European Communication Research
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  • 28.03.2019 13:16 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July 12, 2019

    University of Segovia, Spain

    Deadline: April 10, 2019

    Organisers: Annette Hill, Peter Lunt, Miguel Vicente, Asta Zelenkauskaite, Erika Polson

    The Audiences Section of IAMCR is organising a one day post-conference on the concept of Mobile Socialities. The Audiences section aims to encourage new thinking and approaches to global audience research and to inspire greater interest in exploring and understanding audiences in diverse settings, including non-Western approaches to audiences, the nature of audiences as ‘knowledge communities’, ethnographic approaches to researching them, and the extent to which traditional classifications of audiences (masses, publics and markets) are being challenged by the fluidity and ephemeral nature of virtual and mobile audiences.

    The themed post-conference critically examines the bridging concept of mobile socialities across international perspectives, ensuring dialogue on the connections between audience studies, mobilities and mobile communication research. Key questions include:

    1) What forms of socialities do we find in mobile times?

    2) In what ways are time and place critical to mobile socialities?

    3) How do we research the mobile nature of screen content for transnational audiences, users and publics?

    Mobile socialities is a bridging concept that links the phenomena of people on the move and the role of mobile media in everyday life. People are on the move across national borders through, for example, economic and forced migration or tourism; people are on the move from rural contexts to urban centres and transitions in social class. There are opportunities and barriers to mobility within working and living conditions and people transition between public and private spheres, home and workspaces through media. These movements question, and sometimes reinforce, existing notions of boundaries, differences and power relations. In such mobile contexts, we find media entangled in audiences’ lived realities, for example in mobile media and place, knowledge work and mobile spaces, or mobile media and time.

    This post-conference addresses mobile socialites through empirical and theoretical analysis of audiences in situated contexts. Areas of interest include: mobile media and time, mobile media and geography, mobile communications directed at connecting people to place, transportation and media research, the blurred boundaries between work place-space within mobile communications, transnational audiences for global media; mobile apps and social relations, critical algorithm studies and intimacies, migration and mobile media, conviviality and mobile communications, historical approaches to mobile media and people on the move, methodological challenges for mobile media audiences, as well as other areas of interest.

    We encourage multi-method and theoretical approaches to audience research that explores the concept of mobile socialities as something concerned with not only fluidity and movement, or place and scale, but also the possibilities and barriers to being mobile. In such a way, the post-conference addresses the flow and stillness of digital technologies and our lived realities, and the power dynamics of emerging forms of the social in mobile times.

    Keynote speakers include Professor Maren Hartmann (Berlin University of the Arts), Professor Peter Lunt (Leicester University) and Erika Polson (University of Denver). The schedule will include a combination of keynote panels, workshops and panel presentations.

    The post-conference takes place at the Segovia Campus of the University of Valladolid on Friday 12th July 2019. A fee of 20-50 Euros for participants and IAMCR members covers food and beverages for the day. There are regular high speed trains and buses from Madrid to Segovia; and local hotels ranging from 30-70 Euros per night. There are scholarships of 150 US dollars per person to cover the costs of registration, transportation and/or accommodation to support early-stage scholars from middle or low income countries.

    Please send abstracts of 300 to 500 words by April 10, 2019 to This section is only able to receive proposals and schedule sessions in English for the post-conference.

  • 28.03.2019 13:08 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 11, 2019

    Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) Munich, Germany

    Deadline: June 1, 2019


    • Prof. Sahana Udupa (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich)
    • Dr. Elisabetta Costa (University of Groningen)
    • Dr. Philipp Budka (University of Vienna)

    By building on the Media Anthropology Network panel at the EASA 2018 conference in Stockholm and the follow-up e-seminar from 16 Oct. - 9 Nov. 2018 (, this workshop critically explores “the digital turn” in the anthropological study of media, and aims to push further ethnographic knowledge into the role that digital media technologies play in people's everyday life and broader sociopolitical transformations. In so doing, this workshop contributes to the reassessment of media anthropology in digital times, and raises critical questions on how digital media have posed new epistemological challenges, inspired methodological innovations, and offered opportunities for political activism for media anthropologists.

