European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 17.06.2021 10:45 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dmitry Chernobrov

    How do people make sense of distant, but disturbing international events? Why are some representations more appealing than others? What do they mean for the perceiver’s own sense of self? Going beyond conventional analysis of political imagining and perception at the level of accuracy, this book reveals how self-conceptions are unconsciously, but centrally present in judgments and representations of international others.

    Combining international relations and psychosocial studies, Dmitry Chernobrov shows how the imagining of international politics is self-affirming and is shaped by the need for positive societal self-concepts. The book captures evidence of self-affirming political imagining in how the general public in the West and Russia understood the Arab Uprisings and makes an argument both about and beyond this particular case. The book will appeal to those interested in perception and political imagining, ontological security, identity and emotion, collective memory, international crises and political psychology.

    The paperback edition has just launched with a 30% discount with code RLFANDF30 on the publishers website.

  • 17.06.2021 10:44 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: June 24, 2021

    Preliminary title: Everyday Life in the Culture of Surveillance

    Format: Anthology (double-blind peer review)

    Publisher: Nordicom (Open Access, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

    Editors: Coppélie Cocq, Jesper Enbom, Stefan Gelfgren, & Lars Samuelsson (all at Umeå University)

    Contact: Stefan Gelfgren, Associate Professor, Dept. of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, Umeå University (

    Background and aim of the planned publication

    Today, personal data is gathered through the welfare state and healthcare providers; societal infrastructure (electricity, water, demographics, voter statistics, etc.); and voluntarily sharing of our data through use of smartphones, wearables, social media, streaming services, games, and more. Data is gathered, coordinated, and analysed to gain insights into our everyday lives; thus, members of contemporary digitalised societies live in what David Lyon refers to in his book of the same name, The Culture of Surveillance (2018).

    With ubiquitous surveillance the “new normal”, Nordicom and external editors invite contributions for an anthology focusing on the cultural, mundane, and everyday-life aspect of online surveillance – in Lyon’s words, “the participation and engagement of surveilled and surveilling subjects” (2018: 6).

    Studies addressing the Nordic countries and their contexts and perspectives will be of particular interest, but studies focusing other countries may also be considered (not least if they are of a theoretical, philosophical, or universal character – an example could be online surveillance from a human rights perspective). A central question to be explored is how online surveillance is perceived and handled by citizens in the Nordic countries – whether it is through acceptance, adaptation, and resistance. Among others, the following are questions to be posed:

    • What can legitimise the collection and use of personal data, from the perspective of private citizens?
    • What is perceived as surveillance in our digital age, that is, when does information sharing on social media platforms, for instance, become uncomfortable and risky?

    Whereas attitudes and actions of “ordinary” citizens will be an important theme for the book, contributions focusing on ethical or philosophical questions are also welcome, and so are contributions focusing on policies surrounding online surveillance. The following are potential questions that could be approached, among others:

    • What ethical aspects of data collection do researchers and policy-makers need to address or compromise with when compiling, sharing, publishing, and analysing large datasets based on private data?
    • What limitations and potentials does surveillance culture impose in terms of democratisation?

    We anticipate contributions from a variety of disciplines, but especially encourage contributions from the humanities and cultural studies sphere. An ambition with the book is to put forth humanistic perspectives on surveillance and the emergence of surveillance cultures.


    All with an interest in contributing should write an extended abstract (max. 750 words) where the main theme (or argument) of the intended chapter is described. The abstract should contain the preliminary title and keywords (3–5). How the chapter fits with the overall aim of the anthology – to examine and analyse online surveillance in the Nordics – should be mentioned.

    Deadline for extended abstracts: 24 June 2021. Please contact Stefan Gelfgren ( for further information.

    Scholars invited to submit a full chapter will be notified by e-mail in August 2021. Guidelines for how individual chapters are to be structured and formatted (including style of referencing) will be provided to all scholars invited to submit a full chapter.

