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  • 04.11.2021 13:39 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Edited by: Giuliana Sorce

    This book examines the central role media and communication play in the activities of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) around the globe, how NGOs communicate with key publics, engage stakeholders, target political actors, enable input from civil society, and create participatory opportunities.

    An international line-up of authors first discuss communication practices, strategies, and media uses by NGOs, providing insights into the specifics of NGO programs for social change goals and reveal particular sets of tactics NGOs commonly employ. The book then presents a set of case studies of NGO organizing from all over the world—ranging from Sudan via Brazil to China – to illustrate the particular contexts that make NGO advocacy necessary, while also highlighting successful initiatives to illuminate the important spaces NGOs occupy in civil society.

    This comprehensive and wide-ranging exploration of global NGO communication will be of great interest to scholars across communication studies, media studies, public relations, organizational studies, political science, and development studies, while offering accessible pieces for practitioners and organizers.

  • 04.11.2021 11:52 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ‘Journalism Studies’ Special Issue Call for Papers

    Deadline: May 1, 2022

    Special Issue Editors:

    • Hayes Mabweazara, University of Glasgow -
    • Catherine Happer, University of Glasgow -

    Journalism studies is defined by and benefits from its interdisciplinary nature and broad scope of interests and priorities. However, one consequence of this is that the way in which distinct disciplines might differentially shape and bring value to our understanding of the field can be overlooked. A key strand of the current foundational critique of journalism was established and deeply rooted in the discipline of Sociology, which gave rise to specific concerns and approaches to understanding the ways in which news organisations manage the processes through which information is gathered and transformed into news and the pressures that encourage journalists to follow familiar patterns of news making. In the British context, the late 20th century was a particularly prolific period for the sociology of news in which the empiricism of institutional research centres such as the Glasgow University Media Group (GUMG) played a leading role in setting the agenda for journalism and media studies. The conceptual basis for such work was the understanding of journalism as embedded within systems of power (economic, political, social, cultural) and as institutionalised through everyday practices, shared beliefs, and norms. Methodological approaches which involved the analysis of production processes, patterns in content, audience reception and the formation of public opinion addressed the totality of communication systems with journalism and journalists as key agents in driving a range of societal outcomes.

    The body of work produced by the GUMG in particular was influenced by the political economy of the media as represented, for example, by Herman and Chomsky’s Propaganda Model, ideas of media as cultural hegemony and the role of ‘primary definers’ in the work of Stuart Hall. Shared foci around journalistic selection, inclusion, and omission paralleled work in the US, including McCombs and Shaw’s research on ‘agenda setting,’ Robert Entman’s ‘media framing’ and David Manning White’s seminal ‘gatekeeper theory,’ among others. The importance of structures of ownership and control and the extent to which the broader ideological climate shapes the thinking of journalists also came to the fore. News production was also seen as a highly regulated and routine process shaped by organisational pressures, with very little acknowledgment of journalistic agency. For some time, this pioneering body of work collectively ushered in revolutionary approaches to understanding news as a historically contingent ‘manufactured’ product.

    However, the complexities of contemporary societies and their media systems have increasingly rendered these early sociological approaches anachronistic, and in some cases, inadequate as explanatory frameworks for understanding the operations of journalism in the 21st century. The systems of power or ideological climate of news production have changed significantly and the field of analysis has expanded beyond a focus on the production of information flows and their impacts within Western economies. New political and social formations, including the complexities of increased globalisation and the emergence of multicultural citizenship have become central concerns in changing social and political contexts in which new global news players are emerging. At the heart of these changes are developments in digital technologies which have radically transformed the working practices of journalists and news consumption habits. The time is long overdue for revisiting early sociological studies and their deep-rooted Western-centrism which continue to define journalism studies’ key areas of inquiry and the field’s theoretical and methodological direction globally.

