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Journalisms: Plurality, Precarity and Possibilities

11.04.2019 11:19 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The 2019 JERAA Conference

December 4-6, 2019

University of Sidney

Deadline: June 28, 2019

Journalism has always been a pluralist and precarious pursuit. Its many forms emerged from songs and royal reports, pamphlets and gazettes, consolidated with the emergence of the mass media, and have now diverged again in the age of social and participatory media, augmentation and algorithmic production. It has always been risky for journalists to monitor and question the actions of the powerful, but now diverse economic and political factors threaten journalism’s future and a discourse of crisis often overshadows its evident potential to evolve.

In 2019, the Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia conference, to be held at the University of Sydney, invites papers and panel proposals that address the theme of ‘Journalisms: plurality, precarity and possibilities’. Contributions could address any of the following topics within those themes, or related research:


Indigenous, Asian and Pasifika journalisms; media diversity and pluralism initiatives; slow and indie magazine journalisms; literary journalism and memoir; student publications…


Industry consolidation, job loss, forced career change and employment insecurity; future of public interest journalism after Fairfax; legal constraints; journalism safety and health initiatives…


Jobs and skillsets for next-gen digital journalism; automated journalism; managing journalism partnerships; work integrated learning, education and training for the future…

Paper abstracts will be 300 words max. listing title, author/s and affiliation, abstract and keywords.

Panel abstracts will have a 200 word overview, with 200 words from each participant on their contribution. They should also list panel title, author/s and affiliation, abstract and keywords.

Key dates

  • Paper and panel abstracts for peer review: June 28
  • Notification following review: August 30
  • Registrations open: August 31
  • (Earlybird until Sept. 30 and standard until Nov. 8th)

Please submit your abstracts at:

JERAA 2019 will be hosted by the University’s Dept. of Media and Communications (MECO) and the School of Literature Arts and Media. Contact Dr Fiona Martin (convenor) and Dr Margaret Van Heekeren (organiser) for more information at

More here.



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