European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 09.06.2021 21:49 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Deadline: September 30, 2021

    Description and Thematic Areas:

    Hate speech is considered the conscious and wilful public expression of hostility and rejection towards individuals, groups or collectives, whether based on racial, ethnic, religious or national criteria, on the grounds of gender, sexual identity or orientation, or any other criteria, which promote intolerance, discrimination, stigmatization, violence, aggression or, in its most serious form, physical extermination. These discourses, traditionally reflected in the mass media and alternative circuits, currently, focus their dissemination channel through online media, digital communities and social media. Therefore, this call is open to research that helps to understand this phenomenon, both from a perspective focused on the analysis of the messages, and the background and repercussions of this type of discourse, as well as on prevention and intervention to minimise alleviate the impact of these messages.

    Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:

    • Discriminatory and vexatious stereotyping.
    • Hate speech on social media and in semi-private communities.
    • Hate speech in the mass media.
    • Populism and politics.
    • Rhetorical and linguistic-discursive strategies of hate speech.
    • Bots and troll farms.
    • Legislation, self-regulation and discourse moderation.
    • Disinformation and hate speech.
    • Audiovisual dimension of hate speech in TikTok, Instagram, memes...
    • Prevention and containment of hate speech

    Full CFP can be found at:

    The full author guidelines can be read at:


    Article submissions will be due on September 30th, 2021, with notifications of acceptance before January 2021. Issue editors: Mª Dolores Cáceres Zapatero (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain), Mykola Makhortykh (University of Bern, Switzerland) and Francisco Segado (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain).

    COMUNICAR is a leading open-access journal, 13 of 92 in 2019 SSCI-JCR ‘Communication’ category

  • 09.06.2021 21:46 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Zurich

    The Media Change and Innovation Division, Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ), University of Zurich is seeking applications for a postdoctoral position. The successful applicant will contribute to a new research project on The Chilling Effects of Dataveillance funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) led by Prof. Dr. Michael Latzer and Dr. Moritz Büchi and also work on further topics that align with the division’s research program (see recent Publications for research focus areas). If you are interested in digital media use, privacy and dataveillance, algorithmic selection and well-being, please consider applying!

    → Read the full job description

    Apply via UZH jobs website

    Contact for further information: Dr. Moritz Büchi (

  • 09.06.2021 21:38 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    New 2-volume book from Nordicom

    Editors: Josef Trappel & Tales Tomaz

    Download the book as open access or order a print copy here:

    Content eq:

    Volume 1

    Josef Trappel & Tales Tomaz


    Download the chapter here:

    Josef Trappel & Tales Tomaz

    1. Democratic performance of news media: Dimensions and indicators for comparative studies

    Download the chapter here:

    Tim Dwyer, Derek Wilding, & Tim Koskie

    2. Australia: Media concentration and deteriorating conditions for investigative journalism

    Download the chapter here:

    Manuela Grünangerl, Josef Trappel, & Tales Tomaz

    3. Austria: Confirmed democratic performance while slowly digitalising

    Download the chapter here:

    Marko Ala-Fossi, John Grönvall, Kari Karppinen, & Hannu Nieminen

    4. Finland: Sustaining professional norms with fewer journalists and declining resources

    Download the chapter here:

    Christine Horz-Ishak & Barbara Thomass

    5. Germany: Solid journalistic professionalism and strong public service media

    Download the chapter here:

    Hanne Vandenberghe & Leen d’Haenens

    6. The Netherlands: On media concentration and resilient freelance journalists

    Download the chapter here:

    Joaquim Fidalgo

    7. Portugal: Impoverished media struggling for survival

    Download the chapter here:

    Lars Nord & Torbjörn von Krogh

    8. Sweden: Continuity and change in a more fragmented media landscape

    Download the chapter here:

    Heinz Bonfadelli & Werner A. Meier, in collaboration with Michael Schanne

    9. Switzerland: Highly concentrated leading news media in austerity and downsizing mode

    Download the chapter here:

    Martin Moore & Gordon Ramsay

    10. United Kingdom: Economic challenges, market consolidation and increasing professional insecurity

    Download the chapter here:

    Volume 2

    Jonathan Hendrickx, Pauljan Truyens, Karen Donders, & Ike Picone

    1. Belgium (Flanders): News diversity put under pressure

    Download the chapter here:

    Gregory Taylor & Brooks DeCillia

    2. Canada: A strong foundation with an uncertain future

    Download the chapter here:

    Enrique Núñez-Mussa

    3. Chile: Crisis of trust and a precarious industry

    Download the chapter here:

    Mark Blach-Ørsten, Rasmus Burkal, Eva Mayerhöffer, & Ida Willig

    4. Denmark: High media independence and informal democratic traditions in the newsroom

    Download the chapter here:

    Stylianos Papathanassopoulos, Achilleas Karadimitriou, Christos Kostopoulos, & Ioanna Archontaki

    5. Greece: Media concentration and independent journalism between austerity and digital disruption

    Download the chapter here:

    Lo Wai Han & Wong Tin Chi

    6. Hong Kong: Free press under existential threat

    Download the chapter here:

    Valgerður Jóhannsdóttir, Jón Gunnar Ólafsson, & Friðrik Þór Guðmundsson

    7. Iceland: A small media system facing increasing challenges

    Download the chapter here:

    Claudia Padovani, Giuliano Bobba, Alice Baroni, Marinella Belluati, Cecilia Biancalana, Mauro Bomba, Alice Fubini, Francesco Marrazzo, Rossella Rega, Christian Ruggiero, Simone Sallusti, Sergio Splendore, & Michele Valente

    8. Italy: A highly regulated system in search of equality

    Download the chapter here:

    Eun-mee Kim & Jae-woo Lee

    9. South Korea: Relatively healthy, still trying hard to adapt to digitalization

    Download the chapter here:

    Josef Trappel & Tales Tomaz

    10. Solid performance, but democratic deficits remain. Conclusions

    Download the chapter here:

    The book will be available for purchase in printed format from 23 June 2021

  • 09.06.2021 21:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Innsbruck, Austria

    In this brand-new project funded by the Austrian Science Fund, we examine the communication strategies that governments and heads of state used in televised press conferences to steer their countries through the immediate phase of the COVID-19 crisis.

    We offer a 4-year fully funded PhD position (30 hrs/week). Further details here:

  • 03.06.2021 21:09 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Malmö University, Sweden

    One of the first and most advanced online learning programs in the field of Communication for Development, ComDev is educating between 120-150 global students every year. The MA program team has developed, pioneered and improved a unique pedagogical concept, the Glocal Classroom, to establish a virtual global learning community with many local bases since its inception in 2000. External international evaluations have confirmed its high pedagogical quality. A core team of about six staff teach, research, communicate with students and stakeholders worldwide.

    Our ComDev scholars are actively participating in externally funded and internal research networks such as the Rethinking Democracy platform and the Datasociety program and have a long history of international collaborations. Read more about ComDev here.

    Work duties

    As senior lecturer in Communication for Development your basic terms of employment comprise teaching (70%), conducting research (20 %) and general administrative duties (10 %). Raising external research funding and additional duties at MAU, can change those terms, but an active involvement in pedagogical work is expected.

    The position involves independent teaching, grading, course management as well as supervision and examination of master’s theses, educational development work. collaboration with external stakeholders, international research partners and the wider society. This position involves teaching primarily within the Communication for Development program and teaching within other programs (e.g. MA in Media & Communication Studies) and courses may also occur, both at K3 and across faculty departments.


    Those qualified for appointment as a Senior Lecturer are, except in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts, a person who has demonstrated teaching expertise and been awarded a PhD or has the corresponding research competence or some other professional expertise that is of value in view of the subject matter of the post and the duties that it will involve (Chapter 4, Section 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance).

    A university teacher at Malmö university is expected to have a pedagogical higher education comprising at least 15 higher education credits, or equivalent formalized higher pedagogical education. New employees who do not have this training are required, within the framework of their employment, to begin such training within one year from the start of the employment.

    Since Swedish is the official language at Malmö University, all employees are expected to learn basic Swedish within a two-year timeframe.

