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Call for editors and reviewers (early career researchers)

15.01.2021 08:09 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Networking Knowledge

I am guest-editing a special issue on mediatization during the COVID-19 pandemic for Networking Knowledge - journal of the UK's Media, Communications and Cultural Studies Association Postgraduate Network, and am looking for PhD researchers working in cognate areas.

The journal is run by doctoral and early career researchers, and is a great opportunity to cut your teeth at all aspects of the editorial process - peer review, publishing, copyediting and production.

The articles in the special issue I'm guest-editing are currently at peer review stage, but I would like to open this opportunity to colleagues who might want to get involved. For example, I would welcome anyone with expertise in mediatization to approach me about joining me as co-editor. I'd also invite special issue commentary, interview and book review contributions.

For example, I would welcome anyone with expertise in mediatization to approach me about joining me as co-editor or a reviewer. I also specifically invite special issue commentary, interview and book review contributions. 

If this sounds appealing, let's talk!

You can reach me on or @bissieanderson on Twitter.



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