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Visual Rhetoric in Traditional Media

13.01.2021 14:31 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Galactica Media: Journal of Media

Deadline: November 15, 2021

Galactica Media: Journal of Media invites you to participate in a special issue entitled "Visual Rhetoric in Traditional Media".



“Only the media techniques of the 19th century, that is, photography, gramophone and film, had saved the sensuous reality from the absolutism of the book – however, one could formulate more radically: before the absolutism of language”, – N. Bolz writes in the book "Das ABC der Medien". The proposed opposition between writing as an "informational" media (which was most interesting to McLuhan) and "sensory" media needs critical reflection. This is especially important in conditions when a person's immersion in the media space implies that not only the information brain memory should be involved, but also various performative practices of experience and memory of the body. The mutual transfer of medial practices between writing and the visual arts creates a distinctive situation where the emphasis is not on the image itself, but on its perception. This aspect is especially relevant after and within the framework of the iconic turn in the sciences of culture and art. In particular, various artistic practices and visual culture objects are considered more often in the visual rhetoric context. The difficulty is to avoid the blind (automatic) borrowing of this concept from the linguistics and classical rhetoric sphere. The visual image as the most exact way of expression is not only the usual practice of our everyday culture, overflowing with phenomena that have a visual (more broadly – sensual) nature, but also is a key to understanding the social and cultural practices of the past.

In this issue of Galactica Media we invite the authors to explore the traditional media, in particular, writing and spatial arts, in mutual relation to each other, since, as we know, "the meaning of a media can only be understood from its interaction with other media" (N. Bolz). The interdisciplinary nature of rhetorical studies allows us to place image theory in the context of visual anthropology and media theory, thereby revealing the complex relationships associated with a work of art and its interpretation, the stages of its creation and perception, as well as the relationships between different media. We suggest to the authors of the issue basing on the material of various arts to turn to the problems of combining rhetoric and imagery.

Also, the possible topics might include following (but are not limited to) themes of:

- Visual techniques for text constructing

- Rhetorical figures in musical pieces

- Visual rhetoric and the using of tropes in the visual arts

- The using of visual rhetoric in architecture and design

- Theatricality as a combination of media practices

- Visual rhetoric: between logic and expression

- Rhetoric as an external extension of the image (similar to "extension of man" in the media)

The Deadline for submission of manuscripts for specialized issue is November 15, 2021. You can send your manuscripts through the electronic manuscript submission system marked “For the thematic issue ‘Visual Rhetoric in Traditional Media’” – Manuscript submission system (please read manuscript requirements carefully) – or by email:

All papers are first reviewed by the Guest editors, then peer reviewed by two experts, and only then the editorial board makes the final decision to include the article in the issue.

Guest Editor: PhD, Anna A. Troitskaya, Institute of Philosophy of St Petersburg State University. St Petersburg, Russia



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