European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 09.01.2020 09:04 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Sheffield

    We are looking for outstanding candidates for the position of Chair in Media, Communication and Conflict. We seek applications from ambitious, highly motivated and talented people who will be keen to play an active role in maintaining and enhancing the department's national and international reputation for research and teaching excellence.

    You will be an inspirational leader who, working with the head of department and leaders of our research centres, can play a key role in shaping the department's strategic commitment to the area of media communication and conflict from either or both a contemporary and historical perspective.

    You will build on the current research strengths of the department around the work of our two research institutes: the Centre for the Freedom of the Media (CFOM) and Centre for the Study of Journalism and History. You'll also be required to attract high-quality PhD students and supervise in areas relevant for the advanced study of media, communication and conflict.

    We particularly welcome applications from different disciplinary perspectives of history, sociology, politics, social geography or communication.

    You will be expected to make a leading contribution to research and learning and teaching. You will have an outstanding record of publications and high-impact research including an established record of research grant capture. We also see proven skills in academic leadership and management, including team building. You will have a strong grasp of how journalism education is situated and valued in a Russell Group environment, and how it is constructed within undergraduate and postgraduate courses. You will make innovative contributions to the department's ongoing curriculum developments.

    We believe in the power of diversity to help us address big global challenges and aim to actively build diverse teams. We particularly welcome applications from groups that are currently underrepresented in the department, including candidates who are LGBT+ or disabled or from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds.

    This post is full time on an open-ended contract, remunerated according to the University's Professorial Pay Scheme.

    For informal enquiries about this job and the department, contact Professor Jackie Harrison at or on 0114 222 2509

    For administration queries and details on the application process, contact the lead recruiter Georgina Gear at or on 0114 222 4257

    For online application system queries and support, visit the online application guidance web pages:

    The closing date for applications is 1 March 2020.

  • 09.01.2020 08:58 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Deusto

    DOCTORATE PROGRAMME: Human Rights: Ethical, Social and Political Challenges

    SCIENTIST IN CHARGE: María Silvestre

    HOST RESEARCH UNIT: Deusto Valores Sociales


    We are looking for a candidate with background (MA) in gender and diversity studies, organisation studies, sociology, anthropology, political sciences, or a related field; with proven interests in and knowledge of theories on gender inequality and diversity and relevant research experience, including qualitative (comparative) analysis and/or policy evaluation. An excellent command of written and spoken English and proficiency in Spanish is needed.

    SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AREAS: Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)


    The proposal will address the impact that implementation of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) by the Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) and Research Quality and Evaluation Agencies might have on science and technology systems. For that aim,a detailed study of the different realities of science and technology systems will be carried out, mainly in Europe, but considering a comparative analysis with other geographical realities. The research will also analyse how many and which research funding organisations have joined European initiatives to promote gender equality. Research main objective will be to provide RFOs key elements and tools for improving gender mainstreaming in science and technology systems and with effective tools to streamline processes and contribute effectively to improve the situation of women in science and attribution of value of gender studies. For developing the research both quantitative and qualitative methodologies will be used.


    5 main academic publications related to the PhD research topic proposal

    Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer, Cham DOI: Suárez, M., Silvestre, M., Royo, R. (2019) Rompiendo habitus, (re)orientando caminos. Prácticas e identidades sexuales emergentes como resistencias subversivas al orden sexual patriarcal. ENCRUCIJADAS. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales, Vol.17: a1704, pp. 1-25, ISSN: 2174-6753 López Belloso M., Díez Sanz, A. (2017 ) “Aproximación a las resistencias de género en los procesos de cambio structural en las Instituciones de Investigación europeas”, Reencuentro: Género y educación superior, 74 , 312-332. Silvestre, María, Elizondo, A. y González, L. (2016) “Análisis de la evaluación de impacto de género en Euskadi (2005-2014)” en: María Caterina LaBarbera y Marta Cruells (eds.) Igualdad de género y no discriminación en España, Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales. Capítulo 10, pág. 209-234 Elizondo, A., Martínez, E., Novo, A., Silvestre, Mª (2009) “Women in political science: figures for Spanish universities”, European Political Science: 8 2009. European Consortium for Political Research. 1680-4333/09 pp. 225-238.

