European Communication Research
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  • 15.01.2020 23:56 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are pleased to announce the publication of a new report on the broadcasting of the Paralympics in the UK.

    Free to download from: or direct download:

    This report details the findings of the AHRC project entitled ‘Re-presenting Para-sport bodies: Disability and the cultural legacy of the Paralympic Games’. The project explored media constructions of disability through Paralympic sport and the impact on public attitudes and perceptions of disability. This report provides data and recommendations drawn from the first funded academic project to examine the implications of the rapid commercialisation of the Paralympic Games and the increasing visibility of disability in the media; influenced by the success of Channel 4’s entry as the United Kingdom’s official Paralympic broadcaster in 2012.

    Through an integrated methodological approach, we provide a joined-up evidence base that captures the intentions and practices of Channel 4’s (C4) broadcasting of the Rio 2016 Paralympics; the influence of this on the content of Paralympic coverage and mediated forms of disability representation; and the wider impact on public attitudes toward disability. This approach allowed us to examine the important and influential relationship between Paralympic production practices, progressive social change and cultural legacies.

    The report demonstrates the important cultural impact of the Paralympic Games and the extent socially progressive forms of disability representation can and do effect positive social change with respect to disability awareness. We argue that both the quality and quantity of Paralympic coverage by C4 has been an important vehicle in progressive forms of disability representation marked by greater inclusion, education, and visibility of disability. Here, we highlight some of the complexities and contradictions in the Paralympic legacy with respect to issues of inclusion and exclusion, empowerment and disempowerment, and forms of marginalisation. Through the report we provide a number of empirically-driven insights for progressive and sustainable Paralympic cultural legacies.

  • 15.01.2020 23:52 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hanne Bruun

    This book explores how the television industry is adapting its production culture and professional practises of scheduling to an increasingly non-linear television paradigm, a testing ground where different communicative tools are tried out in a volatile industry.

    Based on four case studies the book argues that a new television paradigm is being produced from within the multiplatform television organisations themselves in order to adapt to changing viewer habits and the tensions between digital and broadcast television. Drawing on a unique genre and production studies approach that cuts across the humanities and sociology in television studies, chapters cover in-depth studies of:

    • The communicative changes to the on-air schedule as a televisual text phenomenon in the digital era, and how the conceptualisations of the audience are changing in scheduling and curation for multiplatform portfolios
    • The changing production culture of scheduling in companies for their multiplatform portfolios
    • The dilemmas of curation in multiplatform portfolios.

    Situated at the intersection of the humanities and sociology in media production studies, this book will be of key interest to scholars and students of television studies, media production studies and cultural studies and to researchers and media professionals and management in the television industry.

    For more information visit:

  • 15.01.2020 23:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Nottingham

    The School of International Communications at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) invites applications for our Visiting Scholars programme. This position includes visa, transportation, accommodation, and a research stipend. The Visiting Scholar residency is 2-3 months in duration (exact date range chosen by the Scholar), and there are two positions: the first will be held during Semester 1 (Oct. 1, 2020 – Jan. 15, 2021), and the second will be held Semester 2 (March 1, 2021 – June 30, 2021).

    The aim of this award is to foster research collaboration with members of staff in the School. During the residency, the scholar will undertake their research and collaborate with one or more members of IC staff on a research project (proposed by the Visiting Scholar) that will result in a publication and/or a grant application. They will also deliver one lecture for our School’s UG and PG students and will give one presentation to the wider University on their research as part of our Invited Speakers programme. There are no further teaching or administrative responsibilities.