    A key question that drives this discussion is whether the digital turn has reconfigured the classic distinction between “home” and “field” through temporally intensified “horizontal” networks on a global scale.

    Have these connections – culturally translated across different societies – collapsed the distinction between “home” and “field”? As users and researchers of digital media, how do we rework anthropology’s classic conundrum of home-field, distance-nearness and us-other in radically progressive ways? What does the “digital turn” entail in terms of how we engage research participants, and how do we use these new pathways to critique the multidirectional “colonial matrix of power” (Mignalo & Walsh, 2007) that is riding on the very infrastructure of contemporary digital media?

    We invite scholars to engage with these questions through various topic fields they are researching, and consider this reflexive move as an important step towards challenging “the global fact” of racial, gender, ethnic and religion-based exclusions. We also invite scholars to bring cases of innovative use of digital research to overcome prevailing hierarchies in anthropological knowledge production – between researchers and research participants, as well as within the academic community.

    Drawing from their own research, and from their engagement with relevant literatures, workshop participants will ask the following questions:

    * What is the present state of anthropological study on digital media technologies and their impact on culture and society?

    * What are the main questions in need of urgent research (especially in connection to decolonizing media/digital anthropology, gender, visuality, extreme movements and speech)?

    * How have digital technologies transformed (media) anthropology and how does the future look for media anthropologists?

    * What is the role of digital technology in transforming knowledge production and dissemination in media anthropology?

    * How can anthropologists contribute to the interdisciplinary effort of theorizing digital media practices and digital technologies?

    * Who will be the main beneficiaries of this research, both in academia and beyond?

    We invite ethnographic and/or theoretical papers that focus on the above questions.

    Participants who need travel support to attend the workshop are invited to mention the same (limited financial support is available for travel and accommodation).

    In a single word document, please send your abstracts of 1000 words and a short bio (100 words) stating your current affiliation, mentioning whether you are an EASA member.

    Please use the filename format: authorlastname_digitalturnworkshop2019, and send this no later than 1 June 2019 to

    Selected participants will be notified by 30 June 2019. EASA members will get the first preference in travel bursaries.

  • 28.03.2019 13:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Proposal Submission Deadline: March 30, 2019

    A book edited by Serpil Karlidag (Baskent University) and Selda Bulut (Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University)


    The political economy approach deals with communication and media as commodities produced by capitalist industries. Media operates as an industry that produces and distributes commodities. As Golding & Murdock (1997:49) identified, the media outputs produced by these industries (newspapers, advertisements, TV programs, movies, music, the gaming industry, etc.) play a vital role in organizing images and discourses that people make the world meaningful. In a sense, media do not only transmit information but also have the function of producing and spreading the symbols that can be called symbolic production. The cultural production produced by the media has a very complex structure. Although the cultural production process has its own characteristics, it is still part of the production of commodification area.

    While analyzing the cultural products produced by the media, it should be taken into consideration the relation of this symbolic production with the ideological processes on the basis of material production of society. It is considered that the area of cultural production is not pointless, on the contrary, it is a part of the social control mechanism.

    Objective of the Book

    The purpose of this book is to provide new approaches besides current trends in the political economy of communication researches in the process of globalization. Specific examples from the above-mentioned subjects including different countries particular in Turkey will contribute to the field and extend the border of the political economy of communication studies into the relatively undiscovered areas. Since the political economy is a holistic field, it can focus on the whole system with more complex and richer analysis. This tradition is also instrumental in attracting the target audience.

    Target Audience

    The target audience of this book will be composed of academics, postgraduate students, teachers, researchers, professionals.

    Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

    1) What is Political Economy approach?: Historical development, features, methods, and importance.

    2) Media property/ownership relations: the ownership of media products and copyright policies

    3) Propaganda model: Factors affecting the news production process

    4) What Media Produces? Properties of media products, Ideology

    5) Audience commodification: commodification, the commodification of audience, the commodification of user in new media

    6) The political economy of culture: production, distribution and consumption processes of cultural products, Culture Industry.

