European Communication Research
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Change, Adaptation and Innovation: Media, Communication and Culture

14.11.2019 11:48 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

November 26-28, 2020

Auckland, New Zealand

Deadline: March 15, 2020

Important Dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: on or before March 15, 2020
  • Abstract acceptance: maximum of 60 days after abstract submission
  • Full papers: on or before July 31, 2020
  • Early Bird Registration: on or before July 31, 2020

The conference theme covers a broad area signifying the imperative power of change. Change is a constant in human communication. From climate change to technological innovation, communication and media play an integrative role for sustainable and progressive development. Mass Media likewise plays a crucial role in shaping public perception and influencing the powers that be. The conference explores how change is managed, embraced and adapted in communication and media. More research in this area is needed to fully explicate the complexities and nuances involving change –climate change and change management communication, paradigm shifts, cultural, technological and linguistic dynamics in diaspora and more. The 2020 ACMC International Conference is pleased to invite papers addressing the conference theme. Streams include but are not limited to:

  • Reinventing communication paradigms
  • Broadcast media in flux
  • Media influence and impact
  • Public Relations theory and practice
  • Social media, digital media and dynamic technologies
  • Advertising, adaptations and changing perspectives
  • Communication, education challenges and changes
  • Love, life, popular culture and the new media
  • Democracy and disinformation
  • Language, culture and the dynamics of change
  • Ethnicity, identity, gender and the media
  • Climate change communication, global crisis and the Asia-Pacific

Submission Guidelines

Email Abstract to:

Abstract length: 300 to 500 words, in RTF, DOC or DOCX file (we will not accept PDF files)

Font: Tahoma, size 11

Author info: Full name (please indicate if Mr. or Ms.), Position/Title, Affiliation (University, College or Company), Paper Title



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