European Communication Research
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  • 29.07.2021 08:26 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The International Journal of Film and Media Arts

    Deadline: January 9, 2022

    Editor: Manuel José Damásio Guest Editors: José Bragança de Miranda, Célia Quico, José Gomes Pinto, Luís Cláudio Ribeiro

    The International Journal of Film and Media Arts welcomes a selection of high-quality papers for an edition dedicated to CIIA 2021 - 8th International Congress of Audiovisual Researchers, held at Lusófona University (Lisbon, Portugal), from 23th to 25th June 2021. This special issue is aligned with the CIIA 2021 edition, in which the theme was “Audiovisual and Creative Industries - Present and Future”. Alongside recognizing the importance of thinking and debating the challenges the audiovisual industry is facing today, mainly in the broader context of the creative industries, we also aim to promote the construction and consolidation of links between different sectors in the creative industries.

    Thus, the present issue of the International Journal of Film and Media Arts invites full papers that deal in particular with: - Audiovisual ecosystems in local, regional, national and international level - New formats and languages in audiovisual media and on the internet - Transmedia narratives - Second Screen and the impact of the multitasking viewer - Analysis and semiotics of audiovisual and multimedia discourses - New theories, new concepts, new paradigms and new approaches in audiovisual communication - New audiovisual research methods and techniques

    All submission will be select by double-blind peer review. The author must provide separate files: a) The title page should include the title, author’s name and affiliations, email address, acknowledgements (optional) and conflict of interest statement (if necessary).

    b) The author should ensure the anonymised manuscript is correctly prepared for double-blind peer review, by removing any kind of identification or affiliation. Author’s name, profile, ranking and institutional affiliation should only be mentioned in the appropriate submission fields. Revised articles will also be treated confidentially until the date of their publication.

    c) Attachments: Manuscripts may be accompanied by attachment files. In the case of materials produced by others, these are accepted under the condition that all applicable permissions were obtained by the author(s). Attachments should be numbered in order of appearance in the article. Graphics should be in JPEG, GIF, PNG, or TIFF format. Audio excerpts should be in MP3, or WAV format. Video excerpts should be in MPEG, AVI, or WMV format.

    Please submit to: or

    Please, check the author guidelines here:

    Timeline for publication:

    • Submission Full Papers – 9th January 2022
    • Feedback (peer review) on Full Paper – 22nd April 2022
    • Final Revisions – 10th June 2022
    • Publication Date – October 2022
  • 29.07.2021 08:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Reflections on Fashion Design and Media

    Deadline: September 15, 2021

    CICANT is a Research Centre where both solid theoretical work and rigorous applied research at the cross-section of media, society, literacies, arts, culture and technologies is developed. Critical to its research mission are knowledge creation activities that are oriented towards expanded research on two main subject areas. In CICANT those areas are organised in Research and Learning Communities (ReLeCo).

    The research group on Media Arts, Creative Industries and Technologies (MACIT) is focused on the socio-cultural and artistic uses of media technologies (visual, performative, photographic, cinematographic and sonic) at the intersection with the creative industries, both from a historical and contemporary perspective. The group has a robust research in the field and fosters a media practice-based artistic research in several areas and with a long and solid track on them.

    In this sense, we open a call for Chapters for the 1st volume of the series Reflections on Fashion Design and Media with the subtitle “Synergies between Fashion and the Media Arts”.

    The fashion industry is increasingly in constant change and evolution, an evolution which requires multiple reflections on the present, past and future. The quest to keep in touch with the consumer has led it to adapt to the new emerging reality translated in the digital format.

    If we observe the fashion system, we will become aware that, since its origin, it has had a close relation with the media, among which we can highlight cinema. It was via the great American film stars that fashion gained a prominent position, dressing them or being influenced by what they wore, following the known path as regards the definition of fashion trends.

    With the development of the new digital technologies, fashion faces new challenges and new possibilities, in production, in creation, communication, advertising and trade, among other areas where it operates and has a place.

    The digital revolution has had a very significant impact on the different areas where fashion plays a role, and the digital technology will keep its fast evolution pace. Increasingly, fashion will resort to digital developments to remain at the forefront.

    This series seeks to be accessible to a broad range of readers, publishing several volumes and chapters with interest for the debate on Fashion Design and the Media, looking for results or revolutionary and decisive visions for the success of the field.