    Main projects developed by the scientist in charge/host research unit of the proposed topic for PhD

    Proyecto: Gender Equality Actions in Research Institutions to traNsform Gender ROLES.GEARING-Roles Entidad financiadora: Comisión Europea (H2020) (call H2020-SwafS-2018-1) Duración: 2018-2022 Investigadora principal: María Silvestre Financiación: 2,999,962.25€ (465,153.5 € para la Universidad de Deusto) Referencia: 824536 Proyecto: Cambio de valores en España y en Europa: identidad europea, justicia social y solidaridad ante nuevos escenarios (EVS-Change) Entidad financiadora: MINECO-Retos Duración: 2016-2020 Investigadora principal: María Silvestre Financiación: 33.880€ Referencia: CSO2016-77057-R Proyecto: Análisis de la tercera brecha digital de género de las personas adolescentes de la CAE Entidad financiadora: Gobierno Vasco (Convocatoria Investigación Básica y Aplicada) Duración: 2016-2019 Investigadora principal: María Silvestre Financiación: 55.750,00 Referencia: PI_2016_1_0029 Proyecto: Impacto de la crisis en el modelo de bienestar social. Vulnerabilidad social y marcos alternativos. Entidad financiadora: MINECO Duración: 2014-2016 Investigadora principal: María Silvestre Financiación: 31.460 euros Referencia: DER2013-47190-C2-2-R Proyecto: Innovación universitaria: la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en programas educativos y organizaciones universitarias Entidad financiadora: MINECO-EUROPA (2015-2016) Duración: 2015-2016 Investigadora principal: María Silvestre Financiación: 16.300 euros Referencia: EUIN2015-62606


    Identification of the different knowledge areas that the proposed topic for PhD integrates or aims to integrate

    The research will address the impact of the application of equality plans in research funding agencies for different scientific areas. The research will address both gender mainstreaming in science and the impact of measures of equality plans in careers where there is a lower presence of women, such as STEAM areas

    Is co-direction of the thesis envisaged?

    Yes. The Phd applicant will be supervised by the academic coordinator of the Gearing Roles Project, María Silvestre and María López Belloso, Project team member

    Describe how interdisciplinarity is planned to be achieved and implemented

    The applicant will be rooted in a vibrant and diverse community, with consortium members and partners from different a) areas of knowledge: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH); committed to working as a solid sustainable consortium where to build mutual learning, real exchanges, and generate tested tools. The proposal will also conduct an appraisal of the differences and similarities between different types of research funding organisations


    Relationship of the proposed topic for PhD with H2020 priorities, SDGs and/or other relevant policies related to the topic

    As Europe designs its future research and innovation strategies in the face of pressing global challenges, Horizon Europe will link closely to the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and Sustainable Development Goals. The United Nations consider “the systematic mainstreaming of a gender perspective in the implementation of the Agenda” (United Nations 2015) to be crucial. Gender equality is an enabler and accelerator for all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The gender-responsive implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development offers an opportunity to achieve not only SDG 5 (gender equality), but to contribute to progress on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ODS5, is also a substantial part of the Basque Country agenda 2030, highlighted in 29, 30, 31 and 32 goals. Gender equality is also a fundamental value of the European acquis and an essential part of European research and innovation policy. Since the first Communication on women and science in 1999 EU institutions have called to facilitate the involvement of women in the academic sector, with gender equality now one of the five priorities of the European Research Area .

    Is international co-direction or international “co-tutelle” envisaged?

    It is envisaged a collaboration with GEARING Roles partners, especially with the Estonian research Council, where the applicand could be hosted for a research stay. International co-direction will be decided together with the candidate according to his/her specific research situation, thesis proposal and the interdisciplinary aspects of the research project.


    Identification of possible relevant external stakeholders to collaborate with in the framework of the proposed topic for PhD

    Intersectoral collaboration is based on strong partnerships with local and regional players, such as the Agency for Quality of the Basque University System (Unibasq).

    Is industrial doctorate envisaged?

    Industrial doctorate is not envisaged since the programme requires the researcher to be hired by the University of Deusto. However, the industrial partner will be involved in the research and training of the PhD student since the beginning.


