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Symposium on Communication Research: Media, Democracy and Environment

04.11.2020 14:23 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

November 18-19, 2020 (both days 13:00-18:00 GMT)

Online conference (Zoom)

For decades, Brazil has been on the frontline of debates about sustainable development largely due to its central role in the global ecosystem. In recent years, the country has been facing increases in forest fires, dam disasters, illegal mining and use of agrochemicals, and ongoing oil spills on beaches.

Brazilian environmental media coverage is in a position to improve recognition and understanding of environmental risks amongst the Brazilian public. From news to social media, from documentary films to broadcast television, environmental communications take multiple forms and have a multitude of impacts on policies, politics, economics, culture and public awareness of these issues. Critical analysis must take similarly complex approaches, from content analysis to reception studies, from engagement with media industry political economies to their environmental impacts.

Furthermore, as Brazil’s environmental concerns resonate globally, especially with debates over the state of the Amazons, these need to be discussed in a reciprocal global sustainability framework that understands that media systems are now heavily international and integrated and that environmental problems flow across borders.

Supported by a Global Challenges Research Fund Fellowship and the Institute of Advanced Study at University of Warwick, this symposium aims to promote innovative research, educational knowledge exchange, and networking strategies in environmental communication.

Please register for the symposium through our website:…=en



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