    All the chapters proposed must reveal high capacity for critical and reflexive analysis on the topic addressed while submitting ideas, solutions or examples of good practices in the field under discussion.

    Research topics:

    • Fashion Shows and Technologies
    • Fashion Film
    • Curatorship and Digital Fashion Exhibitions
    • Fashion Brand Campaigns
    • Fashion Photography
    • Digital Aesthetics and Fashion
    • Fashion and Videogames
    • Graphic Design for Fashion, Technologies
    • Fashion and Film
    • Fashion and Technology Interfaces


    • Alexandra Cruchinho
    • Manuel José Damásio
    • José Gomes Pinto
    • José Carlos Neves


    The chapter proposals to be submitted must be original and unpublished. Interested authors must follow the norms for submitting chapter proposals.

    The proposals must be submitted in an editable text file (DOC. or DOCX.) with identification and numbers of the images to be inserted.

    Photographs, graphs, tables or other figures that complement the text must be submitted in a separate folder with the following features: 16cm width, 300PPI resolution, JPEG format (quality: 12/maximum).

    All submissions of chapter proposals will be forwarded to at least two members of the Editorial Review Board of the Book Series for Double Blind Review.

    The final decision on acceptance / revision / rejection will be based on the assessments received from the reviewers.

    Extended Deadline for submission: 15 september 2021

    Submissions & Informations: – Ref: Cfc- Design & Media Book Series

  • 29.07.2021 08:19 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 21-22,2021

    Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany)/online

    Deadline: August 15, 2021

    Dear list members,

    we are pleased to announce and invite you to our practical Autumn School titled „Disrupted Ethnography - Building Trust, Telling Stories, Unpacking Concepts and Reporting from Within", taking place on October 21/22, 2021, both at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany and online.

    Check out our website ( to find more information about the four workshops and the application process.

    We invite advanced Master students, doctoral and postdoctoral researchers as well as media practitioners, journalists, and activists to apply, deadline is August 15, 2021 (anywhere on earth).

    Together, we want to dismantle challenges of ethnographic fieldwork related to disruption such as travel restrictions, gaining and maintaining field access, finding contacts and forging cooperation, as well as ethical questions of representation of social life and scenes of conflict and injustice.

    Participation is free of charge.

  • 29.07.2021 08:17 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Review of Communication (SPECIAL ISSUE)

    Deadline for Abstracts: August 31, 2021

    Invited Manuscripts: October 15, 2021

    Special Issue Editors:

    • Giuliana Sorce, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen,
    • Delia D. Dumitrica, Erasmus University Rotterdam,

    This themed issue of the Review of Communication aims to map international perspectives on transnational processes in digital activism and protest. Against wider claims that social movements and citizen activism are shifting from the logic of spatial organization to networked flows (Bennett & Segerberg, 2012; Mercea, 2020), this themed issue seeks to illuminate how the global and local come together in networked public spheres. Recent transnational movements such as #MeToo or Black Lives Matter yield the importance of interweaving digital communication, pre-existing activist collectives, and citizen activation on a seemingly global scale. The policing of physical protests during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have intensified reliance on digital technologies among activists and grassroots collectives (Sorce & Dumitrica, 2021), further enhancing the appeal to create transnational ties and globalize movement appeals.

    We ask how political causes circulate globally, what role digital technologies play, and ultimately, what “transnational” means for seemingly universal causes, global collective identity, and activist practice. In reflecting how activists across the globe employ digital media to construct a civic imaginary of a transnational polity, attention must be paid to the dialectical nature of transnational processes that simultaneously magnify the importance of locality while normalizing hybridity (Roudometof, 2016; Kraidy, 2005; Pieterse, 2015).

    Where previous scholarship has drawn attention to the diffusion of political causes (della Porta & Mattoni, 2014) or cultural references (Dumitrica, in press) across national borders, this themed issue focuses on how digital technologies mediate and shape transnational processes in global organizing. This includes how transnational causes move across cultural contexts and how global appeals or activist vocabularies traverse (local) initiatives, considering the ways transnational organizers create collective identities among dispersed adherents, and what digital tactics of action work for global movements.

    Possible contributions might examine, but are not limited to:

    • transnational activism as shaped by digital action

    • (re) direction of transnational flows in digital contention

    • transnational circulation of protest causes, identities, symbols, and vocabularies

    • formation of global dissent in networked contexts

    • (digital) activism, campaigns, and protest on “global” issues

    • global values and transnational appeals in border zone, migration, First Nation, diasporic, environmental, queer, or gender rights protest communication

    • roles and affordances of new media technologies in transnational organizing

    • digital network(ing) practices in transnational activism

    • narrative and rhetorical strategies in forging transnational activist alliances

    Submission Instructions

    Authors should submit an extended abstract for Guest Editors’ review (max. 750 words) by August 31, 2021. Invited manuscripts should be submitted by October 15, 2021 for peer review.

    Extended abstracts should include the research problematic, theoretical angle, methodology, and key findings. The extended abstracts will be reviewed by the Guest Editors, who will subsequently invite a selection of authors to submit full papers.

    Authors should identify which themed call their paper is responding to by selecting the relevant drop-down option in ScholarOne.

    The full call can be retrieved at:

  • 15.07.2021 14:16 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    This special issue features 12 contributions by early career scholars and artists dealing with the role of mediatization in the COVID-19 pandemic conjuncture. Themes such as mediated intimacy and sociality, pandemic ideology, politicians’ curated authenticity and discursive constructions of self, and playbour and resistance in digital games are examined in five original articles, while three autoethnographic contributions explore the concepts of mediated presence, collectivity, contemplative community, loneliness and relationality. The autoethnographies – in the form of short film, collage and poetry vignettes, respectively – add a personal experiential layer to the broader themes. To generate (mediated) interpersonal dialogue, two artists/academics engage deeply with the autoethographies, further reflecting on the themes explored therein. The issue concludes with an interview with Professor Andreas Hepp, of the University of Bremen, who comments on the contributions and reflects on the role of “deep mediatization” in the pandemic world.

    Cover image:

    "Let the distance be physical", by Cristina Estanislao on Unsplash. Submitted for United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives - help stop the spread of COVID-19.


  • 14.07.2021 22:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Translation Studies (Special Issue)

    Abstract deadline: October 31, 2021

    Manuscript deadline: July 15, 2022

    Special Issue Editor(s)

    • Chiara Bucaria, University of Bologna,
    • Kathryn Batchelor, University College London,

    Media Paratexts and Translation

    This special issue seeks to open up new interdisciplinary perspectives on the translation, adaptation and localization of media paratexts. The global circulation of digital media products and the increased customization of the user experience have resulted in a proliferation of such paratexts, whether in the form of promotional material (trailers, posters), fan-made material, or curated or data-driven user interfaces. While the disciplines of Media Studies and Digital Studies have embraced – and arguably even been transformed by – the study of such paratextual elements, the fields of audiovisual translation or of translation in the digital age have yet to integrate them into their object of study. Engagement with the notion of the paratext within the field of news translation has been even more muted, being limited to just a handful of studies (Zhang 2013; Hong 2019).

    Premised on the idea that the combination of media paratexts and translation represents a rich and unexplored seam of research, this special issue invites interdisciplinary investigations of the ways in which media paratexts are linguistically and culturally mediated across different territories. It invites scholars to explore the impact that those mediations have on how media products are accessed, interpreted and perceived in the target cultures, thus widening the perspective from the media products themselves to the broader constellations of productions within which they circulate.

    Mediation is thus taken to include not only the processes and outputs of translating paratexts per se but also the strategic decisions about distribution that are made by media companies and localization teams in general. These include decisions concerning which paratexts will be used in a specific target culture/territory (either “as is” or in their translated versions) and which ones will have to be recreated from scratch in order to better adapt to target-culture sensibilities or conventions. We thus invite contributors to explore the far-reaching consequences of apparently peripheral or ephemeral decisions. For example, contributors might consider the way in which the channel, platform or output through which a particular media text is distributed in a target culture invites particular associations or attracts particular audience segments, thus affecting reception and interpretation of the text before the text itself has been encountered. Through this broad notion of mediation, we hope to draw attention to the way in which reception of media products is affected by the entire constellation of paratextual materials among which and through which the media text itself circulates, rather than limiting reflection to the media text itself. For example, in the case of the TV series Breaking Bad in Italy, as explored by Bucaria (2014), the decision not to distribute the humorous minisodes that formed part of the paratextual constellation in the USA is argued to have resulted in a perception of Breaking Bad in Italy that is less tonally nuanced.

    The definition of paratext that will be adopted for this volume will be broad, in line with approaches taken in Media Studies (e.g. Gray 2010). We thus invite consideration of meaning-making elements that have become essential to users’ selection and experience of audiovisual products and to the products’ commercial success; these might encompass interviews, viral marketing campaigns, TV and film trailers and teasers, summaries and descriptions, fan videos, and parodies, amongst others. We also invite explorations of elements intrinsic to the global presence of streaming and news platforms, such as the summaries, highlights, keywords and recommendations that appear in individual user interfaces, all of which need to be made accessible to users across the world through a process of localization. Where contributors are working to functional definitions of paratext (as commonly used in Digital and Media Studies), we invite consideration of material that serves commercial, navigational, community-building or world-building functions, amongst others, or that makes the text present in the world. (For a fuller list of paratextual functions, see Batchelor 2018, 160-161, based on Rockenberger [2014]). We also welcome theoretical discussions of the adequacy of existing definitions of paratext for translation-focused research. In particular, contributors may wish to explore the difficulties around preventing the collapse of ‘paratext’ into the vastness of ‘context’ (Rockenberger 2014) that inevitably arise once Genette’s (1997) emphasis on authorial intention is dismantled.

    Abstracts are invited from scholars in Translation Studies, Media Studies and Digital Studies. Proposed contributions should aim to explore the creation and use of linguistically and culturally adapted media paratexts from any of the following angles (with other aspects also welcome):

    • promotional campaigns for media products (e.g. films, TV content, video games);
    • customization of the user experience through paratexts;
    • localization of online TV apps;
    • paratextual elements in videogames;
    • paratextual elements in news translation;
    • theoretical perspectives on the conceptualization of media paratexts;
    • fan-made vs. promotional paratexts;
    • paratexts across different media.

    Submission Instructions

    Articles will be 7,000–8,000 words in length, in English (including notes and references).

    Abstracts of 300–400 words should be submitted to the guest editors at ; by 31 October 2021.

    Detailed style guidelines are available below.


    • 31 October 2021: submission of abstracts
    • 31 December 2021: notification of acceptance of abstracts
    • 15 July 2022: submission of manuscripts for peer review
    • 31 January 2023: submission of revised manuscripts
    • 31 August 2023: publication
  • 14.07.2021 22:45 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 12-13, 2022

    Berlin, Germany

    Deadline: September 20, 2021

    A Japanese-German conference & Edited volume (2023)

    Current debates on artificial intelligence often conflate the realities of AI technologies with the fictional renditions of what they might one day become. They are said to be able to learn, make autonomous decisions or process information much faster than humans, which raises hopes and fears alike. What if these useful technologies will one day develop their own intentions that run contrary to those of humans?

    The line between science and fiction is becoming increasingly blurry: what is already a fact, what is still only imagination; and is it even possible to make this clear-cut distinction? Innovation and development goals in the field of AI are inspired by popular culture, such as its portrayal in literature, comics, film or television. At the same time, images of these technologies drive discussions and set particular priorities in politics, business, journalism, religion, civil society, ethics or research. Fictions, potentials and scenarios inform a society about the hopes, risks, solutions and expectations associated with new technologies. But what is more, the discourses on AI, robots and intelligent, even sentient machines are nothing short of a mirror of the human condition: they renew fundamental questions on concepts such as consciousness, free will and autonomy or the ways we humans think, act and feel.

    Imaginations about the human and technologies are far from universal, they are culturally specific. This is why a cross-cultural comparison is crucial for better understanding the relationship between AI and the human and how they are mutually constructed by uncovering those aspects that are regarded as natural, normal or given. Focusing on concepts, representations and narratives from different cultures, the conference aims to address two axes of comparison that help us make sense of the diverse realities of artificial intelligence and the ideas of what is human: Science and fiction, East Asia and the West.

    Papers are invited on the following topics (among others):

    • Which meanings and functions are ascribed to AI technologies and robots?
    • How is science informed by popular discursive images of AI?
    • Which cultural differences are there concerning the relationship between the natural and the artificial? What are the particular traditions of how to represent the human and its technological surrogates?
    • What can the different cultural and conceptual histories tell us about our present and future with artificial intelligence?