    7) Labor process: conceptualizations on labor and working in media.

    8) The political economy of digital media: new communication technologies, the structure of digital media production.

    9) Structures determining consumer preferences and discussions on audience freedom within these structures.

    10) Media and state relations.

    Submission Procedure

    Contributors are invited to submit on or before March 30, a chapter proposal of 400 to 500 words clearly identifying the topic of the chapter. Proposals should be submitted through the IGI-Global submission system. Authors will be notified of the status of their proposal no later April 29, 2019. Once accepted, all submitted chapters must be original, of high quality 7,000- 10,000 words in length at the publication stage. All submissions will be refereed through a double-blind review process. Author(s) of the accepted proposal are required to submit their full chapter no later than September 30, 2019 to facilitate the review process. Submitted chapters should not have been previously published nor be currently under review for publication at other venues. Submissions should follow the manuscript format guidelines from IGI Global. All authors are encouraged to visit the IGI Global resource site below before beginning the writing process:


    There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book publication, Current Theories and Practice in the Political Economy of Communications and Media. All manuscripts are accepted based on a double blind peer review editorial process.


    This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), an international academic publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea Group Reference), "Medical Information Science Reference," "Business Science Reference," and "Engineering Science Reference" imprints. IGI Global specializes in publishing reference books, scholarly journals, and electronic databases featuring academic research on a variety of innovative topic areas including, but not limited to, education, social science, medicine and healthcare, business and management, information science and technology, engineering, public administration, library and information science, media and communication studies, and environmental science. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit This publication is anticipated to be released in 2020.

    Important Dates

    • March 30, 2019: Proposal Submission Deadline
    • April 29, 2019: Notification of Acceptance
    • September 30, 2019: Full Chapter Submission
    • November 30, 2019: Review Results Returned
    • December 30, 2019: Final Acceptance Notification
    • january 30, 2019: Final Chapter Submission

    Editorial Advisory Board Members:

    • Serpil Karlidag, Baskent University, Ankara/Turkey
    • Selda Bulut, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, Ankara/Turkey
    • Inquiries can be forwarded to
    • Serpil Karlidag, Baskent University
    • Selda Bulut, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University

    Editor's Contact Information

  • 28.03.2019 12:56 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

     October 17-18, 2019

    University of Amsterdam

    Deadline: May 15, 2019

    Around the world, racist discourses, attitudes, and practices have moved from the fringes into the mainstream, putting core democratic values under pressure. Familiar racial orders have resurfaced and reinforced racist borders, both metaphorical and material. The sixth annual conference of the Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies (ACGS) invites papers that examine how forms, discourses and practices of racism have materialized in various institutional contexts.

    Keynote speakers:

    • Gargi Bhattacharyya (University of East London, UK)
    Gargi Bhattacharyya is a Professor of Sociology at the UEL’s Centre for Migration, Refugees and Belonging and the author, most recently, of Rethinking Racial Capitalism: Questions of Reproduction and Survival (2018).
    • Barnor Hesse (Northwestern University, Evanston, USA)

    Barnor Hesse is an Associate Professor of African American Studies, Political Science and Sociology and the co-editor, most recently, of After #Ferguson, After #Baltimore: The Challenge of Black Death and Black Life for Black Political Thought (2017, with Juliet Hooker).

    • David Lloyd (University of California, Riverside, USA)

    David Lloyd is Distinguished Professor of English and the author, most recently, of Under Representation: The Racial Regime of Aesthetics (2018).