    Specific requirements for this position:

    • Completed PhD degree in a subject of relevance to Communication for Development
    • Research profile in Communication for Development or similar subject
    • A high level of proficiency to teach, research and communicate in English
    • Good communication and collaboration skills

    The following would be of benefit for the position:

    • Experience in teaching and working in an online, blended learning environment
    • Experience with working, teaching, conducting fieldwork, coordinating and implementing development-related and applied research in the global South
    • Knowledge of media theories and practices in the context of humanitarian or development communication in a historical as well as a contemporary perspective
    • Experience in external fundraising
    • Practical media production skills
    • Additional language proficiency

    In addition to formal competence, University's employees must possess the personal capacities necessary to perform the duties of the position well and to represent the University in the best possible way.

    All qualifications and skills must be accompanied with supportive documentation in the application:…942

  • 03.06.2021 21:07 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Umeå University, Sweden

    DIGSUM is an interdisciplinary academic research centre for the study of the relationship between digital technology and society at Umeå University, Sweden. >>…out

    Our Digital Sociology group is looking for new PhD candidates >>…gy/

    The open positions are fully funded and salaried for four years.

    The deadline for applications is 28 June 2021.

    The positions:

    1. PhD position in Digital Sociology focusing on internet, social media, politics and civil society

    2. PhD position in Digital Sociology focusing on political discourses around AI and automation

    Read more and apply >>…ogy

  • 03.06.2021 21:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 2-3, 2021

    University of Brighton/ online conference

    Deadline (extended): June 25, 2021

    The last few decades have witnessed an increasing interest in revisiting, reproducing or rewriting various aspects of nineteenth-century culture, particularly that of the late Victorian period, whether in the form of neo-Victorian literature, steampunk, media archaeology, fashion, documentaries and period dramas, among others. This trend has received various different interpretations, either as part of the recycling of past periods, styles and texts characteristic of postmodernism of the 1980s, of the ‘memory boom’ of the 1990s and the ensuing culture of commemoration, anniversaries and memorialisation, or the most recent signs of a widespread imperial nostalgia, evident not just in various media texts, such as film or television, but also in contemporary political realities like Brexit.

    These are only some of the symptoms of this widespread trend and only some instances of the critical approaches that they have received, and this two-day conference seeks to explore this trend from a diverse range of disciplinary, theoretical and methodological perspectives. The specific focus of the conference is on papers that address the dialectic relationship between the two historical periods. We are particularly interested in the ways in which the late-Victorian is re-envisioned and reconceptualised within the neo-Victorian.

    The list below is only indicative of areas for which we welcome submission of abstracts:

    • neo-Victorianism in literature, film and television
    • Gothic horror, then and now: literature, film, television and gaming
    • steampunk (literature, art, fashion, subculture)
    • contemporary politics and imperial nostalgia (Empire 2.0, Global Britain, etc.)
    • media archaeology, archive studies, museums and the late Victorian ‘frenzy of the visible’
    • contemporary sexual politics and late Victorian queer cultures
    • The New Woman and the suffragette movement
    • contemporary terrorism and the 1890s
    • crime, detection and punishment
    • nostalgia and material culture: the yearning for the handmade

    Keynote Spakers:

    The current plan is still to run the conference on campus but, if necessary, it will take place virtually. Final plans will be announced later in the academic year.

    Please send 300-word abstracts accompanied by a 90-word bio to conference organisers Victoria Margree ( and Aris Mousoutzanis ( by June 25 2021 at

    Follow the conference blog .

  • 03.06.2021 20:48 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 25-26, 2021

    Hybrid (online/in-person)

    Deadline: September 1, 2021


    ICT infrastructures and platforms are increasingly pervasive and critical for societies, systems and organizations and for individuals. It is, therefore, of great importance that efficient and resilient infrastructures are developed and deployed and that disruptions of services caused by either cyber-attacks or other interruptions of services are mitigated. Also, as digital platforms constitute crucial communication infrastructures for societies, it is important that such platforms contribute to democratic processes and economic and social fairness.

    The 14th CMI conference will be concerned with these topics from different complementary angles: The development and deployment of fast and efficient communication infrastructures including cloud and edge technologies; resilience of ICT systems in order to increase cyber security and mitigate cyber-attacks; institution of social practices and governance approaches that will promote democratic discussions and processes, contribute to economic and social development, equity and fairness, and protect privacy.

