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The Max Gressly and Florian Fleck visiting Scholarship

27.06.2019 21:46 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

University of Fribourg

Deadline: September 30, 2019

The University of Fribourg’s Department of Communication and Media Research DCM is dedicated to research and teaching in the field of communication and media studies that ad- heres to the highest international standards. Researchers at the department cover research fields ranging from political communication, journalism, communication management, to communication history, business communication and new media, media systems and media effects.

A fund raised by the department’s founding fathers Dr. Max Gressly and Dr. Florian Fleck allows the DCM to offer an INTERNATIONAL VISITING SCHOLARSHIP for post-doctoral researchers and non-tenured professors. As a trilingual institution (French, German, English) the University of Fribourg provides a truly international research environment with plenty of opportunities to share ideas. Moreover, visiting scholars can benefit from enriching research opportunities in Switzerland. The remuneration consists of CHF 5.000, permitting a stay of two to three months. Visiting scholars will have the chance to collaborate with established scholars and to contribute to academic discussions at the department.

The scholarship addresses young internationally-orientated scholars who are on a research or a sabbatical leave. The quality of the applicants should be demonstrated by publications in international peer-reviewed journals or by promising ongoing research projects. Priority will be given to applicants from outside of Switzerland focusing on research projects which correspond to the research interests at the DCM.

Applicants are requested to submit a letter of application, a statement outlining their research plans and their motivations, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications (with the most significant publications highlighted), copies of degree certificate(s) and an academic letter of recommendation.

Deadline for applications: September 30, 2019

Please send applications by email to:

For additional information, please contact the President of the Department of Communication and Media Research, Prof. Dr. Regula Hänggli ( or Anne-Marie Carrel (administrative assistant;



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