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7th Swiss Summer School of Democracy Studies 2020

16.01.2020 20:02 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

June 22-26, 2020

Zurich, Switzerland

Deadline: March 1, 2020

The Doctoral Program Democracy Studies at the University of Zurich is pleased to announce the 7th Swiss Summer School of Democracy Studies 2020 on „Frontiers of Democratic Innovations”. The 2020 Summer School will be held in Zurich from 22 to 26 June 2020.

The School will bring together young scholars from all over the world with a common interest in the topic of democratic innovations, i.e. institutions and practices that increase and deepen citizen participation in political decision-making. During the Summer School participants will:

  • gain theoretical, empirical, and methodological know-how on democratic innovations in various contexts, such as: in mini-publics, e-democracy, direct democracy, or participatory budgeting
  • discuss their own research and receive feedback on their work from both international experts and peers in their field of research
  • meet and exchange with international experts and scholars working on similar topics during networking sessions and social events

The Summer School is open to doctoral students, advanced master students and postdoctoral researchers worldwide from the social sciences, such as political science, media and communication science, political theory, sociology and related disciplines. The Summer School is limited to 20 participants. A certificate will be awarded for participation in the full academic program.

The deadline for submission is 1 March 2020. Please find the application instructions online, together with further information on fees and grants.

For more details on the program, please visit the official website of the Swiss Summer School of Democracy Studies and refer to the attached flyer. For any other enquiry, please contact Sofia Bollo in Summer School Office at



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