European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 06.02.2020 13:16 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Department of Communication of Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain)

    Details about the position are available on the Euraxess website:

    The benefits are:

    • Five-year contract with opportunities for permanent stabilization.
    • The gross annual salary is €38,000.
    • Initial provision of €20,000 for research work.

    Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) has adopted the tenure-track system to attract and retain talent. The tenure-track contract has a fixed term of five years. A year before the contract expires, the candidate will be evaluated by the Communication Department Teaching Staff Committee. If the evaluation is positive, the candidate may apply for a permanent position.

    Application Deadline: 17/02/2020 13:00 — Europe/Brussels

  • 06.02.2020 13:03 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 1-2, 2020

    Main campus of the University of Minho (Braga, Portugal)

    Deadline: March 30, 2020

    ECREA preconference on the relevance and persistence of traditional media co-organized by three ECREA Thematic Sections: Communication History, Radio Research, Television Studies.

    Media and communication studies today especially focus on questions surrounding how digital media and digitization have changed and revolutionized previous media ecologies. Funding opportunities, PhD dissertations, journals and books on digitization and the relevance of digital media are overwhelming. This joint ECREA preconference, organized by the Communication History, Radio Research, and Television Studies Sections, invites colleagues to focus on and discuss claims that studying old media is imperative and still fully relevant to understand our contemporary media landscapes. In several media sectors, traditional media, such as television and radio, printing, analog photography and music, are still the most profitable businesses. The integration of old and new media seems to be more effective than disruptive models, and the so-called “old media” are still used and appreciated by media audiences worldwide. This preconference invites empirical and theoretical contributions from different angles. Potential topics may include, but are not limited to:

    • Old media persistence in terms of content, political mentality, business, law, regulation, audience and usage;
    • Remediation and persistence of old media forms into new media, processes of digitization of old media and persistence of old media business models;
    • The significance of traditional media (e.g. broadcasting, printing, analog photography and music, etc.) in contemporary digital culture;
    • Production studies of old media industries;
    • The persistence of propaganda and fake news from old to new media;
    • Old media and how they contribute to the process of datafication;
    • The persistence of old media in the everyday life of minoritarian or marginalised audiences;
    • New media histories for old media;
    • The persistence of old media activism;
    • The continuation and renewal of old controversies and debates (on governance, neutrality, etc.);
    • Nostalgia and use of old media archives as current practices both in the production of new media contents and in the audience consumptions.
    • Analog photography, vinyl, tapes and Super8 movies (among others): the return of nostalgic media

    Please send your 500 word abstract and a short bio of 100 words to

    Deadline for submissions is 30 March 2020. Authors will receive word of acceptance by 30 April 2020. The conference is schedule on the 1st and 2nd October, 2020 at the main campus of the University of Minho (Braga, Portugal).

    For more information, please visit the website and contact the management teams of the three sections:

    • Communication History (Gabriele Balbi, Valérie Schafer, Christian Schwarzenegger)
    • Radio Research (Belén Monclús, Tiziano Bonini, Salvatore Scifo)
    • Television Studies (Juan Francisco Gutiérrez Lozano, Susanne Eichner, Berber Hagedoorn)
  • 30.01.2020 21:30 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The University of Helsinki

    The University of Helsinki is the oldest and largest institution of academic education in Finland, an international scientific community of 40,000 students and researchers. In international university rankings, the University of Helsinki typically ranks among the top 100. The University of Helsinki seeks solutions for global challenges and creates new ways of thinking for the best of humanity.

    The Faculty of Social Sciences and Helsinki Institute of Urban and Regional Studies are seeking applications for


    in the areas of 1) urban inequality, 2) digitalisation of urban life and 3) urban utopias, citizenship, and alternatives.

    The postdoctoral researchers will be offered a contract for a two-year fixed-term period starting on April 1, 2020 (or as agreed).


    1) Urban inequality

    The first open position is targeted at the study of urban inequality. The postdoctoral researcher is expected to focus in his/her research on problems of emerging and growing inequalities in urban regions. The research can cover topics such as inter-generational poverty, social mobility and mechanisms that generate or regenerate segregation or disadvantages or other related topics. S/he may also study alternative urbanisation or countermeasures against unwanted consequences of urban inequality.