    Around the world, racist discourses, attitudes, and practices have moved from the fringes into the mainstream, putting core democratic values under pressure. Familiar racial orders have resurfaced and reinforced racist borders, both metaphorical and material. The sixth annual conference of the Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies (ACGS) invites papers that examine how forms, discourses and practices of racism have materialized in various institutional contexts. Organized in cooperation with the collaborative research centre Dynamics of Security at the Universities of Giessen and Marburg, Germany, the conference’s main conceptual focus is on the institutional dimensions of racism. How and by whom has racism been ‘mainstreamed’ in different countries and regions around the globe? What kinds of discourses, techniques, strategies and tactics have been mobilized to mainstream racism? And how does this take shape in diverse institutional settings, including politics, education, international institutions, the media, cultural foundations, the police, and the legal system? In the wake of unrestrained, state-led xenophobia and populist nationalism, the function of race as a building block of culture, education, finance, nationalism and democracy can no longer be dissolved into ethnicity, nationalism and religion. Thus, the function of race cannot be hidden behind modernity, the Enlightenment, multiculturalism or civilization, deferred to the histories of ‘other’ places and ‘other’ peoples, or relegated to a past that was ostensibly erased with the end of the Holocaust and the birth of modern institutions such as the European Union and the United Nations. We need to employ the full range of research tools and approaches to take stock of how race and racism have continued to underscore state histories and institutions, as well as everyday practices, habits, gestures, affects, languages, aesthetics and representations alike.

    Avenues of inquiry may include, but are not limited to:

    • Histories of institutional racism
    • Racism and populist governance
    • Intersectional perspectives on race and racism
    • Intersections between different practices of racism
    • Whiteness
    • Racism and #metoo
    • Racism and social media
    • Race, immigration and refugee flows
    • Race (and) wars
    • Borders and bodies
    • Race, racism and the digital
    • Race and technology
    • Legalizing race and racism
    • Teaching race and racism
    • Race, policing and profiling
    • Globalization and neoliberalism
    • Nationalism and the nation-state
    • Race and popular media
    • Fake news and the crisis of journalism
    • Multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism
    • Colonial legacies, decolonization and neoimperalism
    • Aesthetics of race and racism
    • Race and cultural institutions
    • The politics of color-blindness

    Contributions from across the social and political sciences and the humanities are welcome. Please submit an abstract (max. 250-300 words) and a short bio (max. 100 words) by 15 May 2019 to Submissions for pre-constituted panels with a maximum of four papers are also welcome.

    Notice of acceptance will be sent by 15 June 2019. Draft papers should be submitted before 15 September 2019 and made available for internal circulation among conference participants.

    Conference fee: 50 Euros (25 Euros for PhD students).

    Conference dinner: 25 Euros.

    Organisers: Jeroen de Kloet, Amade M’charek, Thomas Poell (University of Amsterdam), Regina Kreide, Huub van Baar (Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Germany), Anikó Imre (University of Southern California, USA), Dušan Bjelić (University of Southern Maine, USA).

  • 28.03.2019 12:48 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Edited by: Josef Trappel

    Inequalities are the unwanted companions of media and communication. Tradi­tional analogue mass media were criticized for creating inequal

    ities by being biased, serving hegemonic interests, and accumulating far too much power in the hands of mighty industrial conglomerates. Under the digital regime, most inequalities survived, and new ones occurred. Knowledge gaps transformed into digital divides, news journalism is challenged by social networking sites, and global corporate monopolies outperform national media companies. Algorithmic selection, surveillance, Big Data and the Internet of Things are creating new inequalities which follow traditional patterns of class, gender, wealth and education. This book revisits old and new media and co

    mmunication inequalities in times of digital transition. It has been written in a collective effort by the members of the Euromedia Research Group.

    Purchase here.