    This special issue addresses the question of the continuing value of the priorities of the sociology of news and the importance of a sociological critique of journalism more generally, the dynamism and adaptability of its modes of analysis to different contexts, and the validity of the conceptualisations of power and resistance built into them. Themes and areas of particular interest may include:

    • Emerging methodological approaches to studying news and news organisations
    • Doing content analysis beyond mass media
    • Conceptualising ‘media power’ in the age of big tech
    • Constructing ‘public opinion’ through social media content production
    • Agenda setting on social media platforms
    • News values in non-Western contexts
    • The impact of technological innovation on traditional sociological understandings of news production
    • Studies that challenge and throw into question Anglo-American conceptions of news
    • Changing connections between journalists and news sources
    • Shifts in the culture and patterns of news consumption/reception
    • The shifting nature of social class identifications and media audiences
    • Contestable notions of bias and objectivity in the news media
  • 04.11.2021 11:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline for submissions of abstracts: January 14, 2022

    Guest editors: Abby S. Waysdorf and Eggo Müller

    The VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture welcomes submissions for the upcoming special issue #23 on “Curation and Appropriation of Digital European Heritage”, set to be published in June 2023.

    The CADEAH (Curation and Appropriation of Digital European Heritage) project was inaugurated in 2018 as a way to study how increasingly digitized audiovisual heritage circulates and is re-used across the digital media landscape. Projects like and have worked to digitize audiovisual heritage across Europe and make it available to the public. However, once material is “made accessible” to the public, what happens? The project drew together programmers, historians, and media researchers to investigate new ways of tracking digitized audiovisual heritage online and make sense of the cultures of historical and archival engagement that exists there. To further develop the goals of this project, this Special Issue seeks to bring together scholars, archivists, and other interested parties to investigate the ways audiovisual heritage is used, and how we can best study this use.

    We welcome proposals that deal with the major themes of CADEAH: history and memory, uses and interpretations of audiovisual archival material, and digital methods and archives:

    >Tracking and tracing (audiovisual) archival material

    >Machine vision techniques and audiovisual archives

    >The politics of digitization and archival practices online

    >Practices and cultures of playlisting and rewatching

    >Cultural practices of remix video

    >Grassroots archives and archival practices

    >Transforming or creating historical narratives through remix

    >Memory practices and historical consciousness in digital heritage

    Find the full information here:

    VIEW is an open-access e-journal dedicated to sharing research on European Television History and Culture. VIEW is supported by the EUscreen Network and published by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision in collaboration with Utrecht University, Royal Holloway University of London, and the University of Luxembourg.

  • 04.11.2021 11:22 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are very pleased to announce the launch of a new international journal, History of Media Studies, and the publication of 16 short, programmatic essays written by the editors and members of the editorial board. History of Media Studies (HMS) is an open access, refereed academic journal dedicated to scholarship on the history of research, education, and reflective knowledge about media and communication broadly conceived—as expressed through academic institutions; through commercial, governmental, and non-governmental organizations; and through “alter-traditions” of thought and practice often excluded from the academic mainstream. HMS aims to open space outside the commercialized academic publishing industry—space that is nonprofit, community-led, care-based, and transparent. The journal’s inaugural essays address the geopolitics of the history and historiography of the media and communication fields, structural inequities and exclusions that have helped constitute them, and alternative conceptualizations and methodologies for investigating them, among other topics. Read more about the journal.

    Editors Introduction

    David W. Park, Jefferson Pooley, and Peter Simonson, “History of Media Studies, in the Plural”

    Launch Essays

    Wendy Willems, “Unearthing Bundles of Baffling Silences: The Entangled and Racialized Global Histories of Media and Media Studies”

    Armond Towns, “Against the ‘Vocation of Autopsy’: Blackness and/in US Communication Histories”

    Hailong Liu and Yidan Qin, “Toward a New Media Study in China: History and Approach”

    Mohammad Ayish, “Emerging Digital Transitions in the Arab World: Implications for the Region’s Communication Studies”

    Mariano Zarowsky, “Communication Studies in Argentina in the 1960s and ’70s: Specialized Knowledge and Intellectual Intervention Between the Local and the Global”

    Shiv Ganesh, “Recuperating Areas: Research on Media and Communication History and South Asian Studies”

    Raúl Fuentes-Navarro, “Communication Research in Latin America: Will the ‘Nocturnal Map’ Survive or Fade Away?”

    Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz, “Challenges of Doing Historical Research in Communication Studies: On the Necessity to Write a Methodologically Informed History of the Methods of Communication Studies”

    Thomas Wiedemann and Michael Meyen, “Biographical Encyclopedia of Communication Study: Fostering Historiography and Memory in the Field”

    Sarah Cordonnier, “Looking Back Together to Become ‘Contemporaries in Discipline’”

    Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz, “The Role of Theory Groups in the Lives of Ideas”

    Sue Collins, “What Film and Cultural Histories Can Teach Us about YouTubers”

    Filipa Subtil, “Can the History of Communication and Media Research Proceed without the Philosophy of Technology?”

    Maria Löblich, “Collective Identity and the History of Communication Studies”

    Ira Wagman, “Remarkable Invention!”

    History of Media Studies is published by, a non-profit, scholar-led OA publisher. The journal is affiliated with the Working Group on the History of Media Studies, the History of Media Studies Newsletter, and the History of Communication Research Bibliography. Receive updates on new articles through RSS.

    Questions? Contact us at

  • 04.11.2021 11:17 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Groningen

    Apply here:

    Are you interested in doing cutting-edge research on public debates as well as related issues of misinformation, polarization, and radicalization on Twitter? Do you want to contribute to developing an infrastructure that enables SSH researchers to systematically examine current and emerging public debates on crucial societal issues in The Netherlands?

    We are looking for a Postdoctoral researcher for TwiXL. This interdisciplinary project ( aims to develop an infrastructure that enables students and researchers in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) to systematically examine current and emerging public debates on crucial societal issues in the Netherlands. The project is funded by the Platform Digital Infrastructure of the Dutch SSH-council and developed in a collaboration between the University of Amsterdam (UvA), University of Groningen (RUG), SURFsara, National Library of the Netherlands (KB), and Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (NISV).

    Public debate and information exchange, as well as related problems of misinformation, polarization, and radicalization, are increasingly articulated online through social media platforms. This affects the media landscape as a whole: social media activity largely takes shape in response to mass media reporting, which, in turn, is progressively affected by online discourse. Hence, for a healthy democratic system, it is vital that researchers and public institutions are able to monitor the evolving dynamics of mediated public debate. Currently, however, researchers do not have access to comprehensive sets of social media data and readily searchable collections of mass media reporting, nor do they have effective tools for cross-media research at their disposal. TwiXL will facilitate such research, aligning with the first VSNU Digital Society Programme Line ‘Citizenship & Democracy’.

    As a postdoc in this project, you will contribute to building the TwiXL infrastructure in close collaboration with a PhD student at UvA and developers from SURFSara, KB and NISV. This infrastructure will enable cross-media research through customized Jupyter notebooks. You will develop a proof-of-concept research project on public debates and related issues of misinformation, polarization, and radicalization on Twitter. Using the TwiNL collection, you will systematically explore the Dutch Twitter sphere on a topic of your choice. Through this research, you will also produce infrastructural requirements and demonstration scenarios and tutorials for other SSH researchers as well as academic publications of the results.

    Your research appointment will be 80% while 20% of your time will be devoted to teaching in the MA programme Social Media and Society and/or the BA programme in Media Studies.

    Tasks and responsibilities:

    • develop and conduct a research project on public debates in the Dutch Twitter sphere, using Jupyter notebooks to create proof of concept of this approach
    • presenting intermediate research results at workshops and conferences, and publishing academic articles
    • help develop customized Juypter notebooks enabling cross-media research
    • collaborate with tool developers in building the TwiXL infrastructure by providing requirements and testing specific components
    • organize workshops, teaching SSH researchers and students to do cross-media research using Jupyter notebooks
    • participating in meetings of the project research group and assisting the project coordinator in communication tasks (co-managing social media account and website, writing blog posts)
    • teaching courses in the BA programme in Media Studies and/or MA programme Social Media and Society (20% of your appointment).


    • a PhD in Media Studies or Communication Science, or in another discipline in the humanities or social sciences relevant to this project. The degree must have been obtained by the time the position starts
    • excellent research skills demonstrated by a track record of publishing in high-ranked journals or a demonstrable capacity to develop such a record
    • excellent command of English, and preferably also Dutch
    • preferably programming experience with Python and/or R, and with developing and using Jupyter notebooks for research and/or teaching
    • a strong cooperative attitude and willingness to engage in collaborative research
    • enthusiasm for communicating academic research to non-academic audiences.


    Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has established an international reputation as a dynamic and innovative university offering high-quality teaching and research. Its 36,000 students are encouraged to develop their own individual talents through challenging study- and career paths. The University of Groningen is an international centre of knowledge: It belongs to the best research universities in Europe and is allied with prestigious partner universities and networks worldwide.

    The Faculty of Arts is a large, dynamic faculty in the heart of the city of Groningen. It has more than 5000 students and 700 staff members, who are working at the frontiers of knowledge every day. The Faculty offers a wide range of degree programmes: 15 Bachelor's programmes and over 35 Master's specialisations. Our research, which is internationally widely acclaimed, covers Media and Journalism Studies, Archaeology, Cultural Studies, History, International Relations, Language and Literary Studies, and Linguistics.

    Research is conducted within the interdisciplinary Centre for Media and Journalism Studies, which has been rated as “excellent/world-leading” in the most recent Research Assessment. If appointed, the candidates are expected to actively contribute to the vibrant research environment in the Centre. They are provided ample support in applying for bids with national and international funding agencies. The candidate will teach in the BA programme in Media Studies and/or the MA programme Social Media and Society. Our BA and MA programmes rank first among all Media Studies programmes in The Netherlands in the national student survey.

    Conditions of employment

    We offer you in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities:

    • a salary, depending on qualifications and work experience, in scale 10 or scale 11 in the first year, depending on experience and qualifications for a full-time position
    • on top of that income, you will receive an 8% holiday allowance and an annual bonus of 8.3%
    • you will initially be appointed for a period of 1 year with the prospect of extending the contract with another two years after positive evaluation.

    For more detailed information about working conditions and working for the University of Groningen, please check:

    Intended starting date: 1 January 2022


    You may apply for these positions until 8 November 11.59 pm / before 9 November Dutch local time by means of the application form (click on "Apply" below on the advertisement on the university website).

    Applications should include:

    1. Letter of application

    2. A short research statement of 300-500 words, stating your ideas on how to study public debates on social media in the context of the TwiXL infrastructure

    3. A curriculum vitae including publications and other research output clearly showing your expertise in relevant areas, and experience in teaching

    4. Two publications you are particularly proud of

    5. The names of two academic referees.

    Only complete applications submitted by the deadline will be taken into consideration.

    We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We have adopted an active policy to increase the number of female scientists across all disciplines of the university. Therefore, women are encouraged to apply. Our selection procedure follows the guidelines of the Recruitment code (NVP), and European Commission's European Code of Conduct for recruitment of researchers,

    Unsolicited marketing is not appreciated.


    For information you can contact:

    Prof. Marcel Broersma, Director Centre for Media and Journalism Studies, +31 50 3635955,

    Please do not use the e-mail address(es) above for applications.

  • 29.10.2021 10:57 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Between 15 October 2021 and 15 January 2022, Membrana is celebrating 5 years of the journal with free online access to all the content.

    Membrana is dedicated to critical and theoretically grounded understanding of photography. Each issue features a collection of scholarly articles, essays, interviews, photographic projects and book reviews on a selected topic. The topics of the back issues include Camouflage, Grimace, Cabinet, Augmented, Backdrop, Instinct, Protest, Magic, and Master. Among other contributions, the back issues feature interviews with John Tagg, Robert Hariman, Nicholas Mirzoeff, David Bate, Geoffrey Batchen, Mladen Dolar, Steve Edwards and Christopher Pinney among others.

    You are invited to browse the issues here:

    If you prefer reading in print, you can subscribe to the print edition of the journal and/or online edition.

    Subscribe now and you’ll receive a 25% discount with the code -25COUPON.

    Interested in contributing? Calls for next issues are published on our website (, Facebook page (@membranafotografija) and Instagram account (@membrana_journal)

  • 28.10.2021 21:03 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 4 (16:00 - 17:30 GMT)

    Register for the event here

    In response to children’s views about what free play means to them, Baroness Beeban Kidron - 5Rights Foundation, will chair a discussion with:

    • Professor Sonia Livingstone OBE - LSE, DFC lead researcher and report author
    • Dr Sangeet Bhullar, Executive Director, WISE KIDS
    • Dr Tim Gill, Rethinking Childhood, Author of Urban Playground
    • Professor Mimi Ito, University of California - Irvine

    The event will be followed by a Q&A with attendees.