    The award is competitive, and will be based on the proposed research proposal and the applicant’s CV. Applicants should have already been awarded their PhD degrees and have expertise relevant to IC, which includes media and communication studies, cultural studies, film and television studies, game studies, etc. (see:

    For further details and application instructions, please check our website -

  • 15.01.2020 23:49 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Velvet Light Trap Issue #87

    Deadline: January 31, 2020

    Historically, media studies scholars have shied away from sports-related media texts due to a variety of perceived challenges: the sheer volume of texts (there’s always something on), their inaccessibility (the texts are ephemeral and controlled by corporate archives), the ambivalence of sports cultures (at once masculine and mainstream), and more. Additionally, other fields have long dominated sports scholarship, with communication studies and sociology shaping the academic discourse and asserting their own approaches. To mitigate these challenges, media studies scholars have applied alternative approaches to understanding sports media, such as critical-cultural analyses that account for sports media constructions of difference via gender, sex, and race—and athletes’ abilities to contest those differences. There have also been deft examinations of the media industries’ economic and ideological dependence on sports; historiographical accounts that mine a wealth of underexplored repositories and sources; and audience studies that foreground the reception and consumption of the sports genre.

    While these studies placed sports media squarely in the foreground, others have used sports as a case study to illuminate broader trends in media studies. For example, scholars have recently revealed the key role sports broadcasts played in the innovation and diffusion of color television, while others have considered the pivotal role broadcasting, licensing, and franchising rights played in the conglomeration and consolidation of cable networks and providers. Others have addressed gaps in audience and fan studies by engaging with under-studied sports fan cultures.

    Velvet Light Trap #87 seeks to deepen media studies understandings of sports. Given our current era of destabilization (of texts, genres, technologies, industries, distribution models, franchises, policies, etc.), sports undoubtedly remains a stimulus of—and, at times, barrier to—change in the media industries. As such, we invite a variety of media scholars—not just those who specialize in sports media—to reconsider and engage with sports in new and dynamic ways, asking, for example: How have production, distribution, exhibition, and reception of sports media changed over the last century and how are those changes reflected in the wider media ecology? What is the afterlife of sports media and how have those practices impacted scholarship, pedagogy, and future production practices? Where do radio and podcasting fit into the history of sports broadcasting? How are new media technologies (streaming platforms, video games, etc.) responding to, reacting against, or complementing linear sports channels and networks?

    We welcome submissions that push the boundaries of current sports media literature and/or use sports media as key case studies, exploring any of the following themes:

    ● National broadcasting and industrial histories

    ● Early film histories and the continuing theatrical exhibition of sporting events

    ● Sports as a key media market sector

    ● Identification and identity politics (race, gender, sexuality, class, ability, nationality)

    ● Place and space [localism with franchises and coverage; (trans)nationalism with Olympics]

    ● Changing role of agents and agencies

    ● Franchising, ownership, and management

    ● Publicity, promotion, and marketing

    ● Activism and community engagement

    ● Ephemerality and textual analysis

    ● Distribution, exhibition, and transnational flow of sports media

    ● Archival perspectives, footage libraries, and audiovisual asset management

    ● Regulation (copyright, retransmission rights, horizontal integration)

    ● Labor, compensation, and ecological concerns

    ● Production techniques

    ● Genre analysis (non-fiction, narrative, & documentary)

    ● Pedagogical applications

    ● Video games (licensed games and eSports)

    Submission Guidelines:

    Submissions should be between 6,000 and 7,500 words, formatted in Chicago Style. Please submit an electronic copy of the paper, along with a separate one-page abstract, both saved as a Microsoft Word file. Remove any identifying information so that the submission is suitable for anonymous review. Quotations not in English should be accompanied by translations. Send electronic manuscripts and/or any questions to by January 31.

    About the Journal:

    TVLT is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal of film, television, and new media. The journal draws on a variety of theoretical and historiographical approaches from the humanities and social sciences and welcomes any effort that will help foster the ongoing processes of evaluation and negotiation in media history and criticism. While TVLT maintains its traditional commitment to the study of American film, it also expands its scope to television and other media, to adjacent institutions, and to other nations' media. The journal encourages both approaches and objects of study that have been neglected or excluded in past scholarship.

    Graduate students at the University of Wisconsin at Madison and the University of Texas at Austin coordinate issues in alternation, and each issue is devoted to a particular theme. TVLT's Editorial Advisory Board includes such notable scholars as Hector Amaya, Ben Aslinger, Caetlin Benson-Allott, Aymar Jean Christian, Lisa Dombrowski, Raquel Gates, Dan Herbert, Dolores Inés Casillas, Deborah Jaramillo, Meenasarani Murugan, Safiya Noble, Debra Ramsay, Bob Rehak, Bonnie Ruberg, Neil Verma, and Avi Santo. TVLT's graduate student editors are assisted by their local faculty advisors: Mary Beltrán, Ben Brewster, Jonathan Gray, Lea Jacobs, Derek Johnson, Shanti Kumar, Charles Ramírez Berg, Thomas Schatz, and Janet Staiger (emeritus).

  • 15.01.2020 23:46 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research, University of Bremen, Germany

    Position: ZeMKI Visiting Research Fellow Media, Communication and Information

    Duration: 1 month (either between April and June 2020 or between October and December 2020)

    Salary: 3,000 euro + 1,500 euro budget for direct costs

    Contract: Fee contract

    Application deadline: February 6, 2020 (23.59 CET)

    The ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research, University of Bremen, offers a thriving interdisciplinary research environment in the areas of media, communication and information. Involved disciplines include communication and media studies, computer science, cultural studies, educational science, studies in religion, and history. The ZeMKI invites applications from excellent researchers in the field of media, communication, and information.

    As a ZeMKI Visiting Research Fellow, the selected candidate will delve into the versatile research activities at the interdisciplinary centre with over 60 members. Applicants should demonstrate experiences and a strong interest in collaborative research which is embraced at the ZeMKI in various ways and contexts. The selected candidate is expected to contribute to these research activities in the area of media change and transforming communications in the form of a research paper submitted to the peer-reviewed “Communicative Figurations” working paper series and a lecture in the ZeMKI Research Seminar.

    Applicants must have a PhD or other doctoral degree in a relevant discipline by the application date.

    We offer a lump sum allowance of 3,000 Euros plus up to 1,500 Euros for research related expenses.

    To apply for this post, please send your application documents via e-mail to The closing date for receipt of applications is February 6, 2020 (23.59 CET). We are unfortunately unable to accept any late applications.

    Download the application checklist here.

    Download the call for applications as PDF here.

    Further information on the ZeMKI Visiting Research Fellowship can be accessed here.

  • 15.01.2020 23:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Special Issue of Problemi dell'Informazione

    Deadline (extended): January 20, 2020

    Edited by:

    • Maria Francesca Murru, Università degli Studi di Bergamo
    • Francesca Pasquali, Università degli Studi di Bergamo


    The special issue 3/2020 of Problemi dell’Informazione aims to explore and critically discuss how local journalism is trying to redefine its identity against the economic, cultural and technological challenges of the contemporary mediascape. Although the tensions currently affecting the local media are partly coinciding with those observed at the national level, relevant differences are likely to be found in the potential ways out and the concrete repercussions that these shared structural conditions have on the way of operating, of intercepting audience and reaching economic sustainability. The crisis that has affected journalism in recent times is part of the wider digital revolution and has manifested with a constant erosion and fragmentation of the audience, a huge decline of advertising investments and a wider questioning of the credibility of journalistic mediation and trust in professional authority. However, as pointed out by Zelizer (2015), the use of a unitary concept such as "crisis" risks to overlook not only the diversity of underlying political, technological, occupational, ethical and social issues but also the potential variety of solutions and ways out.

    This issue stems from the belief that this historical moment is propitious to give local journalism the analytical attention it deserves. The empirical and theoretical acquisitions on the subject are still scarce, especially if compared to those concerned with national and global journalism (Nielsen, 2015). The gap is worth filling especially now that the challenges and opportunities implied by the complex and contradictory scenario together constitute an incredibly fruitful starting point to deeply focus on the present and the future of local media.

