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Media Ethics and the Challenges of the Digital Environment

19.09.2019 12:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Special Issue of the Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research

Deadline: October 15, 2019

The Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research (JAMMR) is an international academic refereed journal published by Intellect in the UK and specializes in the study of Arab and Middle Eastern media and society.

Principal Editor: Noureddine Miladi

The speedy developments in online media, satellite TV and social media platforms have brought up significant ethical challenges around the world. The unprecedented widespread use of social networks as tools for communication and reporting news have also raised serious issues relating to the boundaries between free speech and social responsibility. Media coverage of crises, war and conflicts is a case in point.

This special issue of JAMMR aims at enriching the debate on media ethics especially in relation the digital environment. It also aims to address media ethics from a global perspective and discuss how we can understand journalism practice in its cultural contexts. Are there ways to develop a common understanding of global ethics and how they should be perceived and implemented?

This special issue of JAMMR seeks to critically address this ever-growing area of enquiry and revisit the field from various theoretical and empirical multi-disciplinary dimensions. It welcomes contributions based on empirical studies or original theoretical approaches regarding (and not necessarily limited to) the following themes:

  • Philosophical origins of ethics
  • Media ethics between theory and practice
  • Serious journalism VS sensational reporting
  • Free speech VS social responsibility
  • Cross-regional comparative approaches to media ethics
  • Ethics and sports journalism
  • Social responsibility mission of the media
  • Ethics and fake news in journalism
  • Ethics in reporting wars and crises
  • Privacy and protection in the Big Data environment
  • Contested narratives: comparing global media’s case studies
  • Can the aim justify the means? Investigative journalism and the public interest
  • Online media and the ethical challenge to journalism values
  • Clash of values: study in the cartoon controversy
  • Challenges to media ethics in transitional democracies


Full manuscripts (of about 7500 and 8500 words including bibliography) should be submitted through the journal’s web-submission system:

You may need to register if you don’t have an account.

A copy of the paper should also be emailed to the editor (Noureddine Miladi) on:

Deadlines for submissions:

  • Abstracts of no more than 300 words along with the author’s bio (100 words) and author’s full contact details: by 15th October 2019
  • Full papers: by 30th March 2020
  • Referees’ feedback: by 30th May 2020
  • Expected publication of the special issue: November 2020 (Volume 13, Issue 2)



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