European Communication Research
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  • 27.04.2023 10:23 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Loughborough University, UK

    We are looking to appoint two positions either as Lecturer, Senior Lecturer or Reader (equivalent to Associate Professor) in Communication and Media Studies who will contribute to our excellent research culture and make a committed, innovative, and collegial contribution to teaching on our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

    We are a broad-based subject area with particular research and teaching strengths in media, memory and history, political communication, language and social interaction, and cultural analysis. We encourage applications from any relevant specialism. For further details about our research and teaching please see and

    The deadline for applications is 15 May 2023 (

    For informal enquiries, please contact Professor David Deacon, Head of Division for Communication and Media:

    Post reference details:

    Lecturer in Communication and Media (REQ230401)

    Senior Lecturer in Communication and Media (REQ23402)

    Reader (Associate Professor) in Communication and Media Studies (REQ23409)

  • 20.04.2023 21:56 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 27-29, 2023

    Prague, Czech Republic

    Deadline: May 31, 2023

    Conference organised by the Centre for the Study of Popular Culture, Charles University in Prague and the German Historical Institute in Warsaw, 27–29 October 2023, Prague, Czech Republic

    Class, distinction, and habitus have a contested position in the political and social sciences. No less controversial are the concepts in the humanities, even though the study of class in cultural studies seems to be long past its prime. Since the 1960s, Western youth and working class popular and urban cultures have received wide scholarly attention. Minority groups and people on the margins ridiculed and stigmatised by popular culture experienced a research boom several decades ago and a renewed interest owing to research into reality TV shows. Representations of white upper-class heterosexual male domination in popular culture has been interrogated with the finest critical tools in the last years.

    The research agenda of Central and Eastern European popular culture looks a bit different. Due to the allegedly different path to modernity, exploration of class, distinction, and habitus in popular culture offers interesting stimuli even today. A closer look at the political and socioeconomic changes that the region has undergone shows that these phenomena were closely linked to the development of industrial capitalism and the rise of the bourgeois society in the 19th century on the one hand. On the other, class often dissolved into nationalist and even racist ideology. Unique group’s distinctions were melted into the cult of the common people. A specific habitus was suppressed by the all-encompassing folksiness. Mass movements in the interwar period placed the removal of the enemy class and distinction at the centre of their politics.

    The socialist dictatorship after the Second World War declared that it had done away with class and group-specific distinctions; differing habitus was to be replaced by uniformity. However, in the post-Stalin period, even the mildest proclamations concerning a classless society had to be revised. New social differentiations and subtle distinctions among people became more visible and found not infrequent reflection in literature, film, music, and visual arts. In late socialism, power elites gradually abandoned the banner of egalitarianism and the new class manifested in a showy manner its distinctions and habitus.

    The conference asks what the (dis)continuities between late socialism and post-socialism in terms of class, distinction, and habitus in the popular culture were. It seeks to answer how class, distinction, and habitus have been represented in popular culture in the “long durée” perspective. In what ways have these representations been transformed? What were the causes and consequences of these transformations, if any? Did these representations affect their recipients and in what manner?

    There are numerous issues that can be addressed along these lines. The following list should not by any means be understood as exhaustive:  

    - “Class” as an emic concept in national and post-national discourse

    - re-drawing class in long-term transformations of Central and Eastern Europe

    - class differentiation in popular cultures of Central and Eastern Europe

    - habitus and taste as an analytical category in modern societies of Central and Eastern Europe

    - distinctions made by gender, work, housing, leisure, culture consumption, aesthetic-tastes -representations of upper, middle, working and under-class in literature, film, TV, press, visual arts

    Papers exploring the mentioned topics are especially encouraged. Please send your abstract of no more than 350 words and a short biographical note by 31 May 2023 to

    The conference will take place on 27–29 October 2023, in Prague, Czech Republic. In case of travel restrictions due to the pandemic, the conference will be held in a hybrid or online format.

    The organizers intend to put together a themed monograph, in which selected papers will be published as full- length chapters.

    Travel and accommodation costs are covered by the organizers.




  • 20.04.2023 08:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 12-13, 2023

    University of Edinburgh, UK

    Deadline for abstracts: June 14, 2023 via

    Also available via

    On 12-13 October 2023, the University of Edinburgh will host the 9th annual conference of the International Journal of Press/Politics, focused on academic research on the relationship between media and political processes around the world.