    Deadline for the submission of full chapters (approx. 7,000 words): January 2022 (exact date to be decided later).

    Rounds of reviews and revisions are planned to take place during the first half of 2022, and a full manuscript is to be submitted to Nordicom before the summer (2022).

    Please note: The dates are preliminary. The ambition is, however, to publish the book in 2022.

    About Nordicom

    Nordicom is a centre for Nordic media research at the University of Gothenburg. The centre is jointly funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Swedish Ministry of Culture, and the University of Gothenburg. All Nordicom publications are Open Access and can be read online and downloaded for free.

    Important dates

    24 June 2021: deadline for the submission of extended abstracts (contact:

    Spring 2022: finalising of manuscripts

    Autumn 2022: publication

  • 17.06.2021 10:39 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July 14, 2021

    We invite you – on 14th July - to Citizen Agency in a Datafied Society - the final event in the Keywords in Technology and Society series hosted by the research theme Technology and Society at the University of Surrey. We are thrilled to be hosting Stefania Milan – from the University of Amsterdam for this last event. “Citizen agency in the datafied society” explores the evolution of citizenship in the age of big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Dialoguing with critical data studies and political sociology, this talk surveys how the expansion of intelligent systems into society alters the perception and exercise of political agency, focusing in particular on the consolidation of governance by data infrastructure and the emergence of grassroots responses such as data activism.

    Speaker Biography:

    Stefania Milan teaches New Media and Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam and her research explores the interplay between digital technology and participation, and activism and social movements in particular, cyberspace governance, and data epistemologies. Stefania is the author of Social Movements and Their Technologies: Wiring Social Change (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013; released in paperback in March 2016), and co-author of Media/Society (Sage, 2011). Her work has appeared in a variety of peer-reviewed journals, including Information, Communication & Society, the International Journal of Communication, Internet & Policy, the Internet Policy Review, Social Media + Society. Stefania represents non-commercial users in the Council of the Generic Names Supporting Organization of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), and serves in the Working Group ‘An Internet Free and Secure’ of the Freedom Online Coalition, where she contributes to develop guidelines for cybersecurity decision-making. As a consultant she worked for, amongst others, the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, where she contributed to the implementation of the Digital Agenda for Europe, and the European Commission.

    Please do join us for Agency on 14th July.

    Please sign up here: Agency Tickets, Wed 14 Jul 2021 at 14:00 | Eventbrite.

    Video Recordings of Keywords Events:

    ‘Agency’ will be the final event in our 2021 Keywords Series. We welcome you to take a look at the live recordings of our previous events on the theme page – we have all our Keywords sessions recorded and available to view online: Strategic Research Theme: Technology & Society | University of Surrey.

    Please note that this event is fully public and open to anyone to attend, so please feel free to circulate this email to anyone in your wider external networks who may be interested in either this event or the wider series.

  • 17.06.2021 10:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    American University of Paris

    The American University of Paris invites applications for a full-time position in the Department of Communication, Media and Culture at the rank of Assistant Professor ideally beginning 1 January 2022.

    The successful applicant, with experience in teaching filmmaking, will be responsible for teaching production courses in the Film Studies undergraduate program. Our ideal candidate will also have experience in teaching contemporary international cinema, with an emphasis on regions from the Global South.

    Qualifications: An M.F.A or Ph.D. in Film Studies or a related discipline at the time of appointment (1 January 2022). Proven capacity for excellent, engaged teaching and commitment to student learning within a liberal arts context.

    The successful candidate should be able to cover many of our existing courses, including the following: the introductory course Principles of Video Production and the advanced courses Directing and Producing the Short Fiction Film; Making a Documentary; The Art of Screenwriting; and Writing Fiction for Television. The new person should also be able to teach courses in film studies that would expand our current offerings internationally or regionally such as, for example, Asian Cinema, and/or Arab and African Cinema. They might alternate with current staff to cover contemporary international directors as part of our rotating Directors series. We would be particularly interested in candidates who could teach a new course on Documentaries in Action.