    We look forward to your participation, and feel free to forward this invitation to interested others.

    Register for the event here

    The Digital Futures Commission, hosted by 5Rights Foundation, brings together a unique group of organisations to unlock digital innovation in the best interests of children and young people. You can learn more about the Digital Futures Commission here and about 5Rights here.

  • 28.10.2021 20:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Special issue of CINERGIE - Il Cinema e le Altre Arti

    Deadline for abstract submission: 21st of November

    The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted on media production, distribution, and experience. Long-established practices have undergone dramatic interruptions or major shifts and respective laborers have been forced to strongly revise their activities. For instance, film sets and television studios reconsidered their modes of operation in the face of Covid-prevention rules, protocols and requirements. Likewise, in an epidemic scenario in constant change, film festivals and awards found themselves in the need to repeatedly revise their rituals and forms, to be able to carry on at least part of their activities. Media practitioners have thus been faced with the need of reflecting and discussing pitfalls and opportunities brought to light by the pandemic, while also implementing strategies for facing and countering the crisis.

    In Italy, actors and actresses have been among the most affected groups of professionals. Whereas the usual pace of film, television and media production, release and promotion has met deep alterations, as much as usual networking activities during periods of lockdown, fame and exposure have foregrounded film and TV stars in social engagement activities and as testimonials of public health campaigns (including the first tentative rules, the lockdown periods, and the efforts towards mass vaccination).

    The aim of this issue of Cinergie is surveying and understanding the manifold impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Italian actors and actresses. Topics within the scope of this issue include but are not limited to:

    • Training actors and actresses at the time of the COVID-19 crisis: schools, academies, coaching
    • Media production, acting performance, and restrictions: emergency, strategies, and tactics
    • Actors, actresses and the promotion of media products: from testimonials to remote endorsers?
    • Actors, irregular work, labour activism: workers’ solidarity and institutional and commercial policies during the pandemic
    • Acknowledging actors and actresses: festivals, awards, and the economy of prestige during the COVID-19 crisis
    • Stardom, public health, and social engagement
    • Social networks, self-promotion, and actors and actresses during the COVID-19 crisis
    • Job-seeking: finding acting jobs at the times of the pandemic
    • Actors, intermediaries, and the COVID-19 crisis: coaches, agents, management, casting departments, press agents, and social media managers during the pandemic
    • Theoretical and methodological contributions on actors and actresses in the pandemic
    • Case histories on specific actors or actresses, film productions, television shows, digital platforms in the national context and/or in the transnational connections between Italy and other markets.

    Submission details

    Please send an abstract and a short biographical note to Luca Antoniazzi, Cristina Formenti, and Giulia Muggeo at:,, and by November 21, 2021 — [subject: Cinergie Media Performers + name surname author(s)].

    Abstracts, in English or Italian, should be from 300 to 500 words of length. Notification of acceptance will be sent within November 28, 2021.

    If the proposal is accepted, the author(s) will be asked to submit the full article by January 16, 2022.

    The articles must not exceed 5,000/6,000 words and can include images, clips, and links for illustrative purposes. Please, provide correct credits, permissions and copyright information in order to be sure that the images, clips, and links are copyright free and can be published.

    Contributions will be submitted to double-blind peer-review.

    The issue will be published in July 2022.

  • 28.10.2021 20:28 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 24-25, 2022

    Budapest, Hungary

    Deadline (EXTENDED): November 20, 2021

    Keynote Speakers

    • Mark Deuze (University of Amsterdam)
    • Laura Ahva (Tampere University)

    A conference exploring the intersections of history, culture, digital technology and journalism.

    Although the shared past of digitization and journalism stretches back at least to a half-century, digital journalism history is a field still in formation. Building on the momentum of the recent ‘historical turn’ in digital media and internet studies, the aim of the conference is to bring together an interdisciplinary network of scholars to interrogate digital journalism histories and to start a global critical exchange on various approaches to and aspects of historicising digital journalism.