    Contribution of the proposed topic for PhD to the knowledge field beyond the scientific impact, identifying the opportunities for adoption, uptake and exploitation of the foreseen results by the relevant stakeholders, and indicating how the dissemination and diffusion of results to the target group(s) will be done

    Both the 2015 Resolution of the European Parliament on women’s careers in science and universities and the 2015 Council Conclusions on advancing gender equality in the European Research Area (ERA) stressed the role of RFOs in supporting women’s careers in science and gender equality in the ERA through the allocation of adequate resources for gender equality policies and the elimination of gender bias in research funding. However, only the most recent European Structural Change projects for gender equality in research institutions have included RFOs, either in the role of observers or as partners. Based on some already existing analysis, the research will show how effective measures for the promotion of gender and diversity can impact the situation of science and technology systems by improving the situation of female researchers and their access to resources. For that purpose from the beginning of the research the applicant will work with RFOs in the identification and delimitation of the research scope and will pay special attention to how the need to incorporate gender equality in science and technology systems is perceived.


    Description of the innovative aspects of the hosting offer

    So far, most interventions for the promotion of implementation of equality plans have focused on higher education institutions and research centers. However, this research will address the impact that a direct intervention could have with funding agencies and quality agencies to maximize the transformative effect of equality plans


    How will the proposed topic for PhD integrate the inclusion dimension?

    The adoption of a constructivist gender perspective forces us to incorporate an intersectional perspective that apprehends diversity and plurality in both women and men and how different vectors of inequality interact in the construction of gendered identities of scientists and gendered conceptions of scientific work itself; a perspective that fully grasps sex and gender analysis and includes relevant interconnected dimensions which might be discrimination axes themselves (such as race, class, age, sexual orientation) or other conditions (such as parenting roles, educational and/or professional level, social capital, etc.). Oppressive operations such as racism, ageism, sexism, and homophobia, do not act independently, they are interrelated and continuously shaped by one another. The research will analyse if RFOs take into account how interseccionality operates in the access of females to academic positions and funds or if these agencies put in place any particular criteria or action to reduce the impact of disabilities, poverty or discrimination. Deusto is committed to social justice and inclusion. It recognises gender equality as a key driver for sustainable development, inclusive growth and academic opportunity for women. Moreover, to seek real inclusion for people with specific support needs, the project will ensure equal rights and opportunities with respect to access to the programme and the acquisition of skills expected to achieve the PhD.

    Apply here:

  • 09.01.2020 08:52 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Linneaus University, Kalmar, Sweden

    Reference number: 2019/795-2.2.1

    The Department om Media and Journalism at Linneaus University, Kalmar, Sweden is looking for a senior lecturer in Media Production specialising in Audiovisual Production.

    The department strives to integrate academic research and professional competence, and offers free-standing courses and subject-based courses in a range of educational programmes, many of which can be studied both on campus and through distance learning.

    The department is now seeking to further enhance its position in the field of media production by appointing a senior lecturer in Media Production, specialising in Audiovisual Production. The aim is to further develop Media Production to create a main subject area with an academic foundation.

    Subject area of the position: Media Production specialising in Audiovisual Production

    Current location: Kalmar

    Nature of the position: Permanent employment, 100%. A six-month trial period will be applied.

    Job description: Duties involve tuition in the subject of Media Production at first cycle and second cycle level, with a focus on theoretical understanding and vocational knowledge. This includes lectures, practical supervision and examination, as well as course planning and development, evaluation and other administration. Tuition takes place within both free-standing courses and the undergraduate programmes in Journalism and Communication Science.

    The position includes research, and you are also expected to contribute and publish research in the field of media production, to take part in the department’s research faculty meetings, to actively seek research funding and to contribute to linking tuition to research and to its professional relevance and topicality.

    Selection requirements:

    To be appointed as a senior lecturer, the applicant must have obtained a PhD or possess equivalent academic competence with reference to the subject matter of the appointment.

    Appropriate subject areas for the appointment are: Media and Communication Studies, Journalism, Film Studies, Art Education or associated subjects with a link to media production.

    Applicants must also be able to document educational skills, a good ability to collaborate and be able to teach in Swedish and English.