    A strong record in curriculum development and familiarity with liberal arts education, learning objectives, skills development (critical thinking, information literacy, writing in the disciplines, etc.) and assessment is highly desirable. Capacity to work in a multi-cultural environment is a strong plus. Ability to speak and/or read French would be an advantage.

    We invite and encourage women and members of underrepresented populations to apply. The University is an equal opportunity employer for whom diversity is an essential source of vitality and strength.

    The Institution: Founded in 1962, The American University of Paris (AUP) is a small, undergraduate and Masters degree-granting institution with a Liberal Arts core, dedicated to the advancement of the Arts and Sciences in an international and multicultural environment. AUP brings together the values of the American higher education system with its location in Paris and Europe. Located at the crossroads of American and European institutions of higher education and research, AUP facilitates its faculty’s development of an international and stimulating professional network. The Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools accredits AUP in the United States of America. AUP has cooperative agreements USA and European-based universities.

    The Department: Dedicated to the international and comparative study of communications, media and culture, the department houses three undergraduate majors, one in Global Communications, one in Journalism and one in Film Studies. It also houses six undergraduate minors and a dynamic MA program in Global Communications offering MA tracks in Fashion, Development Communications and Digital Cultures and Industries.


    • The teaching load is six courses per academic year.
      • Professional mentorship is an important component of our work with students.
      • Commitment to scholarship, excellence in teaching, integrative learning
    • Service to the department (contributing to curricular development and innovation, collegial behavior, advising students)
    • Willingness to provide service to the university (participation in committee work, assessment, interdisciplinary collaboration)
    • Participating in faculty governance, including attending full faculty, department, and committee meetings
    • Working in a professional and collegial manner with the university community
    • Maintaining compliance with policies and procedures in the Faculty Manual

    Faculty at AUP must have a commitment to liberal arts education in a highly international environment and pursue international research and scholarship and/or creative activities. We seek engaged scholars and have high expectations of teaching and scholarly research.

    Applications: Please submit your application to


    • cover letter
    • curriculum vitae
    • statement of pedagogical philosophy with evidence of teaching effectiveness
    • a portfolio of recent work
    • three confidential letters of reference

    The search committee will begin reviewing applications on 5 July 2021. The search will continue until the position is filled.

  • 17.06.2021 10:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The American University of Paris

    The American University of Paris invites applications for a full-time position in the Department of Communication, Media and Culture at the rank of Assistant Professor ideally beginning 1 January 2022.

    Qualifications: A PhD in film studies or a related discipline by time of appointment (1 January 2022). ABD and M.F.A candidates may be considered. Applicants should have a strong academic background in the history of cinema, with a preference for expertise in the following areas: International and non-western cinemas; film criticism; film and the visual cultures; and screen studies. A candidate who also has expertise in a practical area such as screenwriting, editing, filmmaking or digital media would be strongly considered for the position. Experience or willingness to teach in a small liberal arts institution is a key requirement for this position. A demonstrated ability to teach across disciplines is an asset for applicants. The candidate should be able to demonstrate capacity for research and engaged teaching.

    We invite and encourage women and underrepresented populations to apply. The University is an equal opportunity employer for whom diversity is an essential source of vitality and strength.

    The Institution: Founded in 1962, The American University of Paris (AUP) is a small, undergraduate and Masters degree-granting institution with a Liberal Arts core, dedicated to the advancement of the Arts and Sciences in an international and multicultural environment. AUP brings together the values of the American higher education system with its location in Paris and Europe. Located at the crossroads of American and European institutions of higher education and research, AUP facilitates its faculty’s development of an international and stimulating professional network. The Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools accredits AUP in the United States of America. AUP has cooperative agreements with USA and European-based universities.

    The Department: Dedicated to the international and comparative study of communications, media and culture, the department houses three undergraduate majors, one in Global Communications, one in Journalism and one in Film Studies. It also houses six undergraduate minors and a dynamic MA program in Global Communications offering MA tracks in Fashion, Development Communications and Digital Cultures and Industries.