    • Preface
    • Inequality, (new) media and communications (Josef Trappel)
    • Equality – an ambiguous value (Denis McQuail)
    • Inequality, social trust and the media. Towards citizens’ communication and information rights (Hannu Nieminen)
    • Scale economies and international communications inequality, 1820-2020 (Jeremy Tunstall)
    • Political communication, digital inequality and populism (Stylianos Papathanassopoulos, Ralph Negrine)
    • Economic inequality, appraisal of the EU and news media (Barbara Thomass)
    • Inequality in the media and the “Maslow pyramid” of journalistic needs in Central and Eastern Europe (Péter Bajomi-Lázár)
    • The illusion of pluralism. Regulatory aspects of equality in the new media (Judit Bayer)
    • The missing link. Blind spots in Europe’s local and regional news provision (Leen d’HaenensWillem Joris, Quint Kik)
    • Transforming the news media. Overcoming old and new gender inequalities (Claudia Padovani, Karin Raeymaeckers, Sara De Vuyst)
    • Invisible children. Inequalities in the provision of screen content for children (Jeanette Steemers)
    • New forms of the digital divide (Elena Vartanova, Anna Gladkova)
    • Information and news inequalities (Tristan Mattelart,Stylianos Papathanassopoulos, Josef Trappel)
    • Why free news matters for social inequality. Comparing willingness to pay for news in the Nordic region (Hallvard Moe)
    • Representation, participation and societal well-being. Addressing inequality in agency in Europe (Aukse Balcytiene, Kristina Juraite)
    • Towards a policy for digital capitalism? (Werner A. Meier)
    • Contributors 
  • 28.03.2019 12:45 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: August 1, 2019

    South Korea’s ethnoscape has undergone dynamic change. It is peculiar as it has both a postcolonial history with Japan and a neocolonial relationship with the United States. These histories shape complex views of who belongs and who is valued vis-a-vis racial, ethnic, and national others. One major site of the construction of difference is popular culture. Popular and online media in South Korea construct difference through the celebration of the desirable otherness of Whites and biracial White-Koreans (Ahn, 2015), the joining of Southeast Asian women and their multi-ethnic children in the paternal nation-state through the loss of their difference (Oh & Oh, 2016), and marginalized, outcast others, who are rendered irredeemably different. With this in mind, the purpose of the book is to animate postcolonial impulses by drawing together local theories developed in the South Korean context that focuses on the construction of ethnicized, racialized, and nationalized difference in the local cultural terrain.

    Previous literature on ethnoracial differences in Korea explains that differences are due to (1) Korea’s myth of ethnic homogeneity (2) Confucian preferences for “civilized” societies, (3) internalization of the racial logics of the US, and (4) a lack of distinction between race, ethnicity, and nation. While each is informative and useful, they are partial explanations and do not adequately explain the ways difference is mediated and discursively constructed, e.g., Western racial hierarchies are not merely mapped onto Korean cultural logics of difference nor are there simple binaries of Koreans versus others.

    By bringing together media scholars of Korean popular culture located in and outside Korea, the project aims to map the ways in which ethnic/racial/national difference vis-a-vis Koreanness is represented and constructed at the intersection of race, gender, sexuality, class, ethnicity, and nation. Thus, I seek contributions that analyze the discourse of multiculturalism and ethno/racial/national/regional difference.

    As an interdisciplinary project, I am interested in contributions, which include fields such as Communication Studies, Media Studies, Korean Studies, Asian Studies, Sociology, Literature, Performance Studies, and Ethnic Studies. Though it is interdisciplinary, I limit the methods to critical qualitative inquiry in order to maintain a focused epistemological vantage point. Finally, I accept original, unpublished submissions that are written in English. Areas of interest might include but are not limited to:

    • Mediated constructions of desirable otherness

    • Mediated constructions of assimilated otherness

    • Mediated constructions of marginalized otherness

    • Mediated constructions of multiple assimilations

    • Mediated constructions of ambivalent otherness

    • Self-mediated constructions of belonging in the imagined nation

    • Self-mediated rejection of the imagined nation

    If interested in contributing, please submit a 250-400 word extended abstract and CV to David C. Oh ( and a 100-word bio by August 1, 2019. Please include (1) your purpose, (2) justification, (3) proposed method, (4), if available, tentative findings, and (5) references. Final manuscripts should be 7,000-8,000 words, which includes all elements of the paper – title page, body essay, references, and, if necessary, tables and figures. Final book chapters will be due June 1, 2020.

  • 28.03.2019 12:40 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 5-6, 2019

    Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

    Deadline: May 15, 2019

    An interdisciplinary conference hosted by ‘Mediatized diaspora (MEDIASP): Contentious Politics among Arab Media Users in Europe’

    Keynote speakers:

    • Professor Naomi Sakr: Westminster School of Media and Communication, UK.
    • Professor Myria Georgiou: Dept of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.
    • Associate professor Tourya Guaaybess: Humanities and Social Sciences-Nancy, University of Lorraine. France
    • Professor Carola Richter: Institute for Media and Communication Studies. The Free University of Berlin, Germany.