    The deadline for submission of abstracts is 14 June 2023. Attendees will be notified of acceptance by 21 June 2023. Registration fees will be due 11 August 2023 and full papers based on accepted abstracts will be due 29 September 2023. A selection of the best papers presented at the conference will be published in the journal after peer review. Previous special issues based on conference papers can be found here, here, and here.

    The conference brings together scholars conducting internationally oriented or comparative research on the intersection between news media and politics around the world. It aims to provide a forum for academics from a wide range of disciplines, countries, and methodological approaches to advance knowledge in this area. 

    Examples of relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the political implications of changes in media systems; the importance of different types of media for learning about and engaging with politics; the factors affecting the quality of political information and public discourse; media policy and regulation; the role of entertainment and popular culture in how people engage with current affairs; relations between political actors and journalists; the role of visuals and emotion in the production and processing of public information; the role of different kinds of media during conflicts and crises; and political communication during and beyond elections by government, political parties, interest groups, and social movements. The journal and the conference are particularly interested in studies that represent substantial theoretical or methodological advances on these issues in an international perspective, especially by adopting comparative approaches and/or focusing on parts of the world that are under-researched in the English-language academic literature.

    Titles and abstracts for papers (maximum 300 words) are invited by 14 June 2023 via the online form available at Abstracts should clearly describe the key question, the theoretical and methodological approach, the evidence presented, and the wider implications of the study for understanding the relationship between media and politics in an international perspective. Authors are encouraged to provide as much detail as possible about the spatial and temporal context of their study, the research design and methods employed, the data collected, and the main results of the analyses.

    The registration fee for the conference will be GBP 250, to be paid by 11 August 2023. The fee covers lunches and coffee breaks on 12 and 13 October, two conference dinners on 11 and 12 October, and farewell drinks on 13 October. A limited number of registration fee waivers will be available for early career scholars and scholars from countries that appear in Tiers B and C of the classification adopted by the International Communication Association. Applications for fee waivers must be made via the abstract online submission form available at

    All attendees must respect the Scottish Government policies to protect themselves and the population against COVID-19. Attendees visiting Edinburgh from abroad must commit to follow the Scottish government’s regulations for international travel.

    The conference is organized by Cristian Vaccari, Editor-in-Chief of IJPP. Please contact Professor Vaccari with questions at

    More about the journal and the University.

    The International Journal of Press/Politics

    The International Journal of Press/Politics is an interdisciplinary journal for the analysis and discussion of the role of the media and politics in an international perspective. The journal publishes theoretical and empirical research which analyzes the linkages between the news media and political processes and actors around the world, emphasizes international and comparative work, and links research in the fields of political communication and journalism studies, and the disciplines of political science and media and communication. The journal is published by SAGE Publishing and is ranked 19th in Communication and 22nd in Political Science by Journal Citation Reports.

    The University of Edinburgh

    The University of Edinburgh has been influencing history since it welcomed its first students in 1583. Through the many achievements of its staff and students, the University has delivered on its central principles of providing cutting-edge research, inspirational teaching and innovative thinking, attracting some of the greatest minds from around the globe. Politics and International Relations (PIR) is one of the largest and most vibrant subject areas at the University of Edinburgh. It is home to more than 600 undergraduates and 100 postgraduate students annually. Its alumni include government ministers, members of parliament, policy analysts, broadcasters, business leaders, teachers, and social entrepreneurs. Its world-leading research directly informs policymakers, ministers, and NGOs.

  • 20.04.2023 08:28 | Anonymous member (Administrator)  

    International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) wants to support the creation of collaborative contact zones, with modest means at its disposal, by establishing IAMCR Peace Fellowships. IAMCR will facilitate the collaboration of pairs of individual scholars, who are based in, or strongly connected to, two regions or communities that are currently engaged, or recently have been engaged, in an antagonistic conflict. An IAMCR peace followship will last 2 years, in order to provide sufficient time for collaboration, and IAMCR will select up to two pairs of peace fellows per year. After four years, IAMCR’s Executive Board will evaluate the project and decide on its continuation.

    IAMCR will provide support to IAMCR peace fellows in the following ways:

    A travel grant of 1500 USD, for both scholars, to attend one (1) main IAMCR conference, in order to present their collaborative work. When peace fellows are demonstrably in the impossibility to travel to IAMCR conferences, the funds can be used, pending IAMCR approval, for a different channel of communication to the IAMCR community.