    The disruptive and innovative character of the digital revolution has not yet fully unfolded, and this is particularly visible in the never-ending emergence of new formats and contents. Digital storytelling, immersive journalism, data visualization, are some of the new paths that are taking root and that promise to deploy new ways of representing reality and constructing shared meaning. The combination of mass and interpersonal communication that currently characterizes the contemporary media ecosystem brings new opportunities for participatory involvement of the audience in the various stages of ideation, production, and circulation of news. New inquiries are then necessary to map the variety of participatory platforms initiated by local newspapers and to explore their effects on community belonging, social cohesion and civic activism of interest-based communities. The connection with social media platforms and the new economy of attention introduced by algorithmic mediation, brings a wider reconfiguration of disintermediation and remediation dynamics of public discourse. Among the many challenges that journalism must face, one of the most relevant has to do with how to manage the competition and the cooperation with a plurality of collective subjects (from public administration bodies to private companies and civil society organizations) that are now autonomous in the production and dissemination of news. But there is also the necessity to negotiate the grounds of journalism’s credibility in a discursive space that appears as increasingly crowded and polyphonic. Moreover, local media need to find a way to address the wider cultural and political processes that are currently leading to a redefinition of the sense of place. Geo-social (Hess, 2013) and hyper-local are some of the labels that the most recent academic research has adopted to describe how local media are trying to restructure the relationship with its geographical area of reference. What is at stake is the taken-for-grantedness of the same definition of “local media” and the questioning of what makes “local” a still relevant perspective on the world. Finally, we cannot speak of the geographical bearing without putting into play the role of watchdog carried out by local journalism and its social functions in giving citizens a voice, triggering their civic engagement and their sense of belonging. The deeper implications of such a complex scenario cannot imply but a broader redefinition of the social functions traditionally carried out by local media, especially concerning the liveliness of the public sphere and the well-being of the communities. We invite proposals that address this multifaceted phenomenon focusing on topics that include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Audience
    • Professional identities and organizational cultures
    • Local and hyper-local media
    • Social and civil functions of local journalism and impact on the public sphere
    • Participatory/citizen journalism, community media
    • Emerging trends in digital storytelling, immersive journalism, data visualization

    The acceptance of the abstract does not guarantee the publication of the article, which will be under blind peer review.

    Submission of proposalsExtended deadline for abstract submission is January 20, 2020.

    Abstract: 250 words maximum (references not included)

    Full papers will be due on 20 April 2020 and will undergo a double-blind peer review procedure.

    Papers: length between max 8000 words maximum (including notes and references).

    Papers in English and Italian are accepted.

    The abstracts must be sent to or via the platform available at the address:

    There are no APC (Article Processing Charge) for authors.

    The Journal

    Problemi dell'informazione is an Italian journal of Media and Communication Research and an international academic refereed journal published by Il Mulino in Italy. It was first published in 1976, aimed at providing a debate venue for scholars in the field of journalism and media system.

    Principal Editor: Carlo Sorrentino.

    Here ( its national and international board.

    Problemi dell'Informazione is A-class rated journal by ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research Systems) in Sociology of culture and communication (SPS/08).

  • 15.01.2020 23:30 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July 12-16, 2020

    Beijing, China

    Deadline: February 10, 2020

    The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) invites the submission of abstracts of papers and proposals for panels for the 2020 Congress of the Association, which will be held from 12 to 16 July, 2020 at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. The deadline for submission is 10 February 2020, at 23.59 UTC.

    IAMCR conferences address a wide diversity of topics defined by our 32 thematic sections and working groups. We also propose a single central theme to be explored throughout the conference with the aim of generating and exploring multiple perspectives. This is accomplished through plenary and special sessions, and in some of the sessions of the sections and working groups. The central theme for 2020 focuses on our digital future. Not all submissions have to address the central theme. See the individual calls for proposals of the sections and working groups for other themes and for other perspectives in the central theme.