    • The teaching load is six courses per academic year
      • Professional mentorship is an important component of our work with students.
      • Commitment to scholarship, excellence in teaching, integrative learning
    • Service to the department (contributing to curricular development and innovation, collegial behavior, advising students)
    • Willingness to provide service to the university (participation in committee work, assessment, interdisciplinary collaboration)
    • Participating in faculty governance, including attending full faculty, department, and committee meetings
    • Working in a professional and collegial manner with the university community
    • Maintaining compliance with policies and procedures in the Faculty Manual

    Faculty at AUP must have a commitment to liberal arts education in a highly international environment and pursue international research and scholarship. We seek engaged scholars and have high expectations of teaching and scholarly research.

    Applications: Please submit your application to


    • cover letter
    • curriculum vitae
    • statement of pedagogical philosophy with evidence of teaching effectiveness
    • statement of research interests
    • a writing sample of recent scholarship
    • three confidential letters of reference

    The search committee will begin reviewing applications on 5 July 2021. The search will continue until the position is filled.

  • 17.06.2021 10:29 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 17, 2021


    I am pleased to invite you to the next in the series of IPRA Thought Leadership webinars. The webinar One platform for all: the INEOS in Cologne intranet case study will be presented by the communications team from INEOS Cologne comprising Dr Anne-Gret Iturriaga Abarzua, Maite Enfedaque and Johanna Pauly on Thursday 17 June 2021 at 12.00 GMT/UCT (13.00 British Summer Time).

    What is the webinar content?

    Informing and engaging staff internally by enabling them to act as ambassadors in their community is crucial for the sustainable and long-term success of a company. This webinar is about a best practice example, which won the IPRA Golden World Award 2020 in the category Internal Communications, using the out-of-the box technology Office 365 to keep staff up-to-date.

    How to join

    Register here at Airmeet.

    A reminder will be sent 1 hour before the event.

    Background to IPRA

    IPRA, the International Public Relations Association, was established in 1955, and is the leading global network for PR professionals in their personal capacity. IPRA aims to advance trusted communication and the ethical practice of public relations. We do this through networking, our code of conduct and intellectual leadership of the profession. IPRA is the organiser of public relations' annual global competition, the Golden World Awards for Excellence (GWA). IPRA's services enable PR professionals to collaborate and be recognised. Members create content via our Thought Leadership essays, social media and our consultative status with the United Nations. GWA winners demonstrate PR excellence. IPRA welcomes all those who share our aims and who wish to be part of the IPRA worldwide fellowship. For more see

    Background to the INEOS team

    Dr Anne-Gret Iturriaga Abarzua is the Head of Communications for INEOS in Cologne. She is an IPRA board member. Next to her communication and anthropology studies in Vienna, she worked as a freelance journalist for Austrian and German media as well as for PR agencies. As a consultant in a PR agency in Vienna, she helped clients of the plastics and wood industry shaping their reputation. Before arriving to INEOS in Cologne, she was the Communications Manager for EVC (now INOVYN) in Germany.

    Maite Enfedaque is the Communications Officer for INEOS in Cologne. With a bachelor’s degree in advertising and public relations and a master's degree in strategic management in global communications, she has her work experience in advertising agencies as a producer, where she was responsible for the development and execution of BTL campaigns as well as the organization of events for global consumer brands.

    Johanna is Junior Communications Manager for INEOS in Cologne. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism and corporate communications and is a local graduate at INEOS in their graduate programme for young professionals. She has experience in event management, is responsible for donation and sponsoring activities and organises multi and cross channel communications via intranet and internet, social media and printed media.


    International Public Relations Association Secretariat

    United Kingdom

    Telephone +44 1634 818308

  • 17.06.2021 10:26 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dublin City University

    The School of Communications at Dublin City University is now inviting applications for one PhD Scholarship in the area of Media/Internet Freedom.

