European Communication Research
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Strengthening Communication for Social Justice through Education and Research

06.02.2020 15:06 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

May 26, 2020

Queensland, Australia

Deadline: March 1, 2020

2020 International Communication Association (ICA) Post-conference

The 2020 ICA post-conference on “Strengthening Communication for Social Justice through Education and Research” aims to build a network of associates with existing and emerging academic programs and to strengthen educational and scholarly initiatives. This event is a post-conference following the 70th ICA Conference 2020, and will be held on 26 May 2020 at The University of Queensland, Australia.

This event seeks to provide an interactive and dialogic space to explore the pedagogic relevance of key themes associated with Communication for Social Justice and to investigate the extent to which they have been incorporated into formal academic teaching and research programs. The conference will discuss emerging trends and shifts in the dynamics in the teaching and research of Communications for Social Justice. The discussion will also explore emerging and innovative trends in communication for social justice, considering the role of digital and other mediated technologies.

We invite communication scholars and researchers, students and anyone who is interested in pedagogy and research on communication for social justice, to register in the one-day ICA post-conference. For more information and the call for abstract, please click here. To register for the post-conference, please click here.

Organizers: Pradip Thomas & Elske van de Fliert, The University of Queensland (;; Karin Wilkins, University of Miami (; Silvio Waisbord, George Washington University (



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