European Communication Research
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  • 15.11.2023 10:29 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Tuesday 21 November 2023 at 3.00pm to 4.00pm

    Zoom (Registration Details below)

    Event webpage:

    Hosted by 5Rights Foundation and the Department of Media and Communications at LSE

    Abstract: Building on the groundbreaking work of the Digital Futures Commission, we are pleased to announce Digital Futures for Children (DFC) - a research collaboration between 5Rights Foundation and the London School of Economics and Political Science. Professor Sonia Livingstone, Director of Digital Futures for Children, will set out the centre’s ambition and Chair Baroness Kidron will discuss opportunities for advocacy for children's rights approaches to the digital world. There will also be an interactive panel discussion entitled: Realising children’s rights in the face of rapid technological innovation. It will include contributions from experts and the opportunity to ask questions, discuss the centre’s research plans, and learn how webinar participants can get involved. We will ask:

    - What role do (and should) child rights play in redesigning and redeveloping the digital world?

    - How can realising children’s rights in a digital world benefit their lived experiences?

    How to register: You can register for the event here:

    About the speakers: Sonia Livingstone OBE is Professor of Social Psychology in the Department of Media and Communications at LSE and is Centre Director of Digital Futures for Children. Beeban Kidron OBE is a British filmmaker, Crossbench Peer in the House of Lords, and an advocate for children’s rights in the digital world. She is the Founder and Chair of 5Rights Foundation.

    About Digital Futures for Children: Digital Futures for Children (DFC) is a joint research centre between LSE and 5Rights Foundation which advances understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by digital technologies for children's rights and needs. Our goals are framed by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s General comment No. 25 on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment - the authoritative statement in international law of how the UNCRC should be implemented by states worldwide in relation to all things digital.

  • 10.11.2023 12:57 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: December 15, 2023

    We are pleased to announce a Call for Papers for Mediatization Studies, Vol. 7. The volume will be dedicated to: Field-specific mediatisation(s). We publish theoretical and empirical research concerning media studies. In particular, we are interested in papers that situate mediatisation in different social fields, in different national and cultural contexts, and in different time-space settings. 

    The deadline for submission of full papers for Volume 7, 2024, "Mediatization Studies" is 15 December 2023.

    "Mediatization Studies" is the first open access, free of charge, international journal devoted entirely to the theory and processes of mediatization. See previous volumes:

    Registration and submission:

    Author Guidelines:

  • 09.11.2023 15:55 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    December 1, 2023 

    Goethe Institut, Prague, Czech Republic 

    Prague Media Point 2023 Conference 


    Prague Media Point fosters the work of media specialists for the public good. Aiming for interdisciplinarity, we gather scholars, journalists, media executives, and other experts to exchange experiences, establish new relationships, and debate the challenges facing both traditional and new media. These issues are presented in an international context, with a greater focus on CEE and Western Balkans, with both their specific and shared challenges, so that a trans-border dialogue continues. We seek to showcase examples of innovations, methods, and approaches that enable both private and public service media to fulfil their mission in the public space. 

    In 2023, Prague Media Point focuses on investigative journalism, on cross-border and cross-sectoral collaborations between journalists and media, and on the wider frame of media regulations that are being developed in Europe. These three areas are vital for our general strive for a more resilient and sustainable media system, and in turn, democracy. 

    Among the confirmed speakers are: 

    • Anna Gielewska, Fundacja Reporterow, Deputy Director, Poland 
    • Jovana Bojanovic, KRIK, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Serbia 
    • Lela Vujanic, Sembra Media, Project Oasis Research Manager, Croatia 
    • Peter Erdelyi, Center for Sustainable Media, Director, Hungary 
    • Tomáš Kriššák, Gerulata Technologies, Senior Stratcom Consultant, Slovakia 
    • Christian Christensen, University of Stockholm, Journalism Professor, Sweden 
    • Danuta Bregula, MDIF, Expert-in-Residence, Poland 
    • Lutfi Dervishi, Investigative Journalism Lab, Trainer, Albania 
    • Jeremy Bransten, Regional Director for Eastern Europe, RFE/RL, Czechia 
    • Patrick Leusch, Deutsche Welle, Head of European Affairs, Germany 
    • Zlatina Siderova, European Journalism Centre, Programme Lead Grants, Netherlands 
    • Tadeusz Kowalski, University of Warsaw, Associate Professor, Poland 

