European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 17.06.2021 09:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 23-24, 2021

    Registration deadline: June 20, 2021

    The Covid-19 global pandemic shows that the exponential growth of humanity in all its aspects since the industrial era has admittedly enabled it to conquer the moon, but also leaves it as vulnerable facing a microscopic virus as it was the case with the so-called Spanish influenza epidemic a century ago.

    We could therefore have expected that the answers to the pandemic had led to homogeneous behavior in most of the countries, and that consequently, the communication of the various governments in this regard was carried out in parallel, if not similar directions, in the face of the pandemic progress different stages - and of the efforts to try to counter it. However, in front of this crisis, the measures taken by the states concerned were sometimes distinct, and in a few cases even divergent. And in fact, the communication from different governments has significantly differed, whether the measures were similar or not.

    One crisis, different realities? Or just countries idiosyncrasies reflecting in their government communication stands? This is what the international researchers gathered for this workshop on June 23 and 24, 2021 will try to establish.

    Day 1 : Wednesday, June 23

    13:45-14:00 – Workshop participants presentation

    14:00 -14:30 – Opening

    • Noël Dimarcq, Vice-President Recherche et Innovation, Université Nice Côte d'Azur
    • Nicolas Pelissier, Université Nice Côte d'Azur, Directeur du Sic.Lab. Méditerranée
    • Philippe J. Maarek & Faïza Naït-Bouda, Université Paris Est-UPEC & Université Nice Côte d'Azur, Directeurs scientifiques du workshop

    14:30-16:30 – Panel 1 : Who decides ? Charismatic Leaders or Scientific Experts?

    Chair : Juliana Raupp, Freie Universität Berlin, Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Germany

    • Lars Nord, Mid Sweden University, Sweden
    • Darren Lilleker, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom
    • Adilson Vaz Cabral Filho, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil
    • Sofia Ventura, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Italy

    16:45- 18:30 – Panel 2: Leading or following the Crisis?

    Chair : Stylianos Papathanassopoulos, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

    • Inna Šteinbuka, University of Latvia, Latvia
    • Philippe J. Maarek & Faïza Naït-Bouda, University Paris Est – UPEC & University Nice Côte d'Azur, France
    • Małgorzata Winiarska-Brodowska, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

    18:30- 19:00 – Open discussion

    Day 2 : Thursday, June 24 morning

    9:15 - 9:30 – Second Day Opening

    9:30 - 11h – Panel 3:  What kind of Underpinning ? Mobilization or Propaganda?

    Chair : Lars Nord, Midwestern University, Sweden

    • Sally Young, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne, Australia
    • Jangyul Robert Kim, Colorado State University & Sera Choi, Colorado State University, United States
    • Deqiang Ji & Lu Liu, Institute for A Community with Shared Future, Communication University of China, China

    11:15 - 13:15 - Panel 4 : Who to believe? Government trust or mistrust?

    Chair : Herman Wasserman, University of Cape Town, South Africa

    • Stylianos Papathanassopoulos, Antonis Armenakis & Achilleas Karadimitriou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
    • Leslie Tkach-Kawasaki, University of Tsukuba, Japan
    • Hillel Nossek, Kinneret Academic College on the Sea of Galilee, Israel
    • Žaneta Ozoliņa, University of Latvia, Latvia
    • Marta Rebolledo & Jordi Rodriguez Virgili, Navarra University, Spain

    Day 2 : Thursday, June 24 afternoon

    13:15 - 14:30 – Lunch break

    14:30 -17:00 – Panel 5 : How to reach the people ? Traditional Television, Press conferences or Social Media ?