    Besides papers on these more general topics, we also invite case studies on innovative technologies and their fictional precursorsas well as on the social, ethical or political contexts in which they are applied. All contributions are expected to address the comparative perspective on East Asian and Euro-American discourses.

    Relevant issues and perspectives for these comparisons include but are not limited to cyberpunk and science-fiction in literature and film, public debates and imaginations of AI, the relation between simulation and reality, materiality, historical and legal accounts, sociotechnical imaginaries and politics.

    We welcome contributions from scholars of diverse disciplines, such as cognitive science, computer science, cultural studies, literature and film studies, media and communication studies, psychology, political science, science and technology studies or sociology. Interdisciplinary approaches (e.g., those combining social, cultural and technical perspectives) as well as perspectives from practitioners and developers are particularly encouraged.

    Submission process

    Extended abstracts of approximately 4,000 to 6,000 characters in length (excl. references) should be submitted no later than 20 September 2021 to

    Speakers will be notified by 15 November 2021.

    Conference and publication of selected papers in an edited volume

    The conference will take place on Thursday12 and Friday 13 May 2022in Berlin.

    Invitations for the submission of selected full manuscripts sent out inJune 2022.

    Full manuscriptsof between 30.000 to 50.000 characters (excluding references) to be submitted by September 2022.

    Comprehensive review returned to authors in December 2022; final papers due in February 2023.

    The edited volumewill be published in mid-2023.

    If you have any questions, you can contact the conference organisers via .

    For more information, visit our website at…i21

  • 14.07.2021 22:33 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: September 15, 2021

    Communications and media scholars are warmly invited to submit papers for an edited volume/special issue under the working title: "Europeanisation through the European Universities Initiative: Identity and Higher Education Perspectives".


    The European Universities Initiative (EUI), launched by the European Commission in 2018 within the Erasmus+ programme to promote further integration in the European Higher Education sector, can be taken as a new object of study in the European political and higher education landscape (Gunn, 2020). The initial pilot phase encourages universities in the first 41 selected "alliances" to aim for a level of cooperation which goes beyond existing actions within the Erasmus+ programme, in order to develop "European campuses" and a shared sense of belonging between partner universities. As such, the initiative raises questions for political scientists, and law scholars interested in the European Union and its institutions, in Higher Education policy, for sociologists and communication scholars working on questions of European identity and intercultural communication, for education scholars and linguists studying the impact of student mobility and multilingual education on learning outcomes.

    This call for papers will bring together, in an edited volume or special issue, research which considers the EUI in the light of different forms of Europeanization with which it may be associated (Radaelli, 2003). In one of its core approaches higher education cooperation is positioned in context of political imperatives aiming at promoting 'ever closer union' (Bache, 2006).

    In terms of the Europeanization of Higher Education, from an institutional perspective, this may include questions of European-level and national Higher Education policy and the evolving legal framework, but also the way the initiative is being implemented during the pilot phase and the forms of cooperation set up by the universities involved, especially through external incentives (funding) and social learning (Vucasovic, 2013). The Europeanizing potential of the initiative in bringing about or reinforcing the conditions of an "imagined community" of European students and staff is a complementary line of study, including both top-down and bottom-up approaches, in the light of the existing body of literature dealing with European and national identities (Cram, 2009; Frame, 2016; Skey & Antonsich, 2017).


    The editors see the forthcoming volume as making an early contribution to scholarship on the EUI in multi-theoretical, multi-dimensional and multi-factor analysis. They welcome conceptual or empirical-based studies on or around the following themes:

    Approaching the EUI as an object of scientific study: conceptual and methodological frameworks

    • The EUI in the light of Europeanisation theories: integration / disintegration
    • The EUI in the context of EU public diplomacy and decision-making
    • Europeanizing identities through the EUI
    • The EUI from a legal perspective
    • The EUI in context of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

    The political dimension

    • The evolving context of the EHEA and the emergence of the EUI
    • EU stakeholders' politics, policies and discourse on the EUI: from calls to implementation
    • European University Networks (EUNs) between European and national governance: political stakes and tensions experienced around the EUI.

