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3rd International Kurdish Studies Conference: Kurdish Migration

28.02.2019 10:41 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

June 25-26, 2019

Middlesex University, London

Deadline: March 15, 2019

Call for papers on Kurdish Migration to be presented at the 3rd International Kurdish Studies Conference, Middlesex University, London, 25-26 June 2019

As part of the 3rd International Kurdish Studies Conference, we also aim to organise several sessions on Kurdish Migration. Therefore we invite papers which are empirically and theoretically grounded and contextualized and examining all aspects of migration from, through and into Kurdistan

Sessions on the Kurdish migration at the 3rd International Kurdish Studies aims to bring together researchers from a range of disciplines working on Kurdish migration to exchange their views and findings about all aspects of migration from, through and into Kurdistan, as well as about the experiences of diasporic Kurdish communities and second generations.

Researchers are kindly encouraged to contribute to and help shape the conference through submissions of their research abstracts. We would welcome abstracts related to Kurdish migration and diaspora.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

  • Yazidi genocide and displacement
  • Displacement of the Kurds from Afrin, Kirkuk, Sur-Diyarbakir, Cizre, Nuseybin and Şırnak
  • Migration, ethnicity, citizenship, belonging and identity politics
  • Migration, labour market, entrepreneurship and economic integration
  • Migration, gendered experiences, and sexuality
  • Family dynamics and intergenerational relationships
  • Migrants, media and translocal cultural politics and representations
  • Migration, arts, media and culture
  • Migration, digital age and technology
  • Migration, education and childhood
  • Political participation, (digital) networks and organisations
  • Transnational ties and/or remittances
  • Migration, law, legal status, rights, and undocumented migration
  • Internal and international migration, borders and borderlands
  • Civil rights, racism and anti-racism, discrimination and xenophobia and diasporic narratives of Kurdish resistance
  • Refugee and internal displacement issues
  • Refugee camps in Kurdistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan
  • Migration theories and frameworks
  • Research methodology and Kurdish migration
  • Statelessness and internally displaced persons
  • Migration and refugee policies in the Middle East, Europe, North America and elsewhere

Please submit your abstract of maximum 350 words to . Please suggest up to 5 keywords, indicate your institutional affiliation and the stage of your fieldwork, if it is relevant.

The deadline for submission is 15th March 2019. Please include:

  • A title for your abstract
  • An abstract (max 350 words)
  • Your name, affiliation and contact details (email address)

General information about the conference


Shifting Dynamics of the Kurdistan Question in a Changing Middle East

Over 35 million Kurds live under the national jurisdictions of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria where the Kurdish identity, culture, linguistic rights, homeland and own political representation are contested and contained in most cases by the force of arms. Consequently, the combination of authoritarian state ideologies, the systematic and recurrent use of state violence in these countries has led to the rise of Kurdish opposition. In turn, the ruling states have further used the Kurdish resistance as a pretext to reinforce draconian policies of negation, assimilation and elimination of Kurdish national aspirations.

The 20th century has marked the most repressive state policies against the Kurdish quest for self-determination. At the turn of the 21st century, however, various political developments suggest a shift for the Kurds. The regime change in Iraq in 2003, the ongoing civil war in Syria and the emergence of ISIS were among the watershed events that have not only changed the balance of power in the Middle East but also the perception and position of the Kurds in the global political system.

The establishment of the Kurdistan Regional Government in Kurdistan-Iraq, the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria and the rise of pro-Kurdish political parties in Kurdistan-Turkey have given rise to the political visibility of the Kurds in international politics. The old borders and boundaries that separated the Kurds are becoming increasingly ineffective. These crucial developments have deepened the sovereignty crisis of the oppressive regional states. Simultaneously with this emerging new political geography and visibility of the Kurds, the number of scholarly studies on the “Kurdish Question” and “Kurdistan Question” has rapidly increased in recent years. The “Kurdistan Question” is growing into an international political issue that needs a global response to find a peaceful settlement in the region.

Keynote Speaker: Prof Abbas Vali, Emeritus Professor of Sociology

Call for Abstracts

This interdisciplinary conference aims to bring together researchers from a range of disciplines working on Kurdish history, politics, culture, gender, minority rights and diaspora to examine the ongoing political, social and cultural developments in the lives of the Kurds and Kurdistan. In this context, we seek a broad range of contributions from disciplines of sociology, politics, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, gender studies, cultural studies, history, economics, law, international relations and migration studies.

Researchers are kindly encouraged to contribute to and help shape the conference through submissions of their research abstracts. We also welcome proposals for sessions and are open to suggestions as to what format these take, including panel discussions, roundtables and workshops or book launches. The conference will provide an excellent venue for academics, researchers, students, professionals and policymakers.

How to submit

Please submit your abstract of maximum 350 words to Please suggest up to 5 keywords, indicate your institutional affiliation and the stage of your fieldwork, if it’s relevant.

The Conference Organising Committee

Dr Janroj Yilmaz Keles, Middlesex University

Prof Joshua Castellino, Middlesex University and Minority Rights Group International

Dr Naif Bezwan, University of Innsbruck, Austria, and UCL

Ibrahim Dogus, Centre for Kurdish Progress

Ass.Prof Mehmet Ali Dikerdem, Middlesex University

Dr Tunc Aybak, Middlesex University

Dr Edel Huges, Middlesex University

Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Gülbeyaz Nagasaki University

Dr Arzu Yilmaz

Dr Selim Temo, Associate professor

Dr Umut Erel, Open University

Dr Necla Acik, University of Manchester

Dr Kamal Soleimani, The College of Mexico, Mexico

Dr Mohammed Shareef, University of Exeter

Conference Details

Location: Middlesex University, London, UK


  • Abstract submission deadline March 15th , 2019
  • Notification of acceptance April 1st , 2019
  • Conference Date June 25-26, 2019

Conference Fee

Registration fee: £ 100

Discount fee for students (postgraduate and doctoral): £ 50

All delegates will be expected to make and pay for their own travel and accommodation arrangements.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

The maximum word limit for the abstract is 350 words. The abstract must contain a brief statement of the objectives, methodology, essential results and the conclusion of the study.

The abstract must also contain the authors’ names, institutional affiliations, contact number, email and postal address. Please submit your abstract to email address.

This conference is organised by the Department of Politics and Law, Middlesex University, Minority Rights Group International and Centre for Kurdish Progress.

Contact: For more information, please contact Dr Janroj Yilmaz Keles at



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