    The School of Communications at DCU is home to almost 1,000 students at undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD levels. With a tradition stretching back almost 40 years, the School is defined by excellence in both teaching and research in journalism, multimedia and communications studies. In the QS global subject rankings in 2020 DCU was in the top 200 of almost 4,500 universities worldwide in the area of communications. DCU is ranked number 1 nationally in Communications & Media Studies.

    The School’s academics undertake research that contributes to national and international debates and to public policy formation. They have also led research projects supported by national and international funders.

    This cutting-edge research is across a range of (inter)disciplinary fields including (new) media studies, media history, journalism studies, science communication, political communication, social media studies, film and television studies, music industry studies, advertising, and cultural studies. In the past five years, the School has supported approximately 40 doctoral students to achieve PhD awards through this scheme.

    The School now has an opening for one funded PhD scholarship (across a four-year duration). As well as a tax-free stipend of €16,500 plus fees, the successful candidate will also be supported with funding for conference travel; we also offer PhD students opportunities to gain teaching experience.

    In this call, we invite applications in the following area:

    Media/Internet Freedom: The fellowship will focus on contemporary threats to media freedom and/or internet freedom. Possible research topics include (but are not limited to): threats to journalism; new forms of media capture and control; media/internet freedom measures and indicators; freedom of expression and content moderation or combating disinformation; human rights approaches to platform governance.

    N.B. Inquiries and applications should be submitted directly to Dr. Eileen Culloty (

    N.B. Applications should consist of a 2,000 word research proposal as well as a brief CV detailing academic qualifications and professional experience to date.

    Closing date for applications: Friday 9th July 2021.

    The scholarship will commence on 01st October 2021.

  • 17.06.2021 10:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Reflective Compendium

    Editors: Weder, Franzisca, Krainer, Larissa, Karmasin, Matthias (Eds.)

    The Textbook seeks for an innovative approach to Sustainability Communication as transdisciplinary area of research. Following the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which are intended to transform the world as it is known, we seek for a multidisciplinary discussion of the role communication plays in realizing these goals. With complementing theoretical approaches and concepts, the book offers various perspectives on communication practices and strategies on an individual, organizational, institutional, as well as public level that contribute, enable (or hinder) sustainable development. Presented case studies show methodological as well as issue specific challenges in sustainability communication. Therefore, the book introduces and promotes innovative methods for this specific area of research.

  • 17.06.2021 10:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Södertörn University


    Ref AP-2020/842

    Södertörns högskola (Södertörn University) in south Stockholm is a dynamic institute of higher education with a unique profile and high academic standard. A large proportion of the university staff holds doctorates and there is a strong link between undergraduate education and research. Södertörn University has around 11 000 students and 840 employees. Undergraduate and postgraduate education and research are conducted in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Life Sciences, Technology and Education. Our site is in Flemingsberg. Södertörn University is an equal opportunities employer.

    Media Technology is an interdisciplinary technological subject at the School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies. The subject has been offered at Södertörn University since 2001, and has a broad focus on the design, construction and analysis of digital media. Media Technology is the second-largest subject at the university and is a dynamic and creative environment for research and education. The subject offers courses on several programmes at the university, and is the main subject for three of them: the IT, Media and Design, and Computer Games programmes at Bachelor’s level, and the international Master’s programme in User Experience and Interactive Media Design. Research in the subject is multidisciplinary, combining the exploration of technology and design with perspectives from the social sciences and humanities. Thematically, our research has three areas: Experience and Use, Critical Perspectives and Digital Design and Emerging Media Technologies.

    Job description

    The new professor will have a leading research role in the department’s multidisciplinary research environment. Initially, this position includes three years of half-time research, which must be used for research and subject development in the field of digital media. The professor is expected to contribute to the research environment by developing research projects in partnership with others at the academic school, guiding younger researchers and working actively to promote cooperation across subject boundaries and with the surrounding community. The professor is expected to possess expertise in research specialising in digital media with design and/or user perspectives. Research duties normally include research, leading roles in projects and applications for research funding, collaborative activities, and active participation in the academic community through assignments to review manuscripts and applications, as an external expert, external reviewer or lecturer. Interest in applying local, regional or global research perspectives, preferably including the countries of the Baltic Sea region or Eastern Europe, may be advantageous because this is an important research profile at Södertörn University.

