European Communication Research
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  • 15.05.2024 10:37 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 4-7, 2024

    Como, Italy

    Deadline: May 24, 2024

    Find out more


    The TCS organising group is pleased to announce the third edition of its summer school.

    Applications are now open!

    The spectre of digital capitalism is haunting the world.

    The so-called “AI boom” of the past few years has now taken centre stage in the public debate, scientific research, and in the political agendas of international institutions.

    As the Global North seems to have embarked on a relentless journey towards the digital restructuring of our societies, the digital transition has given rise to new problems regarding the societal and political implications of new technologies.

    Is a new form of digital capitalism emerging from the interplay of digital technology and pre-existing social relations? What is the direct impact of digital technology on human labour? How does this affect our life as a whole? And how is it revolutionising the public sphere? More urgently, what is the role of emancipatory politics in this scenario?

    These are some of the questions that tech enthusiasts and technophobes alike are ill-prepared to address.

    The third edition of the Lake Como Summer School in Critical Theory of Society will gather scholars of renowned reputation to discuss these issues from different perspectives.

    Application deadline: Friday, 24 May 2024 at 11:59 p.m. CET (UTC + 01:00)

    Keynote speakers

    Gavin Mueller

    Rachel O’Dwyer

    Tiziano Bonini

    Emiliano Treré


    Philip Di Salvo 

    Gala Hernández López

  • 15.05.2024 10:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    August 18-25, 2024

    Jönköping University Sweden

    Deadline: May 17, 2024

    Democracy depends on engaged citizens. And yet, the most powerful discourses surrounding engagement are strategically designed to drive commercial markets. As a counterpoint to this horizon, the main purpose of this PhD residential course is to understand theories and methods of media engagement not as a metric but as a marker of power relations.

    This 7.5 credit course offers an international platform for PhD researchers to write, present and receive feedback on work in progress from global experts on theories and methods for media engagement. The course will cover key concepts for engagement, including political and public spheres, digital media and AI related technologies, social movements and mobilisation, transmedia engagement, and cultural citizenship and popular culture.

    Key Highlights: Mentoring and networking with world leading scholars and international doctoral researchers; slow thinking, with time to write thesis chapters and peer reviewed journal articles; residential setting of Gränna Campus, overlooking the great lake of Vättern, with easy access to local food and crafts, clear water swimming, nature walks and mountain views; social events, including trips to the historical island of Visingsö.

    Teaching Team: course leader Annette Hill (co author with Dahlgren of Media Engagement Routledge 2023), and Peter Dahlgren (author of Media and Political Engagement 2009), Renira Rampazzo Gambarato (co-author of Theory, Strategy, and Development in Transmedia Storytelling 2020), and Joke Hermes (author of Cultural Citizenship and Popular Culture 2023).

    Website and application: for information on the course, application process, fees, and key dates (deadline soon!) see Contact Annette Hill (

  • 10.05.2024 08:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 26-28, 2024

    Piedmont (Italy)

    Deadline: May 18, 2024

    This is to let you know that we are now accepting abstract proposals for the stream on Food Media and Communication in the congress of the International Society for Gastronomic Sciences and Studies (ISGSS) titled Shaping Gastronomy: Regenerating Food Systems and Societies. The deadline is the 18th of May. If you wish you can associate your abstract to the panel Taste Experience and Media in Contemporary Society or send it as an independent oral contribution. Here is the link to the call:

    The congress takes place in Piedmont (Italy) between the 26th and the 28th of September 2024. For details on our organization, on the congress and its beautiful locations, please follow this link:

    Contact (stream): Luca Antoniazzi,

  • 08.05.2024 13:41 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Media and Communication researchers, please consider taking part in the study “Affecting research in media and communication”, which aims to map and quantify emotional risks and emotional labour of conducting research in our disciplines, its impact on job stress, burnout and satisfaction, as well as best practice in supporting researchers’ well-being.

    The survey is in English, anonymous, takes around 10 minutes to complete, and is open to media and communication researchers from across the world.

    Survey link:

    As we are increasingly working in precarious environments, investigating the emotional toll of media and communication production and consumption, as well as studying distressing content, we should also be acknowledging our own experiences of working in these fields and ways in which we can be best supported.