    The research project ‘Mediatized diaspora (MEDIASP): Contentious Politics among Arab Media Users in Europe’ at the University of Copenhagen is pleased to announce the call for papers for a two-day conference on regime-critical media – produced in or outside the Middle East and North Africa – and their users in diaspora.

    After the Arab Spring, political developments in the Arab countries have varied from sustained civil war in Syria and Yemen to fragile political democracy in Tunisia; from successive regime changes in Egypt to regime maintenance in Bahrain; and from ongoing uprisings in Sudan to “successful” pressure against the regime to resign in Algeria. These developments have a direct impact on the conditions for regime-critical and politically mobilized media and for Arab diasporas living outside the Arab world. Regime-critical media have faced new restrictions and challenges in the Middle Eastern and North African countries post-Arab Spring, letting several media to move to other countries. Likewise, the situation of political activists either still living in the Middle East or in diaspora has greatly changed and their contributions have taken on a new significance.

    Hence, the overall questions are: how do regime-critical media produced for the Middle Eastern or North-African audiences meet new challenges and opportunities? How do Middle Eastern and North-African diaspora groups mobilize politically and engage in transnational political activities? How does the audiences’ use of regime-critical media influences political action formation in diaspora?

    We invite conference papers that examine the regime-critical media produced both in and outside the Middle East, and/or how media practices of Middle Eastern and North-African political activists in diaspora contribute to political transformation. The conference aims at exploring and discussing the potentially wide variations in regime-critical media and the Arab diasporas’ practices of using them. Both theoretical and empirical contributions are welcome.

    The conference welcomes papers on any of the following – or allied – topics or themes:

    Regime-critical media in the Middle East and North African countries:

    • The history (and developments) of Arab critical media
    • Politicization of critical media after the 2011 Arab Spring
    • Social media in light of political repression
    • Critical media coverage of social movements
    • Critical media censorship and ownership
    • The performing of conflict by critical media
    • Violence and affective media events
    • Audio-visual modalities of critical media
    • Art, creativity, alternative features of critical media
    • Virtual mobility and glocality of critical media
    • The legal framework of Arab media
    • The future of Arab critical media
    • Political activism and media users of regime-critical media:
    • Media practices in the diaspora
    • Media and migrationhood
    • Practices of citizen journalism
    • Political activism in digital media
    • Cyber activism post-Arab Spring
    • Transnational media practice
    • Mediatized negotiations and contestations of current developments
    • Connective and collective action formations
    • Electronic armies (committees) on social media

    Abstract Submission

    The deadline for submitting proposals for individual papers is May 15. Please submit a title and abstract of about 250 words, in addition to your name, institutional affiliation and contact information.

    Please send your abstracts or any enquiries to

    A selection of accepted papers will be published in a special issue in Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research in April 2020 (Volume 13, Issue 1).

    Key dates

    • 20 March 2019 – Call for papers is announced
    • 15 May 2019 – Deadline for submitting abstracts
    • 22 May 2019 – Notification of accepted abstracts
    • 4 August 2019 – Deadline for registration
    • 1 September 2019 – Deadline for full paper submission, 7500 words
    • 5-6 September 2019 – The conference takes place in Copenhagen
    • 6 October 2019 – Deadline for paper submission after revisions
    • 3 November 2019 – Peer reviewer’s feedback will be send to author
    • 1 December 2019 – Deadline for submission of final paper

    The conference does not cover travel or accommodation costs for the participants.

    Conference host

    The host of the conference is the research project ‘Mediatized diaspora (MEDIASP): Contentious Politics among Arab Media Users in Europe’. You can read more about the project here:

    The project has its home at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies (language, religion and society), University of Copenhagen.

    For more information about the conference, please contact the organizing committee at The organizing committee consists of Dr. Ehab Galal, Dr. Thomas Fibiger, Dr. Mostafa Shehata, and PhD-fellow Zenia Yonus.