    Join us in Prague on December 1, 2023, to get inspired by the work of your colleagues from different backgrounds and countries, to learn more about what's working elsewhere, to discuss how can we move forward and what it takes to make the media sphere more sustainable. 

    For more information go to: 

    To register for the conference, please go to: 

    Contact: Marek Přeček, Project Coordinator, 

  • 08.11.2023 16:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    LSE is committed to building a diverse, equitable and truly inclusive university

    Apply here:

    Media and Communications

    Research Officer in Digital Futures for Children

    Salary from £40,229 to £48,456 pa inclusive with potential to progress to £52,095 pa inclusive of London allowance

    This is a fixed term appointment for 3 years

    Digital Futures for Children (DFC) is a joint research centre between LSE and 5Rights Foundation. Through critical and practical research, the DFC aims to generate insights and innovative solutions to ensure that the digital environment respects and promotes children's rights. It will provide an evidence base for advocacy, facilitate dialogue between academics and policymakers, amplify children's voices and foster collaboration among relevant experts and stakeholders.

    Working under the direction and guidance of the DFC Director, the Research Officer will deliver the above-outlined research plan. Duties and responsibilities will include the following:

    ·       Analyse and research complex ideas, concepts, theories and findings relating to children’s rights in the digital environment.

    ·       Demonstrate expertise in designing, conducting and critiquing appropriate methodologies.

    ·       Review, synthesise and disseminate a wide range of relevant research from multiple disciplines.

    ·       Design and manage a process of peer review for assessing research commissions and reports.

    ·       Contribute to the formulation of peer reviewed research grant proposals.

    ·       Initiate, manage and sustain links with external bodies and research contacts to foster collaboration and dialogue.

    ·       Present research findings at academic and policy conferences and events.

    Candidates will have a PhD and relevant research experience that demonstrates the capability to produce independent original research. Experience of writing up research for publication in a variety of modes including peer reviewed journals, expert reports and public-facing outlets and the ability to demonstrate expertise in designing, conducting and critiquing appropriate methodologies.

    Please attach electronic copies of two publications, which can be working papers or academic papers or public-facing reports or blog posts, that are relevant to this post on the Supporting Documents section of the online application form. Applications without these additional documents will not be considered. 

    We offer an occupational pension scheme, generous annual leave, hybrid working, and excellent training and development opportunities.

    For further information about the post, please see the how to apply document, job description and the person specification.

    To apply for this post, please go to If you have any technical queries with applying on the online system, please use the “contact us” links at the bottom of the LSE Jobs page. Should you have any queries about the role, please email  

    The closing date for receipt of applications is 13 November 2023 (23.59 UK time). Regrettably, we are unable to accept any late applications.

  • 08.11.2023 16:05 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 21 – May 24, 2024

    Stuttgart, Germany

     Deadline: February 26, 2024

    One of the WebSci’24 events on the 21st of May 2024 will be the Interdisciplinary PhD Symposium, offering PhD students the opportunity to present and discuss their research plans and ongoing research for an interdisciplinary audience. We aim for a lively and engaged discussion, maximizing early-stage ideas exchange and interdisciplinary discussion on emerging or novel ideas/research.

    To achieve this, we are seeking up to 5 pages (including references, appendices, etc.) single-blind submissions, and the student should be the single author. All papers should adopt the current ACM SIG Conference proceedings template (acmart.cls). Please submit papers as PDF files using the ACM template, either in Microsoft Word format (available at under “Word Authors”) or with the ACM LaTeX template on the Overleaf platform, which is available at In particular; please ensure that you are using the two-column version of the appropriate template.

    All contributions will be judged by the PhD Symposium Program Committee. Accepted submissions will be included in the WebSci’24 companion proceedings and allowed for oral presentation during the PhD Symposium on May 21. Further, a limited number of travel grants is foreseen (please follow the WebSci’24 dissemination channels for further details).

    The Web Science conference welcomes participation from all disciplines including, but not limited to, arts, computer and information sciences, communications, economics, humanities, informatics, law, linguistics, philosophy, social and political sciences, psychology, and sociology, in pursuit of an understanding of the Web. This conference is unique in bringing these disciplines together in creative and critical dialogue. We particularly welcome contributions that seek to cross traditional disciplinary boundaries. Possible topics for submissions include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Theoretical, methodological, and ethical approaches for web science
    • Web practices – individual and/or collective and/or institutional
    • Web science and AI
    • The architecture and philosophy of the web
    • Web science and the Internet of Things
    • Web economics
    • Web science and cybersecurity; personal data, trust, and privacy on the web
    • Web governance, democracy, intellectual property, and the commons
    • Web access, literacy, and development
    • Temporal Web analytics
    • Knowledge, education, and scholarship and the web
    • Health and well-being online
    • Humanities, arts, and culture on the web
    • Data curation and stewardship in web science
    • Web archiving
    • Communities on the Web

    Please upload your submissions via EasyChair by selecting the ACM-WebSci24 PhD Symposium track at:

    Important Dates (tentative):

    Mon., February 26, 2024: Paper Submission Deadline

    Mon., March 18, 2024: Notification

    Mon., April 8, 2024: Camera-ready Versions due

    Tues., May 21, 2024: PhD Symposium

    Tentative PC (tentative)

    • Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, IRIT, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
    • Gianluca Demartini, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
    • Stefan Dietze, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany
    • Shady Elbassuoni, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
    • Georgiana Ifrim, University College Dublin, Ireland
    • Adam Jatowt, University of Innsbruck, Austria
    • Mouna Kacimi, University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
    • Ivana Marenzi, L3S Hannover, Germany
    • Eirini Ntoutsi, University of the Bundeswehr, Munich, Germany
    • Isabella Peters, Kiel University, Germany
    • Markus Strohmaier, University of Mannheim, Germany
    • Mark Weal, University of Southampton, UK
    • Katrin Weller, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany
  • 07.11.2023 22:54 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    KU Leuven

    (ref. ZAP-2023-111)

    The fulltime professor position will be held within the Leuven School for Mass Communication Research, a research unit within the Department of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, KU Leuven (Belgium). KU Leuven represents a leading academic institution in Europe that is currently the largest university in Belgium in terms of research funding and expenditure. The university’s mission is to provide excellence in academic education and research and to offer a distinguished service to society. Owing to KU Leuven’s cutting-edge research, KU Leuven is a charter member of the League of European Research Universities (LERU) and is consistently ranked among the top 10 universities in Europe.  Within KU Leuven, the Leuven School of Mass Communication Research (SMCR) represents a pioneering institution for media effects research. The research focus of SMCR lies on the use of information- and entertainment media (including social media, ICT, television, games, mobile devices), and on how these uses may harm or enhance various components of individuals’ wellbeing and social cohesion. We have a strong expertise in explaining the processes through which various forms of media use affect physical, psychological and social wellbeing in the long run, and the conditions under which these processes occur. Therefore, a series of advanced methods are applied, including longitudinal survey studies, daily diary studies and content analysis. Issues studied in recent years include, for example, alcohol and drug use, (positive) sexuality and sexism, risk taking, depression, self-harm, (positive) body image, and mental and physical wellbeing.  The School adheres to the highest academic standards and strives towards publishing its research in top academic journals (e.g., Journal of Communication, Human Communication Research, New Media & Society, Media Psychology). SMCR staff is involved in various national and international multidisciplinary research projects, primarily of fundamental nature but also with societal relevance.

