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Nordic Academy of Management 2021

19.11.2020 10:23 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

August 25-27, 2021

Örebro, Sweden

Deadline: January 30, 2021

Our conference theme is  “Bringing research together.”

The conference theme targets how business administration is one discipline, but too often is discussed, researched, taught, and indeed conferenced in silos. Together, we are researchers in marketing, accounting, organization, and so on. Yet, together, more importantly, we are business and management researchers. The conference theme ‘bringing research together’ is therefore about tearing down the silos of business administration and starting to think more holistically about the firm, its context, offerings, and performance. None of the individual subject areas matter without the other. Put more strongly: none of us matter without the rest of us.

Bringing research together is also about tearing down boundaries between research, teaching, and business. The conference theme poses us to think about: How we are relevant, yet independent; what we need from industry; what industry needs from us; and, how can we bring our research into teaching and practice.

Bringing research together furthermore gives us the opportunity to meet as researchers, teachers, and practitioners among the Nordic countries. Recent developments have brought relevance to the actual meeting of academics; to discuss research, teaching, and business practice with peers, as well as to socialize. Let’s make NFF 2021 a time to reunite and meet new friends!

To submit your abstract to NFF 2021:

  • Complete your abstract following provided author guidelines
  • Select a track that fits your abstract
  • Submit HERE no later than January 30, 2021

For each step of the process, from track calls to abstract and final paper submissions, we follow guidance within the Nordic countries regarding the current Corona pandemic. Our idea – supported by the NFF board – is to postpone up to August 2022, rather than go digital. Your interest to participate – through track calls, abstracts, and later paper submissions – is vital for any decisions made and we dearly look forward to welcoming you in Örebro!



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