    Chair : Darren Lilleker, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom

    • Anastasia Grusha, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
    • Juliana Raupp, Freie Universität Berlin, Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Germany
    • Marion R. Just, Wellesley College, Joseph Saraceno & Ann N. Crigler, University of Southern California, United States
    • Alexander Frame & Gilles Brachotte, University of Burgundy, France
    • Herman Wasserman, University of Cape Town, South Africa

    17:00 -18:00 – General discussion :

    Chair : Philippe J. Maarek & Faïza Naït-Bouda, University Paris Est – UPEC & University Côte d'Azur, Workshop Scientific Directors

    This international research workshop is organized by Sic.Lab Méditerranée, with the participation of the Center for Comparative Studies in Political and Public Communication (CECCOPOP). It is supported by the University of Côte d'Azur EUR Creates, the International School of Political Science of University Paris Est- UPEC and the Val de Marne Department Council. It has been granted by the UCA-JEDI ANR-15-IDEX-01 program.

    Scientific Direction

    • Philippe J. MAAREK, Université Paris Est – UPEC & Sic.Lab Méditerranée
    • Faïza NAIT-BOUDA, Université Côte d'Azur & Sic.Lab Méditerranée

    Scientific Board

    • Philippe J. MAAREK, Université Paris Est – UPEC & Sic.Lab Méditerranée
    • Faïza NAIT-BOUDA, Université Côte d'Azur & Sic.Lab Méditerranée
    • Yves PALAU, Université Paris Est – UPEC & Laboratoire interdisciplinaire d’étude du politique - Hannah Arendt (LIPHA)
    • Nicolas PELISSIER, Université Côte d'Azur & Sic.Lab Méditerranée
    • Paul RASSE, Université Côte d'Azur & le Sic.Lab Méditerranée

    Organizing Committee

    • Philippe J. MAAREK, Université Paris Est – UPEC & Sic.Lab Méditerranée
    • Faïza NAIT-BOUDA, Université Côte d'Azur & Sic.Lab Méditerranée

    assistés de :

    • Samer ELHAJJAR, Doctorant, Sic.Lab Méditerranée, Université Côte d'Azur
    • Annie Flore IBINGA, Doctorante, Sic.Lab Méditerranée, Universit Côte d'Azur
    • Loïc SUMIEN, Doctorant, Sic.Lab Méditerranée, Université Côte d'Azur

    Registration before June 13 :

  • 17.06.2021 09:20 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 23, 2021

    Online webinar

    The Celsius Research Group at DCU presents Communicating Covid-19 - Trials, Challenges and Lessons, on Wednesday, 23 June at 7.30 PM via Zoom webinar and you are cordially invited to attend.

    More than a year into COVID-19, it’s time to take stock and ask ourselves - what have we learned about the importance of communicating in a global pandemic? And who better to answer this question than world-renowned key players in disseminating information worldwide throughout COVID-19.

    Not to be missed, this online event will be chaired by RTÉ broadcaster Philip Boucher Hayes. Hear from an international panel of leading scientists, pandemic communication experts and journalists as they discuss the challenges, lessons learned and ways forward for pandemic communication.

    Our panelists include:

    Jody Lanard - Former World Health Organisation (WHO) Senior Pandemic influenza Communications Advisor, Risk Communications Consultant and Co – Contributor to The Peter M. Sandman Risk Communications website.

    Meg Tirrell - CNBC Senior Health & Science Reporter tracking public health emergencies from Ebola to Zika to the COVID-19 pandemic, and co-host of the STAT News podcast - "The Readout LOUD.

    Carl T Bergstrom - Professor of Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology, University of Washington, Seattle and co-author of a best-selling book on disinformation and misinformation, entitled, Calling Bullshit: The Art of Scepticism in a Data-Driven World.

    Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz - Epidemiologist at University of Wollongong, Australia, with specialisation in chronic disease research, communicating uncertainty and public health. Meyerowitz-Katz is also a science writer at The Guardian and New York Observer.

    Muge Çevik - Clinical lecturer and Physician who specialises in infectious diseases and medical virology at The University of St Andrew, Scotland. Cevik was an advisor to the WHO and Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of Scotland on COVID-19, and serves as a member of NERVETAG (New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group) - an expert committee of the UK Department of Health.