    Download this call for proposals as a PDF file

    Consult the calls for proposals of IAMCR's 32 thematic sections and working groups

    Submit your abstract

    Reimagining the Digital Future: Building Inclusiveness, Respect and Reciprocity

    At the critical juncture of the second decade of the 21st century, the world is facing tremendous challenges. The past three decades of cultural, economic and communication globalisation have created sharp income and wealth inequities, a divisive international community, dysfunctional media, an increasingly fragmented digital culture and an accelerating environmental crisis. We witness growing populism and protectionism and a dissolving consensus on global engagement and international collaboration. We see deepening technological contestation in digital media and artificial intelligence between the world’s two economic powerhouses. We also witness a sharp decline of the quality of national and international information flows as a result of widespread misinformation facilitated by social media.

    These developments pose urgent questions and challenges for media and communications scholars. What are the reasons for the division, gaps and fragmentation we now see? What roles have digital media communication played in these developments at both the local and global levels? What values should inform our proposals for addressing them?

    This year’s conference aims to respond to those challenges by re-examining the roles and patterns of global communication while including local voices, seeking critical reflections on the relationship between them, and exploring feasible agendas for a shared digital future based on inclusiveness, respect and reciprocity.

    In the context of growing divisions between elites and citizens, the economically secure and the marginalised, mainstream and minority cultures, and intensified political polarization, calls for greater inclusiveness of different voices in the media and equality of access and opportunities, become even more pressing. As researchers we need a more comprehensive understanding of the factors promoting and impeding inclusiveness in the ‘legacy’ print and audio-visual media media domestically and globally and the roles played by existing and emerging digital media.

    Having a public voice and opportunities for expression, however, does not in itself guarantee that diverse contributions to a common culture will be listened to attentively or treated with respect. IAMCR 2020 addresses respect for both diversities and shared values. Respect embodies respect for local cultural experiences and developmental models as well as respect for human dignity and international law and institutions. It embodies respect for role of ethics in developing the digital technology and for the safety and security of personal data and privacy. Exploring these issues requires us to reconsider to what extent the current global communication and technological landscapes have facilitated these dimensions of respect for diverse voices, experiences and models; and to ask what communicative values and goals would be guaranteed in the future.

    Promoting inclusiveness and respect are essential preconditions for (re)imagining and developing a shared digital future that challenges and transcends political, religious, and cultural boundaries. But pursuing this goal also requires a commitment to reciprocity based on relations between public, governments and business communities, rooted in a shared commitment to inclusiveness, respect and avoiding exploitation or exacerbation of divides and conflicts.

    Organised by two leading Chinese universities in Beijing and Suzhou, two ancient capitals mixed with the chic of postmodern metropolis, IAMCR 2020 is set to bring together different perspectives on how multi-stakeholders of the global and local communication and media spaces negotiates among heterogeneous communities and institutions in the hope for building an inclusive, harmonious and respectful digital future. Bringing IAMCR to China offers members a unique opportunity to access analysis and commentary on the China’s experience of employing media and digital communication technology.


    Different sections and working groups have different policies regarding languages. Some accept abstract and programme sessions in English, French and Spanish while others conduct their programmes in only one or two languages. Consult the individual CfPs for details on the language policy of each section.

    Guidelines for proposals

    Abstracts should be between 300 and 500 words. All abstracts must be submitted at Abstracts sent by email will not be accepted.

    It is expected that authors will submit only one (1) abstract. However, under no circumstances should there be more than two (2) abstracts bearing the name of the same author, either individually or as part of any group of authors. No more than one (1) abstract can be submitted to any section or working group. Please note also that the same abstract or another version with minor variations in title or content must not be submitted to more than one section or working group. Any such submissions will be deemed to be in breach of the conference guidelines and will be rejected. Authors submitting them risk being removed entirely from the conference programme.

    Proposals are accepted for both single Paper/presentations and for Panels with several papers/presentations (in which you propose multiple speakers/presentations to address a single theme). To submit a proposal for a panel, see the detailed instructions on the submission website and here.

    The deadline to submit abstracts is 23:59 GMT on 10 February 2020.

    For other important dates and deadlines, please see IAMCR 2020 key dates on the conference website.

    Technical guidelines, if any, are defined by the individual Sections and Working Groups. If you have questions, consult the Section or Working Group's specific CfP or contact the head of the Section and Working Group that interests you.