    Assessment criteria:

    The level of ability that is a requirement for the appointment will apply as assessment criteria for the appointment of a senior lecturer. Equal attention will be paid to assessing both educational aptitude and academic aptitude.

    Educational aptitude shall relate not only to planning, implementation and evaluation of tuition, but also to supervision and examination.

    Educational aptitude must be well documented in a way that enables the quality to be assessed.

    Special emphasis will be placed on experience and educational aptitude with regard to teaching of theories and methods of relevance to the subject of Media Production. Importance will also be attached to the ability to plan, initiate, link to research, manage and develop education and tuition.

    When assessing academic aptitude, special emphasis will be placed on experience of research in the subject of Media Production. The obtaining of external research funding for the subject’s research areas is also considered advantageous. When assessing academic aptitude, academic quality will be considered in the first instance.

    Significance will also be attached to the scope of research, primarily with regard to its depth and breadth.

    Furthermore, significance is also attached to the ability to plan, manage, initiate and develop research and education, the ability to obtain funding for research in competition, and documented ability to interact both within the field of academia and with society at large.

    Also advantageous for the appointment is up-to-date industry experience of documentary narrative, TV production, journalism and/or digital sound/image production.

    When the university appoints new teachers, the applicants selected are those that are considered, through a qualitative assessment of competence and aptitude, to possess the best capacity to perform and develop relevant tasks and to contribute to a successful development of the organisation.

    Union representatives can be reached via the University's switchboard on telephone +46 772-28 80 00.

    Welcome to submit your application no later than February 14th 2020!

    Linnaeus University has the ambition to utilize the qualities that an even gender distribution and diversity brings to the organization.

    Please apply by clicking on the Apply button at the bottom of the ad. Your application should be designed according to the Template for application which can be found in the Guide to Appointment procedures under important documents below the ad. The credentials you invoke must be verified with certification and they must be attached digitally in your application. Other documents, including various types of scientific works, must be submitted digitally along with the application. The application and other documents to be marked with the reference number. All documents cited must be received by the University no later than 24.00 (Local time in Sweden) on the closing day.

    Contact person

    Magnus Danielson

    Head of Department

    +46-480 44 64 58

    Josefin Grahn


    +46-470 - 70 81 84

    URL to this page:

    Apply HERE.

  • 08.01.2020 22:04 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 15, 2020 (9.00 AM) - June 16, 2020 (6.00 PM)

    Institute of Latin America Studies, Stockholm University

    Deadline: January 30, 2020

    The 5th conference Media and Governance in Latin America, with the theme Communication in Contested Political Scenarios will take place on June 15-16, 2020 at the Nordic Institute of Latin America Studies. The itinerant conference is held since 2014 in different European locations.

    The conference’s goal is to promote an intellectual debate on the role of the media in the promotion of good governance in Latin America. By bringing together senior scholars and young researchers, this initiative seeks to provide a space of exchange about the theoretical and methodological relevance of current debates. This conference aims to address academic debates in the field of global media, media and development, and the de-westernization of media studies. It will provide international scholars the opportunity to discuss theoretical and methodological approaches, country-based case studies, comparative projects and academic collaborations in a transdisciplinary setting.

    The Call for Papers to the 5th Conference Media and Governance in Latin America is now open and can be accessed here. The deadline for submissions of abstracts is January 30

    Important Dates:

    • Submission deadline: 30/01/2020
    • Decision on acceptance: 28/02/2020
    • Registration opens: 02/03/2020*
    • Program release: around 20/05/2020


  • 08.01.2020 22:02 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 6-7, 2020

    Ulster University, Magee Campus (Derry), is pleased to host the

    Deadline: March 21, 2020

    16th annual Irish Screen Studies Seminar

    The Irish Screen Studies Seminar provides a unique platform for the presentation of new work – research, practice, and research through practice – by scholars and filmmakers from third-level institutions in Ireland, as well as those working on Irish screen-related topics in other universities and colleges worldwide.

    The seminar is aimed at academic researchers and practitioners in film and screen cultures in the broadest sense, touching on audio, film, television, digital media, transmedia, gaming and related interdisciplinary activity. The ISSS actively promotes the exchange of ideas and offers postgraduate and early career researchers and practitioners an ideal opportunity to present evolving screen-related research and practice in a constructive and encouraging forum. Conference papers will be archived on the Irish Screen Studies website.