    Website unit


    • Research

    You will be expected to develop an international research program, aim at excellent scientific output of international level, and support and promote the School for Mass Communication Research in national and international research collaborations. These research efforts should be situated in the broad field of digital media effects. Digital media technologies influence all spheres of society and social life. These digital media technologies and the related digitalization bring along an immense potential of growth in a multitude of spheres of human activity. At the same time, digital media and their effects have been criticized for having a questionable role in negative transformation processes of society and human relationships. The opportunities and threats that digital media generate in today’s society are expected to be central in the research of the applicant. More precisely, your research focuses on the development of innovative theory and advanced research techniques in this field. You have a strong background in predominantly quantitative research methods and have demonstrated research excellence in various ways (e.g., top ranked ISI publications, awards, societal impact etc.).

    With this vacancy we aim to further strengthen the research and complement the expertise at SMCR. We are looking for a candidate with a strong experience in the understanding of the mechanisms that underlie changes in wellbeing or social cohesion brought along by digital media uses with the ultimate aim to use this knowledge to address the risks digitalization poses and empower young citizens living in a digitalized world.

    Specifically, with this position we aim to further strengthen and expand the research at SMCR. Consequently, your research is expected to relate to the aforementioned lines of research of SMCR and to complement this research in one or more ways.

    We welcome excellent scholars who complement SMCR research lines on digital media in terms of (1) themes (e.g., (but not limited to) media literacy, health communication, environmental communication, emotion & cognition, artificial intelligence, digital media affordances, influencers, …), and/or (2) quantitative methods (e.g., (but not limited to) the development and testing of mediated promotion and intervention campaigns, computational and digital social science methods, statistical modelling, data visualization, or psychophysiological research), and/or (3) audiences (e.g., (but not limited to) minorities, people with addictions). In close collaboration with SMCR staff, you contribute to the existing lines of research and set up your own program through the acquisition of research funding.

    • Education

    The Department of Communication Science, consisting of two research groups SMCR and IMS, organizes the Bachelor and Master of Communication Science, the (English) Master in Digital Media and Society, and is involved in the Master’s program of Business Communication and Journalism. Your teaching will contain several courses at the Bachelor’s and Master’s level and will include theoretical and methodological courses on communication science. You supervise students working on their master thesis and PhD students.

    Your teaching is expected to meet the KU Leuven standards regarding academic program level and orientation and to be in keeping with the educational vision of KU Leuven. Commitment to the quality of education as a whole is naturally expected.

    • Service

    You provide scientific, societal and internal services. This is reflected, among other things, in a constructive contribution to education and research, as part of a team's collective projects (e.g. through participation in meetings, teacher days, information sessions, recruitment activities, exchange programs), and service to the academic community (e.g., service to academic associations such as ICA and journals (reviews)), education (e.g., participation in program committee meetings), and faculty (e.g., participation in faculty council etc.) You have an elaborate network of important stakeholders in the field, and have collaborated with these stakeholders to create societal impact and disseminate research.


    Applicants hold a Ph.D. degree in communication sciences, social sciences, psychology, or an equivalent diploma. We seek a scholar with a broad theoretical- and interdisciplinary interest and a strong background in quantitative research methods, whose research both relates to and complements the current research lines at SMCR. The successful candidate has an excellent research record as evidenced by more than one dimension, e.g., the quality of their PhD research, high-level publications in the important journals of our field (i.e., ICA journals) and related fields, research impact (e.g., citations) and acquired research funding. We attach great importance to professional and value-driven behavior, an attitude of sharing, mentoring and inclusivity, and collegiality, and will encourage the candidate to collaborate with SMCR researchers as well as with interdisciplinary research groups and centers within KU Leuven. The candidate has a large international network and is eager to further develop this within the context of SMCR.

    Applicants have demonstrated excellent teaching skills (including when teaching for large groups) and have a broad employability due to in-depth and detailed knowledge about the social sciences, media sociology and media psychology. In addition, the candidate has demonstrated excellent leadership skills (e.g., through the (current) supervision of PhD students), and is a strong team player.