    Educational duties may include the development and implementation of education from Bachelor’s to doctoral levels, collaborative initiatives, and supervision and examination of doctoral students. Duties in leadership and collaborative activities may include participation in management work at Södertörn University, faculty work, development of cooperation across subject boundaries inside and outside Södertörn University, as well as the development of, and participation in, engagement with the surrounding community.

    The position requires presence at the academic school and participation in collegial work. Teaching is conducted in English.


    You are qualified for employment as a professor of Media Technology if you have demonstrated research expertise and teaching expertise in Media Technology or a closely related subject. You must have completed a course in teaching and learning in higher education worth at least 7.5 credits or have the equivalent competence, as well as having the personal skills necessary to do your job well and to represent the university in a way that benefits its activities. For this position, the applicant must be able to teach in English.

    Research expertise is demonstrated through high quality scholarly publications of significant scope in the relevant subject area, research funding obtained in competition, the initiation and leadership of research projects, research collaboration, third stream activities, contributions to the development of the subject, and through assignments as an external reviewer, external expert, editor or similar.

    Teaching expertise is demonstrated through high quality teaching of considerable scope at first, second and third cycle levels, leading and participating in educational development work, published texts on teaching and learning, a self-reflective approach to students’ learning and experience and their own role as a teacher. It is also demonstrated through establishing links between research and higher education, appointment as a recognised or distinguished university teacher or the equivalent, building up and developing degree programmes, initiatives in educational cooperation, initiatives in third stream activities and the supervision of doctoral students.

    Grounds for assessment

    The assessment criteria for appointment as a professor are the level of expertise required as qualification for employment. For this position, scholarly expertise is of more importance than teaching expertise.

    In addition to the above primary grounds for assessment, the specific grounds below are required (as ranked). The below items must be documented.

    • Expertise in leading and developing research and research environments related to digital media, including expertise in applying for and being awarded funding
    • Expertise in research specialising in digital media with design and/or user perspectives.
    • Expertise in collaboration and networking in the field
    • Expertise in collaboration with the surrounding community
    • Good cooperation skills
    • Administrative skills

    For complete information about qualifications and the criteria for assessing them, please read Södertörn University’s Appointments Procedure.


    The position is full-time and until further notice, start date to be agreed.


    The application deadline is 31 August 2021.

    Additional information

    Maria Normark, subject coordinator, +46 (0)702 290 313,

    Anders Green, head of department, +46 (0)70 868 0742,

    Ester Appelgren, head of school, +46 (0)72 514 4492,

    Anna Mustelin, HR specialist +46 (0)8 608 4549,

    Welcome with your application!

    On our website,, there is an application template that the applicant needs to follow. Publications referred to must be attached to the application.

    An application that is not complete or arrives at Södertörn University after the closing date may be rejected.

    The current employment is valid on condition that the employment decision becomes valid.

    Södertörn University may apply CV review.

    Union representatives:


    ST: ST: Björn Åkerblom tel: + 46 8 608 41 29,

    SEKO: Henry Wölling tel: +46 8 524 840 80,

    Södertörn University has made strategic advertisement choices for this recruitment. Therefore, we decline all contact with advertisers and other salespersons of advertisement.

    URL to this page

  • 17.06.2021 09:56 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Södertörn University


    Ref AP-2021/348

    Södertörn University in south Stockholm is a dynamic institute of higher education with a unique profile and high academic standard. A large proportion of the university staff holds doctorates and there is a strong link between undergraduate education and research. Södertörn University has around 11 000 students and 840 employees.

    Södertörn University is an equal opportunities employer.