    An individual membership for both scholars, for two years. 

    Opportunities to present their work at online or face-to-face IAMCR fora, to be decided in consultation with both scholars.

    The call for applications is open until 01 September 2023. 

    You may find more information about IAMCR Peace Fellowships in the link below.

    Should you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact Mazlum Kemal Dagdelen at

    Also, we would be grateful if you could share this call with those you think might be interested.

  • 20.04.2023 08:23 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: May 1, 2023

    We have extended the deadline for the submission of applications to convene an IAMCR Presidential PhD Research Webinar. Read this information carefully if you are an IAMCR member PhD student and would like to convene an IAMCR Presidential PhD Research Webinar with a topic you propose.

    The deadline to submit applications is 01 May 2023.

    The IAMCR Presidential PhD Research Webinars provide a forum for critical dialogue for PhD researchers in the field of communication and media studies. The central goals of the webinars are to give visibility to doctoral research in the global field of communication and media studies and stimulate interaction and cooperation among PhD students.  

    General Principles  

    Webinar organisation procedure:

    Each year, one webinar is organised outside the main conference period, ideally in the second half of the year.  

    This open call invites IAMCR member PhD students to submit their applications to propose a topic and to convene an IAMCR Presidential PhD Research Webinar on that topic.  

    When the convenor(s) and their proposed topic are selected, the second open call for speakers and abstracts for presentations on that selected topic will be launched in collaboration with the selected convenor(s). 

    The presenters from among the applications for the second call will be selected together with the convenor(s).

    What IAMCR will provide  

    As the organiser of the Presidential PhD Research Webinar series, IAMCR:

    • Promotes the webinar via its communication channels;
    • Provides the Zoom (or equivalent) meeting platform where the webinar will be held;
    • Provides a registration system and issues certificates for the convenor(s) and speakers after the webinar.

    Responsibilities of webinar convenors  

    The webinar convenor(s) are expected to:

    • Coordinate the organisation of the webinar;
    • Commit to comply with IAMCR's statement on a safe and supportive community ;  
    • Abide by the timeline and meet all deadlines to the best of their ability;
    • Ensure that all presenters obtain copyright clearance on any materials they present;
    • Write a short 'after the event' article (which will be made available to the IAMCR membership);
    • Propose replacements in case participants have to cancel in order to ensure that the minimum number of three participants is respected;
    • Make a presentation in the webinar.

    More information

    To have further information about the IAMCR Presidential PhD Research Webinar, you can visit  or contact the coordinator of the IAMCR Presidential PhD Research Webinar series, Mazlum Kemal Dagdelen at <>.

  • 20.04.2023 08:20 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 23-27, 2023

    Charles University (Czech Republic)

    Deadline: July 1, 2023

    About the course

    Course title: Discourse Studies and Method: Using Discourse-Theoretical Analysis and Discursive-Material Analysis

    Course coordinator and leader: Professor Nico Carpentier

    Course credits: 5 credits

    Course timing: The course will be organised on 23 October - 27 October 2023

    Course location: Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic 

    Course background and purpose 

    The course aims to discuss two methods in the field of discourse studies: Discourse-theoretical analysis (DTA) and Discursive-material analysis (DMA). Both are grounded in so-called high theory, with discourse theory as its main starting point, but with elements of actor network theory and new materialism. This course will start with an introduction to these theoretical models, but will then move on to their analytical deployment in communication and media studies research. 

    Special attention will be spent on the creation of a theory-grounded analytical model to guide the research. Apart from attending lectures, participants will be expected to participate in both theoretical and research-driven workshops.

    Learning outcomes

    On completion of this course, successful students will be able to:

    • have a deeper understanding of the field of discourse studies, and in particular of its discourse-theoretical component 
    • have a deeper understanding of the theoretical relationship between the discursive and the material 
    • know how to translate discourse-theoretical models into analytical practice, through the use of the notion of the sensitising concept (applied to discourse theory, and to discourse-theoretical rereading of other theories)
    • set up an analytical model for a discourse-theoretical analysis and a discursive-material analysis


    The one-week course will be organised in 10 teaching slots, combining lectures and workshops. These workshops are partially theoretical (presenting an article or chapter), and partially research-driven (presenting an analytical model). 

