Recherches en communication
Deadline: January 15, 2020
Coordinators of the issue: Andrea Catellani (UCLouvain), David Douyère (University of Tours), Olivier Servais (UCLouvain)
See the complete call for papers on the website of the scientific journal “Recherches en communication”:
The religious process uses any material form to communicate the presence of absent or transcendent entities and to enable a relationship to be established with them, and to organize the regime of action that results from this relationship. With the computerization of society and the development of exchanges by digital means, it also mobilizes signs of its own dynamics on the networks. The present issue therefore aims to investigate the forms of digital expression and visibility of the religious and the reasons for their digital expansion.
These forms of visibility can be carried out by devotees (Favret-Saada, 2017), activists or set up by religious institutions and movements of different types. We will look at the speeches, images, digital devices and ergonomics that develop the proposed religious service, as well as the economic and socio-political contexts that can motivate, explain or¨underpin these communications, always within the framework of a vision focused on information and communication. Finally, we will also look at the practices (Jonveaux, Duteil-Ogata, forthcoming) of production and mobilization of these devices, as well as their theorizations.
The proposals for articles may therefore be part of one (or more) of the following axes:
1. Religious digital media and devices
2. Discourses, textbooks and theorizations of religious digital technology
3. Religious digital actors
4. Digital religious action
5. Religious institutions and the digital world
6. Religions and socio-political mobilization of digital technology
7. New religions on the Internet
8. Criticism of online religions: parodies and misappropriations.
The articles will include, in addition to a presentation of the methodology adopted, the field of scientific insertion and the theoretical contexts mobilized, a presentation of the corpus (websites, applications, videos, sound sequences, etc.) or the field studied, or the theoretical and epistemological proposal made, and an indication of the researcher's position with regard to the object or confession studied, for the sake of scientific integrity. Particular emphasis will be placed on clarity of enunciation, including theoretical and conceptual clarity, accuracy of data (and modes of data acquisition) and accuracy of data processing.
Procedures for responding to the call for articles
Interested researchers are invited to submit the full version of their paper (maximum 30,000 characters) on the journal's website by January 15, 2020.
Link for submitting a paper:
The answer will be given no later than two months after the submission.
Articles may be submitted in French or English.
Articles submitted and accepted for publication in this dossier are published one by one on the site, at the time of their completion, without waiting for the entire dossier to be ready for publication.
Instructions for writing the article: maximum 30,000 characters per article (spaces and references included, abstract and keywords not included), if possible with illustrations (royalty-free). The complete presentation procedures are available on the website: