European Communication Research
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  • 23.11.2023 11:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: December 15, 2023 

    The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) wants to support the creation of collaborative contact zones, with modest means at its disposal, by establishing IAMCR Peace Fellowships. IAMCR will facilitate the collaboration of pairs of individual scholars, who are based in, or strongly connected to, two regions or communities that are currently engaged, or recently have been engaged, in an antagonistic conflict. An IAMCR peace fellowship will last 2 years in order to provide sufficient time for collaboration, and IAMCR will select up to two pairs of peace fellows per year. After four years, IAMCR’s Executive Board will evaluate the project and decide on its continuation.

    IAMCR will provide support to IAMCR peace fellows in the following ways:

    A travel grant of 1500 USD, for both scholars, to attend one (1) main IAMCR conference, in order to present their collaborative work. When peace fellows are demonstrably in the impossibility of traveling to IAMCR conferences, the funds can be used, pending IAMCR approval, for a different channel of communication to the IAMCR community.

    An individual membership for both scholars, for two years. 

    Opportunities to present their work at online or face-to-face IAMCR fora, to be decided in consultation with both scholars.

    Should you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact Mazlum Kemal Dagdelen at

    Also, we would be grateful if you could share this call with those you think might be interested.

  • 23.11.2023 11:06 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: January 15, 2024


    Mar Chicharro-Merayo (Universidad de Burgos)

    Javier Mateos-Pérez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

    Lorena Antezana (Universidad de Chile)


    Article submission deadline: January 15, 2024

    Editors’ decision: May 2024

    Expected publication date: May/June, 2024

    The history of journalism was first captured on celluloid with the Lumières’ 1895 moving image of a train steaming into a station. The brothers wished to open "their objectives to the world", to reflect the reality of the planet, to inform. It is well established that audiovisual journalism was born and developed within the framework of cinema. The seventh art fostered and popularized journalism through documentaries and newsreels from around the globe which, together with fiction, were the genres most beloved and followed by the public.

    Audiovisual journalism was to later establish itself on television, where it spread as informative content, consolidating its place on programming schedules and creating its own audiovisual language. At the same time, journalism was carving out a space for itself in audiovisual fiction through stories showing the profession in practice, events based on real life, or stories featuring journalists themselves -or others from the communication industry-, that have configured a subgenre of journalistic fiction, an area which in recent times has produced some outstanding work, and which has been broadcast on the many different screen formats that make up the audiovisual industry.

    Thus, films like Citizen Kane (Orson Welles, 1941); Ace in the Hole (Billy Wilder, 1951); All the President's Men (Alan J. Pakula, 1976); The Year of Living Dangerously (Peter Weir, 1982); The Truman Show (Peter Weir, 1998); The insider (Michael Mann, 1999); Good Night, and Good Luck (George Clooney, 2005); State of Play (Kevin Macdonald, 2009); Spotlight (Tom McCarthy, 2015); The Post (Steven Spielberg, 2017); etcetera, make up a solid legacy of work about journalism and the media, which have been joined by another small contingent of programs conceived, produced and broadcast on television, such as Lou Grant(CBS, 1977); Murphy Brown (CBS, 1988); Periodistas (Tele5, 1998); State of Play (BBC, 2003); The Hour(Prime, 2011); The Newsroom (HBO, 2012); Secret City (Foxtel, 2016); Crónica de sucesos (TVE1, 2016); Press (BBC, 2018); The Morning Show (AppleTV, 2019); Blinded (TV4, Sweden, 2019); Bala loca (Netflix, 2016); July 22 (NRK, 2020); among others.

    Apart from being represented in film and television fiction, journalism is also capable of presenting its work in feature film format. Documentaries are the most common genre for this perspective, though in recent times narratives typical of fiction have been appearing and have shifted to the setting of journalistic genres to give greater appeal to the author’s message, to make it touch the audience. In the same way, techniques such as storytelling, proposals such as docudramas, or more heterodox formats such as docuseries or audiovisual essays have become more commonplace. They propose mixtures of codes that broaden the horizons and blur the boundaries between information and entertainment.

    Starting from these initial coordinates, the monograph proposed for Media & Journalismo aims to contribute to debate, to research, and to reflection, setting out the academic implications. Researchers are encouraged to submit papers that address approaches such as representations of journalism in the audiovisual world; the relations between information and fiction; or the new hybrid formats that are being used to showcase journalists’ work.

    Contributions to the monograph may include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

    • The relationship between news genres and fiction formats: general issues.
    • The creation, dissemination, and consumption of products in which information and fiction are connected.
    • Uses of genres and strategies that hybridize information and fiction: docudrama,
    • docuseries, reality television.
    • Professional deontology and ethics in the face of the hybridization of content and codes.
    • Information and fiction narratives: synergies and contagion.
    • Fiction as a source of information. The case of historical fiction and memorial processes.
    • Television fiction and journalistic imaginaries. Representations of journalism through fiction. The female journalist in fiction.
    • Film journalism. Case Studies. The adaptation of journalism to fiction.
    • Representing reality. The documentary and the audiovisual essay.
    • Reception processes: audiences face confusion between reality and fiction.

    Revista Media & Jornalismo (RMJ) is an open-access peer-reviewed scientific journal that operates in a double-blind review process and is indexed in Scopus. Each submitted work will be distributed to two reviewers previously invited to evaluate it, according to academic quality, originality, and relevance to the objectives and scope of the theme of this edition of the journal.

    Articles can be submitted in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

    Manuscripts must be submitted through the journal's website ( When accessing RMJ for the first time, you must register to be able to submit your article and accompany it throughout the editorial process. Consult the Instructions for Authors and Conditions for Submission.

    For more information, contact:

  • 23.11.2023 11:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July 16-18, 2024

    London, UK

    Deadline: January 21/February 11/March 1, 2024

    2024 International Conference on Social Media & Society (#SMSociety)

    Submission Dates:

    • Papers (Extended Abstracts) Due: January 21, 2024
    • Panels Due: February 11, 2024
    • Workshops & Tutorials Due: February 11, 2024
    • Posters Due: March 1, 2024

    We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 2024 International Conference on Social Media & Society (#SMSociety)! For 2024, #SMSociety will return as an in-person event. It will take place in London, UK from July 16th to 18th. It is co-organized by the Social Media Lab at Toronto Metropolitan University and the Digital Cultures and Economies Research Hub at the University of the Arts London. The conference’s three-day program will feature panels and paper presentations, tutorials, networking events and a poster session.

    In keeping with the conference’s inter- and transdisciplinary focus, we welcome both quantitative and qualitative scholarly and original submissions that crosses disciplinary boundaries and expands our understanding of current and future trends in social media research across many fields including (but not limited to): Communication, Computer Science, Critical Data Studies, Education, Journalism, Information Science, Law, Management, Political Science, Psychology, Public Policy, Public Administration, Science and Technology, and Sociology.


    #SMSociety is a biennial gathering of leading social media researchers from around the world. It is the premier venue for sharing and discovering new peer-reviewed interdisciplinary research on how social media affects society. #SMSociety provides participants with opportunities to exchange ideas, present original research, learn about recent and ongoing studies, and network with peers.


    1.    AI and Algorithms

    2.    Cyberbullying, Trolling and Antisocial Behavior

    3.    Digital and Data Methods

    4.    Discourse and Public Opinion

    5.    Health and Wellbeing

    6.    Marketing and Outreach

    7.    Misinformation and Disinformation

    8.    Online and Offline Communities

    9.    Platform Governance and Regulation

    10.  Emerging and established social technologies, apps and platforms

    11.  Politics and Policy

    12.  Privacy, Security and Trust

    13.  Use and Users

    14.  Social Media Cultures and Everyday Life



    • Publication of Pre-prints and Datasets: To promote your work during and after the conference, authors of accepted papers (extended abstracts) are encouraged to share their work as a pre-print via a public repository of your choice. Preprint will be accessible via the conference online program and other channels. If you have a dataset to share, you can also upload it to one of many data repositories such as Dataverse or figshare. Authors of accepted papers will have an opportunity to provide a link to their pre-print and/or dataset for inclusion in the conference program.
    • Journal Publications: We hope that feedback received from other scholars during the review process and the Q&A part of your presentation will help you refine your ideas and develop your work into a full paper after the conference. Once ready, you are encouraged to submit your full paper to a journal of your choice.
    • All #SMSociety conference presenters will receive an exclusive invitation to submit their work as an expanded full paper in a special journal issue (venue TBA).

    Organizing Executive Committee:

    ·         Anatoliy Gruzd (Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University)

    ·         Phillip Mai (Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University)

    ·         Zoetanya Sujon (London College of Communication, University of the Arts London)

    ·         Felipe Soares (London College of Communication, University of the Arts London)

    ·         Jackie Raphael-Luu (London College of Communication, University of the Arts London)

    ·         Harry Dyer (School of Education & Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia)

    ·         Mark Wong (School of Social & Political Sciences, University of Glasgow)

  • 17.11.2023 12:58 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Professional Wrestling Studies Journal (Special Issue)

    Deadline: End of December 2023/May 31, 2025

    Anticipated Publication: Volume 5, April 2025

    Guest Editors: CarrieLynn D. Reinhard, Christopher J. Olson, and Hannah Steele

    Purpose: Articles that explore the intersection of queer studies and professional wrestling studies to address a scholarship gap on the application of queer theory to explore professional wrestling individuals, texts, practices, and fandoms.

    Submissions: Seeking empirical articles aligned with purpose that may include, but is not limited to, the following topics:

    • Queer representation
    • Queer narratives
    • Queer fans and fanworks 
    • Queer performance
    • Queer form
    • Queer identity
    • Corporate social responsibility and queer communities
    • Professional wrestling as a queer space

    Deadlines: Two possibilities with this topic. First, we are seeking completed articles by the end of December, 2023, that could be included in the upcoming Volume 4, April 2024. These articles could be empirical or shorter theoretical and thesis articles on the topic. This volume would contain a special subsection on this topic. Completed articles would undergo double-blind peer review before being accepted for the subsection.

    For the special issue in Volume 5, we would want first drafts of articles by May 31, 2025. All articles should be sent to with the subject header “Special Issue: Queer Pro Wrestling.” All submissions would be reviewed by the guest editors for appropriateness and alignment with the special issue topic. This would be followed by a peer-review process, a revision process, and final copyediting to prepare for publication. Thus, submission is not a guarantee of acceptance: the guest editors will work with the contributors to decide if the article could be included in the special issue or should be considered for the general journal.

    Contact: Please contact CarrieLynn D. Reinhard ( with any questions.

  • 16.11.2023 19:37 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 18, 2024

    Sydney, Australia

    Deadline: January 18, 2024

    This is a 1-day ICA pre-conference to be held Tues, 18 June at the Australian Centre for Public History, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, AU. Submissions addressing the Global South are especially encouraged. Please see the CFP for more information: 2024-cfp-goingglobal.pdf (

  • 16.11.2023 13:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 21-24, 2024

    Stuttgart (Germany)

    Deadline: February 15, 2024

    16th International ACM Conference on Web Science in 2024

    We invite submissions to the poster session of the 16th International ACM Conference on Web Science in 2024 (WebSci’24). The poster session is an opportunity to present shorter, early results, and for researchers from different disciplines to share both unpublished and previously published work with one another and with the Web Science community.

    Posters submitted will have an opportunity to be archived by the ACM Digital Library and included in the ACM proceedings as adjunct companion if they present original work that has not been previously published and in English. Additionally, to support a greater audience, this year we are encouraging authors who would like to present their posters but opt-out of proceedings to take part in conferences. All posters submitted go through the same review process regardless of their opt-in/out of proceeding status.

    In addition to the topics listed for Web Science paper submissions, additional possible topics appropriate for posters submissions include (but are not limited to) the following:

    ●  Qualitative study of community

    ●  Theorizing Web behavior, content, and structures

    ●  Artwork providing challenges to and imaginings around the Web

    ●  Emerging legal frontiers around Web Science

    ●  Practitioner perspectives from industry

    Important Dates

    February 15, 2024 Deadline for poster submission

    April 1, 2024 Notification of acceptance. Acceptances and rejections of posters are sent out. 

    May 1, 2024 Final publication version due. Presenters who do not opt out of having their contribution appear in the ACM proceedings must upload the camera-ready copy of their paper to EasyChair by this date.

    *All deadlines are with respect to Anywhere on Earth time (AoE)

    The review process and publication information are the same as for the WebSci’24 paper track, while considering shorter contributions.

    Submission instructions

    Posters must not exceed 2 pages in ACM SIG Conference Proceedings format, including references. See (from the zip files provided, please select the SIGCONF version.) Submissions that opt-in to be included in the ACM proceedings must present original, unpublished work.

    Please upload your submissions via EasyChair by selecting the ACM-WebSci24 Posters track at:

    Review Process

    Posters receive 2 reviews and one Meta review from the senior PC committee. While the review process is lighter than main track papers we encourage the authors to state the contribution and originality of your work clearly and explicitly: What is the problem? How does your approach help? Why is it better than other available approaches? Focus on the contribution of your work rather than the background, including just enough background to make clear how your work differs from significant prior research.


    Authors of accepted posters are required to submit their final camera-ready by 1st of May 2024 for inclusion in the ACM Digital Library. Additionally, authors will be asked to prepare a 1-page poster.

    As WebSci 2024 is fully in-person, we expect at least one author for each accepted poster to attend and present their work. Poster authors will need to bring a physical poster that can be displayed during the poster session at the conference. The space allocated for each poster is 48 inches by 48 inches (121 x 121 cm). Posters are recommended to be no longer or wider than 45 inches (114 cm) in either dimension; however, up to 47 inches (119 cm) is allowable. Smaller posters are acceptable. For example, either A0 (vertical format) or A1 is an acceptable size for the poster.

    Posters should be affixed to the poster boards with push pins, not tape. The conference will provide push pins. Each board will have a label indicating where your poster should be placed; please allow time to find your board and set up your poster.

  • 15.11.2023 19:09 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Stirling

    Communications, Media & Culture (CMC) wishes to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced candidate at Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor Grade 9 (Teaching and Research) with specialist interests in Media Production Studies to expand the Division’s research, teaching, and knowledge exchange activities and in this area. The successful candidate will join our award-winning production team and will contribute to the strategic direction of production studies in CMC through leadership in research and external funding initiatives, excellent teaching and impact activities, including public engagement and short-course opportunities, and will serve as a liaison between practice-based media production modules and theoretical approaches.

    The post holder will have an established profile as a researcher in media production studies, for example in digital storytelling, audio and video production, digital, creative, media and cultural industries, production policy, and media/digital audiences. As a Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor, they will play a crucial role in providing leadership in media production research in liaison with our practice-strong production team. This will include managing our home and international partnership programmes in Digital Media, ensuring the delivery of innovative, research-based and industry-relevant education to our students and expanding our strategic research partnerships with external stakeholders across media production and creative industries.

    The candidate will be an excellent communicator who is able to lead research and teaching teams, effectively liaise with our practice-based work and teach, motivate and mentor undergraduate and postgraduate students. They will lead and deliver teaching principally on MSc in Digital Media and Communications and BA Hons in Digital Media, but also contribute across the CMC undergraduate and postgraduate portfolio. Post holders may be required to travel abroad as part of their duties.

    Applicants with specialist knowledge, skills or interests in one or more of the following areas are invited to apply:

    • Digital storytelling and content creation
    • Video and audio production
    • Contemporary television studies
    • Factual television and video documentary
    • Audio documentary and podcasting
    • Production for online platforms
    • Interactive media
    • Media/digital audiences
    • Screen industries
    • Digital, creative, cultural and media industries
    • New directions in digital media and communication
    • Cultural and (social) media policies and regulation
    • Digital media research methods

    The post holder will be a researcher who has an established research profile in media production studies at Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor level, evidenced by published research, peer reviewed scholarly activity, research leadership and record of attracting research funding. They will have a strong understanding of various new forms of video, audio and digital production and the processes behind these in the 21st century digital age, in relation to complex social issues (e.g. social justice, environmental sustainability, circular economy, smart cities, human rights, health and wellbeing, creative futures). They will engage effectively with internal departments within the University and external stakeholders to pursue opportunities for collaboration, income generation and enhancing CMC’s regional, national, and international profile.

    Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Alenka Jelen, Head of the Division of Communications, Media and Culture:

    Applications are due 4 December 2023.

    Pay scale: Grade9 £56,021-£64,914 p.a.

    For a full list of duties, detailed job description, and online application portal, please visit

  • 15.11.2023 10:36 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Vienna

    Apply HERE

    The University of Vienna is internationally renowned for its excellence in teaching and research, and counts more than 7,500 academics from all disciplines. This breadth of expertise offers unique opportunities to address the complex challenges of modern society, to develop comprehensive new approaches, and educate the problem-solvers of tomorrow from a multidisciplinary perspective.

    At the Faculty of Social Sciences, the University of Vienna seeks to appoint a

    Tenure-Track Professor in the field of Media Literacy

    The position

    The focus of the tenure track professorship is on media literacy. Applicants should be internationally established and cover the dimensions, antecedents, processes and/or consequences of media literacy. The position is open for excellent candidates of various specializations informed by and/or focused on communication science and open to all epistemological and methodological approaches within the area of media literacy research.

    Your academic profile:

    • Doctoral degree/PhD
    • Two years of international research experience during or after doctoral studies
    • Outstanding research achievements, excellent publication and funding record, international reputation
    • Experience in designing of and participating in research projects, ability to lead research groups and acquire third-party funding
    • Enthusiasm for excellent teaching and supervision at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral level

    We expect the successful candidate to acquire, within three years, proficiency in German sufficient for teaching in bachelor’s programmes and for participation in university committees.

    We offer:

    • the opportunity to obtain a permanent position and eventual promotion to full professor; the initial contract as Assistant Professor is limited to six years, after positive evaluation of a qualification agreement the contract becomes permanent as Associate Professor; Associate Professors can be promoted to Full Professor through an internal competitive procedure.
    • a dynamic research environment
    • a wide range of research and teaching support services
    • attractive working conditions in a city with a high quality of life
    • an attractive salary according to the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff (level A2) and an organisational retirement plan

    Application documents (in English):

    Letter of motivation
    Academic curriculum vitae
    • education and training (PhD Certificate, PDF)
    • positions held to date
    • parental, family or other care leaves as applicable
    • awards and honors
    • commissions of trust
    • previous and current cooperation partners
    • complete list of acquired third-party funding and, if applicable, of inventions/patents
    • list of most important scientific talks (max. 10)
    • teaching and mentoring
    • supervision experience (Master and PhD), if applicable
    List of publications
    • link to your own publicly accessible ORCID record, with a complete and current publication list
    • three key publications as electronic full text version (PDF, max 30 MB)
    Research statement
    • most important research achievements (max. 2 pages) and planned future research activities (max. 4 pages)
    • synopsis of three key publications with relevance to the position advertised
    • publication strategy

    Teaching and supervision statement

    • teaching and supervision concept, including a description of the previous and planned priorities in academic teaching and supervision (max. 2 pages)
    • teaching evaluations (if available, PDF)

    If you have any questions, please contact:

    Only applications submitted through the link below will be considered.

    We look forward to new personalities in our team! 

    The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the advancement of women and diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions among the academic and general university staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.

    University of Vienna. Space for personalities. Since 1365.

    Data protection

    ​Application deadline: 01/15/2024

    Reference no.: 1652

  • 15.11.2023 10:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Popular Culture Studies Journal

    Deadline: February 28, 2024

    The Popular Culture Studies Journal is seeking authors to review works on any aspect of American or international popular culture. Specifically, we are interested in reviews of recent (i.e., published within the last two years) scholarly monographs or anthologies and general interest books examining all areas of popular culture from a variety of perspectives. We will also consider older seminal pieces that deserve a second look. For a list of books to review, please visit Booklist for Reviews.

    In addition, we are soliciting reviews of films, videos, websites, games (both digital and analog), theater, or any other popular works that have been published, released, performed or posted in the last two years. Once again, we will also consider older seminal works that deserve a second look. We only ask that reviews of popular media texts highlight how such works might be used in pedagogical or scholarly situations. If you wish to review a popular media text, you must submit a brief rationale for the relevance of the review. A short paragraph outlining why you think the text is worthy of review in the journal will suffice.

    Reviews should adhere to the ethos of the Popular Culture Studies Journal, meaning they should be largely positive with any criticism of the work being constructive in nature. For more information about this journal, please visit the Popular Culture Studies Journal website

    Written reviews should be roughly 800-1,000 words and should be typed, double-spaced with 12-point Times New Roman font.  Research and documentation must adhere to The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers and The MLA Style Manual, 8th edition, which requires a Works Cited list with parenthetical author/page references in the text. Punctuation, capitalization, hyphenation, and other matters of style must also follow The MLA Handbook and The MLA Style Manual. Additional information can be found at the Purdue Online Writing Lab website. If you are interested in submitting any alternative form of review, please contact reviews editor Christopher J. Olson directly with your proposed format. Guidelines will be determined depending on the proposed format.

    Reviews should be sent electronically to Christopher J. Olson at with "PCSJ Review" and the author’s last name in the subject line. Reviews should include both the review and the reviewer’s complete contact information (name, university affiliation, address and email).  Reviews should be sent as Microsoft Word attachments in .doc or .docx format, unless an alternative format has been approved by the editor.

    To be considered for the April issue, reviews must be submitted by February 28th. 

    To be considered for the October issue, reviews must be submitted by August 31st.

    If you are interested in reviewing for the Popular Culture Studies Journal or if you are an author or publisher with a work you would like to have reviewed, then please contact the reviews editor at the following address or email:

    Christopher J. Olson, Reviews Editor


    Alternate email: 

  • 15.11.2023 10:30 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 23-24, 2024

    University of Bologna (Italy)

    Deadline: February 29, 2024

     15th Media Mutations Conference

    Organized by Paola Brembilla and Marco Cucco (Università di Bologna), Christopher Meir (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

    Confirmed Keynote Speaker:

    Courtney Brannon Donoghue (University of North Texas)

    In an age defined by digital transformation and the global circulation of cultural products, intellectual property has assumed a central role in shaping the landscape of media industries.  From film and television to music, literature, and beyond, the management and governance of intellectual property are pivotal to the production, distribution, and reception of creative content.


    Intellectual property (as expressed and protected by copyrights, trademarks, patents, etc.) encompasses the intangible assets that form the foundation of creative and cultural expression in the media industries. IPs are the driving force behind the economic vitality of media sectors, influencing revenue streams, market dynamics, and business models. Politically, they are subject to complex legal frameworks, international agreements, and debates about access and regulation, making them a powerful instrument for shaping the global media landscape. Narratively, they are the building blocks of captivating stories, beloved characters, and transformative storytelling experiences. Culturally, they define the identity of societies, influence social norms, and play pivotal roles in fostering dialogue, reflecting diversity, and preserving heritage. 

    The International Conference Media Mutations 15 – The Matter of Intellectual Property invites scholars, researchers, and practitioners to explore and engage with the multifaceted dimensions of intellectual property and specific intellectual properties in media industries. This conference aims to foster a comprehensive dialogue that analyzes both the economic and legal aspects of the concept but that also delves into the political and cultural dimensions of intellectual property management.

    In our pursuit of a deeper understanding of intellectual property management in media industries, we encourage collaboration across diverse academic disciplines. Intellectual property is a multifaceted field, and its management touches upon economics, law, political science, cultural studies, and more. We seek to bring together scholars and researchers from these various disciplines to evaluate how different research methods can be brought together to generate new insights, approaches and collaborations. Through this interdisciplinary exchange, we can address the complex challenges and opportunities that intellectual properties present in media and work collectively toward holistic solutions to the problems found in the media industries.

    Acknowledging the global nature of media and cultural exchange, this conference also emphasizes the need to explore intellectual property management practices, policies, and challenges from diverse regions around the world, in order to shed light on the nuances and variations that exist in IP management on a global scale. For instance, we are interested in how global phenomena (such as that of the Korean Wave) exemplify how effective intellectual property management can lead to economic growth, cultural diplomacy, and a global presence for emerging economies. How does the strategic management of IPs contribute to the global recognition and commercial success of these emerging cultural forces?

    Media Mutations 15 encourages submissions that use diverse approaches and methodologies, such as:

    The Economy of Intellectual Properties:

    ·   IP management and business models.

    ·   Monetization strategies, royalties, and revenue distribution.

    ·   The role of intellectual property in investment and financing.

    ·   Corporate strategies and ownership.

    ·   Market trends, consumer behavior, and the economics of content creation.

    The Politics of Intellectual Property:

    ·   Copyright law, trademark, and patent regulation in the media sector.

    ·   Policy-making, international agreements, and their implications.

    ·   Intellectual property enforcement.

    ·   Ethical considerations in IP governance.

    ·   The politics of open access, open source, and public domain.

    The Cultural Aspects of Specific Intellectual Properties:

    ·  Cultural impact, diversity, and representation in IP management.

    · Opportunities and problems of IPs in preserving and promoting cultural heritage.

    ·  The relationship between IPs and creative freedom.

    ·  Fan cultures, remix culture, and participatory media in the digital age.

    ·  Franchise storytelling and IPs in the convergence era.

    The official language of the conference is English. Abstracts (300-500 words for 20-minute talks) should be sent to by February 29th, 2024. Please attach a short biography (maximum 150 words) and an optional selected bibliography (up to five titles) relevant to the conference theme. The conference will be in person, with no option for remote presentation. Notification of acceptance will be sent by March 18th, 2024. A registration fee will be requested after notification of paper acceptance (€80 for speakers and professional attendants).

    This Conference is promoted by the Media Mutations Association and financially supported by DAMSLab, Dipartimento delle Arti, Università di Bologna, the Master in Management del Cinema e dell’Audiovisivo (Università di Bologna), and The Academy of Korean Studies, in collaboration with Centro Dipartimentale La Soffitta.

    The Conference is sponsored by the Film Studies Section and the Television Studies Section of ECREA. 




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