    Available participant slots and costs

    A total number of 20 participant slots are available. The participation fee is 50 euros, and only covers course attendance. Participants are required to pay themselves for their travel and accommodation costs, and all other expenses.


    The deadline for the application submission is 01 July 2023. 

    To register for this course, the following three documents have to be submitted:

    • A motivation letter
    • A brief description/abstract of the ongoing (PhD) research (including the current stage of the research)
    • A CV (including information about your university affiliation and your contact information)

    Please send all documents and queries to Mazlum Kemal Dağdelen at or use the form on the course webpage for submission.

  • 20.04.2023 08:17 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 26-27, 2023

    Sofia University (Bulgaria)

    Deadline: July 15, 2023

    THE FACULTY OF JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” organizes a 4th International Scientific Conference. The conference will be held on the 26th and 27th of October 2023 within the framework of the St. Kliment Ohridski Days on the video conference platform Teams. The event is a part of the celebrations of the 135th anniversary of the foundation of Sofia University. 

    We most politely invite the specialists in media and communications, PhD students, as well as those who are involved with the problems of the media and communication environment and culture in their various dimensions and manifestations. We welcome the interdisciplinary approach to the contemporary challenges in the education and practice of journalism and to communication activities.

    Read more 

  • 20.04.2023 08:15 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 15-16, 2023

    London, UK

    Deadline: April 28, 2023

    The Department of Media and Communications 20th Anniversary

    We are living in turbulent and increasingly dangerous times which are defined and influenced by the things we study and research, namely media, communication infrastructures, algorithms, and data. Faced with an uncertain future, we can discern both dystopian and optimistic scenarios. In the former, we need critique and ethical norms and values to validate those critiques. Regarding the latter, alternative imaginaries of hope, social justice and solidarity need to be developed or indeed rejuvenated. 

    In our 20th anniversary conference, we aim to address both the critiques of the present and to consider and imagine alternative pathways. Participants will be presenting papers aligned with our four research themes: Media Culture and Identities; Histories and Futures; Media, Participation and Politics; and Communication, Technology, Rights and Justice. 


  • 20.04.2023 08:12 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 24-26, 2023

    Istinye University (Turkey)/online

    Deadline: May 1, 2023

    The second of the Media and Society Symposium, the first of which was organized by İstinye University in 2021 with the title of Media in the Pandemic Spiral, was held in 2022 with the title of Digitalization and Visual Studies with the organization of the Faculty of Communication. The 3rd International Media and Society Symposium continues in 2023 under the title of Digital Culture. Researchers who carry out applied and theoretical studies within the framework of this subject, practitioners who produce with digital technologies in all kinds of media are invited to the symposium to present their work. The symposium, which will take place for the third time this year, will be held on May24-25-26, 2023 as a hybrid and presentations can be made online or face to face. 

    Revolutionary transformations in mass media, accelerated by pandemic conditions, increase the effects of metaverse, web 3.0, blockchain technology and similar phenomena that are included in our lives on our daily and digital lives, and change our lifestyles and habits. Technological developments and examples of digital applications, whose effects we see in social, cultural, economic and political dimensions, appear more frequently now, creating a new form of mass communication and digital culture. In this context, the 3rd International Symposium on Media and Society creates an international platform for the development of research in the field of digital media, promotes acceptance and understanding of the wide variety of methods, approaches and paradigms that make up digital-based research, explores research methodologies used in the digital field, researches digital fields and media research. To conduct research that can synthesize research methods and analytical approaches, to provide an academic environment for in-depth research of various approaches, methods, themes and digital phenomena, to make researches in social, economic and cultural fields visible in connection with digital media, to create visual literacy awareness in traditional and digital media. It is carried out under the title of Digital Culture in order to contribute to.

    With the aim of creating an interdisciplinary discussion platform that deals with theory and practice together within the scope of media studies, the 3rd International Media and Society Symposium is open to applications from various fields within a wide scope, as well as invited participants who are experts in the field. The symposium titled Digital Culture covers research in the fields of art, design, aesthetics, sociology, philosophy, ethnography, anthropology, culture and media studies, documentary film, photography, information technology, education, communication studies, culture and other social sciences related to communication. It aims to include research on digital texts produced in such media. 

