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Train the Trainer Applications - Cohort 2

03.12.2020 21:22 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

StoryFutures Academy

After the success of the work of the first cohort of 7 university projects across the UK, StoryFutures Academy's Train the Trainer initiative is announcing a second call.

StoryFutures Academy is looking to fund interdisciplinary projects (from STEM to STEAM) that address immersive storytelling challenges and explore established or emergent storytelling forms e.g. point of view, editing, spatial sound and attention, haptic engagements etc. in the content of immersive production. The funding available is up to a maximum of £17,000.

Grant awards to successful projects are subject to the acceptance of the contractual terms and conditions of the Train the Trainer scheme, outlined by StoryFutures Academy.

Please see here for the eligibility criteria and application form.

Please be mindful that the application key dates are:

Call Closes – midnight Thursday, 17th December 2020

Winners announced – Monday 18th January 2021

Launch event – Train the Trainer Cohort 1 Showcase and Cohort 2 launch, 29 January 2021

Workshop 1 for cohort (and mentors) – 25th and 26th February 2021

Workshop 2 for cohort (and mentors) – 22nd and 23rd April 2021

Bi-monthly mentor meetings – February – July 2021

Workshop 3 for cohort (and mentors), Framing the Learning – 4th June 2021

Delivery of all project outputs – July 16th 2021

Final Showcase – July 30th 2021 (tbc)



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