    2) Digitalisation of urban life

    The second open position is focused on the effects of digitalisation in everyday social life and urban public spaces. In cities, the use of mobile gadgets, intensified surveillance and other ramifications of networked code-based technologies have become ubiquitous. Corporate actors and urban policy-makers tend to acclaim the democratic and equalizing aspects of the digital revolution. Looking beyond the monocausal hype via social and urban theory, the research to be conducted may relate to how digitalisation is reproducing social and urban divisions and influencing people’s behaviour and forms of presence in the public, besides the new forms of civic participation and flexible social organisation enabled by it. Ideally, both the empowering and disempowering aspects of the digitalisation of urban life should be brought under empirical and theoretical scrutiny by the appointed postdoctoral researcher.

    3) Urban utopias, citizenship, and alternatives

    The third open position is directed to the study of urban utopias and alternatives. Progressive utopias for a better future and popular calls for social rights, including the reactions to them by power-holders, have always constituted an integral part of urban dynamism. Under this broad definition, potential approaches include but are not restricted to emerging forms and weak signals of contemporary urbanism, out-of-the-mainstream development policies and regeneration solutions adopted or experimented by particular cities, alternative paths to the so-called creative city, grassroots politics and demands for the right to the city as a transformative force, and newer or tradition-based manifestations of the commons as an alternative to urban enclosures and social exclusion.

    The goal of Helsinki Institute of Urban and Regional Studies is to enhance the understanding of the global urban challenge facing the Nordic Welfare States (

    The postdoctoral researcher will benefit from a novel research environment that emphasises scientific rigor, collaboration with cities and the pursuit of excellence in science and teaching. The close co-operation between the University of Helsinki, Aalto University and the cities of Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa will provide a unique working environment in the heart of a changing and developing capital region.


    An appointee to the position of postdoctoral researcher must hold a doctoral degree in a relevant field, have the ability to conduct independent scientific research and possess the teaching skills required for the position. The candidate should have the proven capability to publish in scientific journals and have excellent analytical and methodological skills. In addition, the candidate is expected to have good communication skills and the ability to work both independently and collaboratively in a multidisciplinary working community. The duties of the postdoctoral researcher include teaching (5% of the annual workload).

    The chosen applicant is expected to reside in Finland while employed by the University of Helsinki. The Faculty of Social Sciences provides assistance in relocation. The working language will be English.

    The position of postdoctoral researcher is typically held for three to five years after the completion of a doctoral degree. The aim of the position is to encourage the appointee to further their skills and gain more experience to prepare them for an academic career.


    We are an equal opportunity employer and offer an attractive and diverse workplace in an inspiring environment with a variety of development opportunities and benefits. The annual gross salary range will be approx. 41,000 – 50,000 euros, depending on the appointee’s qualifications and experience. In addition, University of Helsinki offers comprehensive services to its employees, including occupational health care and opportunities for professional development. Further information at The employment contract will include a probationary period of six months.


    Please submit your application as a single pdf file, which includes the following documents in English:

    • Curriculum vitae, including teaching merits (max. 3 pages)
    • List of publications (max. 2 pages)
    • Research Plan or Letter of Research Interests (max. 3 pages), in which the applicant outlines how his/her expertise would contribute to the research area
    • Summary (max. 2 pages) of the applicant’s scholarly activities, including original research at an international level, international academic networks, local co-operation, success in obtaining research funding
    • Names and contact details of one or two referees

    Please submit your application as a single pdf file using the University of Helsinki Recruitment System via the Apply link. Applicants who are employees of the University of Helsinki are requested to submit their application via the SAP HR portal, The deadline for applications is February 16, 2020.


    Further information on the positions may be obtained from:

    Professor Mari Vaattovaara, University of Helsinki, Urbaria (mari.vaattovaara(at), +358-504154861)

    Coordinator Iiris Koivulehto, University of Helsinki, Urbaria (iiris.koivulehto(at), +358-405649886)

    Due date: 16.02.2020 23:59 EET

  • 30.01.2020 21:27 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Coventry University

    Coventry University is seeking to appoint a Professor of Immersive Media within its dynamic Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Appointment to this position offers an opportunity to lead on the Centre’s research on digital media and humanities. It also allows the successful candidate to provide academic leadership in an area of critical importance to the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and cement its growing international reputation and ambitious research agenda.