    Emerging forms of collaboration within EUNs: case-study-based approaches

    • Organisational perspectives: tensions experienced and solutions found
    • Advanced institutional and staff integration within EUNs
    • Student involvement and emerging forms of cooperation
    • Governance structures adopted within EUNs
    • The challenges of multilingualism and inclusiveness
    • Digitalization and forms of virtual cooperation in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic
    • Everyday Europeanhood - building European identities through practice
    • EUNs as learning environments
    • Networking and competition between EUNs.

    Future perspectives for the EUI

    • Common higher education strategies: towards a European Degree?
    • Synergies between the EHEA and the European Research Area (ERA): funding the global missions of EUNs
    • The legal status of EUNs: ensuring continuity, enlargement and the future of the EUI
    • Mobility and sustainability in the context of the Green Deal
    • Quality assurance, harmonisation, micro-accreditation.

    Paper proposals in English, of around 800 words including a short bibliography, should be sent by email to the editors, Barbara Curyło (bcurylo[at] and Alex Frame (alexander.frame[at], by 1st September 2021. Please contact us also if you wish to receive a pdf version of this cfp.

    A seminar for authors will be organised on 17th January 2022, in order to discuss first versions of the papers submitted and to work on the structure and key themes and concepts of the edited volume. No payment will be required from authors for either the publication or the seminar. The editors wish to also use the seminar to formalise a research network around the EUI as a scientific object, with a view to building a consortium for a future research funding proposal.


    • Deadline for abstract submission: 15th September 2021
    • Feedback from editors: 30th September 2021
    • Texts (4000-6000 words) submitted for circulation prior to authors' seminar: 31st December 2021
    • Authors' seminar: 17th January 2022
    • Full texts submitted for publication: 28th February 2022
    • Feedback to authors: 1st June 2022
    • Final versions of texts: 1st September 2022
    • Publication: December 2022
  • 14.07.2021 22:18 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Department of Management, Society and Communication, Copenhagen Business School

    Copenhagen Business School invites applications for a PhD fellowship in Digital Media, Sustainability and Social Movements at the Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC).

    Multi-disciplinary by design, MSC leverages the synergies of its faculty to explore the conditions and practices of responsible management, organisation and governance in a globalising world, sharing a particular concern with culture, communication and context as lenses to understand the interaction and interdependencies of business and society.

    MSC is a significant supplier of research-based teaching to a broad portfolio of programmes, which includes undergraduate, graduate and doctoral teaching and supervision as well as executive education in the fields of:

    • Responsible Management, Leadership and Governance
    • Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability
    • Business and Development (with an emphasis on the emerging/growth economies context)
    • Organisational Communication (corporate communication, strategic communication, leadership communication, marketing communication, international business communication) and Media Studies

    Examples of research areas that the PhD may cover:

    • Digital media and activism
    • Social movement studies
    • Qualitative research methods: interviews, field observation, digital ethnography

    This position is part of the larger research project DIGIBASE funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark and led by Principal Investigator Julie Uldam. DIGIBASE examines the role of imagination about digital media for dialogue between multinational companies and social movement organisations.

    The PhD is expected to conduct interviews, field observation, and digital ethnography. Qualifications related to these tasks and social movement organisations is an advantage.

    The successful candidate ideally starts in December 2021.

    The Department will give priority to applicants with high grades from their universities. The three-year PhD programme at CBS allows you to conduct research under the supervision of CBS professors, supported by research training courses. The programme is highly international, and you are expected to participate in international research conferences and to spend time abroad as a visiting PhD student. See the CBS homepage for more information about the PhD programme, .

    It is also required that the applicant shows an interest in joining the Department’s research environment, see…man...

    CBS PhD graduates are held in high esteem not only in academia and research institutions but also in government and business where their research qualifications are increasingly demanded. One third of CBS PhD graduates go on to employment outside universities and public research institutions.

    Copenhagen Business School has a broad commitment to the excellence, distinctiveness and relevance of its teaching and research programmes. Candidates who wish to join us should demonstrate enthusiasm for working in an organisation of this type (highlighting, for example, relevant business, educational and dissemination activities).

    For further information please contact: Head of Department Dorte Salskov-Iversen, email Information about the department may be found at

    Appointment and salary will be in accordance with the Ministry of Finance’s agreement with the Central Academic Organisation.

