RAE-IC Number 15 (until 11/01/2020)
Deadline: November 1, 2020
RAEIC, Revista Española de la Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación, opens its call for papers inside the monograph “Investigar la Comunicación desde Perspectivas, Teorías y Métodos Periféricos” in journal’s issue 15, which will be published in Q1 2021.
Articles must be submitted through the platform revistaeic.org. The deadline for final texts delivery will be 1st November 2020.
Further information on http://www.revistaeic.eu/index.php/raeic/proxima-numeros
This dossier deals with the research that we have called "peripheral", that is, the one composed of alternative methods, theories, topics and practices from the hegemonic ones within the field of communication research. Those that usually have little space within the institutionalized circuits of communicology research.
These are some of the aspects suggested regarding the proposal of articles:
Line 1: Emerging objects, perspectives, areas and levels of analysis with less development in the Spanish or Latin American context (e.g. video games, mobile content, interpersonal and group communication, communication and health, etc.)
Line 2: Research giving voice to the “others” and/or explores alternative interaction contexts (e.g. immigrants, second generation immigrants, LGTBQ groups, older people, interfaith dialogue, racialized populations such as the Romani and Afro-descendant communities, etc.)
Line 3: Analysis of non-mainstream cultural production (journalistic, cinematographic, advertising, photographic, musical, literary, audio visual, printed, etc.
Line 4: Research attempting to overcome Western ethnocentrism by putting European and non-European traditions in dialogue.
Line 5: Participatory, observant and qualitative methodologies.
Line 6: History of communication research based on non-dominant subjects and objects.
Line 7: Research on communicative practices in national, regional or local peripheries.