    The Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC), established in 2017, builds on the strong and distinctive track-record of scholars at Coventry University encompassing a range of disciplines in the arts and humanities. Led by Professor Gary Hall, the CPC brings together media theorists, practitioners, activists and artists to explore how developments in postdigital cultures can enable 21st century society respond to the challenges it faces in relation to the digital at a global, national and local level.

    The CPC is diverse, with its members hailing from more than 14 different countries, and takes an innovative stance in exploring (post)digital phenomena. It is our position that the “digital” can no longer be understood as a separate domain of culture. If we actually examine the digital - rather than taking it for granted we already know what it means - we see that today digital information processing is present in every aspect of our lives. This includes our global communication, entertainment, education, energy, banking, health, transport, manufacturing, food, and water-supply systems. Attention therefore needs to turn from “the digital”, to the various overlapping processes and infrastructures that shape and organise the digital, and that the digital helps to shape and organise in turn. The CPC investigates such enmeshed digital models of culture and society for the 21st century “postdigital” world. Put another way, what we are interestedin is how we are born out of our relation to media, rather than seeing the media simply as an external instrument or tool, the latter being the classical Aristotelian view that has dominated our understanding of media technologies to date.

    The successful candidate is expected to have an international reputation with a successful record of accomplishment of high-quality research outputs, income generation and public engagement. Candidates with an expertise in immersive media and a specialism in one or more of the following areas are especially encouraged to apply: decentralised networks; AI and data-driven humanities; experimental humanities/post-humanities; emergent postcapitalist economies.

    The closing date for applications: Sunday 16th February 2020 For more information on the Centre for Postdigital Cultures, see

    Informal enquiries about this post should be addressed to Professor Gary Hall (

    To apply please visit:

  • 30.01.2020 21:22 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 2, 2020

    Braga, Portugal

    Deadline: April 17, 2020

    This ECREA 2020 Children, Youth and Media pre-conference will engage participants in a fruitful dialogue about “Ethics and Children’s rights”.

    The event will take a workshop format to encourage participants to interact in small groups moderated by a senior researcher.

    Submission and Selection: Authors Notification 15th May 2020

    Registration: Until 2nd September 2020

    Local organizers:

    • Sara Pereira (ICS/Universidade do Minho, CECS)
    • Cristina Ponte (FCSH/Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, ICNOVA)
    • Teresa Sofia Castro (FCSH/Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, ICNOVA)
    • Pedro Moura (ICS/Universidade do Minho, CECS)
    • Joana Fillol (ICS/Universidade do Minho, CECS)


    This event is supported by the ECREA Children, Youth and Media Section.

    Call for Abstracts

    Interested participants are encouraged to submit a 250-word abstract on one of the two following themes, distributed in two sessions:

    Session 1. Ethics in research with children: When doing research with children and young people, ethical issues arise at all stages of the life cycle of the project and invite to reflexivity. Issues related to trust are raised when: i) Contacting gatekeepers and accessing children and young people. Requirements may differ depending on the country, the place of research and the groups we want to do research with. ii) Building rapport and negotiating consent with children and young people and explaining issues related to anonymity and confidentiality. iii) Saving and using photographs and videos of children and young people in research outputs (security, misuse, dissemination…). iv) Involving children and young people in the analyses of the data and in the dissemination of results.

    Session 2. Ethics and Children’s Digital Rights: Thirty years ago the UN Convention did not envisaged the fast pace of digital evolution and related challenges children and families face. Since then, the digital landscape has been increasingly accessible to younger generations of children and decisions to keep children safe online has created tensions between rights to protection and participation. Considering some polarised debates and controversies on the inevitability of digital in children’s lives and in finding a balanced approach, we invite researchers and scholars to discuss and reflect on ethics concerning children’s protection, participation and provision rights and how these transfer to the digital? What changes in the digital sphere? Or not? How can we think these rights properly, namely right to privacy, image rights, right of personal portrayal.

    Submission and selection process

    Abstracts must be submitted by April 17, 2020 to the following e-mail:

    Submit your abstract as an e-mail attachment with no references to the author(s). Author(s) details (name, affiliation and contact details) must be included in the e-mail message.

    Participants should submit their proposal either for theme 1 or theme 2.

    No more than 15 abstracts will be selected for each session. Small groups of participants sharing similar issues will allow in-depth discussions, which will be followed by the presentation and debate in plenary.

