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Partners for H2020 project on Evolving Eu. Media Landscapes and Europeanisation

05.12.2019 21:48 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Dear colleagues,

is anyone considering or better already planning to submit a project to the currently open call of Horizon 2020 TRANSFORMATIONS-10-2020 on Evolving European Media Landscapes and Europeanisation?

Our Department of Media and Cultural Studies and Journalism, at the Palacký University in Olomouc, the Czech Republic (and Dep. of Communication Studies, University of Latvia) would like to join as a partner(s). If interested, we can provide with more information about what we can offer and share perspectives on the contents of the prospective project.

Regarding the topic, Czech Republic is very interesting since it is one of the most skeptical European countries towards EU (though with high well-being and stability, concerning the CEE region) and with affinity of politicians towards both Russia and China, and since 2014 is experiencing oligarchization of the media (from minor German media-houses owners to the hands of wealthiest Czechs, incl. the Prime Minister). Latvia's medialandscape, on the other hand, is strongly influenced by the Russian media production and Russian dezinformation campaigns.

Let us know. With best regards,

Zdenek Sloboda,



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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