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European Public Communication Conference

25.04.2019 13:54 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

November 7-8, 2019


Deadline: April 26, 2019

EuroPCom, the European Public Communication Conference, is the largest annual meeting point for experts in the field of public communication and jointly organised by the EU institutions in Brussels.

The tenth edition of the conference will gather over 1000 communication experts from local, regional, national and European authorities, as well as private communication agencies, NGOs and academia on 7 and 8 November 2019. In additional to traditional workshops, there will be a variety of open formats, providing a platform for the exchange of creative ideas and co-learning.

EuroPCom 2019 will take place just after the European Parliament elections and the establishment of the European Commission. This gives us the opportunity to discuss how to communicate the priorities of the new mandate, how to engage with citizens and how to move on in a European Union of 27.

The preliminary list of topics includes:

  • Citizen participation and engagement of specific audiences (e.g. young people, women, etc.)
  • Evaluation of campaigns for the EP elections 2019
  • Different communication channels from traditional to online/social media
  • New trends/evolutions in the area of EU/public communication

Ideas Labs

The Ideas Labs are a format for open discussion and co-creation, geared towards proposals for concrete action on better communicating Europe. Would you like to set up a participatory and interactive session during EuroPCom? Submit your proposal for an Ideas Lab here!

The topic should be in line with the topics suggested above. Four Labs will run during the conference and successful applicants will need to be strongly involved as lab leaders in the preparatory work and during the session. We will provide you with a lab facilitator to guide you in this exciting exercise.

EuroPCom Market Place and Talks

You would like to share your innovative communication project with the other participants of the conference? Want to give a short inspirational speech on recent developments or findings in the field of EU communication?

The EuroPCom Market Place is an interactive opportunity to showcase your project and ideas and exchange best practices and experience. The EuroPCom Talks provide a platform to pitch your project or findings. Submit your proposal through this template!

Share your ideas!

How can EU communication be relaunched for the new EU mandate? How can we get citizens interested and inform them about the priorities of the EU institutions? How can we reach out to citizens and engage with them more effectively? Which new digital tools and trends should be promoted? What EuroPCom Mini Trainings would you find useful?

We are looking forward to hearing your tips on recent communication projects relating to the proposed themes, other ideas for topics or themes as well as your suggestions for inspiring speakers!

Please send your proposals or comments via email or social media by 26 April!



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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