European Communication Research
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  • 26.01.2024 12:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Malmö University

    Ref P 2024/160

    Malmö universitet är ett nyskapande, urbant och internationellt lärosäte som tack vare engagerade och erfarna medarbetare bidrar till samhällsutveckling. Hos oss arbetar lärare, forskare och andra medarbetare med olika kompetenser tillsammans för att bedriva utbildning och forskning av hög kvalitet. Alla yrkeskategorier och roller är viktiga. Du är välkommen att söka jobb hos oss! 

    Här kan du läsa mer om hur det är att arbeta på Malmö universitet: Jobba hos oss.

    Vi söker 

    Universitetslektor i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap på Institutionen för konst, kultur och kommunikation (K3), vid Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle.

    Innehåll och arbetsuppgifter 

    Arbetsuppgifterna består av kursansvar, planering, undervisning, och examination på kurser inom medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap främst på svenska och i viss mån på engelska. Pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete, egen forskning och samverkan med det omgivande samhället ingår också i arbetsuppgifterna. Det ges även möjlighet att undervisa på andra program och friståendekurser på K3.


    Behörig att anställas som universitetslektor är den som har visat såväl vetenskaplig som pedagogisk skicklighet och har avlagt doktorsexamen, eller har motsvarande vetenskaplig kompetens eller någon annan yrkesskicklighet som är av betydelse med hänsyn till anställningens ämnesinnehåll och de arbetsuppgifter som ska ingå i anställningen. 

    För anställningen krävs även högskolepedagogisk utbildning motsvarande minst 15 högskolepoäng eller motsvarande formaliserad högskolepedagogisk utbildning. I särskilda fall kan undantag göras från detta krav och då ska en sådan utbildning påbörjas inom ett år från anställningens start. 

    Utöver formell kompetens gäller som allmänt behörighetskrav att universitets medarbetare är lämpade för och har de personliga förmågor i övrigt som behövs för att fullgöra anställningen väl och för att företräda universitetet på bästa sätt.  

    För denna anställning krävs specifikt:   

    • Avlagd doktorsexamen inom medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap eller annat relevant område.
    • Dokumenterade mycket goda kunskaper i svenska i tal och skrift.
    • Erfarenhet från att undervisa på svenska och engelska inom området.
    • God kännedom om det medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapliga forskningsfältet
    • Kunna utföra administrativa uppgifter på svenska
    • God samarbetsförmåga med både kollegor och studenter

    Särskilt meriterande för denna anställning: 

    • Docentkompetens
    • Publicerad utanför akademin
    • Erfarenhet från medieproduktion i någon form.
    • Dokumenterad förmåga att erhålla extern forskningsfinansiering i konkurrens 
    • Dokumenterad erfarenhet av att arbeta i tvärvetenskapliga miljöer 


    Som bedömningsgrunder vid anställning av en universitetslektor ska graden av sådan skicklighet som är ett krav för behörighet för anställning gälla. Prövningen av den pedagogiska skickligheten ska ägnas lika stor omsorg som prövningen av den vetenskapliga eller konstnärliga skickligheten (Högskoleförordningen 4 kap 4 §).  

    En universitetslektor ska vara etablerad inom sitt vetenskapsområde med hänsyn tagen till ämnesinriktningens särart och tradition. 

    En universitetslektor ska uppvisa: 

    • Dokumenterad kompetens inom ämnet 
    • Dokumenterad förmåga till kommunikation och samverkan med aktörer i andra delar av samhället med tydlig anknytning till utbildning och forskning 

    Med pedagogisk skicklighet avses: 

    • Dokumenterad förmåga att med hög kvalitet genomföra och leda utbildning med olika undervisningsmetoder inom högre utbildning 
    • Dokumenterad erfarenhet av pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete och en reflekterande redogörelse kring den egna pedagogiska grundsynen och praktiken 
    • Dokumenterad förmåga till forskningsanknytning av utbildning beträffande såväl innehåll som pedagogik 

    Med vetenskaplig skicklighet avses: 

    • Dokumenterad förmåga att självständigt bedriva forskning av hög kvalitet 
    • Forskning inom områden med relevans för aktuell anställning 
    • Aktiv delaktighet i vetenskapssamhället 

    Fakultet, institution och forskningsmiljö 

    Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle

    Vid Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle forskar och undervisar vi om många av vår tid stora frågor – exempelvis de som handlar om global politik, nya medier och hållbar stadsutveckling – från humanistiska, samhällsvetenskapliga och designvetenskapliga utgångspunkter. Vi är en kreativ, föränderlig och gränsöverskridande akademisk miljö som präglas en hög grad av internationalisering och samverkan med andra, såväl inom som utanför akademin. Vår verksamhet är placerad mitt i Malmö, men våra perspektiv omfattar hela världen. Vi är organiserade i tre institutioner: Urbana studier, Globala politiska studier och Institutionen för konst, kultur och kommunikation. Läs mer om Kultur och samhälle här.

    Institutionen för konst, kultur och kommunikation (K3)

    Institutionen för Konst, Kultur och Kommunikation (K3) har cirka 100 medarbetare och 1200 studenter och erbjuder tvärvetenskapliga utbildningar på grund-, avancerad och forskarutbildningsnivå inom media, kultur och design. Vi är inriktade på kreativ, kollaborativ och kritisk forskning och utbildning med ett stort offentligt engagemang. Vi erbjuder ett brett spektrum av forsknings- och utbildningssamarbeten i en miljö som fått högsta betyg i ERA19s forskningsutvärdering. Här kombineras traditionell vetenskaplig och akademisk teori med konstnärliga metoder och praktiska moment. Vi för samman konst, kultur, teknik, design och kommunikation på nya och innovativa sätt, i både pedagogik och forskning. Läs mer om K3, inklusive vår utbildning, samverkan och forskning  här.   

    Enheten för Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap

    Mediaenheten består av lärare, forskare och doktorander. Våra utbildningar har en inriktning på kritik, handling och gestaltning som innebär ett brett angreppsätt på medier och kommunikation. En central tematik är kritisk teoretisk kunskap om mediernas villkor, betydelser och användning i olika sammanhang. En annan tematik är att genom handling navigera och producera i och genom olika medier, bland annat i form av egna projekt och gestaltningar. Utbildningen utgår ifrån ett studentaktivt lärande i olika former där studenten utvecklar sin ämnesmässiga kompetens samt förmåga till analys, kommunikation och gestaltning.

    Följande program finns på enheten:

    • Medie-och kommunikationsvetenskap: kritik, handling och gestaltning, kandidat som ges på svenska på campus
    • Media and Communication Studies: Culture Collaborative Media, and Creative Industries, master som ges på engelska i hybrid form
    • Communication for Development. Master som ges på engelska i hybrid form

    Vi har även fristående kurser inom mediaproduktion och undervisar på andra program på K3.

    Forskning inom Media miljön

    K3 lockar lärare och forskare inom flera olika discipliner. Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Institutionen för konst, kultur och kommunikation (K3) studerar mediers betydelse för kultur och samhälle samt för mänskligt tänkande och vardagsliv, detta både ur ett historiskt och ett samtida perspektiv.

    Forskningsprojekt kan handla om allt från digitala medier, aktivism och sociala rörelser, medieproduktionsprocesser och journalistik, publikaktiviteter, migration, algoritmer, datafiering och datakulturer, extremism och nät-radikalisering, kriskommunikation, museer och arkivprocesser, samt frågor om kultur och klass. En stor del av forskningen görs tillsammans med externa aktörer. Det gemensamma för forskningen är ett kritiskt perspektiv med fokus på föränderliga maktrelationer, intersektionalitetsfrågor och handlingsperspektiv.  


    Prefekt Marie Öhman,

    Enhetschef Charlotte Asbjørn Sörensen,

    För praktiska frågor som rör anställningen och rekryteringsprocessen, kontakta HR-specialist Elin Tegnestedt,

    Inför rekryteringsarbetet har Malmö universitet tagit ställning till rekryteringskanaler och marknadsföring. Vi undanber oss därför alla erbjudanden om annonserings- och rekryteringshjälp i samband med denna annons.  


    Du söker anställningen via Malmö universitets rekryteringssystem genom att klicka på knappen "Ansök". Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med instruktioner nedan och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast 2024-02-15. Din ansökan ska skrivas på svenska, engelska eller något av de nordiska språken. Du som sökande ansvarar för att din ansökan och dess bilagor översätts vid behov.  

    I enlighet med Malmö universitets meritportfölj, skall ansökan innehålla: 

    • Curriculum vitae  
    • Dokumentation av pedagogisk skicklighet inkl. arbeten som åberopas, max 5 st. Arbetena laddas upp på urvalsfråga 6.  
    • Dokumentation av vetenskaplig skicklighet inkl. Arbeten som åberopas, max 5 st. Arbetena laddas upp på urvalsfråga 7. 
    • Professionell/klinisk skicklighet (om det är aktuellt) 
    • Akademiskt ledarskap och skicklighet (om det är aktuellt) 

    Ansökan skall även innehålla: 

    • Examensbevis samt övriga relevanta betyg och intyg 
    • Kortfattad redogörelse för vetenskaplig, pedagogisk och annan verksamhet som är av betydelse med hänsyn till den sökta befattningen inklusive en vision om den sökandes framtida forskning och undervisning 

    Anställning av universitetslärare vid Malmö universitet regleras i Malmö universitets anställningsordning. 

    Meriterna ska dokumenteras enligt Malmö universitets meritportfölj för lärare/forskare. 


    Vi tar emot ansökningshandlingar digitalt. Fysiska handlingar tas emot endast i

    undantagsfall. Kontakta om du har böcker och eventuella andra handlingar

    som inte kan skickas elektroniskt.


    Anställningen är tillsvidare på 100%. Provanställning kan komma att tillämpas.

    Malmö universitet är en arbetsplats och ett lärosäte som strävar efter att ha ett öppet och inkluderande synsätt, där jämställdhet och lika villkor tillför mervärde i vår verksamhet. 

    Malmö universitet tillämpar individuell lönesättning. 

    Enligt arbetstidsavtalet har universitetslektorer minst 20 procents tid för egen forskning inom anställningen. Arbetsuppgifternas innehåll liksom fördelning mellan forskning, undervisning och administration kan komma att förändras över tiden.  


    15 augusti 2024 eller enligt överenskommelse.

    Fackliga företrädare 

    Saco-S Rebecka Johansson, 

    OFR/ST, Martin Reissner,

    Välkommen med din ansökan! 


    Du ansöker senast 2024-02-15 genom att klicka på knappen nedan.

  • 26.01.2024 12:43 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Malmo University

    Ref P 2024/175

    Malmö University is an innovative, urban, and internationally oriented academic institution that, thanks to its committed and experienced staff, contributes to societal development. Here, teachers, researchers, and other employees with various competencies work together to conduct high-quality education and research. All professional categories and roles are important. You are welcome to apply for a job with us!

    Here you can learn more about what it's like to work at Malmö University: Work with us

    We are looking for 

    Senior Lecturer in Communication for Development and Social Change at the Faculty of Culture and Society, the School of Arts and Communication (K3).

    Work duties 

    As senior lecturer in Communication for Development and Social Change your basic terms of employment comprise teaching (70%), conducting research (20 %) and general administrative duties (10 %). Raising external research funding and additional duties at MAU, can change those terms, but an active involvement in pedagogical work is expected.

    The position involves independent on campus and online/hybrid teaching, grading, course management as well as supervision and examination of master’s theses, educational development work. Collaboration with external stakeholders, international research partners and the wider society. This position involves teaching for the MA in Communication for Development and the MA in Culture and Change, and possibly other programs at K3 and across faculty. 


    A person who has demonstrated both research and teaching expertise and been awarded a PhD or has the corresponding research competence or some other professional expertise that is of value in view of the subject matter of the post and the duties that it will involve, shall be qualified for employment as senior lecturer. 

    A teacher at Malmö University is expected to have university teacher training corresponding to at least 15 credits, or corresponding formal university teacher training, which is determined through validation. New staff members lacking this training must, within the scope of their appointment, commence such training within one year of assuming their position.  

    In addition to formal competence, University employees must possess the personal capacities necessary to perform the duties of the position well and to represent the University in the best possible way. 

    Since Swedish is the official language at Malmö University, all employees are expected to learn basic Swedish within a two-year timeframe.

    Specific requirements for this position: 

    • Completed PhD degree in a subject of relevance to Communication for Development and Social Change.
    • Research profile in Communication for Development and Social Change
    • Experience with conducting fieldwork internationally
    • A high level of proficiency to teach, research and communicate in English
    • Good communication and collaboration skills

    The following would be of benefit for the position: 

    • Experience in teaching and working in an online, blended learning environment
    • Knowledge of media theories and practices in the context of humanitarian or development communication in a historical as well as a contemporary perspective
    • Practical media production skills
    • Experience in working with different cultural artefacts and practices
    • Theoretical knowledge in the field of critical and cultural theory
    • Experience in external fundraising
    • Proficiency in Swedish or other languages e.g. Spanish, French, and Arabic

    All qualifications and skills must be accompanied with supportive documentation in the application.

    Assessment criteria 

    The assessment criteria for appointment as a Senior Lecturer shall be the degree of the expertise required as a qualification for employment. As much attention shall be given to the assessment of teaching expertise as to the assessment of other qualifying criteria (Chapter 4, Section 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance). 

    A Senior Lecturer must be established within their scientific field, taking into account the nature and tradition of the subject specialisation. 

    A Senior Lecturer must demonstrate: 

    • Documented competence in their field 
    • Documented ability to communicate and collaborate with actors in other parts of society with a clear connection to education and research 

    Teaching expertise relates to: 

    • Documented ability to carry out and lead education using various teaching methods within higher education 
    • Documented experience in pedagogical development work and a reflective presentation of their own pedagogical outlook and practices 
    • Documented ability to link research and education with regards to both content and teaching 

    Scientific proficiency relates to: 

    • Documented ability to independently conduct research of a high quality 
    • Research within fields relevant to the appointment in question 
    • Active participation in the scientific community 
    • Faculty, Department and Research environment 


    As Senior Lecturer in Communication for Development and Social Change you will be based at the School of Arts and Communication which is part of the Faculty of Culture and Society. This faculty is a multidisciplinary faculty that includes the School of Arts and Communication, the Department of Global Political Studies and the Department of Urban Studies. Read more about the Faculty of Culture and Society here.


    School of Arts and Communication, also known by its acronym K3 (after the Swedish name Konst, Kultur och Kommunikation) has approximately 100 faculty members and 1,200 students and offers cross-disciplinary undergraduate and postgraduate education in the fields of media, design and cultural studies. We combine creative, collaborative, and critical research and education with public engagement. We offer a broad research and educational collaborations in an environment that received highest recognition in ERA19 research evaluation. At K3, we combine traditional scholarship and academic knowledge with artistic methods and practical skills. In our teaching and research, art, technology, design and communication converge in new and innovative ways. Read more about K3, including about our education, collaboration and research directions here.  

    Communication for Development

    One of the first and most advanced online learning programs in the field of Communication for Development and Social Change is the MA in Communication for Development (initiated in the year 2000) educating over 100 global students every year. The MA program team has developed, pioneered and improved a unique pedagogical concept, the Glocal Classroom, to establish a virtual global learning community with bases around the world. External international evaluations have confirmed its high pedagogical quality. Within the Media and Communication Unit of about 25 researchers and teachers, a core ComDev team of about 5 staff teach, research, communicate with students and stakeholders worldwide. Our ComDev scholars are actively participating in externally funded and internal research networks.

    Further information 

    Marie Öhman, Head of Department K3,

    Charlotte Asbjørn Sörensen, Head of Media & Communication Unit,

    For general employment and procedural questions, contact HR specialist Elin Tegnestedt,

    In our recruitment work, Malmö University has taken a stand regarding recruitment channels and marketing. We therefore decline all offers of advertising and recruitment assistance in connection with this advertisement. 

    You can read more about the benefits of working in Sweden here:


    You apply for this position via Malmö University's recruitment system by clicking on the "Apply" button. As an applicant, you are responsible for ensuring that your application is completed in accordance with the job advertisement, and that it is submitted to the University no later than 2024-02-15. The application must be written in Swedish, English or any of the Nordic languages. As an applicant, you are responsible for the application and its appendices being translated. 

    According to Malmö University’s qualifications portfolio, the application must include: 

    • Curriculum vitae 
    • Documentation of pedagogical expertise incl. the pedagogical work to be considered (maximum five). The pedagogical works are uploaded on selection question 6. 
    • Documentation of scientific expertise incl. the primary scientific work to be considered (maximum five). The scientific works are uploaded on selection question 7. 
    • Professional/clinical experience (if applicable) 
    • Documentation of leadership and administrative expertise (if applicable) 

    The application must also include: 

    • Copies of degree certificates and other relevant certificates 
    • A brief account of research, teaching and other activities relevant to the position to which the application pertains, including a description of how the applicant envisions their future research and teaching 
    The rules for appointment of teaching staff at Malmö University are regulated in the Appointment Rules at Malmö University

    Merits and qualifications must be documented according to Qualifications portfolio for lecturers/researchers at Malmö University.

    Application documents 

    We accept application documents digitally. Physical documents are accepted only in exceptional cases. Contact if you have books and any other documents that cannot be sent electronically. 


    This is a permanent full-time position. A probationary period of 6 months will apply.

    Malmö University is a workplace and higher education institution that is characterised by an open and inclusive approach, where gender equality and equal terms add value to our activities. 

    Malmö University applies individual salary setting. 

     According to the working time agreement, senior lecturers have at least 20 percent time for their own research within the employment. The content of the duties as well as the distribution between research, teaching and administration may change over time.  

    Start date 

    15 August 2024 or by earliest convenience and agreement.

    Union representatives 

    SACO-S, Rebecka Johansson,

    OFR, Martin Reissner, 

    We are looking forward to receiving your application! 


    You apply no later than 15/02/2024 by clicking the apply button.

  • 25.01.2024 09:41 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Rothenberger, Liane; Löffelholz, Martin; Weaver, David H. (2024) (Eds.)