    Abstracts will be subject to blind peer-review.


    Authors of accepted abstract must communicate their attendance by September 2, 2020 to

    It is possible to attend the workshop without any presentation. In this situation, please inform the organizers on your interest and make the registration. The total number of participants is limited to 50.

    There will be a small fee to cover attendance and refreshments at the pre-conference:

    35€ for Non-ECREA members

    30€ for ECREA members

    15€ for PhD students.

    Details and payment procedures will be announced at a later date.

    Provisional Program

    The pre-conference will close before the opening of the ECREA main conference.

    It takes place on 2nd October 2020 (Friday).

    9:15 Registration

    9:30-12.15 SESSION 1

    9:30-9.40 Welcome participants – ECREA CYM , Sara Pereira and Cristina Ponte

    9:40-10:00 Lecture in Ethical Challenges in doing research with children, by Elisabeth Staksrud

    10:00-11:00 Group work: presentation and discussion of contributions; identification of 1-2 key points in each group;

    11:00-11:15 Coffee Break

    11:15-12:15 Plenary: Sharing and discussing; wrapping up

    12:15-13:30 Lunch Break

    13:30-16.00 SESSION 2

    13:30-13.50 Lecture in Ethics and Digital Rights (speaker to be announced)

    13.50-15.00 Group work: presentation and discussion of contributions; identification of 1-2 key points in each group.

    15:00-16.00 Plenary: Sharing and discussing; wrapping up.

  • 30.01.2020 21:16 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Cardiff University

    Cardiff University, School of Journalism, Media and Culture, supported by the ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership for Wales, invites applications for PhD study, with the possibility of a fully-funded studentship, available to start in October 2020. We expect to make doctoral studentship awards in the area of “Journalism and Democracy”.

    The School of Journalism, Media and Culture (JOMEC) has a long-standing reputation as a world-leading centre for innovative teaching and research. Researchers engage with pressing contemporary issues and debates bringing together theory and practice. In the 2014 Research Excellence Framework assessment, our research was ranked 2nd in the UK in terms of its quality and impact.

    A key strength of JOMEC's research environment is the ongoing dialogue between research and practice-based staff delivering impactful research and policy.

    JOMEC's cutting-edge research findings are shared through weekly seminars featuring speakers from across the UK and internationally. We also host the renowned biennial ‘Future of Journalism' conference bringing together scholars and practitioners from around the world contributing to a lively research environment.

    JOMEC's state of the art facilities at Two Central Square situates us at the centre of local and national media, including BBC Cymru/Wales whose brand-new headquarters is situated next door. Our location facilitates building of strong industry links, boosting students' employability through access to major media organisations within the important and growing sector of the creative and cultural industries.

    JOMEC academics have multi-disciplinary backgrounds from across the social sciences and humanities; have a strong tradition of teamwork and collaborative publications, and a substantial industry base. Pathway Convenor: Dr Cynthia Carter Studentship's are ‘open' awards and applicants should consider approaching a potential supervisor before submitting their application. Information on the research interests of JOMEC staff can be found on our academic staff webpage.


    See the ESRC Wales DTP website for further details HERE


    A completed application form submitted to through the University's online application system (see details here) by the deadline of 12.00 noon, 3 February 2020.

    The application must contain the following documents:

    1. Covering letter: Please address to Dr Cynthia Carter. The covering letter must set out your reasons and motivation for applying to study at Cardiff University, and the “Journalism and Democracy” pathway; your understanding, and expectations of doctoral study; and your academic interests generally, and particularly of those relating to your proposed research. The letter should be no more than two pages and specify whether you wish to apply on a +3 or 1+3 basis.

    2. Academic / Professional Qualifications and where appropriate proof of English Language Competency (7.5 IELTS with a minimum of 7.0 in each sub score).

    3. References: All applications require two academic references to be submitted in support. Candidates must approach referees themselves and include references with their application.

    4. Curriculum Vitae: Maximum two pages.

    5. Research Proposal: A maximum of 1000 words, not including bibliographic references and we suggest the following five headings in your proposal:

    • Title, aims and purpose of the research;
    • Brief overview of the relevant academic literature;
    • Proposed design/methods;
    • Academic contributions of your research.
    • Bibliographic References

    Short-listed applicants will be invited to interview, which are expected to occur in late February/early March 2020. A short-list of applicants will then be put forward to a Panel from ESRC Wales DTP Management Group at which final decisions with regard to studentship awards will be made.