  • 28.03.2019 12:31 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Edited volume of Networking Knowledge Journal

    Deadline: April 30, 2019

    This edited volume of the postgraduate Journal “Networking Knowledge” of UK’s Media and Cultural Studies Association invites scholars from a broad range of disciplines to submit manuscripts on the theme of “Temporalities in Non-Western and Western communication and media studies”.

    The topic had its peak with every rise of a new medium, with the work of Innis and McLuhan in the 70s in the rise of television at the forefront. With the emergence of the internet as an ubiquitous phenomenon, the topic of temporalities rises to new levels and emergent phenomena with scholar such as Sharma, Wajcman, Qiu and others at the forefront. This call for submissions therefore hopes to contribute towards this emerging discourse on social time and the digital. Moreover, a lack of temporalities communication and media research in the Global South is attributed to the prevalent Western tradition in communication research. This special section also serves to overcome the dominance of Western approaches in temporalities studies. Following these considerations, scholars are invited to submit their original manuscripts that address the following topics, among others:

    • Comparative studies of temporalities in communication and media sciences
    • Methodologies investigating journalism, advertisements, PR, political communication, cultural studies, feminist or queer approaches investigating media or communication temporalities;
    • Time use research or time budget studies addressing communication and media (e.g. passive leisure (watching tv), multitasking (activities while watching tv), use of information and communication technologies)
    • Dynamic methodologies and longitudinal studies;
    • Memory or generational studies;
    • Theory development or contrasting theory streams explaining temporalities in communication and media studies;
    • Cross-cultural temporalities;
    • Social time and the digital in educommunication and/or approaching the study of (new) media in the learning environment
    • Other topics (please enquire with the editor in advance)

    Theoretical as well as qualitative and quantitative approaches investigating such temporalities are welcome. Different disciplinary approaches can be pursued. Submissions must not have been previously published nor be under consideration by another publication. An extended abstract (up to 500 words) or a complete paper at the first stage of the reviewing process will be accepted. All the submissions must be received by April 30, 2019. If the extended abstract is accepted, the complete manuscript must be received by August 31, 2019. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines on the website ( and should have a length of about 4,000 to 6,000 words including tables and references. All manuscripts will be peer reviewed, and the authors will be notified of the final acceptance/rejection decision.

    The detailed timeline will be as follows:

    • April 30, 2019 - Deadline for receiving abstracts or extended abstracts
    • May 10, 2019 - Deadline for informing authors of selection of abstract, and invitations for full papers
    • August 30, 2019 - Deadline for receiving full papers
    • September 10, 2019 - Deadline for carrying out first round of edits
    • September 10, 2019 - November 30, 2019 - Peer review process
    • November 30 onwards - Final edits, draft introduction, cover image etc.
    • February 1, 2020 - Publication

    Please direct questions and submissions to Associate Editor Maria Faust M.A. at, Guest Editor Tiago Rodrigues Ph.D. at and Guest Editor Jorge Rosales Ph.D. at

  • 28.03.2019 12:27 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Colorado Boulder, USA

    Deadline: April 10, 2019

    The Department of Media Studies (MDST) in the College of Media, Communication and Information at the University of Colorado Boulder seeks a scholar-in-residence in media studies with a particular emphasis in critical environmental studies. The successful candidate will demonstrate excellence in research and a commitment to contributing to our interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate programs. The position is expected to begin in August 2019.

    We will consider applicants with various research interests in critical media studies, although preference will be given to the following areas:

    • The material and ethical implications of media practice/technology/consumption for environmental sustainability.
    • The role of digital culture, emergent media forms, art and design in shaping current debates about the ecological crisis and disaster relief.
    • Relationship between intersectionality (race, gender, class, sexuality, etc.) and ecomedia research.

    A PhD in Media Studies is required; a terminal degree (JD or MFA) in another discipline will also be considered. Qualified candidates will have an active research agenda, a proven record of teaching excellence, and a strong commitment to interdisciplinary collaborations. The selected candidate will teach two courses each semester in a variety of media-related topics with a possibility to develop a course in the candidate’s own area of research expertise.