    We are delighted to announce that the keynote speakers for the conference will be renowned film theorist Professor John Hill, Professor of Film Studies at Royal Holloway London and Dr. Liz Greene, Reader in Film and Sonic Arts at Liverpool John Moores University.

    We invite proposals in all areas of film and screen research and/or practice.

    To submit an abstract/proposal, please email 250 words and a short bio to by 21 March 2020.

    For updated information on the conference please visit or the Irish Screen Studies page on Facebook.

  • 08.01.2020 21:53 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 23-25, 2020

    Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Deadline: January 15, 2020

    The 2nd Biennial Conference on Food & Communication

    Keynote speaker: Prof. JOSÉE JOHNSTON, University of Toronto

    Food is a key means through which we construct and represent ourselves discursively. Food features as a powerful cultural signifier, often evoking associations with issues of gender, class, race and power. Food-related activities, such as grocery shopping, meal preparation, and eating, along with the public and private spaces in which these activities occur, provide the basis for many of our complex daily communicative practices. Food also is located at the core of many of the most challenging social issues of our time, often manifested in oppressive relations of inequality, and in the placement of food at the center of calls for social justice.

    We are witness to major changes in how the relationships between food systems and consumers are constructed discursively.

    Not surprisingly, food has been an important focus of research across the humanities and social sciences, from history to sociology, cultural studies, political studies and beyond. This conference extends that focus by providing an international platform that foregrounds the role of communication in the production, distribution and consumption of food. The aim of the conference is to address discourses, texts and communication evolving in relation to both widespread dissatisfaction with existing food systems and to visions for a more sustainable and regenerative future of food.

    Scholars are invited to explore the cultural and discursive construction of food. This may include analyses of political and policy texts on food sovereignty, and security, food safety and nutrition, food waste, sustainability and climate change; texts produced by the food industry, including advertising, packaging, labeling, menus, social media and other means of food marketing; consumer and media narratives on “the pleasures of the table”; and texts promoting gastronomic tourism, to name just a few.

    Today, cumulative food-related crises and controversies have become central to ongoing attempts to address the health of the global population and the planet. As a result, we are witness to major changes in how the relationships between food systems and consumers are constructed discursively.

    In response to these issues, scholars are welcome to explore narratives about the emergence of alternative solutions to, and new imaginaries about, the future of food.

    1) Food as cultural signifier / text / medium, including food as:

    • Expression of cultural identity
    • Cultural capital
    • Object of commodity activism
    • Expression of cultural appropriateness
    • Expression of cultural appropriation
    • Basis of ritual and community bonding

    2) Representations of food, including:

    • Journalistic and documentary coverage of the food and agricultural industries
    • Food as the focus of entertainment television (narrative cinema, reality TV, celebrity programs, etc.)
    • Food in social media
    • Commercial communication about food (advertising, PR, lobbying, industry narratives)
    • Political discourses (e.g., food safety, sovereignty, security; sustainability; regenerative agriculture; access to food; food deserts; animal welfare; etc.)
    • Scientific and technical communication

    3) Public knowledge (and lack of knowledge) about food, including:

    • Food literacy (health, nutrition, safety and risk, etc.)
    • Environmental impacts (e.g., waste, pollution, climate change)
    • Cultural origins, history, appropriation

    4) The mediation of food activism:

    • Communication for direct action (protest, demonstration, petition, boycott, etc.)
    • Commodity activism

    5) Imaginaries about the future of food, including:

    • New sources (e.g., insects, algae, in vitro meat)
    • Genetic engineering of plants and animals
    • Hydroponics
    • Aquaculture
    • Transparency, traceability, blockchain, etc.

    Abstracts of 300-500 words and queries can be submitted to:

    Abstracts may also be submitted via the web page below where further information can be found:

    Notifications of acceptance will be sent out in March 2020.

    Associated costs Fee

    Fee for conference attendance is 120 EUR and will cover the cost of food and drink during the conference plus materials.

