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Challenges and Opportunities of GEP Implementation in Research Funding Organisations

09.01.2020 08:58 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

University of Deusto

DOCTORATE PROGRAMME: Human Rights: Ethical, Social and Political Challenges


HOST RESEARCH UNIT: Deusto Valores Sociales


We are looking for a candidate with background (MA) in gender and diversity studies, organisation studies, sociology, anthropology, political sciences, or a related field; with proven interests in and knowledge of theories on gender inequality and diversity and relevant research experience, including qualitative (comparative) analysis and/or policy evaluation. An excellent command of written and spoken English and proficiency in Spanish is needed.

SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AREAS: Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)


The proposal will address the impact that implementation of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) by the Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) and Research Quality and Evaluation Agencies might have on science and technology systems. For that aim,a detailed study of the different realities of science and technology systems will be carried out, mainly in Europe, but considering a comparative analysis with other geographical realities. The research will also analyse how many and which research funding organisations have joined European initiatives to promote gender equality. Research main objective will be to provide RFOs key elements and tools for improving gender mainstreaming in science and technology systems and with effective tools to streamline processes and contribute effectively to improve the situation of women in science and attribution of value of gender studies. For developing the research both quantitative and qualitative methodologies will be used.


5 main academic publications related to the PhD research topic proposal

Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer, Cham DOI: Suárez, M., Silvestre, M., Royo, R. (2019) Rompiendo habitus, (re)orientando caminos. Prácticas e identidades sexuales emergentes como resistencias subversivas al orden sexual patriarcal. ENCRUCIJADAS. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales, Vol.17: a1704, pp. 1-25, ISSN: 2174-6753 López Belloso M., Díez Sanz, A. (2017 ) “Aproximación a las resistencias de género en los procesos de cambio structural en las Instituciones de Investigación europeas”, Reencuentro: Género y educación superior, 74 , 312-332. Silvestre, María, Elizondo, A. y González, L. (2016) “Análisis de la evaluación de impacto de género en Euskadi (2005-2014)” en: María Caterina LaBarbera y Marta Cruells (eds.) Igualdad de género y no discriminación en España, Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales. Capítulo 10, pág. 209-234 Elizondo, A., Martínez, E., Novo, A., Silvestre, Mª (2009) “Women in political science: figures for Spanish universities”, European Political Science: 8 2009. European Consortium for Political Research. 1680-4333/09 pp. 225-238.

Main projects developed by the scientist in charge/host research unit of the proposed topic for PhD

Proyecto: Gender Equality Actions in Research Institutions to traNsform Gender ROLES.GEARING-Roles Entidad financiadora: Comisión Europea (H2020) (call H2020-SwafS-2018-1) Duración: 2018-2022 Investigadora principal: María Silvestre Financiación: 2,999,962.25€ (465,153.5 € para la Universidad de Deusto) Referencia: 824536 Proyecto: Cambio de valores en España y en Europa: identidad europea, justicia social y solidaridad ante nuevos escenarios (EVS-Change) Entidad financiadora: MINECO-Retos Duración: 2016-2020 Investigadora principal: María Silvestre Financiación: 33.880€ Referencia: CSO2016-77057-R Proyecto: Análisis de la tercera brecha digital de género de las personas adolescentes de la CAE Entidad financiadora: Gobierno Vasco (Convocatoria Investigación Básica y Aplicada) Duración: 2016-2019 Investigadora principal: María Silvestre Financiación: 55.750,00 Referencia: PI_2016_1_0029 Proyecto: Impacto de la crisis en el modelo de bienestar social. Vulnerabilidad social y marcos alternativos. Entidad financiadora: MINECO Duración: 2014-2016 Investigadora principal: María Silvestre Financiación: 31.460 euros Referencia: DER2013-47190-C2-2-R Proyecto: Innovación universitaria: la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en programas educativos y organizaciones universitarias Entidad financiadora: MINECO-EUROPA (2015-2016) Duración: 2015-2016 Investigadora principal: María Silvestre Financiación: 16.300 euros Referencia: EUIN2015-62606


Identification of the different knowledge areas that the proposed topic for PhD integrates or aims to integrate

The research will address the impact of the application of equality plans in research funding agencies for different scientific areas. The research will address both gender mainstreaming in science and the impact of measures of equality plans in careers where there is a lower presence of women, such as STEAM areas

Is co-direction of the thesis envisaged?