    Palgrave Macmillan

    This handbook critically analyzes cross‐border news production and “transnational journalism cultures” in the evolving field of cross-border journalism. As the era of the internet has further expanded the border‐transcending production, dissemination and reception of news, and with transnational co‐operations like the European Broadcasting Union and BBC World News demonstrating different kinds of cross‐border journalism, the handbook considers the field with a range of international contributions. It explores cross-border journalism from conceptual and empirical angles and includes perspectives on the the systemic contexts of cross‐border journalism, its structures and routines, changes in production processes, and the shifting roles of actors in digital environments. It examines cross-border journalism across regions and concludes with discussions on the future of cross-border journalism, including the influence of automation, algorithmisation, virtual reality and AI. 


  • 24.01.2024 21:34 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Manchester, UK

    Job reference: HUM-024314

    Salary: £57,696-£68,857 per annum depending on experience

    Faculty/Organisational Unit: Humanities

    Location: Oxford Road

    Employment type: Permanent

    Division/Team: Art History and Cultural Practices

    Hours Per Week: 35

    Closing date: 07/02/2024

    Contract Duration: n/a

    School/Directorate: School of Arts, Languages and Cultures

    Apply here: 

    The University of Manchester invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for a full-time Senior Lectureship in Digital Media and Culture (Teaching & Research contract).

    The successful candidate will have a PhD in media and communication or in a related field. We are particularly but not exclusively interested in candidates with a track record of research with social impact and/or expertise in one or both of the following domains:

    • Race and digital technology

    • Digital media and the environment

    The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the development, delivery and administration of teaching on the new BA and MA programmes in Digital Media, Culture and Society, which offer advanced study in the critique and design of digital media and technology with a particular focus on their cultural and social implications. The successful candidate will also be expected to conduct research and publish work that meets standards of world-leading or international excellence and complements the research strengths of the Digital Humanities, Media and Culture team.

    What can you expect in return?

    Our diverse job opportunities all include a top benefits package that includes many features that are hard to find in the private sector:

    • Generous annual leave allowance, including Christmas/New Year closure;

    • Pension scheme membership to provide benefits for you and your family;

    • Well-being programme with counselling, fitness and leading sports facilities;

    • Learning and development opportunities;

    • Season ticket loans for public transport;

    • Cycle to Work Scheme;

    • Workplace nursery scheme;

    • Staff recognition schemes;

    • Staff discounts on a range of products and services including travel and high street savings.

    As an equal opportunities employer we welcome applicants from all sections of the community regardless of age, sex, gender (or gender identity), ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation and transgender status.  All appointments are made on merit.

    Our University is positive about flexible working – you can find out more here

    Hybrid working arrangements may be considered.          

    Please note that we are unable to respond to enquiries, accept CVs or applications from Recruitment Agencies.

    Any recruitment enquiries from recruitment agencies should be directed to

    Any CV’s submitted by a recruitment agency will be considered a gift.

    Enquiries about the vacancy, shortlisting and interviews: Email: 

    General enquiries: Email: 

    Technical support: 

    This vacancy will close for applications at midnight on the closing date.

    Please see the following link for more details, application form and the Further Particulars document which contains the person specification criteria: 

  • 24.01.2024 21:30 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Manchester, UK

    Job reference: HUM-024312

    Salary: £40,521-£56,021 per annum depending on experience

    Faculty/Organisational Unit: Humanities

    Location: Oxford Road

    Employment type: Permanent

    Division/Team: Art History and Cultural Practices

    Hours Per Week: 35

    Closing date: 07/02/2024

    Contract Duration: n/a

    School/Directorate: School of Arts, Languages and Cultures

    Apply here: 

    The University of Manchester invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for a full-time Lectureship in Digital Media and Culture (Teaching & Scholarship contract).

    The successful candidate will have a PhD in media and communication or in a related field. We are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in one or both of the following domains:

    • Race and digital technology

    • Digital media and the environment

    The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the development, delivery and administration of teaching on the new BA and MA programmes in Digital Media, Culture and Society, which offer advanced study in the critique and design of digital media and technology with a particular focus on their cultural and social implications.

    The University will actively foster a culture of inclusion and diversity and will seek to achieve true equality of opportunity for all members of its community.

    What you will get in return:

    • Fantastic market leading Pension scheme

    • Excellent employee health and wellbeing services including an Employee Assistance Programme

    • Exceptional starting annual leave entitlement, plus bank holidays

    • Additional paid closure over the Christmas period

    • Local and national discounts at a range of major retailers

    As an equal opportunities employer we welcome applicants from all sections of the community regardless of age, sex, gender (or gender identity), ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation and transgender status. All appointments are made on merit.

    Our University is positive about flexible working – you can find out more here.

    Hybrid working arrangements may be considered.   