    The conference focuses primarily on ICT infrastructures and platforms, but as ICT systems increasingly constitute essential foundations for other critical infrastructures such as energy, transportation, public administration, etc. papers on the relationships between ICT infrastructures and critical infrastructures in general will be most welcome. Technical papers as well as papers examining ICT infrastructures and platforms from social science and humanities perspectives are solicited. Furthermore, papers can be oriented towards theory development as well as empirically based analyses. The conference welcomes papers on research that has been concluded and work-in-progress.

    Participants in the 14th CMI conference will be researchers from academia and other research institutions, industry players, and people working with policy development and regulation. Students are also very welcome.


    Papers are invited in the following (not exclusive) tracks/topics:


    • Artificial intelligence and machine learning for wireless communication
    • systems
    • Massive machine-type communications (mMTC)
    • IoT for smart manufacturing (industry 4.0)
    • Underwater and underground sensor and IoT networks
    • Wireless networking for autonomous vehicles in smart cities
    • Age of information in real-time systems and networks


    • Cyber security of cyber physical systems and industrial control systems
    • IT and IoT security
    • Critical infrastructures under cyberwarfare, cyberterrorism and nation-stated attacks
    • Artificial intelligence for the protection of critical infrastructure
    • Security architectures and secure modelling
    • Security governance, risk analysis and management, security awareness of critical infrastructures
    • Safety and security of critical infrastructures
    • Digital twins, cyber ranges and cyber security training


    • Critical infrastructures
    • Public safety and emergency communications
    • Governance of critical infrastructures
    • Big Tech economics and regulation
    • Data protection and privacy
    • Smart cities
    • Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials
    • AI and work
    • ICT4D
    • AI and media developments
    • Business models

    Prospective authors are invited to submit original, unpublished work in any of the topics or related topics. All types of contributions whether academic papers, industrial research, case studies, implementation reviews, etc. are welcome. Selection of the papers to be presented at the conference will be based on abstracts and will be double-blind. If full papers are available already at the abstract deadline, please submit the full paper. Following approval of abstracts, full papers to be presented at the conference have to be submitted at the subsequent full papers deadline.

    Among the papers presented at the conference, selected papers will be submitted for inclusion to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library or will be published in a special issue of the Nordic Baltic Journal of ICT (Electronic publication, ISBN 1902-0988 - find information on NBICT here: Selected papers concerned with information and communication technology developments will be submitted for inclusion to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Other selected papers will be published in the Nordic Baltic Journal of ICT.

    All conference papers and presentations will be uploaded to a repository and shared with all registered conference participants.


    • September 1, 2021: Extended abstract (app. 1.5 pages)
    • September 15, 2021: Notification on acceptance
    • November 1, 2021: Full paper
    • November 25-26, 2021: Presentation at the conference
    • November 30, 2021: Notification of selection of papers for publication
    • December 6, 2021: Submission of camera-ready versions of selected papers


    Please submit your abstract to the Easychair submission link:


    CMI, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark

    contact: Anders Henten –

  • 03.06.2021 20:42 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The journal Mediální studia / Media Studies welcomes proposals for the special issues which would cover some aspects of the fields of media, communication and cultural studies. he journal is indexed in Scopus, MLA, Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), and European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS).

    Special issues allow for comprehensive reporting on a particular area of research, being socially urgent, methodologically or conceptually revised, or still little explored. They present the subject matter from different perspectives and this makes it easier to explore it more thoroughly and systematically. Thus, they are popular both for readers and authors and may strengthen or expand researchers’ networks. Beyond this, acting as a guest editor allows one to gain experience with the organizational and editorial work and to further participate in a symbolic alchemy of the academic field, including the benefits thus recognized.

    Unlike edited collections, the journal special issues allow a more flexible time plan and a more open publishing platform, while maintaining the quality standards for both the content and text editing.

