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Audiovisual Arts and Media Studies Phd scholarships

16.05.2019 14:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Tallinn University

Deadline: July 1, 2019

Tallinn University announces 5 free study places in its PhD programme titled “Audiovisual Arts and Media Studies”. The places will come with attached scholarships and salaries - in the amount of 1400 euros per month.

The programme facilitates two study tracks: creative practice based audiovisual arts studies and empirical media studies. The curriculum focuses on contemporary forms and phenomena of media and audiovisual arts, first and foremost media production and content research. Special focus is given to the processes of change in media and arts.

In 2019, there will be two PhD students admitted to conduct research as part of the EU Commission funded Cultural Data Analytics (CUDAN) ERA Chair project and two PhD students admitted to conduct research as a part of the EU Mobilitas Pluss Top Researcher project of Prof. Pia Tikka. One study place will not be attached to a project and is thematically free.

The two doctoral places that relate to CUDAN projects need to relate to the following themes:

  • Data based studies of audiovisual heritage (film and television, projects could focus on their histories, their databases and corpora, their metadata, the ways databases and corpora represent or mediate history)
  • Data usage in contemporary media organisations (media organisations in smaller countries preferred, projects could focus on their data collection and analytic practices and opportunities, analysis of related value propositions)
The two doctoral places that relate to prof. Pia Tikka research projects need to relate to the following themes:
  • Virtual reality/Augmented reality storytelling in immersive narrative environments, practice-based work requiring skills in working with game engines, 3D character animation, and/or 360 cinematic production. Programming skills are considered a plus.
  • - Biosensor-driven interaction between the participant and immersive narrative and/or virtual characters, requiring relatively advanced skills in programming, experience in conducting psychophysiological experiments is emphasised.

Deadline for applications is July 1st. Admissions to the programme take place in July.

Learn more about the programme here:



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