    The official administrative language used at KU Leuven is Dutch and there is a legal requirement to become proficient in Dutch up to a certain level. If you do not speak Dutch (or do not speak it well) at the start of employment, KU Leuven will provide language training to enable you to take part in administrative meetings and over time to teach in Dutch. A thorough knowledge of English is required.


    We offer a full-time employment in an intellectually challenging and international environment. You will work in Leuven, a historic and lively city located in the heart of Belgium, within 20 minutes from Brussels, and less than two hours from Paris, London and Amsterdam. 

    You will be appointed as a tenure track professor for a period of 5 years, after which, in the event of a positive evaluation, you are permanently appointed as associate professor. Immediately upon starting you will be able to independently develop your own line of research, serve as a supervisor of dissertations, and raise your own research funding.

    To facilitate scientific onboarding and accelerate research in the first phase a starting grant of 110.000 euro is offered to new professors without substantial other funding (e.g., ERC).

    KU Leuven welcomes international scholars and their family and provides practical support with regard to immigration and administration, housing, childcare, learning Dutch, partner career coaching,…


    For more information please contact:

    Prof. Dr. Laura Vandenbosch (Research director School for Mass Communication Research), mail: 

    Prof. Dr. Stef Aupers (Program director Communication Sciences), mail: 

    Prof. Dr. Steven Eggermont (Dean Faculty of Social Sciences), mail: 

    For problems with online applying, please contact

    You can apply for this job no later than February 05, 2024 via the online application tool

    KU Leuven seeks to foster an environment where all talents can flourish, regardless of gender, age, cultural background, nationality or impairments. If you have any questions relating to accessibility or support, please contact us at

  • 07.11.2023 22:31 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Fribourg, Switzerland

     Join an Innovative Research Collaboration between the University of Fribourg and a Leading Swiss Insurance Company!

    Position: Post-Doctoral Researcher (100%)

    Duration: 3 years (with the option for extension)

    Location: University of Fribourg, Switzerland, Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences

    Starting date: January 2024 (earliest, or mutually agreed upon)

    Are you passionate about the intersection of country reputation and artificial intelligence? Do you want to be at the forefront of exploring the future of Switzerland's nation brand and reputation in the AI era? We have the perfect opportunity for you! 

    About the Project:

    We are thrilled to announce an exceptional opportunity to contribute to our groundbreaking project, "Investigating the Future Reputation of Switzerland in Times of Artificial Intelligence."

    This project is a collaboration between the University of Fribourg and a leading Swiss insurance company. As a multidisciplinary team member, you will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Switzerland's reputation. 

    Key Responsibilities:

    • Conduct innovative research at the intersection of country reputation and artificial intelligence.
    • Disseminate research findings through academic publications, conferences, and to the broader public.
    • Collaborate closely with researchers from interconnected projects, fostering scientific exchange.
    • Co-organize workshops, events, and other relevant activities to advance research objectives. 


    • Doctoral degree in social sciences, management, or a related field.
    • Proficiency in quantitative empirical methods; advanced knowledge of qualitative methods as a plus.
    • Familiarity with artificial intelligence tools, e.g., natural language programs, deep learning, etc.
    • Demonstrated potential for publishing in high-quality academic journals.
    • Proficiency in English, ideally with fluency in French and/or German. Knowledge of Switzerland and its institutions is an asset.

    To apply, please send your CV to and

  • 02.11.2023 15:27 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We kindly invite you to participate in the 6th edition of the Young Media and Communication Scholars Mentoring Program of the Polish Communication Association. The Mentoring Program is addressed to Ph.D. and MA students who want to develop their research competencies under the guidance of renowned Polish researchers. Participation in the program is free of charge.

    Applications (in Polish or English) will be accepted until December 3, 2023. Application form and detailed information about mentors are available here: 

    We encourage you to submit your application!