    If you need any further information about participation in the study then please contact Dr Maja Simunjak (Middlesex University London) -

  • 08.05.2024 13:31 | Anonymous member (Administrator), the scholar-led and nonprofit OA publisher, is happy to announce our annual proposal window from 1 June to 30 July, 2024. During this date window, authors are encouraged to submit a proposal for review. welcomes submissions from scholars across media, communication, and film studies. We currently publish in four series:

    • Media Manifold series — monographs and other book-length works of contemporary media scholarship
    • Public Domain series — reprints of neglected classics, in new critical editions anchored by framing introductions
    • Open Reader series — themed collections of openly licensed, public domain, and linked materials curated and introduced by leading experts
    • History of Media Studies series — monographs and other original scholarly works centered on history of media, communication, and film studies

    We are small and artisanal by mission, and aim to publish just five books a year. Given the volume of proposals that we receive—and with our production schedule in mind—we maintain an annual proposal window (1 June to 30 July), for the review of manuscripts slated for publication in the following calendar year. You are welcome to send informal queries outside these dates, but our general practice is to only consider proposals within the annual window. Each year, we review proposals with an initial reply by August 15, with the aim to conduct peer review of proposals of expressed interest by the end of September. is an open-access publisher for the media and communication studies fields. The press is nonprofit and scholar-led. We publish living works, with iterative updates stitched into our process. And we encourage multi-modal submissions that reflect the mediated environments our authors study. 

    Publishing with is free on principle. Our aim is to demonstrate, on a small scale, an open-access publishing model supported by libraries rather than author fees, via the Open Book Collective. Open access for readers, we believe, should not be traded for new barriers to authorship. 

    All our published works are rigorously peer-reviewed, and receive unusual editorial attention. We prioritize discoverability through careful metadata, library records, and directory listings. As a scholar-run operation, our publicity outreach is uncommonly informed by the fields’ intellectual contours. 

    We kindly ask that proposals be submitted as a single PDF. Proposals should include the following elements, in addition to at least one draft chapter:

    1. Proposed title and subtitle
    2. A 500- to 1000-word narrative description of the book
    3. Short bios of author(s) and/or editor(s)
    4. Proposed series (see above)
    5. Tentative table of contents, preferably annotated
    6. Estimated word-length
    7. Multi-modal components, if any
    8. Status of the book (i.e., expectation of completion date, the portion now complete)
    9. At least one draft chapter

    To submit your work to please follow our submission link.

    If you have any questions at all about the proposal process for books, please contact us at

    Jeff Pooley, director of

    Dave Park, associate director of

  • 08.05.2024 13:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 23, 2024

    Ljubljana, Slovenia

    The registration for the ECREA preconference 'Exploring the Dynamics of Digital Disconnection - Disruption, Inequalities, and Norms' is now open.

    Date: September 23rd, 2024

    Full-day, in-person conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia. 

    There is no registration fee. 

    To register, visit the conference website using the following link:

    Please note that acceptance notifications for presenters have already been sent out. This is invitation directed towards non-presenting attendees who may be interested in participating.

  • 07.05.2024 09:10 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 26-28, 2024

    Cairo, Egypt

    Deadline: May 30, 2024

    The Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference of the AUSACE-Arab-US Association for Communication Educators will be held at Ahram Canadian University (ACU) in Cairo, Egypt on October 26-28, 2024. 

    Theme: Media Coverage and its Effects in Times of Crisis

    Special topics panels are also available for submission

    Important Deadlines:

    1. Abstract Submission:

    Abstract submission deadline: May 30th, 2024.

    2. Acceptance Letter:

    Acceptance letters to be sent to participants: June 30th, 2024.

    3. Full Paper Submission:

    Full papers must be submitted by participants: September 30th, 2024.

    For the submission deadlines and other details, please check the updated call for papers in both English and Arabic:

    Send abstracts and questions to:

    A conference-designated email:

  • 03.05.2024 12:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are pleased to announce the publication of a free downloadable report on young audiences (16-34) in the Netherlands (2024) and their engagement with British screen entertainment. This adds to previous AHRC-funded reports on Germany and Denmark. Please download and share with colleagues, students and whoever else might be interested. 