    Please note that we are unable to respond to enquiries, accept CVs or applications from Recruitment Agencies.

    Any recruitment enquiries from recruitment agencies should be directed to

    Any CV’s submitted by a recruitment agency will be considered a gift.

    Enquiries about the vacancy, shortlisting and interviews: Email: 

    General enquiries: Email:  

    Technical support: 

    This vacancy will close for applications at midnight on the closing date.

    Please see the following link for more details, application form and the Further Particulars document which contains the person specification criteria: 

  • 24.01.2024 21:23 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Manchester

    Job reference: HUM-024313 

    Salary: £40, 521-£56,021 per annum depending on experience 

    Faculty/Organisational Unit: Humanities 

    Location: Oxford Road 

    Employment type: Permanent 

    Division/Team: Art History and Cultural Practices 

    Hours Per Week: 35 

    Closing date: 07/02/2024 

    Contract Duration: n/a 

    School/Directorate: School of Arts, Languages and Cultures 

    Apply here:  

    The University of Manchester invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for a full-time  Lectureship in Digital Humanities (Teaching & Research contract). 

    The successful candidate will have a PhD in Digital Humanities or in any of the humanities subject areas in the School of Arts, Languages, and Cultures. We are interested in candidates with expertise in one or several of the following methods applied to research in the humanities: 

    ∙Computational humanities 

    ∙Natural language processing/text mining 

    ∙Network analysis in the humanities 

    The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the development, delivery and administration of teaching on the new BA and MA programmes in Digital Media, Culture and Society, which offer advanced study in the critique and design of digital media and technology with a particular focus on their cultural and social implications, as well as to the Minor in Digital Humanities. The successful candidate will also be expected to conduct research and publish work that meets standards of international excellence and complements the research strengths of the Digital Humanities, Media and Culture team. 

    The University will actively foster a culture of inclusion and diversity and will seek to achieve true equality of opportunity for all members of its community. 

    What you will get in return: 

    ∙Fantastic market leading Pension scheme 

    ∙Excellent employee health and wellbeing services including an Employee Assistance Programme 

    ∙Exceptional starting annual leave entitlement, plus bank holidays 

    ∙Additional paid closure over the Christmas period 

    ∙Local and national discounts at a range of major retailers 

    As an equal opportunities employer we welcome applicants from all sections of the community regardless of age, sex, gender (or gender identity), ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation and transgender status.  All appointments are made on merit.  

    Our University is positive about flexible working – you can find out more here

    Hybrid working arrangements may be considered.       

    Please note that we are unable to respond to enquiries, accept CVs or applications from Recruitment Agencies. 

    Any recruitment enquiries from recruitment agencies should be directed to 

    Any CV’s submitted by a recruitment agency will be considered a gift.  

    Enquiries about the vacancy, shortlisting and interviews: Email:  

    General enquiries: Email:      

    Technical support:  

    This vacancy will close for applications at midnight on the closing date. 

    Please see the following link for more details, application form and the Further Particulars document which contains the person specification criteria:

  • 24.01.2024 21:15 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: February 29, 2024

    Amidst the hype around generative AI, critical approaches are demonstrating how technologies of automation foster forms of exploitation in relation to natural resources and the environment, labour and working conditions as well as social injustice. This edited volume seeks to contribute a comprehensive media and communication research perspective on the socio-ecological relations that emerge from practices of use and development of “AI”. We are looking for contributions that analyze the manifold social processes and related tensions that contribute towards manifesting AI infrastructures, with their underlying ideologies, power dynamics, forms of exploitation, extractivism, inequalities etc. This call for contributions follows an invitation by the ECREA Open Access Book Series Committee to develop a proposal for a volume on “AI Infrastructures and Sustainability”.  

    Full information

    Call for Contributions for an Open Access publication with Palgrave as part of the ECREA Open Access Book Series

    Proposal for an edited book on AI Infrastructures and Sustainability

    Deadline: 29.02.2024

    Editors: Anne Mollen, Sigrid Kannengießer, Fieke Jansen, Julia Velkova

    This call for contributions follows an invitation by the ECREA Open Access Book Series Committee to develop a proposal for a volume on “AI Infrastructures and Sustainability”. The Committee has invited overall three publications to develop full proposals – one of which will be selected as Open Access publication with Palgrave as part of the ECREA book series.