    Media and Communication Studies at Södertörn University is one of Sweden’s leading environments for media research and education. It engages with the contemporary media landscape and is founded on a historically informed understanding in which digital communication technologies and their contexts are related to their predecessors. The research environment currently comprises around 25 researchers/lecturers, including five full professors, eight associate professors (docents), and four doctoral students. All the doctoral students have an international profile, and English is the working language for the doctoral degree programme.

    For more information, please click here (English version) or see (Swedish version).

    General Syllabus for third-cycle programmes in Media and Communication Studies (English version) or Swedish version.

    Critical and Cultural Theory is an interdisciplinary research environment with seven subjects in the humanities. Research focuses on critically motivated studies of cultural artefacts and human practices. For more information, please click here

    Entry requirements

    The general entry requirements are:

    1. a second-cycle qualification

    2. fulfilled requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle, or

    3. substantially equivalent knowledge acquired in some other way in Sweden or abroad.

    The Faculty Board may permit an exemption from the general entry requirements for an individual applicant, if there are special grounds. (Ordinance 2010:1064)

    Specific entry requirements are fulfilled by a student who has passed courses worth at least 90 credits in Media and Communication Studies, including a degree project worth at least 15 credits, or who has acquired the equivalent knowledge abroad or through a previous qualification. If there are special grounds, the Faculty Board may permit an exemption from the specific entry requirements for an individual applicant.

    The ability to assimilate academic material in English and a command of the language necessary for work on the thesis are prerequisites for admission to the degree programme.

    Admission and employment

    This position includes admission to third-cycle education, i.e. research level, and employment on a doctoral studentship at the School of Culture and Education at Södertörn University. The intended outcome for admitted students is a PhD. The programme covers 240 credits, which is the equivalent of four years of full-time study. The position may be extended by a maximum of one year due to the inclusion of departmental duties, i.e. education, research and/or administration (equivalent to no more than 20% of full-time). Other grounds for extension could be leave of absence because of illness or for service in the defence forces, an elected position in a trade union/student organisation, or parental leave. Provisions relating to employment on a doctoral studentship are in the Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 5, Sections 1-7.

    Date of employment: 1 September 2021

    Information about admission regulations (including selection criteria) and third-cycle education at Södertörn University (English version) or Swedish version.

    Further information

    Göran Bolin, Director of Studies, Media and Communication Studies (third cycle),

    Mirjam Bargello Lindberg, Human Resources Officer, School of Culture and Education,, +46 (0)8 608 5174

    Application procedure

    Please use Södertörn University´s web-based recruitment system “ReachMee”. Click on the link "ansök" (apply) at the bottom of the announcement.

    Your application should be written in English and must include:

    - an application letter

    - curriculum vitae

    - degree certificate and certificates that demonstrate eligibility to apply for the position

    - Bachelor’s essay and dissertation at second-cycle level in the field in accordance with the entry requirements

    - a research plan (project plan) of between 1000 and 1500 words. The project’s relevance to Critical and Cultural Theory must be clear.

    - two references, with contact details.

    If available, a maximum of three publications may also be attached.

    Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please note that one copy of everything submitted in association with your application will be kept on file at Södertörn University for two years after the post has been filled, in accordance with a directive from the Swedish National Archives.

    Application deadline: 30 June 2021 at 23:59.

    Your application has to be submitted before deadline.

    Welcome with your application!

    On our website,, there is an application template that the applicant needs to follow. Publications referred to must be attached to the application.

    An application that is not complete or arrives at Södertörn University after the closing date may be rejected.

    The current employment is valid on condition that the employment decision becomes valid.

    Södertörn University may apply CV review.

    Union representatives:


    ST: ST: Björn Åkerblom tel: + 46 8 608 41 29,

    SEKO: Henry Wölling tel: +46 8 524 840 80,

    Södertörn University has made strategic advertisement choices for this recruitment. Therefore, we decline all contact with advertisers and other salespersons of advertisement.

    URL to this page




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