    Successful applicants can expect to hear by early April 2020.

    Funding Notes

    Short-listed applicants will be invited to interview, which are expected to occur in late February/early March 2020. A short-list of applicants will then be put forward to a Panel from ESRC Wales DTP Management Group at which final decisions with regard to studentship awards will be made.

    Successful applicants can expect to hear by early April 2020.

  • 30.01.2020 21:12 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 15-16, 2020

    León, Spain

    Deadline: March 15, 2020

    The Association for Communication in Politics (ACOP) will be holding its Sixth International Meeting on 15-16 May 2020 in León (Spain). Drawing on León’s condition as the birthplace of parliamentarism, the academic committee of ACOP is calling on political communication scholars to submit proposals to a theme panel on ‘Parliaments and Communication’. A selection of the best papers presented at the León meeting will be considered for publication as part of a special issue in the International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics (Intellect Books) after peer review. The deadline for submission of abstracts is March 15, 2020. Attendees will be notified of acceptance by March 31, 2020.

    Topics likely to be covered at the meeting include:

    • Publicity versus secrecy in parliamentary deliberations
    • Parliaments and parliamentarians on social media
    • Parliamentary TV channels
    • Members of Parliament and their relationship with constituents
    • Parliaments as architectures of communication and debate
    • Personal branding of Congressional members
    • Journalists and their coverage of parliamentary activities
    • Communication between Parliaments and other branches of power (Executives, Judiciary)
    • Parliaments and citizen engagement
    • Parliaments and civic education
    • Comparative studies of Parliamentary communication

    The titles and abstracts of the proposed papers may be submitted in English or Spanish by March 15, 2020 to and should include title, author(s), institutional affiliation(s), and a 300-word summary. Please, state in the subject of your e-mail ‘Leon Conference Submission’. Abstracts will be evaluated by looking at their theoretical orientation (aims, research questions or hypotheses), their empirical grounding (methods), and their policy or societal relevance. Full papers based on accepted abstracts will be due on Friday, 25th September 2020.

    About ACOP and its international meeting

    The Association for Communication in Politics (‘Asociación de Comunicación Política’ in Spanish) is a unique assembly of political communication academics and practitioners (political marketing consultants, journalists, civic leaders) founded in 2008 and with 500 members from across the world.

    The ACOP international meeting is held every two years and gathers academics and political consultants from a wide variety of countries and cultural backgrounds, who share their latest research results and comment on recent campaign experiences. Past speakers include George Lakoff, Evgeny Morozov, Christian Salmon, Jaime Durán Barba, Philip Howard, Joel Benenson, Michael delli Carpini and Jen O’Malley.

    For more information about the ACOP meeting, please visit the website

  • 30.01.2020 21:06 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 19, 2020

    RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

    Deadline (extended): February 14, 2020

    ICA Preconference

    This pre-conference will address questions, such as:

    1) What are the challenges of global strategic communication education in the 21st Century?

    2) In what ways is strategic communication practice shaped by artificial intelligence and highly sophisticated technology?

    3) What is the nature of trust and transparency in strategic communication between humans and machines?

    4) What are the limits of machine-driven strategic communication?

    5) How do we develop relationships with machines and bots?

    6) Is all communication strategic between humans and machines?

    7) How can artificial intelligence and automation ensure ethical and responsible strategic communication?

    The pre-conference will address the challenges and opportunities for trans-disciplinary education and practice in communication, specifically strategic communication that is complicated by the contemporary rise of highly sophisticated technology and artificial intelligence. Communication scholars as well as scholars from other disciplines are invited to interrogate these questions from the perspective of 21st Century trans-disciplinary education and global, outcomes-based practice.

    Members of all divisions and interest groups are invited to submit abstracts, and we particularly encourage submissions from members of Instructional and Developmental Communication, Public Relations, Communication and Technology, and Human-machine Communication.

    Extended abstracts of 1500 words that respond to the above questions and themes must be submitted by 14 FEBRUARY 2020 to Katerina Tsetsura ( Spaces are limited to enable a robust discussion.

    Cost: US$60. The budget for this pre-conference is based on a minimum of 25 paid registrations of US$60.00. The registration fee will pay for coffee, tea, breaks and lunch.