    As digital journalism has been re-configured by socio-historical contradictions of communication and complexities of its technological innovations, journalism scholarship should continuously strive for enhancing critical exchange to advance studies that intersect with numerous disciplines, theoretical approaches and methodological traditions. Emphasis of the conference is on the plurality of histories instead of one single digital journalism history, acknowledging diachronic as well as synchronic complexities of social relations, political contingencies, cultural traditions and power configurations between journalism and digitisation. Instead of enforcing one great master narrative, the conference aims to offer a space to embrace the co-existence of parallel, sometimes complementing, often conflicting historical investigations and narratives.

    By aiming to explore the intersections of history, culture, digital technology and journalism, the conference welcomes papers and panels that are grounded on diachronic or synchronic explorations of digital journalism ‘pasts’, while elaborating the relevance of its historical findings for digital journalism ‘futures’. The conference invites theoretical and methodological reflections on historicising digital journalism as well as original single case studies or comparative inquiries into the phenomena from the decades of the long digital revolution of journalism. The conference welcomes papers that examine the digital journalism histories of the global ‘centers’ and we especially encourage inquiries from the ‘peripheries’ of digital journalism development and scholarship.

    Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

    - Mythologies of technology: reconsidering ‘dead’ and ‘new’ technologies in journalism

    - Transforming social control in the digitized newsroom: investigating separation and integration tendencies

    - Re-configuring the labour process in digital journalism: between standardisation and creativity of digital news production

    - Digital platforms, tools and practices in journalism: from Teletext, CD-ROMS and Minitel to www, smartphones and social media

    - Changing skillsets in digital journalism: deskilling, reskilling, upskilling newsworkers

    - (Dis)continuities of forms and genres in journalism

    - Labour relations of digital journalism: standardisation, precarisation, entrepreneurialism

    - Liquefied identities of digital journalism: boundary work between ‘online’ and ‘offline’ journalists, ‘professional’ and ‘citizen’ journalists, journalists and ‘technologists’, ‘journalists’ vs ‘bloggers’

    - Re-inventing journalistic profiles: from ‘mouse monkeys’, ‘meta journalists’ to ‘robot journalists’

    - Digitized audiences between participation and commodification

    - Business models of digital journalism: from legacy media ecosystem to platform capitalism

    - Ethical, legal and regulatory issues of digital journalism: from www to automation

    - Particular online journalistic genres moving online: digital music, sport, food journalism

    Technical details and important dates

    Deadline for submitting abstracts and panel proposals is November 20, 2021 (CET).

    Please submit all submissions via this online form:

    Panel proposals should consist of 3 or 4 papers, and all the paper abstracts belonging to a proposed panel should be submitted individually through the form. The maximum length for panel and paper abstracts is 400 words.

    Conference talks will be 15 minutes long followed by 5 minute long discussions.

    Further information will be found on the constantly updated conference website:

    Organizers and contact information

    The conference will be held at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), and is jointly organised by the Department of Sociology and Communications, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, BME and the Social Communication Research Centre, University of Ljubljana (UL).

    Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the organizers:

    Dr. Tamas Tofalvy, Associate Professor (BME):

    Dr. Igor Vobič, Associate Professor (UL):

  • 26.10.2021 21:49 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 17

    Online event

    Comparative research on Digital disconnection

    The field of study on digital disconnection is flourishing, yet comparative research is only starting to emerge. The Norwegian project Digitox ( and the comparative project Dis/Connect, in Portugal (, seek to advance the field through two cross-national qualitative studies.

    On November 17th, 10-11 am CET, the research teams will present results of 'Disconnection and leisure locations', and 'Disconnection and youth', reflecting on the merits and challenges of comparative studies. Speakers include Trine Syvertsen, Ana Jorge, Patrícia Dias, Brita Ytre-Arne.

    This presentation is offered in the scope of Dis/Connect project led by CICANT/Lusófona University (Portugal), a comparative project with Digitox, led by Universities of Oslo and Bergen, and in collaboration with CRC-W (Catholic University of Portugal). Dis/Connect is funded by EEA Grants (FBR_OC1_69_COFAC).

    The event will take place on Microsoft Teams.

    Further inquiries:

    Free event, registration required at




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