European Communication Research
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The responsible conduct of research: The ethical challenges and considerations in health communication studies

04.09.2019 21:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

YECREA Round Table

November 13, 2019, 16:30 – 18:00, Zurich, Switzerland

Deadline for application: November 1, 2019

The Health Communication Temporary Working Group and the ECREA Young Scholars Network (YECREA) are organizing a round table debate titled  The responsible conduct of research: The ethical challenges and considerations in health communication studies.

The event aims to encourage young scholars to exchange and share their concerns, issues, questions, dilemmas, and ideas with other scholars at different stages of their career. It will take place at the 13 November before the Get Together of the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC) in Zurich.

Participants (young and senior scholars) that would like to take part in the round table discussion can register by sending an email with their name and affiliation to Sara Atanasova (YECREA Representative) at sara.atanasova[at]



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