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Professor of Immersive Media

30.01.2020 21:27 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Coventry University

Coventry University is seeking to appoint a Professor of Immersive Media within its dynamic Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Appointment to this position offers an opportunity to lead on the Centre’s research on digital media and humanities. It also allows the successful candidate to provide academic leadership in an area of critical importance to the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and cement its growing international reputation and ambitious research agenda.

The Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC), established in 2017, builds on the strong and distinctive track-record of scholars at Coventry University encompassing a range of disciplines in the arts and humanities. Led by Professor Gary Hall, the CPC brings together media theorists, practitioners, activists and artists to explore how developments in postdigital cultures can enable 21st century society respond to the challenges it faces in relation to the digital at a global, national and local level.

The CPC is diverse, with its members hailing from more than 14 different countries, and takes an innovative stance in exploring (post)digital phenomena. It is our position that the “digital” can no longer be understood as a separate domain of culture. If we actually examine the digital - rather than taking it for granted we already know what it means - we see that today digital information processing is present in every aspect of our lives. This includes our global communication, entertainment, education, energy, banking, health, transport, manufacturing, food, and water-supply systems. Attention therefore needs to turn from “the digital”, to the various overlapping processes and infrastructures that shape and organise the digital, and that the digital helps to shape and organise in turn. The CPC investigates such enmeshed digital models of culture and society for the 21st century “postdigital” world. Put another way, what we are interestedin is how we are born out of our relation to media, rather than seeing the media simply as an external instrument or tool, the latter being the classical Aristotelian view that has dominated our understanding of media technologies to date.

The successful candidate is expected to have an international reputation with a successful record of accomplishment of high-quality research outputs, income generation and public engagement. Candidates with an expertise in immersive media and a specialism in one or more of the following areas are especially encouraged to apply: decentralised networks; AI and data-driven humanities; experimental humanities/post-humanities; emergent postcapitalist economies.

The closing date for applications: Sunday 16th February 2020 For more information on the Centre for Postdigital Cultures, see

Informal enquiries about this post should be addressed to Professor Gary Hall (

To apply please visit:



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