    General information:

    A PhD scholarship runs for a period of 3 years, and includes teaching obligations equivalent of ½ year’s work (840 work hours). The scholarships are fully salaried positions, according to the national Danish collective agreement. The scholarship includes the tuition fees, office space, travel grants plus a salary, currently starting with per month app. DKK 27.363 up to DKK 33.045 depending on seniority, plus a pension contribution totaling 17,1 %.

    The salary level and appointment is determined by the Ministry of Finance’s collective agreement with the Central Academic Organisation.

    The PhD student will be enrolled at the CBS PhD School (…ool)


    • To be considered, the candidate should have basic training at the Masters level (similar to the 3 + 2 Bologna process).
    • The applicant must have successfully completed the Masters degree before commencing PhD at CBS.
    • Applicants must have achieved the equivalent grade of ten (10) or higher on the Danish 7-point grading scale for their master’s thesis.
    • The minimum grade point average of 8.2 on the Danish 7-point grading scale must have been achieved for the bachelor's degree and the master's degree combined.
    • The applicant must be fluent in English.


    Applications must be sent via the electronic recruitment system, using the link below.

    The application deadline is 6 September 2021 at midnight CET.

    Applications must include:

    • Research proposal (maximum 5 pages).

    This research proposal should contain a presentation of an original research question, a description of the initial theoretical framework and methodology, a presentation of the suggested empirical material as well as a work-plan.

    • Copies of a Master’s degree certificate or other certificates of a corresponding level along with a grade transcript
    • Brief curriculum vitae (CV)
    • List of papers and publications
    • One copy of a selected written work (e.g. Master’s thesis)
    • Documentation for English language skills

    Recruitment procedure

    The Recruitment Committee expects to shortlist at least two-five applicants to be assessed by the Assessment Committee. All applicants will be notified of their status in the recruitment process shortly after the application deadline. Applicants selected for assessment will be notified about the composition of the Assessment Committee and later in the process about the result of the assessment.

    Once the recruitment process is completed each applicant will be notified of the outcome of their application.

    Please find guidelines and further information on scholarships and the Doctoral Programme at

    Application must be sent via the electronic recruitment system, using the link below.

    Copenhagen Business School must receive all application material, including all appendices (see items above), by the application deadline.

    Details about Copenhagen Business School and the department are available at

  • 14.07.2021 22:12 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Mediterranean Journal of Communication

    Deadline: February 1, 2021

    "Disinformation and Treatment of Democratic Memory in Social Networks", in Mediterranean Journal of Communication (SCOPUS 2021 & Q1 FECyt) coordinated by Dr. Carlos López-Olano (Universitat de València, España), Dr. Sebastián Sánchez (Universitat de València, España) and Dr. Mauricio Dimant (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) It will be published in 2022 july (V13N2). Endline of reception of articles: February 1st 2022.

    No payment for the authors is required. More information here:…cfp

    Post-truth, misinformation, hoaxes, fake news. These are concepts that have reached the communication landscape to stay, accompanied over time by the rise of parties linked to the extreme right, experienced universally. The media agenda of these new political options protected in democratic societies is limited to a few but very controversial issues, which seek to achieve an objective of emotional mobilization of the electorate. Among them, the democratic memory stands out, referring in Spain to the institutional crimes committed during the Franco dictatorship. But beyond Spain, in many other countries with a past of totalitarian regimes, memory is also acquiring a leading role in the media arena, centralized in dissemination through social networks.

    This monograph aims to promote critical reflection and debate on the use of memory as a subject included in the agenda of these far-right parties. Some of the research questions that we raise in this Call for Papers are:

    • Treatment and dissemination of information on personalities and historical processes.
    • Treatment and dissemination of information on the recovery of memory activities such as the opening of graves of shot.
    • Treatment and dissemination of information on the measures aimed at obtaining moral reparation for the various past crimes of totalitarian regimes.
    • Comparative or transnational studies on memory treatment.

    This issue seeks to address the matter from different communicative perspectives, so political, philosophical, cultural and from historical experiences in different latitudes, with the aim of discussing and reflecting on communication and politics, especially from the construction of a historical memory, its value facing uncertainty, building trust and understanding the future.




Chaussée de Waterloo 1151
1180 Uccle

Who to contact

Support Young Scholars Fund

Help fund travel grants for young scholars who participate at ECC conferences. We accept individual and institutional donations.



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