeneration is required, alongside the ability to work effectively in academic and non-academic environments.

This fully-funded studentship includes tuition fees and stipend for three years of full-time study. The researcher will be based at the new Centre for Culture, Sport and Events (CCSE) at UWS Paisley campus and will spend some of their time with Renfrewshire Council Regeneration Service.

CCSE was established in partnership with Renfrewshire Council during Paisley’s UK City of Culture bid process. CCSE ensures that collaborative research and evaluation are fundamental to Paisley’s approach to cultural regeneration, informing continued learning and improvement, establishing Paisley as a centre for excellence in cultural regeneration. CCSE has four key themes:

  • place-focused cultural regeneration; arts, cultural diplomacy, and soft power

• sport, cultural events and festivals

• media, communication and digital cultures.

The first and fourth themes support activity connected to five step changes identified by Renfrewshire Council, which aim to build from the

UK City of Culture bid:

1. Grow creativity as a significant new dimension to Paisley’s economy;

2. Radically change Paisley’s image and reputation in Scotland, the UK and internationally

3. Paisley will be recognised for its cultural excellence

4. Lift Paisley’s communities out of poverty

5. Transform

Paisley into a vibrant cultural town centre These step changes aim to support local inclusive growth and development, benefitting the town and wider Renfrewshire region.

To apply for the studentship, applicants should send a two-page proposal and a short CV. Interviews will be held in early February 2019. The studentship will start as soon as possible thereafter. Informal enquiries can be made to Professor John Struthers in the School of Business and Enterprise:

Funding Notes

We are looking for enthusiastic and outstanding candidates with a degree relevant to this project, an excellent attitude to collaborative research, attention to detail, ability to withstand a fast learning curve, good communication skills and most importantly, creative enthusiasm. The scholarship is available to students from the UK and EU.

The studentship offers an annual stipend of £14,777 per annum for three years and payment of the tuition fees.

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