    In addition to academic researchers, experts such as artists, architects, designers, digital game designers, cinema and media professionals who conduct research and study on the applications of digital technologies in creative processes are invited to share their current studies, production processes, case studies, research and experiences in the field. Apart from the academic presentation format, the symposium is open to other creative presentation formats that will enable the content to be shared in the most effective way. Abstracts sent to the call for participation will be accepted to the symposium as a result of blind (blind) refereeing evaluation. Within the scope of the symposium, studies and theoretical researches in the digital field can be discussed in relation to the following topics: 

    • Digital Culture and Architecture

    • Digital Culture and Space

    • Digital Gaming Culture

    • Cultural Heritage in the Digital World

    • Digital Prison "Digital Panopticon"

    • Digitization and Memory

    • Digitization and Transformation of Space

    • Digital Identity

    • New Memory Spaces (New Memory Technologies)

    • Media Archeology

    • Digitalization and Virtual Communities (Communities)

    • Digital Culture and Social Media

    • Digital Experience

    • Digital Culture and Society

    • Digital Media Literacy

    • Digital Nationalism

    • Digital Transformation of Public Diplomacy

    • Digital Culture and Women

    • Digital Art(s)

    • Digital Visual/Photo Algorithm

    • Genealogies of the virtual

    • Digital Communication Technologies and Hacktivism

    • Information War

    • Political Economy of Digital Cultural Production

    • Intellectual Property Rights of Digital Production

    • Solidification

    • Digital Economy

    • Digital Inclusion / Inclusion

    • Digital Inequalities

    Full Text Publication Opportunities:

    • Full Text Proceedings E-Book Publication with ISBN.

    • Editorial Thematic Book Section publication from Holistance Academy Publishing House. (International Publishing House)

    • Full texts that have completed the referee and editor process can be published as articles in the following two journals. (Paying the journal publication fee)




    Abstract Writing Rules:

    • Abstracts should be in Turkish and English.

    • All abstracts should not exceed 250 words, excluding the title and author's name-surname.

    • Purpose, method, findings, discussion and at least 5 keywords should be included in the abstract. 

    Important Dates:

    Deadline for abstract submission: 1 May 2023

    Announcement of accepted abstracts: 5 May 2023

    Deadline for registration: 10 May 2023

    Announcement of the program: 15 May 2023

    Symposium date: 24-25-26 May 2023

    Publication of the abstract booklet on the website: 20 May 2023

    Full text submission: August 22, 2023

    Publication of electronic proceedings book: 10 October 2023

    Registration Fees:

    Registration Fee 30 Euros

    Second Paper Registration Fee: 15 Euros

    Registration Fee for Graduate Students: 0

    Second Paper Registration Fee for Graduate Students: 15 Euros

  • 20.04.2023 08:09 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 4, 2023

    I am pleased to invite you to the next in the series of IPRA Thought Leadership webinars. The webinar Environment, social and governance: the new normal for public affairs will be presented by Lukasz Bochenek on Thursday 4 May 2022 at 12.00 GMT/UCT (unadjusted).

    What is the webinar content?

    The webinar will explore the current mantra of environment, social and governance which, while it has become the new normal for public affairs, presents special challenges because it is so wide a set of aspirations. It will also look at nexus of ESG reporting and sustainability communications in the context of changing regulatory landscape in the key jurisdictions.

    How to join

    Register here at Airmeet. (The time shown should adjust to your device’s time zone.)

    A reminder will be sent 1 hour before the event.

    Background to IPRA

    IPRA, the International Public Relations Association, was established in 1955, and is the leading global network for PR professionals in their personal capacity. IPRA aims to advance trusted communication and the ethical practice of public relations. We do this through networking, our code of conduct and intellectual leadership of the profession. IPRA is the organiser of public relations' annual global competition, the Golden World Awards for Excellence (GWA). IPRA's services enable PR professionals to collaborate and be recognised. Members create content via our Thought Leadership essays, social media and our consultative status with the United Nations. GWA winners demonstrate PR excellence. IPRA welcomes all those who share our aims and who wish to be part of the IPRA worldwide fellowship. For more see

    Background to Lukasz Bochenek

    Lukasz is managing director for Switzerland, Belgium and UK for PR agency Leidar. He oversees international client relationships. Lukasz was co-director of the Executive Certificate Advocacy in International Affairs, Geneva. He is the author of Advocacy and Organizational Engagement. He holds a PhD in management studies from the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, and an LLM in international corporate and commercial law from King’s College London.


    International Public Relations Association Secretariat

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