    Netherlands:  Esser, A., Hilborn, M., & Steemers, J. (2024). Screen Encounters with Britain - Interim Report Netherlands: What do young Europeans make of Britain and its digital screen culture? . King's College London.

    Link here:

    Germany: Esser, A., Hilborn, M., & Steemers, J. (2023). Screen Encounters with Britain - Interim Report Germany: What do young Europeans make of Britain and its digital screen culture?. King's College London.

    Link here:

    Denmark: Esser, A., Hilborn, M., & Steemers, J. (2023). Screen Encounters with Britain - Interim Report Denmark: What do young Europeans make of Britain and its digital screen culture?. King's College London.

    Link here:

  • 02.05.2024 17:49 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    EEMC – - is an international research centre in studies and monitoring of European elections and electoral campaigns. Its research projects, backed by national and European institutions, have seen participation from over 100 researchers representing more than 40 European universities.

    Among the achievement of EEMC's activity is the creation of the biggest archive of European electoral campaigns, housing over 10,000 materials that are freely accessible online.

    For the 2024 European elections, as for those of 2014 and 2019, EEMC is promoting an international research on the EU electoral campaign in the 27 member countries.

    The research involves collecting and analysing the electoral materials (posters, TV ads, and Social network content) produced by the main political parties in the 27 EU Member States.

    The main objectives of the research are:

    • the comparative analysis of the media, communication styles and formats of the electoral campaign;
    • the investigation of the different communication cultures and traditions and their political or geographical origins;
    • the analysis of the contents and issues of the campaign and their ideological and political roots;
    • update the European elections archive with the 2024 electoral campaign materials

    EEMC is selecting the National Research Groups eager to join a dynamic international research team at the forefront of political communication studies for the following EU Member States: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Each National Research Group, must be led by a senior scholar, and will play a pivotal role in this research. Tasks of national teams are: to research, collect, and analyse the electoral materials produced in their nation by the main political parties. For these activities, the research tools and IT applications developed by the EEMC will be made available. At the end of the research, the national data set will be made available to the National Research Groups.

    Researchers and research groups interested in participating in the project can send their application including their CVs and participation in international projects to:

  • 02.05.2024 13:36 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Problemi dell'Informazione (Special Issue) n. 1/2025

    Deadline: May 30, 2024

    Guest editors: Sergio Splendore & Elena Valentini


    For a long time, studying journalism has meant studying its newsrooms. The paradigm of Newsroom Studies, sometimes also referred to as the sociology of news, precisely because it analyses how journalistically relevant information is produced and distributed, was capable of laying the foundations of journalism studies (Kunelius & Waisbord, 2023). What happens with the sociology of news is an accurate and meticulous sociological analysis of the work of journalism, where not only the mechanisms of social control attributable to editors or those in influential positions in the newsroom are taken into account but also the broader context of socialization to professionalism and the way it is exercised. With Newsroom Studies, the focus shifts from the individual choices of editors or journalists to the complex processes involved in the production of information and involving various actors. Newsroom Studies have also been able to identify the process of professionalization innovatively, considering the inclusion of objectivity and impartiality in practices and products of professional journalism a mean to make it more autonomous. On the contrary, it is argued here that those values could also be a way of strengthening dominant positions and cementing the status quo. Professionalization as a project was aimed not at increasing journalists’ independence but at co-opting them.

    While Newsroom Studies has been regarded as a paradigm, the field’s contextual broadening and fragmentation make this approach less central. The contemporary media ecology has radically changed this context: recent work and analysis suggest that the supposed core of journalism and the assumed consistency of the inner workings of news organizations are problematic starting points for journalism studies.