    For more information, please check out the ICA Preconference website.

  • 30.01.2020 21:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 24-25, 2020

    Paris, France

    Deadline: February 25, 2020

    On June 24-25, 2020, the Centre for Comparative Studies on Political and Public Communication (Ceccopop) will be holding its 26th annual conference in Paris in partnership with the International School of Political Studies of Paris East – UPEC University. The focus of the conference is on the role of political communication in the study of protests, demonstrations, and anomic displays of emotions.

    Around the world we have seen the rise of protests and expressions of passion in opposition to dominant power structures, leaders, and elite decisions. American or Ukrainian new leaders without any traditional political background and backing have been elected showing, as in France, that the emotion is a major factor in the individual decision to vote (Foucault, 2017). Protests have occurred in long-established democracies, democracies in transition, and even non-democratic countries—invoking many forms of communication. Arab Springs, French seemingly never-ending protests and strikes and so-called "yellow vests" phenomenon, the American Women's March, Californian or Australian climate change petitions and marches, European countries xenophobic gatherings, achievements of Italian or Indonesian populist parties, Indian demonstration against anti-Muslim laws, the recent years have seen protests and emotions invade the political sphere with the help of the whole new range of tools granted by traditional and social media.

    Anomic action is generally the result of some frustration with regular channels of politics i.e. a failure of communication between the governed and the government. Plato warns that: “When revolution comes it may seem to arise from little causes and petty whims; but though it may spring from slight occasions it is the precipitate result of grave and accumulated wrongs” (Bloom, 1968, 556). Likewise protests arise from a feeling of hurt or threat. They may be violent or peaceful; seek change or return to previous dominant patterns of privilege or power targeting particular governmental, economic, religious, or cultural elites. Additionally, counter-protests may arise based on issues or moral values. In all of these cases, protest is essentially a communicative action replete with emotions. Historically, emotions and cognition/reason have been viewed as disembodied and separate phenomena, but current research argues that they are integrally linked processes of understanding and meaning making (Marcus & al, 2000, Jasper, 2018). Through the lens of political communication scholars can explore the framing of protests, or the identities that are primed, and the agendas they set, which are all aspects of political communication.

    Some possible questions. What communication tools help to spread or contain protest movements? What are the emotional messages conveyed in news media coverage of protests? What emotions are expressed under what conditions and by whom? What are the implications for governance with the spread of emotional protests? What emotions are expressed verbally, visually, aurally, symbolically? What are the emotions that drive people to protest? How do leaders use affective appeals to foment, channel or repress protests? How are some leaders managing to channel emotions in order to obtain or to maintain power? Have social media encouraged protests and how does it compare to protests a century ago, when populism and nationalism was rising?

    These central questions will be the subject of the international conference on comparative political communication to be held in Paris by the Center of Comparative studies in Political and Public Communication ( in partnership with the International School of Political Studies of Paris East – UPEC University. This scientific event will bring together researchers and communication professionals from several countries.

    The conference is organized by Philippe J. Maarek, Professor specialized in Political Communication at the Paris Est Créteil University (UPEC), former president of the Political Communication Research Sections of IPSA and IAMCR, associate member of the Sic.Lab Mediterrannée, former member of the Institute of Communication Science of CNRS, and head of CECCOPOP. He shares its scientific direction with Ann Crigler, Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Southern California and Marion Just, Emerita Professor at Wellesley College.

    The event will be bilingual, French-English. Colleagues wishing to present a paper are invited to send a request to participate before February 25th, 2020, to the following email address:

    Proposals must include an abstract of 250 to 500 words (one or two sheets) and a one-page Vitae. They should clearly articulate the central question, theoretical and methodological approaches, evidence that will be used to address the argument, and the broader implications of the work for the study of political communication. They will be subject to a double-blind evaluation by the Scientific Board.

    Attendees will be notified of acceptance by March 20, 2020. All papers must be presented in English or French with a Power Point in the other language. PowerPoint presentations based on accepted abstracts will be due June 15, 2020. The conference fee will be 120 euros to cover participation expenses and lunch. All participants should find their own accommodations in Paris.