    The proposed volume

    Amidst the hype around generative AI, critical data studies as well as media and communication research have been exploring the “anatomy of AI” (Crawford & Joler, 2018), showing how technologies of automation, mostly labelled as Artificial Intelligence (AI), foster forms of exploitation in relation to natural resources and the environment, labour and working conditions as well as social injustice. While  engineering-oriented fields, such as Machine Learning (ML), approach  intra- and intergenerational justice  under the label of “sustainability” and  “ethics”, the proposed book acknowledges that AI infrastructures cannot be reduced to questions of technology and its design but need to be addressed as sociotechnical issues and relations (Parks et al. 2023; Plantin & Punathambekar, 2019). This edited volume seeks to contribute a comprehensive media and communication research perspective on the socio-ecological relations that emerge from practices of use and development of “AI”, and their far-reaching implications to justice, environments, and infrastructures. The book extends the work of scholars in environmental media and critical data studies that is concerned with the materialities and environmental relations that sustain digital media (Starosielski and Walker 2016; Gabrys 2011; Crawford & Joler, 2018), and calls for developing critical and transformative perspectives. We are looking for contributions that analyze the manifold social processes and related tensions that contribute towards manifesting AI infrastructures, with their underlying ideologies, power dynamics, forms of exploitation, extractivism, inequalities etc., developing alternative critical vocabularies, interventions, and approaches to “sustainability”.

    Call for Contributions

    The proposed volume assembles research in media and communications on AI infrastructures in relation to questions of sustainability. We invite critical theoretical, historical, methodological, and empirical reflections on the “sustainability” of technologies that go under the label of “AI”. Contributions could include analyses of how sustainability, infrastructures or other related notions can be conceptualized in relation to technologies of automation – to deconstruct how AI-related narratives, imaginaries, norms, practices etc. with their ensuing implications manifest in infrastructures of automated communication. We also welcome authors to introduce new concepts that contribute to create more affective, transformative, theoretically nuanced narratives and understandings of how to make liveable relations with AI. Considering the necessity for a great socio-ecological transformation, the proposed volume also encourages reflections on transformative perspectives in media and communication research, addressing media and communication’s role in the shaping and transforming of societies increasingly becoming reliant on technologies of automation.

    Submission details and expected time frame for publication

    We are seeking abstracts (250-300 words, excluding references) to be submitted until February, 29 2024 to addressing – but not limited to – one or more of the following topics:

    • Critical theoretical, conceptual, empirical, and methodological work on "AI", infrastructures and sustainability in media and communication research
    • Critical discussions of sustainability, sustainability narratives and normative frameworks in relation to AI infrastructures
    • Imaginaries of sustainability and AI (their construction as well as resistance to it)
    • Human rights and digital justice implications of AI
    • Extractivism and AI (labour, data, resources etc.), including AI-related protest and movements
    • Intersectional perspectives on AI and sustainability
    • Resource consumption and environmental impacts of AI
    • Intersections of AI with local and energy politics
    • Market concentration, political economy, geopolitical perspectives and global distributional (in)justices in relation to AI infrastructures
    • Bias and discrimination in AI infrastructures, representation, and AI
    • Transformative and transdisciplinary perspectives on AI and sustainability

    Media and communication research can contribute with nuanced, critical, and normative analyses on the socio-technical relations that make and sustain AI infrastructures. This perspective is direly needed in the discussion of AI and sustainability, which needs to be acknowledged as more than a technical concern to which technical solutions can be found. A comprehensive media and communication perspective can instead assess the manifestations, contestations, and historical continuities in the emergence of AI infrastructures while reflecting on matters of sustainability. With the proposed volume we are calling on scholars to orient discussions on automation as well as human-machine-interaction emerging in relation to media and communications towards an interrogation of the infrastructures, practices, and more-than-human relations that constitute the operations of technologies that go under the label of “AI” through the lens of sustainability.

    Selection process and time frame

    The editors will choose abstracts based on their suitability and consistency regarding the full proposal of the edited book. Full chapter submissions are roughly planned for by late 2024/early 2025 and publication is expected in 2025. Palgrave will be choosing between this and two other book proposals to be selected for the open access publication in the ECREA Book Series Committee and will communicate their decision in late spring 2024. Further details will be communicated after the ECREA Book Series Committee’s decision. Inquiries about the process and the Call for Contributions can be directed at

    Key dates

    • Feb 29, 2024: Abstract submission
    • March 29, 2024: Notification of acceptance for book proposal
    • Estimated May 2024: Feedback by ECREA Open Access Book Series Committee
    • Estimated November/December 2024: First draft of chapters due
    • Estimated January/February 2024: Final draft of chapters due
    • Estimated publication Spring 2025

  • 24.01.2024 21:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Friday, February 2, 2024 (2:00-3:30 p.m. MT) 

    Online via Zoom

    The Department of Communication, Media and Film at the University of Calgary presents its annual Race in Film and Media Lecture by Ramnarayan S. Rawat, University of Delaware:

    Register at:

    This event will be streamed via Zoom but not recorded.