    Register now! Click here.

    This is a free and live online event via Zoom. All our welcome and early registration is advised as places are limited.

    For media inquiries and more information please contact Barbara Gormley.

    Barbara Gormley is an Irish Research Council Scholar whose expertise is pandemic communications. She is a member of the Communications and Behavioural Science Committee that advises NPHET on COVID-19 responses and lectures on the MSc. in Science and Health Communication at DCU.

  • 17.06.2021 09:12 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    March 24-27, 2022

    Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA

    Deadline: October 10, 2021

    Competitive Research Papers

    You are invited to submit Competitive Research Papers relevant to any and all aspects of advertising for presentation at the 2021 American Academy of Advertising (AAA) Conference and for publication in the AAA Conference Proceedings. All research related to any of the various aspects of advertising and marketing communication will be considered. Please note that the AAA uses the term advertising in a broad sense. We also respect all research methodologies. All submissions are subject to blind review competition, and only completed papers (no proposals or abstracts) will be considered for acceptance to the conference. Authors of accepted papers must publish an abstract of the paper for the online Proceedings, available on the American Academy of Advertising website. All papers can be published in full in other publications or journals at a future date.

    The rating criteria for Competitive Research Papers are as follows:

    • Fit with the Mission and Vision of the Association
    • Methodology
    • Readability
    • Contribution to the Field
    • Overall Rating

    Submissions may not be under consideration at other journals or conferences. You may consider the AAA review process complete when notices of acceptance/rejection are received. Papers should not exceed 30 typed, double-spaced pages in length including references, appendices, tables, etc. This page limitation will be strictly enforced. Be sure to delete all identification of the authors in the file properties, and track changes functions prior to submission. Use Journal of Advertising style to format citations. Submit your paper in Word format only; do not submit a PDF.

    To be considered for the Best Student Paper Award, papers must be authored by one or more students and not co-authored with a faculty member(s). Faculty help, however, may be listed in the acknowledgements.

    When you upload a paper submission you will see a statement specifying that at least one author of the paper agrees to register and attend the conference to present the paper. Failure to present an accepted competitive paper will result in the paper being withdrawn from the conference proceedings. Only an author listed on the paper is eligible to present at the conference. You must agree to this statement in order to submit.

    Special Topics Sessions

    You are invited to submit proposals for Special Topics Sessions that cover an entire meeting period (usually 90 minutes). These sessions are designed not only to offer information, but also to stimulate discussion and debate among panelists and audience members. Special Topics Sessions tend to focus on key issues of importance to advertising education and practice (e.g., current practitioner issues, creative topics, and/or pedagogical matters) and are not the venue for competitive research papers. Preference will be given to proposals that are not simply a compilation of research papers by different authors put together in a session. Further, preference will be given to proposals that involve and attract advertising educators who might not typically be interested in sessions that focus solely on refereed research. As such, the Academy is willing to provide “waivers” for industry participants who will be attending only a Special Topic Session (non-academics and individuals who have not been AAA members) of both AAA membership dues and registration fees. This waiver is only good for the specific session. If you would like to use these waivers, you must provide the specifics in your proposal.

    A submission should include the following: (1) a clear rationale for addressing the topic over an entire meeting period and/or through contributions from several presenters, (2) the value of the session to conference attendees, including why such a contribution is not likely to be available elsewhere at the conference, (3) names and specific roles of all participants, (4) details of how the session will be conducted under a unifying theme, including contributions of the various participants and (5) how conversations can be continued beyond the actual session.

    Since, by nature, Special Topics Sessions cannot be blind reviewed, a panel will judge all submissions. The rating criteria are as follows:

    • How current is the topic?
    • How well will it attract attendees to the session?
    • How well thought-out is the proposal?
    • Are the proposed participants appropriate and qualified for this topic?
    • How strongly do you believe this session should be included in the program?

    Preference will be given to proposals providing complete information.

