Murat Akser and Victoria McCollum (eds.)
Lanham, MA: Rowman and Littlefield. ISBN 978-1-78661-063-8.
The volume outlines the history of alternative media use and the ways in which it has become a tool for the critics of the neoliberal economic system in Turkey. The collection concentrates on social media use within social movements and applies interdisciplinary approaches and research methods, ranging from cinema and visual arts to sociology, political science, content analysis and ethnographic study.
Published by Rowman and Littlefield. Available as hardback and e-book.
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With contributions by Murat Akser, Hanife Aliefendioglu, Laura Avadar, Haluk Mert Bal, Lemi Baruh, Ergin Bulut, Désirée Hostettler, Burcum Kesen, Suncem Kocer, Victoria McCollum, Perrin Öğün Emre, Alptug Okten, Gülüm Şener, Sarphan Uzunoğlu, Eylem Yanardagoglu
Table of Contents
Introduction (Murat Akser and Victoria McCollum)
Part I: Sustainability
- The Diverging Trajectories of Alternative/Citizen Media in Turkey: A
- Comparative Analysis of Capul TV & 140jurnos (Haluk Mert Bal, Ergin Bulut and Lemi Baruh)
- The Activist Dimension of the Alternative Media and Sustainability (Laura Avadar)
- Politics of News Reception and Circulation in Turkish News Culture (Suncem Kocer)
Part II: Activism
- Journalism in Turkey and the Gezi Park Protest: Power and Agency in the Media Sphere (Désirée Hostettler)
- Citizen Journalism Through Affective Statements on Twitter (Bur
cum Kesen)
- Precarization and Insecurity in Turkey After the Coup Attempt: Era of Denizens in Turkey’s New Media Order (Sarphan Uzunoğlu)
Part III: Resistance
- Social Movement Media and Affective Field: Construction of Activist Subjectivity as a ‘Spirit’ of Action (Alptug Okten)
- Communication as Political Action: Gezi Park and Online Content Producers (Eylem Yanardagoglu)
- Resisting Through Images: Video Activism in the Gezi Park Movement (Gülüm Şener & Perrin Öğün Emre)
- Contemporary Feminist Media in Turkey: A Study of Online Feminist Platform (Hanife Aliefendioglu)