    Bio: Ramnarayan S. Rawat is a historian of South Asia at the University of Delaware with research interests in caste, race, and democratic practices. He is completing his second book, ‘The Language of Liberalism: The Lost History of the Dalit Public Sphere in Late Colonial India’. He is also co-editing the second Dalit Studies volume, Dalit Journeys of Dignity: Religion, Freedom, and Caste’ which is forthcoming in fall 2024. Rawat recently co-edited book, Dalit Studies, with colleague, K. Satyanarayana, based in Hyderabad (India), and published by Duke University Press, 2016. His first book, Reconsidering Untouchability: Chamars and Dalit History in North India (2011), was awarded Joseph W Elder Book prize (2009) in Social Sciences given by the American Institute of Indian Studies and it also received Honorable Mention in the Bernard Cohn book prize (2013), Association of Asian Studies. 

  • 24.01.2024 21:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Siegen 

    The DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center "Media of Cooperation" at the University of Siegen is currently looking to hire staff for a newly funded project phase.

    A PhD research position in media studies (TVL 13, 65%, limited until 31 December 2027, application deadline 07.02.24) as part of our new sub-project “Bicycle Media:”, led by Julia Bee

    A postdoc research position as a scientific coordinator (TVL 13, 100% limited until 31 December 2027, application deadline 14.02.24) for scientific support and coordination of the research center

    The CRC is an interdisciplinary research network consisting of 15 projects and more than 60 researchers from media studies, science and technology studies, ethnology, sociology, linguistics and literature, computer science and law as well as history, education and engineering. It has been funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation) since 2016. Research focuses on the study of digitally networked media and their practices.

    For further job updates and more information on the research project, please visit

  • 24.01.2024 21:09 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Information, Communication & Society (Special Issue)

    Deadline: February 15, 2024

    Special Issue Editors:

    • Fabian Ferrari, Utrecht University,
    • Joanne Kuai, Karlstad University,

    From democratic to authoritarian contexts, governments worldwide face the challenge of setting up oversight mechanisms for generative AI systems. The European Union recently reached an agreement for the proposed EU AI Act. A few months earlier, China had enacted one of the first laws in the world to regulate generative AI systems. Navigating this global policy landscape is challenging, not only due to differences between regulatory regimes but also because of the fast pace at which new variations of generative AI systems are developed.

    However, the governance of generative AI systems is not only a task for governments and regulators – it also occurs at the workplace and at the institutional level. For example, in the 2023 Hollywood labor disputes, the use of generative AI systems featured prominently. Such developments signify a need for a new understanding of generative AI governance, expanding its scope beyond a narrow focus on regulatory frameworks. As such, this special issue asks: How does the landscape of generative AI governance shape the discursive and material dimensions of generative AI systems, and what are the underlying factors influencing this development?

    To address this question, the special issue invites contributions that cover a wide cultural and geographical range of case studies or comparative studies. Given that the governance of generative AI systems is a globally interconnected phenomenon, engagements with regional, national, and supranational forms of generative AI governance are encouraged. Potential empirical entry points include but are not limited to:

    - Assessing the efficacy of designated AI oversight measures (e.g., risk assessments, audit procedures, red-teaming) in light of swiftly evolving material properties of generative AI systems.

    - Examining strategies of generative AI providers to shape and influence governance regimes – for example, through research, lobbying, tool development, and terms of use/usage policies.

    - Understanding how institutional dynamics in particular sectors and cultural industries (e.g., journalism, education, entertainment) shape the design, use and effects of generative AI systems.

    - Comparing how governance regimes observe, inspect and modify generative AI systems (e.g., China’s central algorithm registry vs. the EU’s proposed database for high-risk AI systems).

    - Investigating how sociotechnical imaginaries about generative AI (e.g., perceived “existential risks”) inform the design, substance and enforcement of particular regulatory frameworks.

    - Connecting considerations about the global political economy of AI to geopolitical issues about digital sovereignty, as illustrated by US export controls for specific AI chips.

    Submission Instructions and Timeline:

    Please submit an abstract of 500-800 words (including references) to and no later than 15 February 2024. The abstract should specify: 1) the problem or question being addressed, 2) the paper’s methodological or analytical approach, and 3) the anticipated results or conclusions of the research. Decisions about the selection of abstracts will be communicated to authors by 15 March 2024.

    The deadline for submitting invited papers is 31 August 2024. The special issue will follow the submission and review guidelines of Information, Communication & Society. Each invited paper will be peer-reviewed. An invitation to submit a full paper does not automatically ensure its acceptance in the special issue or in the journal. If you have any questions, please reach out to the guest editors via email.

    Check out the full call for papers here:




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