    The Department of Media Studies at the University of Colorado Boulder offers a dynamic program of study that emphasizes the creative and analytical skills needed to operate in a complex media environment and to gain a deep understanding of the history and development of various means and forms of communication. We teach courses in media history; media activism; globalization and culture; Postcolonialism and decoloniality; media and religion; disruptive media entrepreneurship; media and human rights; popular culture, gender, race, class, and sexuality; media and food politics; audience studies, among many others. We offer an exciting Master’s degree in Media and Public Engagement and a well-ranked PhD program in media studies which celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2019.

    The College of Media Communication and Information, established in 2015, is the first new college on the CU-Boulder campus in 53 years. CMCI prides itself on offering students an interdisciplinary education with a focus on innovation and creativity. The College prepares students to be leaders in our ever-changing information society. Our students and faculty think across boundaries, innovate around emerging problems and create culture that transcends convention. CMCI strives to be a community whose excellence is premised on diversity, equity, and inclusion. We seek candidates who share this commitment and demonstrate understanding of the experiences of those historically underrepresented in higher education. We welcome applications from racial and ethnic minorities, ciswomen, non-normative genders and sexualities, persons with disabilities, and others who have encountered legacies of marginalization.

    The University of Colorado is an Equal Opportunity employer committed to building a diverse workforce. Benefits include domestic partners and health insurance coverage for hormone replacement therapy (for more, see glbtqrc/resources/cu-and-state-policies). Alternative formats of this ad can be provided upon request for individuals with disabilities by contacting the ADA Coordinator at

    Special Instructions to Applicants:

    Candidates must submit the following:

    1. Cover letter outlining interest in the position and research and teaching interests

    2. Curriculum Vitae

    3. Statement of Teaching Philosophy

    4. An example of scholarly and/or creative work.

    5. Three letters of reference

    Screening of candidates will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. To ensure full consideration, applicants should submit all materials by April 10, 2019.

    Application page:

  • 28.03.2019 12:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Special issue of Journal of Communication

    Deadline: July 15, 2019

    Guest Editors: Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) & Chul-joo “CJ” Lee (Seoul National University)

    With the rapid growth and development of the field of Communication, it has also become increasingly fragmented, while its subfields – as represented by ICA’s various divisions and interest groups – have become increasingly self-contained. Researchers within the different subfields speak to each other in numerous forums and publications and in ever-growing levels of precision and sophistication, but are often oblivious to related developments in other subfields. Similarly, conceptual, analytical and empirical contributions are discussed in relation to the state-of-the-art within a specific subfield, but often fail to be developed into broader theoretical frameworks. The result is a multiplicity of theoretical, conceptual and empirical fragments, whose interrelationships and relevance for a range of communication processes remain to be established.

    In this special issue, we look for rigorous, original and creative contributions that speak across multiple subfields of communication. All theoretical approaches as well as methods of scholarly inquiry are welcome, and we are open to various formats and foci: The papers can be based on an empirical study, integrate a series of empirical pieces, thereby proposing a new theory or model, or be primarily theoretical. Their focus can be a specific theory, a specific concept or a set of related concepts, a communication phenomenon that can be better accounted for using a cross-disciplinary perspective, or any other focus that fits the purpose of the special issue. In all forms, the papers should make substantial, original contributions to theoretical consolidation and explicitly discuss the relevance and implications of their research to different subfields.

    Deadline for full paper submissions is July 15, 2019. The special issue is scheduled for Issue 3, 2020.

    Submissions should be made through the JOC submission site ( Please make sure you click "yes" to the question "is this work being submitted for special issue consideration?" and clearly state in the cover letter that the paper is submitted to the special issue. Manuscripts should strictly adhere to the new JOC submission guidelines. These guidelines will be available on the journal’s website in early January 2019. Before that, they are available upon request from Editor-in-Chief, Lance Holbert,

    Questions and comments about the special issue should be addressed to Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt ( and Chul-joo “CJ” Lee (




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