    For further information about the conference, consult the IAMCR Beijing 2020 webpage or contact

  • 09.01.2020 16:41 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Media, War and Conflict Journal Conference

    May 21-22, 2020

    Florence, Italy

    Deadline for abstracts: January 17, 2020 (extended by a week due to requests)

    Due to the timing of the deadline being so close to the Christmas break and new year, we have received requests to extend the deadline by another week. Please note the revised deadline of 17 January 2020.

    Building on the success of our 2018 international conference ‘Spaces of War: War of Spaces’, the Editors of the Media, War and Conflict Journal are holding our second conference at Accademia Europea Di Firenze, Florence, Italy in May 2020.

    Alongside traditional papers, the expected conference programme will include film screenings and methodological workshops on Digital verification; Visuality/photography; The archive; Performance that are designed to facilitate the development of new ideas, networks and/or research proposals through dialogue with practitioners.

    Conference Themes

    In 2018 we were motivated by a feeling that broad theses on the transformation of war in new media environments was distracting attention from the richness of detailed work being conducted on specific cases. Macro theorisations were ignoring the varieties and intricacies of spaces through which war was being waged. That conference drew together a new generation of researchers in the field of war and media, and led to the forthcoming Spaces of War book due to publication in 2020. But what emerged and gave meaning to the temporal and spatial dimensions of those dynamic, ever evolving spaces was the overarching theme of bodies and the profoundly corporeal, embodied nature of war and its relationship to space.

    For this new conference, we invite contributions that explore the intersections of body and space in the field of war and media through two broad themes:

    • Bodily Presence/Absence: How can research illuminate how bodies occupy, inhabit and live through and in spaces of war? When and how are bodies made visible in spaces of war, whose bodies (civic, military, technologized etc) and why? What are the implications of bodily presence and absence in relation to the transformative properties of the space? What are the consequences of post-bodily inhabitation?
    • Embodied Participation: How do media and digital technologies alter and shift the affective, sensory, mnemonic qualities of space? How are bodies, and the corporeal reality of war, transformed by spaces and visa versa? What are the consequences of our engagement with spaces of war for ourselves, others and the space itself?

    Drawing on these broad themes and questions, the conference will showcase exciting new research in this field while pinpointing the emerging puzzles and lines of enquiry we face at the intersection of bodies, media, space and war. We are interested in scholarly and practice contributions that speak to these themes through a range of topics across various spheres and powers relations. *While the main theme of this conference is the corporeal nature of war and its relationship to space, we also welcome papers dealing with any aspect of media, war and conflict.*

    Please submit an abstract of 250 words with author affiliation and brief biog to:

    Sarah Maltby: by 17th January 2020

    Panel submissions are welcome. Panel proposals should include no more than 4 papers in total, a short description (200 words) together with abstracts for each of the papers (150-200 words each including details of the contributor), and the name and contact details of the panel proposer. The panel proposer should coordinate the submissions for that panel as a single proposal.

    Registration Open: 31st January to 27th March 2020

  • 09.01.2020 16:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Linköping University

    We are currently accepting applications to 3 fully funded, 4 year PhD positions associated with the research project, ‘The ethics and social consequences of AI and caring robots. Learning trust, empathy and accountability’.

    (deadline 30 January 2020, start date August 2020).

    The project is led by Ericka Johnson and Katherine Harrison at Tema Genus, Linköping University, Sweden. More information can be found:

    The PhD positions are fully funded (i.e. provide full-employment within the Swedish system, including paid holidays and other standard social benefits, etc.) and can be extended up to a fifth year by teaching opportunities if applicable.

    Position 1: Designing care robots

    What bodies are assumed in the design of companion robots, and how does the design of the robot affect its interactions with humans? This project focuses on how care and affect are materialised in the body of the companion robot, with particular critical attention to intersections of gender, ethnicity and ability. An additional area of inquiry could examine how the material design features of the robot's body are mediated through affective programming software to produce a more intimate encounter.

    Position 2: Learning data for companion robots.