    Among the many terms to identify this change (hybrid journalism, convergent journalism, ambient journalism, collaborative journalism) Deuze and Witschge (2018) talk about beyond journalism. With this locution, they precisely indicate the context of profound transformations in the professional, business, technological, and social context of journalism, which is now pervaded by the rejection of professionalism, but at the same time, the need to affirm as reliable and true the production of information from actors outside the journalistic field, through alternative ways and different types of informational flows. For example, Peters and Allan (2022) study memes as new forms of digital communication to disrupt, undermine, attack, resist or reappropriate discursive positions pertaining to public affairs narratives in the news. Moreover, the recognition of a broader arena of news production and consumption implies the need to break established routines, the start-up culture, and a radical turn towards the audience (Swart et al. 2022), shifting the focus from what counts as news use to what is experienced as informative and positing many different audiences as active agents.

    The role of the public at multiple levels is at the heart of new relational approaches in journalism studies. Recent works recognize relational work as part of journalistic professionalism in different forms: from engaged reporting to collaboration with the local community to organizing journalism festivals or social events such as opening the newsroom to the public (Koliska et al., 2023). These forms contribute to repositioning the role of journalists and journalism in society.

    Since the beginning of the 2000s, scholars have investigated participatory practices in newsrooms. These practices have been at the centre of journalists’ meta discourses, often considered an obligation to respond to and embrace or vital for the future of journalism (Vos & Ryan, 2023). At the same time, journalistic-centric visions of the audience prevailed (Carlson & Peters, 2023), also considering the contribution and the role of other actors from the point of view of journalists. Most recently, the discourse about participatory journalism has shifted to concerns and has declined (Vos & Ryan, 2023), opening new perspectives about audience engagement and the work beyond newsrooms.

    Moreover, several scholars support an expansive view of journalism situated more broadly (Reese, 2021; Zelizer et al., 2022) and promote a decentralized vision of journalism based on experiences rather than norms, identifying the range of actors and institutions that provide people with knowledge and information about the world (Carlson & Peters, 2023).

    However, it is argued here that these new perspectives do not intend to question the centrality and importance of journalism in society but aim to reflect on the redefinition of the “places” and practices of information production and consumption. This call for papers, therefore, seeks to study and analyse the production and consumption of information that does not take place in traditional contexts, which goes beyond newsrooms.

    The proposed empirical and theoretical analysis needs to stress the new perspectives necessary to grasp this change (or the old one still able to reach the scope) and propose the new meaning of professionalism that arises.

    This group therefore includes, but is not limited to:

    - Platformized news sources and products (forms of news initiatives embedded within social media);

    - Journalism initiatives beyond newsrooms (journalists or media outlets themselves which meet audiences outside the newsrooms);

    - Journalism Festivals;

    - Media activism projects;

    - Civic Journalism, Engaged reporting and other forms of community voices’ inclusion in news reports;

    - New perspectives on participatory journalism;

    - Debunking and fact-checking activities;

    - Information production by nonjournalist actors;

    - Audience consumption concerning what publics consider and consume as informative products beyond the traditional ones;

    - New perspectives on the conception of what journalism is for and its role in society.

    Key dates:

    • Deadline for abstract submissions: May 30, 2024
    • Decision by issue editors sent by: June 15, 2024
    • Full paper submissions: September 30, 2024
    • First round of reviews completed by: November 20, 2024
    • Resubmissions of papers: December 20, 2024
    • Second round of reviews completed by: January 15, 2025
    • Submission of final manuscripts: February 15, 2025

    Abstracts (300-500 words plus references) in English or in Italian should be submitted at: 

    Abstracts should be proposed for the section “Saggi”. Please indicate that the proposal is for the special issue edited by Splendore and Valentini in the box “Comments for the editor”.

    For further information about the submission process, please contact:,

    There are no APC (article processing charge) for authors.

    About the venue

    Established in 1976, Problemi dell’Informazione (PdI) has been the first Italian scientific journal focusing specifically on journalism and communication studies. Since then, PdI has represented a dedicated venue for the development of a vivid debate on these topics, fueled both by academic research and by contributions from professionals. More recently PdI has expanded its aims and scope by broadly considering all forms of communication, also to keep pace with the latest transformations in the field of journalism and of journalism studies. PdI publishes contributions in Italian and in English after a rigorous double-blind peer review process.

    Principal Editor: Carlo Sorrentino.

    Here: its national and international board.

    Problemi dell'Informazione is A-class rated journal by ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research Systems) in Sociology of culture and communication




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