    If you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to contact the program coordinator, Roksana Gloc:

  • 02.11.2023 15:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 4-6, 2024

    IIIT/Banglaore, Graz/Austria & online

    Abstract deadline: January 19, 2024

    We are pleased to announce Situating Data Practices Beyond Data Universalism, the 5th International Data Power Conference, which will take place 4th – 6th September 2024, online and in person in two locations: International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIIT-B), India and the University of Graz, Austria.

    Communication of acceptance: 15th March 2024

    More information is available on the Data Power website.

    Call for abstracts

    The Data Power Conference hosts critical reflections on data’s power and the social, political, economic and cultural consequences of data’s increasing presence in our lives, workplaces, and societies. The 5th International Data Power focuses on situating data practices and looking beyond data universalism. It aims to:

    • Situate data practices in the power relations that shape their creation and use in the world
    • Explore the importance of place, space, time and context in the making of data and the effects of data power
    • Examine the centres of data power and their infrastructures

    In addition, the conference asks:

    • What constitutes rigorous methods when it comes to researching data power locally and globally?
    • To what extent does critical data power research need to focus on specific instances of data power in action?
    • What generalised critiques can be made from our field?

    To facilitate dialogues across disciplines and with stakeholders, we welcome papers from interdisciplinary teams including disciplines incorporating aspects of data science, and papers which incorporate non-academic collaborators from a range of sectors.

    As always, the Data Power Conference remains concerned with in/equalities, discrimination, questions of justice, rights and freedoms, and agency and resistance. We welcome papers that engage with these matters.

    There will be a keynote speaker in each of the in-person locations, details to be confirmed.

    Information on paper abstracts and proposals for making & doing sessions

    • Whilst we welcome papers and session proposals of all kinds, please note that this conference focuses on critical questions about data’s power and also papers that are critical and/or reflective with regards to the social and cultural consequences of the rise of data’s power.
    • We also welcome proposals for making & doing sessions. These should aim to share practical interventions, practices of doing data studies research and other types of engaged or participatory research or hands-on workshops (e.g. data walks, data sprints, counter mapping). These sessions will take place in-person only. Remote participation in them will not be possible. (See the 4S website for great advice on how to craft such sessions,).
    • Please submit a 250-300 word abstract for individual papers or making & doing sessions. Panel proposals should include a 250-300 word panel description + a 250-300 word abstract for each paper.
    • The deadline is 19th January 2024.
    • If you want to discuss special formats for paper sessions or making & doing sessions, please contact the organisers.

    Information on conference attendance

    It will be possible to participate EITHER remotely OR in-person in one of the two locations in which the conference will take place – Centre for Information Technology and Public Policy (CITAPP) at IIIT-Bangalore (India) and BANDAS Center & Department of Sociology at University of Graz  (Austria).

    Building on our experience in collectively organising hybrid conferences, the conference will seek to be accessible across time zones.

    Conference fee: A modest fee for conference participation will be charged. Further details will be available once registration opens. Researchers without institutional support may apply for a waiver

    Abstract submission

    You can submit your abstract via our abstract submission system from 1st November.

    Organizing Committee

    Janaki Srinivasan, IIIT-Bangalore (India)

    Amit Prakash, IIIT-Bangalore (India)

    Juliane Jarke, University of Graz (Austria)

    Helen Kennedy, University of Sheffield (UK)

    Jo Bates, University of Sheffield (UK)

    Tracey P. Lauriault, Carleton University (Canada)

  • 01.11.2023 20:34 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Maja Šimunjak

    This textbook offers the first practical guide to managing emotions in everyday journalism work based on interviews with more than 30 British journalists. It raises awareness of emotional situations and stressors journalists may face, so practitioners are better able to recognise these and prepare for them, and outlines practical emotion management strategies which they can apply to enhance their emotional intelligence and resilience and consequently, feel and perform better in the workplace. It includes vignettes written by journalists from the United Kingdom, United States, Australia and Croatia, as well as practical scenario exercises that prompt readers to reflect on how they would feel and react in specific situations based on journalists’ everyday work.​

    The book is available in print and as ebook - 




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Help fund travel grants for young scholars who participate at ECC conferences. We accept individual and institutional donations.



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