European Communication Research
and Education Association

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01.12.2020 21:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Deadline for Submission for Live Presentations: 15 January, 2021

Because it was not realistic to plan & host a live conference in 2021 for the Crisis Communication Section, we are offering two different avenues for presentation of research in 2021:

  • Live Panel Sessions (two-hours each) on the first Friday of each month from 5 February – 2 July
  • Live/pre-Recorded Presentations (up to 20 minutes each) posted on our website

Theme for Crisis2021: Risk & Crisis Communication & the ‘New Normal’

As the world responds to 2020 and all of the new challenges it has posed, risk and crisis communication researchers, students, and practitioners have the opportunity to explore issues of work environments, politics, social justice, disasters, ‘ordinary’ crises, learning and teaching, wellbeing, social responsibility, and technology to name just a few areas connected to the tumultuous year we have all experienced. We are calling for abstracts that look forward from Covid-19 to the future across industries and even for reflective discussions about the role of risk and crisis communication.

You can submit an individual abstract or a panel proposal.

Panel Proposals

These will only be considered for the live sessions.

For panel proposals:

  • There should be either 3 or 4 speakers representing at least two different institutions
  • Preference will be given to multi-national panels
  • Panels should have a clear theme, brief (paragraph) justification for the theme, and list the speakers and brief summaries of their proposed presentations

Individual Abstracts

Individual submissions will be considered for the live panels (if submitted before 15 January) unless otherwise noted in the submission, to include:

  • Author(s) name(s), institutions, and email(s)
  • Preference for live panel or pre-recorded
  • Detailed abstract (no more than 700 words) for the presentation

We aim to accept as many abstracts as possible both for the live sessions and pre-recorded presentations. Don’t worry – the pre-recorded presentations CAN but don’t HAVE to include you on camera – they can simply be PowerPoint presentations with voice overs.

More details and submission available at:



Chaussée de Waterloo 1151
1180 Uccle

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