    An optional conference dinner costs 35 EUR (three courses of local dishes and local wine). Dinner will take place on Thursday evening, September 24th 2020 at Gostilna na Gradu.

    Travel and accommodation costs will need to be covered by participants themselves.

    Dr. Andreja Vezovnik, University of Ljubljana, Chair of Local Committee (contact person)

    Dr. Ana Tominc, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh, Chair of Program Committee

  • 08.01.2020 21:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 26-27, 2020

    University of Oslo, Norway

    Deadline: January 31, 2020

    The role of the media is a contentious issue in the contemporary Middle East. Analysts and actors agree on its overall importance, but how journalism shape political dynamics is a matter of dispute. Some see a positive change in new communication technologies and the multitude of voices. Others lament a combustible mix of lies, instrumentalization and polarization that is turning societies apart. In the political science literature, social media have often been analysed as mobilization vehicles, while mainstream media are primarily understood as instruments of power in the hands of regimes. The recent wave of protests in the Arab world has seen popular anger directed against both media and reporters.

    At the same time, some journalists have sided with the street. In this conference, we take a closer look at the interaction between media and politics and the active part that journalists may play. We expand the analytic scope from the media as mobilizers in upheavals to their role as intermediaries between state powers and citizens and interpreters of public affairs. The conference marks the end of a three years’ research project on journalism in Tunisia and Lebanon, evolving around these themes.

    Our aim is to broaden the view and draw comparisons across the region. We invite papers that engage with issues such as journalists as power brokers, the tensions between rights and security, religious polarization and electoral mobilization, to name a few. The scope spans from traditional news outlets to digital media and citizen journalism.

    Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2020, full papers by 1 May. The organizers will cover travel and accommodation costs for the selected presenters.

    Further information: Kjetil Selvik, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs,; Jacob Høigilt, University of Oslo,

  • 08.01.2020 21:46 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Proposals Submission Deadline: February 15, 2020

    Full Chapters Due: April 29, 2020

    Submission Date: August 7, 2020


    • Lídia Oliveira, DigiMedia, University of Aveiro
    • Ana Carla Amaro, DigiMedia, University of Aveiro
    • Ana Melro, DigiMedia, University of Aveiro


    With the importance of cultural heritage for territories in particular, and for States and societies as a whole it must be a topic that integrates the agenda of main public policies. Furthermore, cultural heritage is what keeps entire populations unified, it is the element that makes individuals feel part of a community. This widespread knowledge would allow the maintenance, sustainability, and preservation of main material and immaterial cultural artifacts.


    Cultural Heritage is a broader concept that includes the concepts of Territorial Innovation and Development, Culture, Rural, and digital cultural heritage, as well as the topics and tools that help cultural heritage to be preserved.

    The goal is to analyze how this preservation and sustainability occurs countries and, on one hand, how it contributes to territorial innovation and, on the other hand, how technological tools contribute to those preservation and sustainability, as well as for the dissemination of cultural heritage.

    Target Audience

    The main context will be in Cultural Heritage and its preservation, maintenance, and sustainability. These topics would be of great importance to the fields of Territorial Innovation and Development, Public Policies and Digital, Media and Technology fields. Research centers in those areas, Universities are the main markets of this book.

    Recommended Topics

    The book will focus on the importance of cultural heritage for territorial innovation and it intends to cover a wide range of topics:

    • Cyberculture;
    • Communities (online and offline);
    • Social innovation;
    • Sustainability;
    • Public policies;
    • Territorial development;
    • Information and communication technologies;
    • Networks;
    • Internet of Things;
    • Cultural heritage;
    • Territorial innovation.

    Submission Procedure

    Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before February 15, 2020, a chapter proposal of 1,000 to 2,000 words clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors will be notified by February 29, 2020 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by April 29, 2020, and all interested authors must consult the guidelines for manuscript submissions at prior to submission. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.

    Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book publication, Cultural Heritage and Its Impact on Territory Innovation and Development. All manuscripts are accepted based on a double-blind peer review editorial process.

    All proposals should be submitted through the eEditorial Discovery®TM online submission manager.


    This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea Group Reference), "Medical Information Science Reference," "Business Science Reference," and "Engineering Science Reference" imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit This publication is anticipated to be released in 2021.

