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Generations, Digital Uses and Competences

12.09.2019 14:14 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

A special issue of Medijske studije / Media Studies Journal to be published in January 2020, MS Vol. 10 (2019) 20

Deadline: October 7, 2019

Edited by Maria José Brites (Lusófona University of Porto), Inês Amaral (University of Coimbra), Antonija Čuvalo (University of Zagreb)

Media generational identities are culturally, socially, economically and historically shaped. A single vision of generational identity is impossible.

This special issue welcomes different approaches to intergenerational and generational perspectives from various geographical landscapes. Moreover, it aims to discuss digital uses and digital competences within intergenerational and generational perspectives. The proposal is to assume as context the current digital media environment, which has shaped media history over the past decades. Non-Western voices covering generations, digital uses and competences are particularly welcome.

Historically, media were mostly considered as reinforcements of the generational gap, mostly in the family context. Though research by Livingstone and Haddon (2009) found that the intergenerational gap is diminishing in time, according to Bolin & Skogerbø (2013), the digital era is contributing to straight the generations. Čuvalo (2017) discerns shared media repertoires among the youngest, so-called digital generation or digital natives and the older generation of digital immigrants (Thomas, 2011). In this sense, there is the need to work closely on life course perspectives as a possible explanation of the diminishing or perpetuating of the generational gap (Amaral & Daniel, 2018). The context of digital literacy reinforced activities by civil society and schools and can bring some light to the discussion of this need (Brites, 2017). Furthermore, a generational perspective in scholar and familiar environments can empower the discussion.

There is a story to tell and gains to conquer from the historical reflection, although the real interconnection between the digital devices and the audiences is a recent issue. Research can benefit from a systematization from the past to the future and also in the current present.

All manuscripts should be submitted through the Open Journal System:

Submission guidelines can be found here:

The deadline for full articles is 7 October 2019.



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