    Special topics chairs are responsible for generating a one- to three-page summary after the conference for inclusion in the online Proceedings. A sample summary can be found on the AAA website.

    When you upload the special topics session proposal, you will see a statement specifying that all presenters agree to participate as specified. You must agree to this statement in order to submit the session proposal.

    Requirements and Where to Direct Questions

    Electronic submissions will be accepted beginning September 1, 2021, and must be received no later than MIDNIGHT EDT, October 1, 2021.

    Questions? Please direct them to the appropriate person, as follows:

    • Competitive Research Papers
      • Professor Sigal Segev, Vice President AAA
      • Florida International University
    • Special Topics Proposals
      • Professor Sela Sar, President-Elect AAA
      • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    • General questions about the conference
      • Professor Harsha Gangadharbatla, President AAA
      • University of Colorado, Boulder
      •  gharsha@Colorado.EDU

    We look forward to your submissions and hope that you will be able to attend the 2022 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising.

  • 10.06.2021 21:31 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Universität Hamburg


    Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Hans-Bredow-Institut for Media Research (HBI) and Universität Hamburg have agreed on a joint appointment

    Salary level: W3

    Commencement of duties: as soon as possible

    Application deadline: 22.07.2021

    If this is a first appointment, the professorship will be limited in accordance with Section 16 subsection 2 number 4 of the Hamburg higher education act (Hamburgisches Hochschulgesetz, HmbHG). It will be transformed into a tenured professorship if an evaluation procedure with a positive outcome has been conducted.


    The successful candidate is expected to teach and conduct research in the field of communication studies. As a professor of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, the post holder is required to teach four teaching hours per week and to assume examination duties.

    The successful candidate is also expected to make a significant contribution to the development of the HBI research program (

    In their application, applicants are expected to indicate to which of the University’s core research areas, emerging fields, or profile initiatives ( their research can best be assigned.

    Section 12 subsection 7 sentence 2 of the Hamburg higher education act (Hamburgisches Hochschulgesetz, HmbHG) applies.


    Academic qualifications and additional requirements as specified in Section 15 HmbHG.

    Additional criteria

    We are looking for an internationally recognized research personality whose excellent research and innovative research approaches and empirical methods are recognized in the field of communication science, especially in the areas of media use and societal media effects. We expect applicants to have an outstanding research record and extensive experience in strategic research planning, the acquisition of external funding, project and staff management, interdisciplinary research contexts, knowledge transfer, and new forms of research communication. Applicants are also expected to be willing to contribute to the development of the HBI and its positioning in the Leibniz Association and to have a pronounced ability to work collaboratively and as part of a team. Joint research initiatives with journalism and mass communication at Universität Hamburg are desired.The University places particular emphasis on the quality of teaching and therefore requests that applicants provide details of their teaching experience and objectives.

    Non-German-speaking post holders are expected to acquire the language skills necessary to teach in German (Level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) within two years of commencing employment.

    Following hearings to evaluate knowledge and expertise, selected candidates will be further assessed to ascertain their skills in the areas of management and human resources.

    As a University of Excellence, Universität Hamburg is one of the strongest research universities in Germany. As a flagship university in the greater Hamburg region, it nurtures innovative, cooperative contacts to partners within and outside academia. It also provides and promotes sustainable education, knowledge, and knowledge exchange locally, nationally, and internationally.

    The Hans-Bredow-Institut for Media Research (HBI) is a member of the Leibniz Association, which includes over 90 research and infrastructure institutes across Germany. The HBI conducts research into media transformation and related structural changes in public communication. It uses a cross-media, interdisciplinary, and independent approach, combining fundamental knowledge with transfer research to create issue-driven knowledge for politics, business, and civil society.

    In accordance with Section 14 subsection 3 sentence 3 HmbHG, Universität Hamburg and the HBI seek to increase the proportion of women in teaching and research and encourages female academics to apply.

