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Call for Papers to the inaugural Routledge Companion to Radio Studies

12.09.2019 13:47 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Routledge Media Companions Series

Deadline: October 14, 2019

Editors: Professor Mia Lindgren, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia and Associate Professor Jason Loviglio, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA

We are calling for abstracts for the new Routledge Companion to Radio Studies, to be published in 2021.

This Routledge Companion to Radio Studies will be a valuable reference source for the expanding field of radio, audio and podcast study. It will bring together 40-50 original essays to conceptualise the multidisciplinary field of radio studies. We welcome entries from early career researchers to emeriti scholars using theories and methods from media studies, historical studies, politics, communication, journalism, sociology and anthropology. We are looking for work that spans national boundaries and historical periods to present a coherent argument for understanding radio as a synecdoche for and a key agent in the creation of the last hundred years of technological, psychological, and cultural innovation and experience.

We are looking for abstracts that correspond to the themes below. We are especially interested in comparative work that generates insights and questions through historical and national juxtaposition. However, deep dives into particularly compelling objects of study are also welcome.

Understanding radio - multidisciplinary approaches to studying radio, audio and podcasting.

Radio Histories. Chapters addressing radio’s improvisational and reflexive history; its national address and international reach; its democratic promise and utility for propaganda, its technological appeal and affective tug, along with other tensions and contradictions.

Radio Publics and Markets. Chapters considering radio’s role, historically and today, in constituting new publics and new markets and with the disruptions and innovations that ensue.

Formats, genres and aesthetics. Chapters focusing on the development of specific radio forms as well as those that investigate radio’s role in remediating and being remediated by other media.

Case Studies: Radio Voices, Cultures, and Identities. We invite case studies of specific radio programs, stations, performances that illuminate issues of voice, culture, and identity. While the specific objects may not be universally known or distributed, we hope that they will touch on questions and themes that are broadly engaging and applicable.

Podcasting. Chapters exploring innovations in podcast programming and practice, as well as those that explore emerging industrial process and relationships in podcasting. We especially welcome abstracts for chapters that explore podcast programs, reception, and production outside the West and in languages other than English.

Industries, Technologies and Platforms. We invite chapters that focus on technological developments, industrial practices, and corresponding policies within the industries related to podcasting, radio broadcasting, and related sound-based media.


Chapter entries should be concise (around 4,000-5,000 words). All contributions should be new pieces: we will not publish reprinted material

  • Abstract (approx. 300 words) and author bio (100 words) due Monday 14 October 2019 (email both Mia Lindgren and Jason Loviglio
  • Author confirmation 30 November 2019
  • Chapter due 30 April 2020



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