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Ethnic journalism in the Global South

04.12.2019 21:37 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Deadline: December 9, 2019

This is a quick reminder to those of you who might be interested in contributing a chapter to the 'Ethnic journalism in the Global South' book.

The book will be submitted to Palgrave Macmillan in 2020 and if everything goes well will be published as part of the newly launched 'Palgrave Studies in Journalism and the Global South' book series: (series editors Bruce Mutsvairo, Saba Bebawi and Eddy Borges-Rey).

In this volume, we will look at ethnic journalism in the Global South through the following lenses:

  • Ethnic journalism as a profession: journalistic practices, challenges (economic, technological, social, etc.) to journalists working for ethnic media outlets in the Global South, education/training of journalists, transformation of journalistic roles and functions in the digital age, etc.;
  • Ethnic journalism as a social mission: the role of ethnic journalism and ethnic media in safeguarding pluralistic media landscape, fostering multicultural understanding and inclusion, protecting ethnic identities, languages and cultures in the Global South;
  • Ethnic journalism and digital inequalities: how inequalities in access, skills, benefits people receive through being online hinder the development of ethnic journalism in the Global South, and what the ways to overcome these inequalities can be;
  • Ownership, regulation, production and financing of ethnic media in the Global South: how ethnic media are regulated and funded; who owns such media; who produces them; how media policy in the Global South today protects media outlets in ethnic languages on a broader federal and regional/local levels;
  • Ethnic journalism through case study analysis: deeper analysis of journalistic practices and ethnic media in the Global South with a focus on their managerial and editorial strategies, content specifics, target audience, distribution channels, main challenges and trends of development in the digital age, etc.

If you are interested in suggesting a chapter for this volume, please send us a one-page summary of your proposed chapter, indicating central questions, methodology, theoretical framework and expected results.

Submissions are to be sent to Anna Gladkova and Sadia Jamil before 9 December 2019.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



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