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Call for Papers: Media Studies and Applied Ethics

11.04.2019 09:49 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Deadline: September 1, 2019

Department of Communicology and Journalism (Faculty of Philosophy Niš, Serbia) is announcing call for papers for the first issue of peer-reviewed journal “Media Studies and Applied Ethics” (MSAE).

MSAE encourages contributions from MA and PhD students, media professionals as well as researchers in the field of media studies and applied ethics.

MSAE accepts original research, review article, critical essays, perspective pieces and book reviews related to communication throughout the world.

MSAE welcomes papers on topics such as: Media and society; Media and culture; Media history; Media and entertainment; Media and religion; Media and violence; Media and advertising; Media effects; Audience and reception studies; New media; Journalism; Communication; Media philosophy; Media aesthetics; Visual Communications; Media Law; Applied Ethics (Journalism ethics, Media Ethics, Marketing ethics, Business Ethics).

Considering the aforementioned thematic and the field of your academic interest you are invited to send us your paper.

Papers are to be sent to an e-mail address:

Send papers until: September 1, 2019

For more information visit



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