    1. What the special issue proposal should include

    If you are thinking of compiling a special issue for publication in Mediální studia / Media Studies, your proposal should include:

    • What the topic of the issue will be: please explain its research relevance and expected benefits (briefly and precisely, in the extent of approximately 500 words);
    • Who the guest editors of the proposed issue will be (two to three people): please attach their short CVs and describe how they will cooperate with each other;
    • Whether a special issue follows a conference, workshop, summer school, etc., or whether the contributions are collected through a separate call, or if the guest editors wish to combine both of these; in all cases, please add a call for papers;
    • What the preferred publication slot is (Summer 2022, Winter 2022/Spring 2023) and the preparation timeline: please count the time needed for the full texts delivery, the search for reviewers, review process itself, authors’ revisions of the papers based on the reviewers’ recommendations, editing, proofreading, and typographic editing.

    Please send your proposals to the editor-in-chief via the e-mail . You will be notified about the proposal’s acceptance or rejection within three weeks. This decision is made by the journal’s editorial team or the wider editorial board.

    The expected number of reviewed papers included in the issue is 4-6.

    Since the journal is published exclusively electronically, it is possible to agree on exceeding this number. The reviewed papers of the issue may be supplemented by non-reviewed texts (book reviews, interviews, etc.; please see…ual for more details). However, this is not obligatory.

    The preferred language of the papers is English; in specific cases, the texts may be also in Czech or Slovak.

    2. What happens when the special issue proposal is accepted

    If accepted, the guest editors and the editor-in-chief agree on the expected publication date of the special issue (autumn 2020, spring 2021, or autumn 2021).

    One of the journal’s internal editors is chosen for further communication between the guest editors and the journal. It is his or her responsibility to work on the final draft of the issue with the guest editors and agree upon its more detailed preparation schedule. This then serves as a work accomplishment orientation tool for both parties.

    It is the responsibility of the guest editors:

    • To communicate the call announcing the special issue among the researchers;
    • To decide which of the manuscripts delivered to include in the review process or which ones to return to rework or which to reject;
    • To find peer reviewers for individual papers;
    • To inform the authors about the result of the review process and specify a timeframe for reviewing contributions, if required;
    • To edit the papers;
    • To write an editorial to introduce the special issue and its contributions.

    The journal’s internal editor monitors the progress of the issue preparation and helps the guest editors solve any possible problems. If he or she agrees upon that with the guest editors, he or she also can participate more actively in the preparation of the issue (e.g. helping with the call distribution, passing on the contacts for the journal’s proofreaders, etc.)

    The journal’s graphic designer will be responsible for the layout of the papers. The internal editor in charge is tasked with the communication with the designer..

    3. Responsibility of the guest editors and the journal

    The guest editors are required to respect the ethical rules for offering, reviewing and editing posts (please see…ora). They also adhere to the formal rules for submissions (the length and structure of the papers, or the citation style) and maintain the qualitative level of papers commonly published in the journal. The editors of the journal undertake not to violate the agreed conditions of cooperation and are supportive for the guest editors in their work and in solving any unexpected problems.

  • 03.06.2021 20:39 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 17-18, 2021

    Hybrid event

    The spread of digital technologies has contributed to a multi-faceted change of democratic orders, actors and practices. We are observing a profound redistribution of communication and political power in the long-term evolution of democracies – not least due to the emergence of social media. Traditional mass media are losing their privileged position as gatekeepers of the public sphere; social media platforms are establishing new norms of social relevance and are simultaneously lending a voice to ideas, opinions and actors which used to be marginalized.

    This development seems full of ambivalences and the shifting conditions of communication have spawned a situation of democracy in permanent flux. At the same time, current debates on how digital technologies have changed public spheres and impacted democratic systems tend to be scattered across different academic disciplines, political arenas and civil society.

    The 2021 annual Weizenbaum Conference entitled “Democracy in Flux – Order, Dynamics and Voices in Digital Public Spheres” aims to bring together these various perspectives and to initiate an interdisciplinary exchange on the linkages between digital public spheres and democracy as a whole.


    • Helen Margetts (Oxford Internet Institute | United Kingdom)
    • Matthew Hindman (George Washington University | United States)
    • Daniel Ziblatt (WZB Berlin Social Science Center and Harvard University | Germany & United States)

    Further information about the conference programme and registration can be found at:




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