    Références :

    • Foucault, Martial, 2017, "Le clivage gauche-droite n'a pas disparu", Le Monde, Sept 2, 2017.
    • Jasper, James M. 2018. The Emotions of Protest. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    • Marcus, George, W. Russell Neuman, & Michael MacKuen. 2000. Affective Intelligence and Political Judgment. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    • Plato. The Republic. 1968. Ed. And Trans. Allan Bloom. New York, NY: Basic Books.

    Direction Scientifique / Scientific Direction:

    • Ann Crigler, University of Southern California, USA
    • Marion Just, Wellesley College, USA
    • Philippe J. Maarek, Université Paris Est – UPEC & Ceccopop, France
    • Conseil Scientifique / Scientific Board
    • Camelia Beciu, Université de Bucarest, Roumanie/Romania
    • W. Lance Bennett, University of Washington, Etats-Unis/USA
    • Donatella Campus, Università di Bologna, Italie/Italy
    • Eric Dacheux, Université de Clermont Auvergne, France
    • Dana R. Fisher, University of Maryland, Etats-Unis/USA
    • Denisa Hejlova, Charles University, République Tchèque/Czech Republic
    • Christina Holtz-Bacha, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Allemagne/Germany Julio Juarez Gamiz, UNAM, Mexique/Mexico
    • Anna Matulková-Shavit, Charles University, République Tchèque/Czech Republic
    • Lars Nord, Midwestern University, Suède/Sweden
    • Edoardo Novelli, Università degli Studi Roma TRE, Italie/Italy
    • Yves Palau, Université Paris Est – UPEC, France
    • Stylianos Papathanassopoulos, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Grèce/Greece Nicolas Pelissier, Université Côte d’Azur, France
    • Brigitte Sebbah, Université de Toulouse 3, France
    • Ioanna Vovou, Panteion University, Grèce/Greece
    • Claes de Vreese, University of Amsterdam, Pays-Bas/Netherlands
    • Organisation / Organization
    • Philippe J. Maarek, Université Paris Est – UPEC & Ceccopop, France
  • 30.01.2020 20:57 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: May 31, 2020

    The Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies is accepting and processing full papers for its Special Issue dedicated to the problems of media, culture and society in Africa and Asia. Scholars are invited to submit research papers – welcoming both theoretical/conceptual work as well as empirical analyses – on a variety of aspects. This thematic issue of Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies will present fresh discussions on the current situation and challenges encountered in media studies, culture and society in the ever changing landscape in Africa and Asia as well as reflections on how democratic developments have impacted the society in both continents in order to identify and explore a range of important questions regarding its significance for the changing nature of media, culture and society in the digital age.

    Contributions are expected to critically analyze current theoretical developments in communication, culture and society; reexamine and enlarge epistemology of the subjects under review; to assess media perspectives about the global South; theoretical and epistemological approaches for comparative research across both continents; provide discourse on the relevance of theories and models across different societies and media systems; and explore efforts and discussions on the theoretical cross-pollination within different continental and regional media.

    Aim & Scope: This Special Issue aims to bring together pioneering, groundbreaking contributions from media and communication studies and related disciplines such as sociology, psychology and political science.

    Possible topics to be examined in this Special Issue may include but not limited to:

    • The core questions that need to be addressed in the current globalized and digital ecosystem with regard to media, culture and society in Africa and Asia
    • How media and cultural conceptual frameworks communicate and address changing institutional, professional, and audience cultures and practices across the two continents
    • Theories and concepts that explain the gap between normative theories and professional practices across different media systems, cultures and societies in both continents
    • Concepts and theories needed to understand changes in media institutions in global and digital times across cultures and societies in Africa and Asia
    • The impact of journalism, citizen journalism, and user generated content in journalism and media studies in established news organisations across both continents
    • Reporting crises across societies in Africa and Asia
    • Dealing with the online journalism and “fake news” spreading through social media, challenges and solutions
    • The social media reporter; how social media impacts the culture and practice of journalism in Africa and Asia

    The call invites high-quality conceptual and theoretical papers that address the topics under consideration. Manuscripts must be submitted by May 31, 2020, via Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies online submission system. Authors must indicate that they wish to have their manuscript considered for the Special Issue. Accepted articles are expected to be published on the Galactica Media’s online platform in the end of July 2020.

    Those interested in submitting a paper can raise preliminary questions with the Editor: Ben-Collins Ndinojuo of University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria (




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