    Suitable disabled candidates or applicants with equivalent status with comparable qualifications, abilities, and experience receive preference in the application process.

  • 09.06.2021 22:05 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 15, 2021 (2:00 PM)

    Online seminar

    How to build trust and build an audience? Let’s start a dialogue throughout the European research community around communication during COVID-19.

    Queen Margaret University’s Leadership and Trust: Public Communication of COVID in Scotland project aims to understand the relationship between communication, leadership, and public trust in Scotland. We call on our speakers to share what has emerged so far from their research findings, including puzzling questions, daring suggestions, or good Covid communication practice.

    The event will take the form of seven-minute ‘flash’ presentations with room for Q&A at the end.

    Join us on June 15th ! RSVP here:

  • 09.06.2021 22:03 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dr Lauren O’Hagan and Dr Elisa Serafinelli would like to invite you to visit our digital exhibition ‘Views from the Blue’.

    "Our exhibition collects 10 images from worldwide civil drone users. Their images are accompanied by a short written reflection exploring its content, which aims to encourage viewers to reflect on how drones are reshaping our geographical imaginations and understanding of the world. Our exhibition is then followed by a brief survey that aims to gather anonymised information that will help us to know more about your thoughts on drone visuals.

    To visit our exhibition click here:

    We would really appreciate it if you could share this invite with your list of contacts or whoever you think would be interested in this creative experience.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Our exhibition is part of the AHRC funded research project Drones in Visual Culture, which is exploring the ways drones are contributing to change contemporary visual culture. More information about the project is available here:"

  • 09.06.2021 22:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thursday 17 June 2021, 16:00 UK time, 17:00 Central European Time

    Online event

    This event launches “The Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto”.

    The Internet and the media landscape are broken. The dominant commercial Internet platforms endanger democracy. The Manifesto stresses the importance of public service media and the creation of a public service Internet for the future of society and safeguarding democracy.

    In the online event, media experts will talk about why they support and signed the Manifesto that is the outcome of a discussion and collaboration process organised as part of the AHRC research network InnoPSM: Innovation in Public Service Media Policies.

    With interventions by Alessandro D'Arma, Roy Cobby Avaria, Leonhard Dobusch, Christian Fuchs, Minna Horowitz, Luciana Musello, Jack L. Qiu, Barbara Thomass

    The event takes place on Zoom. After registering on Eventbrite, you will receive the Zoom access data at latest one day in advance of the event. The audience of the event will have the opportunity to be among the first to read and sign the Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto.

  • 09.06.2021 21:59 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Edited by Tarik Jusić, Manuel Puppis, Laia Castro Herrero & Davor Marko

    The agenda for transition after the demise of communism in the Western Balkans made the conversion of state radio and television into public service broadcasters a priority, converting mouthpieces of the regime into public forums in which various interests and standpoints could be shared and deliberated. There is general agreement that this endeavor has not been a success. Formally, the countries adopted the legal and institutional requirements of public service media according to European standards. The ruling political elites, however, retained their control over the public media by various means.

    Can this trend be reversed? Instead of being marginalized or totally manipulated, can public service media become vehicles of genuine democratization?

    A comparison of public service media in seven countries (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia) addresses these important questions.

    Published by CEU Press

  • 09.06.2021 21:55 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 9-13, 2021

    Online conference

    Deadline: June 30, 2021

    The term “media” occupies such a crucial space in our lives that human interactions are increasingly analysed from a “mediated” perspective. Media forms have been subjected to adulation and censorship simultaneously and are often spoken in terms of the power they have to shape ideas and practices. Anthropological thinking and methods have a vital role to play here, in highlighting the myriad ways in which contemporary worldviews are shaped by media and vice versa. The panel invites scholars from both media anthropology and media/communication studies perspectives to a discussion about theoretical and methodological exchanges between the fields in the broadest sense.

