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Thematic session 12: Taking Stock: Thirty Years of Transformation of Journalistic Labour

19.09.2019 12:22 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

2020 Nordic Working Life Conference

June 10-12, 2020

Faculty of Social Sciences, Aaalborg University, Denmark

Deadline: October 1, 2019

The journalistic profession and journalists' labour have undergone significant changes in the past three decades. These are linked to technological developments as well as broader socio-political and economic changes. Apart from the most widely studied influences – the impact of new technologies and economic pressures – the past thirty years also involved the transformation of the journalistic profession and labour as a result of the fall of communism in East Central Europe, the re-unification of Germany or the break-up of Yugoslavia. Studies on the working lives of journalists continue to be scarce. We reviewed all the volumes of three key academic journals devoted to the study of journalism, namely Journalism Studies, Digital Journalism and Journalism Practice and found a limited number of studies that deal with journalists' working lives and these tend to focus on the impact of technological change and economic pressures. The studies also tend to focus on the US and UK, with occasional research on Nordic countries.

In order to address the lack in research, we solicit abstracts for papers as part of a thematic session that will address three key areas:

1. What insights and developments has research on journalists' labour, working lives and conditions of work uncovered in the past three decades?

2. What gaps can we identify in such research?

3. What new avenues – including theoretical and methodological approaches – are required for future research?

Deadline for abstract submission: 1 October 2019

Abstract submission via the conference site:

For further information please contact:

Monika Metykova (University of Sussex, UK) at,

Lenka Waschková Císařová (Masaryk University, Czech Republic) at,



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