Yes. The Phd applicant will be supervised by the academic coordinator of the Gearing Roles Project, María Silvestre and María López Belloso, Project team member

Describe how interdisciplinarity is planned to be achieved and implemented

The applicant will be rooted in a vibrant and diverse community, with consortium members and partners from different a) areas of knowledge: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH); committed to working as a solid sustainable consortium where to build mutual learning, real exchanges, and generate tested tools. The proposal will also conduct an appraisal of the differences and similarities between different types of research funding organisations


Relationship of the proposed topic for PhD with H2020 priorities, SDGs and/or other relevant policies related to the topic

As Europe designs its future research and innovation strategies in the face of pressing global challenges, Horizon Europe will link closely to the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and Sustainable Development Goals. The United Nations consider “the systematic mainstreaming of a gender perspective in the implementation of the Agenda” (United Nations 2015) to be crucial. Gender equality is an enabler and accelerator for all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The gender-responsive implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development offers an opportunity to achieve not only SDG 5 (gender equality), but to contribute to progress on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ODS5, is also a substantial part of the Basque Country agenda 2030, highlighted in 29, 30, 31 and 32 goals. Gender equality is also a fundamental value of the European acquis and an essential part of European research and innovation policy. Since the first Communication on women and science in 1999 EU institutions have called to facilitate the involvement of women in the academic sector, with gender equality now one of the five priorities of the European Research Area .

Is international co-direction or international “co-tutelle” envisaged?

It is envisaged a collaboration with GEARING Roles partners, especially with the Estonian research Council, where the applicand could be hosted for a research stay. International co-direction will be decided together with the candidate according to his/her specific research situation, thesis proposal and the interdisciplinary aspects of the research project.


Identification of possible relevant external stakeholders to collaborate with in the framework of the proposed topic for PhD

Intersectoral collaboration is based on strong partnerships with local and regional players, such as the Agency for Quality of the Basque University System (Unibasq).

Is industrial doctorate envisaged?

Industrial doctorate is not envisaged since the programme requires the researcher to be hired by the University of Deusto. However, the industrial partner will be involved in the research and training of the PhD student since the beginning.


Contribution of the proposed topic for PhD to the knowledge field beyond the scientific impact, identifying the opportunities for adoption, uptake and exploitation of the foreseen results by the relevant stakeholders, and indicating how the dissemination and diffusion of results to the target group(s) will be done

Both the 2015 Resolution of the European Parliament on women’s careers in science and universities and the 2015 Council Conclusions on advancing gender equality in the European Research Area (ERA) stressed the role of RFOs in supporting women’s careers in science and gender equality in the ERA through the allocation of adequate resources for gender equality policies and the elimination of gender bias in research funding. However, only the most recent European Structural Change projects for gender equality in research institutions have included RFOs, either in the role of observers or as partners. Based on some already existing analysis, the research will show how effective measures for the promotion of gender and diversity can impact the situation of science and technology systems by improving the situation of female researchers and their access to resources. For that purpose from the beginning of the research the applicant will work with RFOs in the identification and delimitation of the research scope and will pay special attention to how the need to incorporate gender equality in science and technology systems is perceived.


Description of the innovative aspects of the hosting offer

So far, most interventions for the promotion of implementation of equality plans have focused on higher education institutions and research centers. However, this research will address the impact that a direct intervention could have with funding agencies and quality agencies to maximize the transformative effect of equality plans


How will the proposed topic for PhD integrate the inclusion dimension?

The adoption of a constructivist gender perspective forces us to incorporate an intersectional perspective that apprehends diversity and plurality in both women and men and how different vectors of inequality interact in the construction of gendered identities of scientists and gendered conceptions of scientific work itself; a perspective that fully grasps sex and gender analysis and includes relevant interconnected dimensions which might be discrimination axes themselves (such as race, class, age, sexual orientation) or other conditions (such as parenting roles, educational and/or professional level, social capital, etc.). Oppressive operations such as racism, ageism, sexism, and homophobia, do not act independently, they are interrelated and continuously shaped by one another. The research will analyse if RFOs take into account how interseccionality operates in the access of females to academic positions and funds or if these agencies put in place any particular criteria or action to reduce the impact of disabilities, poverty or discrimination. Deusto is committed to social justice and inclusion. It recognises gender equality as a key driver for sustainable development, inclusive growth and academic opportunity for women. Moreover, to seek real inclusion for people with specific support needs, the project will ensure equal rights and opportunities with respect to access to the programme and the acquisition of skills expected to achieve the PhD.

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