    Possible contributions can include the following topics:

    • theoretical and methodological discussions of contemporary socio-cultural phenomena that benefit from anthropological approach on an epistemological and/or methodological level, analysis of the value of ethnographic intent for media/communication studies.
    • ethnography as a method for the study of digital communication and platforms; strategies, ethical and methodological challenges, methodologically oriented discussion about ethnography as practice in media/communication studies.
    • media ethnographies, including digital media - empirical explorations of living, experiencing, and performing the self online and in the media, uses and reinventions of (digital) media platforms, identity work and configurations of cultural subjectivities (audiences, publics, users and fans).
    • digital cultural socialities and online lives from emic perspective - practices, hierarchies, norms, discourses of digital platforms and communities.

    The deadline for abstract submissions (400 words) is 30 June 2021.

    You can submit your abstract here: and choose our panel/table in Group 3.

    We are looking forward to receiving your proposals,

    Florencia García-Rapp, Marie Hermanova and Haripriya Narasimhan

  • 09.06.2021 21:52 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July 9, 2021, 7am ET (1pm CEST)

    Deadline: June 21, 2021

    This year, as part of the IAMCR pre-conference events, the media sector development working group and MEDAS21 invite PhD students working on media development issues to an online “speed-dating session.” By offering emerging scholars the opportunity to present their research in a 3-minute-thesis format and get feedback from their peers and industry professionals, we hope to contribute to intensified exchange and networking and to develop practical coping mechanisms for any difficulties and pressures they face in their research.

    How to apply: Applicants interested in networking with peers should submit a short description (1,000 characters max.) of their research project to

    Deadline for submission: June 21st, 11:59pm CEST

    Costs: This is a FREE event, open to anyone, no membership required


    Within the relatively new working group focusing on efforts of shaping and developing media systems, early-career scholars sometimes feel isolated or feel that professional connections in the sector are difficult to establish. The aim of this session is to provide an opportunity for early-career scholars to build their networks. It is an opportunity for junior scholars from the “Global North“ and “South“ to meet with practitioners and senior researchers to voice their concerns and challenges such as (but not limited to) choosing a relevant topic, grants and funding issues, access to data and literature... An informal atmosphere will ensure equality, caring and respect.


    What topics are under-researched in the field of media sector development today? What are the most pressing challenges for getting early-career researchers and professionals in the sector to work together? In a casual format similar to “speed dating”, post graduate and doctoral students will be able to propose their answers to these questions and convey them to their peers by presenting their research (project) to the audience in 3 minutes maximum. These contributions will finally be taken up and discussed in a debate with representatives of academic institutions and media development organisations. Those who cannot attend the discussion can contribute to the debate by sending a poster (in PDF format) presenting their project and its issues, to be published on a dedicated webpage.

    Call for proposals

    This call for proposals is open to emerging researchers, whether they are Master's degree holders considering a thesis, PhD candidates or junior PhDs who have graduated less than a year ago. As the media development sector is at the crossroads of several disciplines, applicants can come from any field (media studies, communication, political science, sociology, history...) but it must be somehow linked to what is called “media sector development” in the sense given on the working group page. Please note that the live event will be held in English but those who would like to present in another language are invited to submit a proposal and kindness is expected towards all those for whom English is not their first language.

    For those interested in the live online event, please send a short description (1,000 characters maximum) of your research, its main issues and the challenges you face to You must include your name, gender, nationality, university of affiliation and the name(s) of your supervisor(s). You also agree to attend the online event and to have a sufficient internet connection to be able to log in. Participants will receive a certificate of participation at the end of the seminar.

    For those interested in the poster presentation, please send directly your poster as a PDF (in English only) attached with the same specifications as above to It is advisable to publish your address on the poster so that you can be contacted directly.

    Proposals will be selected on the basis of their quality, topicality and with the objective to ensure a variety of their backgrounds.

    This session is part of the event series jointly organized by IAMCR media sector development working group and MEDAS21 as 2021 Nairobi pre-conference events. More information can be found at




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