European Communication Research
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Visiting Scholars programme

15.01.2020 23:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

University of Nottingham

The School of International Communications at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) invites applications for our Visiting Scholars programme. This position includes visa, transportation, accommodation, and a research stipend. The Visiting Scholar residency is 2-3 months in duration (exact date range chosen by the Scholar), and there are two positions: the first will be held during Semester 1 (Oct. 1, 2020 – Jan. 15, 2021), and the second will be held Semester 2 (March 1, 2021 – June 30, 2021).

The aim of this award is to foster research collaboration with members of staff in the School. During the residency, the scholar will undertake their research and collaborate with one or more members of IC staff on a research project (proposed by the Visiting Scholar) that will result in a publication and/or a grant application. They will also deliver one lecture for our School’s UG and PG students and will give one presentation to the wider University on their research as part of our Invited Speakers programme. There are no further teaching or administrative responsibilities.

The award is competitive, and will be based on the proposed research proposal and the applicant’s CV. Applicants should have already been awarded their PhD degrees and have expertise relevant to IC, which includes media and communication studies, cultural studies, film and television studies, game studies, etc. (see:

For further details and application instructions, please check our website -



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