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Call for Papers: Flow and Archive (IJFMA special issue)

11.04.2019 10:09 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Deadline (abstracts): April 30, 2019

IJFMA is preparing a special issue titled ‘Flow and Archive’ dedicated to Television and to its current challenges

The digital turn has allowed television to be reimagined after the networked computers. Following the telephone and radio, the new paradigm inspiring the future of television are the networked computers, their social networks and the participatory visual culture established on the aftermath of the twentieth century cultural industries. After the liveness and flow, definitional components of television, we are currently offered with DVR-mediated television experiences and collections of short videos which can be uploaded, viewed and shared by the viewer. By becoming searchable and accessible online, television provides a similar experience to the archives and to the video aggregators that entertain the new generations of cellphone viewers. The discussion about the future of television not only makes it worth thinking about its past, the cultural value of its equipments and its most resilient genres, but is certainly an opportunity to analyse how TV journalism is challenged by social networks, and how its public service can be revalued.

IJFMA welcomes papers addressing one or more of the following themes:

  • Early and current screen practices
  • TV superseded equipments as material and cultural heritage
  • TV and media participatory turn
  • TV and transmedia industries
  • Old and resilient TV genres
  • Flow versus archive as a television challenge
  • Memory and the obsolete in online video collections
  • Social networks and other new challenges to public service broadcasting;

Contributions are encouraged from authors with different kinds of expertise and interests in media studies, television and media history.

Abstracts submissions are due by April 30, 2019.

Full papers deadline: May 30, 2019

Please find submission informations at

Journal Website:

For any query, please contact:



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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