    How can robots learn to care when collecting data on relevant humans may be limited for ethical reasons? Or if real data contain bias, on which data should you train your data? Generative machine learning techniques (such as generative adversarial networks (GANs)) offer a solution to problems with “real” data such as scarce availability, labour intensity of data labelling, data biases, or privacy intrusiveness. This project comprises a critical inquiry into the production/collection of data sets used to help companion robots learn, and particularly the possibility of using GANs to assist with this.

    Position 3: The affective space between human and companion robots

    Current advances in robotics often focuses on refining robots to learn about and respond better to humans. However, interacting well with a robot also requires significant learning on the part of the human participant. This project focuses on the affective space between human and robot, and the work that both participants must learn to do to create an emotional relation characterised by care and trust.

    Interested? Please contact us with any questions (Ericka Johnson and Katherine Harrison )

    Applications are made through the Linköping University web interface:

  • 09.01.2020 12:31 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Mediterranean Journal of Communication (Special issue)

    Deadline: September 1, 2020

    V12N1 (January 2021)


    Special Issue: Communication Research on and from Europe coordinated by Dr. Miguel Vicente-Mariño (University of Valladolid, Spain) and Dr. Ilija Tomanič Trivundža (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) will be published in January 2021 (V12N1). Deadline for submissions: September 1, 2020.

    Europe is one of the two key cultural actors and geopolitical areas to understand the historical evolution and current status of scientific knowledge in the Social Sciences. Communication Research is a scientific field and/or discipline experiencing an undeniable expansion since the 1990s, grounding part of its growth on works arising from the Old Continent, where big changes –ranging from the collapse of the geopolitical East-West division to the long-standing institutional efforts to build up a strong European Union- stand behind the rapid growth and consolidation of a European community of Communication Research scholars.

    The constitution of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), as a merging initiative between the European Consortium of Communication Research (ECCR) and the European Communication Association (ECA) in 2005 appears as an enriching initiative opening a forum for discussion and mutual recognition between and within a growing community of researchers facing similar challenges, topics of study, theoretical anchorages and methodological resources.

    This special issue of Revista Mediterránea de Communication/Mediterranean Journal of Communication aims to reflect on the origins, the processes and the outcomes of Communication Research on and from Europe. Therefore, Europe is considered here both as topic of study (Communication Research on Europe) and as a territory generating scientific evidence (Communication Research from Europe). Departing from a comparative perspective, these contents aspire to turn into a useful discussion platform about how European researchers have developed Communication Research during the last century, identifying the main findings achieved and posing open questions towards a near future.

    Research projects and scientific networks proving to be able to transcend borders and dealing with the challenges of identifying common or divergent patterns across Europe are also invited to present here their main arrival points, as this special issue expects to elaborate and deepen in the roots and horizons of Media Studies and Communication Research in Europe.

    An initial list of topics, open to any other suggestion coming from the readership, could be as follows:

    • History of European Communication Research;
    • European Media Audiences;
    • Media industries in Europe;
    • Journalism Studies on Europe;
    • Comparative Media Studies at a European scale;
    • European Social Movements and Activism;
    • European Public Opinion and the emergence of a common continental public sphere;
    • Academic Labour Conditions in European institutions devoted to Communication Research;
    • The role played by ECREA, and other scientific associations with a European scope, in shaping a research community at the continental level;
    • The role played by the European Communication Conference (ECC) as a meeting point for European Communication researchers;
    • The role played by European and national institutions active in the field of Social Sciences.

    Consequently, all ECREA sections, working groups and networks are especially addressed by this call, as the experience accumulated during the last fifteen years is a valuable resource to elaborate on the role played by Communication Research and Education in shaping up a common and updated notion of Europe. But this call is not limited to these actors, but open to any research project including the European territory and culture as a priority.

    This special issue will be co-edited Miguel Vicente-Mariño, University of Valladolid and Ilija Tomanič Trivundža, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia). Anyone willing to receive additional information about this call or to address any question about potential participation, can directly contact the invited editors at




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