    Important Dates

    • February 15, 2020: Proposal Submission Deadline
    • February 29, 2020: Notification of Acceptance
    • April 29, 2020: Full Chapter Submission
    • June 12, 2020: Review Results Returned
    • July 10, 2020: Revisions Due From Authors
    • July 24, 2020: Final Acceptance Notification
    • August 7, 2020: Final Chapter Submission


    Ana Melro:

    DigiMedia - Digital Media and Interaction, Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal

  • 08.01.2020 21:37 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Popular Culture Studies Journal

    DEADLINE EXTENDED: Proposals now due January 24, 2020

    Publish date: April, 2021

    Guest editor: Liz W Faber,

    We are seeking submissions for the April 2021 special issue on robots and labor in pop culture.

    Much of the conversation about robots and Artificial Intelligence for the past 100 years has focused on whether robots could/should replace human workers. With this in mind, we are interested in a broad examination of how pop culture has imagined robots in the workforce, from classics like the Hanna-Barbera cartoon The Jetsons to more recent works such as C. Robert Cargill’s 2017 novel Sea of Rust. Considerations of all genres, media, and critical lenses are welcome, and we are particularly interested in stretching the boundaries of how labor is defined.

    The Popular Culture Studies Journal is an open-access academic, peer-reviewed, refereed journal for scholars, academics, and students from the many disciplines that study popular culture, as well as the fans and general public with an interest in popular culture texts, practices, and industries. The journal serves the MPCA/ACA membership, as well as scholars globally who recognize and support its mission based on expanding the way we view popular culture as a fundamental component within the contemporary world.

    To be considered for this special issue, please send a proposal of no more than 250-300 words to the guest editor, Liz W Faber, at Proposals must be received by Friday, January 24, 2020. Full essays will be due in August, 2020, and final drafts will be due December, 2020.

    Questions and topic inquiries for this special issue can be directed to the guest editor, Liz W Faber (

  • 02.01.2020 12:56 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 2-5, 2020

    Braga, Portugal

    Deadline: January 5, 2020

    The Re/media.Lab – Laboratory and Incubator of Regional Media is calling for proposals for a panel submission to the 8^th European Communication Conference: ”Communication and Trust: Building Safe, Sustainable and Promising Futures” to be held in Braga, Portugal, October 2-5, 2020. The panel aims to reflect on the Challenges for Local Journalism in Disinformation Times.

    Fake news has recently gained prominence as the way media content is presented and consumed on social networks. The pressure of fake news tends to favor audience’s quick and superficial perception, with little incentive for more careful reflection, in which emotion and polarization play an additional role. In local contexts, the existence of offline social networks supported by close social ties may strengthen the occurrence of endogamic contexts that difficult changes and diversity.

    Our group is interested in receiving abstracts proposing a theoretical and experimental approach to fake news in local journalism highlighting the following issues:

    a) Disinformation and fake news in local and communitarian contexts.

    b) The risk that close ties inside local communities induce an endogamic perception of public life, including effects such as like-minded thoughts. polarized bubbles or the closure of the agenda process.

    c) The role and perception of local journalists on the issues related to disinformation and fake news at the local e communitarian levels.

    d) The role played by perception of the public on the issues related to disinformation and fake news at local and communitarian levels.

    e) Presentation, description or suggestion of original local media-literacy strategies as an element of prevention and combat against disinformation in these contexts.

    f) Presentation, description or suggestion of ombudsman strategies as an element of preventing disinformation in these contexts.

    g) Presentation of new or reformulated theoretical, experimental and methodological approaches to the studies of disinformation processes in local contexts.

    To comply with the ECREA guidelines, individual abstracts of 500 words can be submitted. Abstract titles are limited to 30 words. All abstracts must be written in English and up to10 authors can be included. The presenting author must be listed first and only one author can be nominated as the presenting author.

    Please send your abstract to João Carlos Correia at the University of Beira Interior ( ) and Pedro Jerónimo ( ) until January 5. This will enable Re/media.Lab committee to peer review contributions ahead of the ECREA deadline on January 15.

    The 2020 conference is organized by the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) and the University of Minho. For more information:

    Information on the Re/media.Lab:




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