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  • 15.09.2022 20:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    6-7 October 2022


    ECREA pre-conference workshop hosted by the Visual Cultures section

    War streaming on Instagram, propaganda in press photography, refugee activism on TikTok? – Recent European crises have shown images and videos as essential tools of communication in politics and protest, a trend mirrored in the increasing use of visuals in research methodologies. In response to these trends, the ECREA Visual Cultures section’s online pre-conference workshop will focus on epistemological and methodological challenges in researching “Visual Politics & Protest” in four thematic panels. The pre-conference workshop will include a keynote by Dr. Jing Zeng (University of Zurich), a series of lightning talks, a panel discussion (including speakers Dr. Stefania Vicari, Dr. Shana MacDonald, & Dr. Jing Zeng), and hands-on discussion rounds with a specific focus on epistemological challenges in research on visual politics and protest.

    Check out the program and register here:

  • 08.09.2022 12:43 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Rethinking Human Geography series

    André Jansson, Department of Geography, Media and Communication, Karlstad University, Sweden

    Timely and original, Rethinking Communication Geographies explores the human condition under digital capitalism, depicting an environment in which digital logistics have taken centre stage in day-to-day life and culture. The book responds to a pressing need to address questions of human autonomy and security, as well as the social power relations of the platform economy, in a world in which media and space have become increasingly entangled.

    Establishing a framework for understanding ‘geomedia’ as an environmental regime that shapes human subjectivity, André Jansson advances a humanistic and interdisciplinary approach to the study of communication geographies, arguing that human activities are accommodated to sustain the circulation of digital data. The book examines concrete examples related to audio-streaming, transmedia tourism, and platform urbanism, ultimately demonstrating how digital skills and logistical expertise have become forms of capital in contemporary society. 

    Mapping ongoing transitions related to how digitalization affects spatial processes, the unique perspectives explored in this book will be of equal interest to postgraduates and researchers in the fields of human geography and media and communication studies. The innovative concepts and approaches to the study of digital geography introduced throughout will also enhance the dialogue between a vast range of disciplines across the humanities and social sciences. 

  • 08.09.2022 12:38 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Bar-Ilan University

    The School of Communication at Bar-Ilan University (Israel) invites applications for a tenure-track position (open rank) beginning in Spring (March) 2023 or Fall (September) 2023. We are seeking to enhance the quality and enrich the academic and cultural diversity of our faculty.


    Ph.D. in Communication or related field at time of employment with a focus on communication, excellence in research including publication in leading peer-refereed journals in the field of communication (preferably digital communication), teaching experience at institutions of higher education.

    Applicants are requested to submit these documents (PDF):

    ·         Cover letter (one page) and description of current and future research plans (three pages)

    ·         Detailed curriculum vitae (according to this template)

    ·         Two or three published articles (digital copies)

    ·         Teaching evaluations of the past three years (when possible)

    ·         Two examples of suggested courses for the undergraduate level (B.A.) with syllabi

    ·         Three letters of recommendation to be sent directly by the writers to the email address below

    Applications should be emailed by October 28th, 2022 to Prof. Chaim Noy, Search Committee Chair, School of Communication, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel 5290002, at: chaim.noy at 

  • 08.09.2022 12:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Edited by: Jake Lynch, Charis Rice

    Dr Jake Lynch and Dr Charis Rice have recently co-edited a collection on Responsible Journalism in Conflicted Societies, now available online at Routledge: Responsible Journalism in Conflicted Societies: Trust and Public Services across New and Old Divides  ( [20% Discount Available - enter the code FLE22 at checkout] 

    Setting out multiple perspectives from media and journalism scholars, this collection addresses the  implications that today’s technological, socio-political, and economic conditions have for relations  between journalists, sources, audiences, and wider publics. Applying an inclusive concept of ‘conflicted societies’ that goes beyond those affected by violent conflict to include traditionally  ‘stable’ but increasingly polarised democracies, such as the UK and the USA, contributors engage  with longstanding questions and new challenges surrounding concepts of responsibility, trust,  public service, and public interest in journalism. The unique span of studies offers international  scope, including societies often overlooked in media and journalism studies, such as Northern Ireland, Turkey, Cyprus, Pakistan, The Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Central African  Republic. Chapters also feature contemporary case studies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, as a route into understanding the pertinent issue of fake news, and the ‘local turn’ in journalism. 

  • 08.09.2022 12:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Roskilde University

    The Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University, invites applications for a vacant two-year postdoc in Public Relations (PR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The successful applicant is expected to start 1 January 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter.

    The postdoc is part of the research project Strategizing Communication and Artificial Intelligence (SCAI), funded by THE VELUX FOUNDATIONS. The project focuses on how artificially intelligent communication technologies affect human agency in relation to professional discretion and ethical judgement. With particular attention to professional communicators’ strategy-practices the project aims to provide novel research-based knowledge on the impact of intelligent computing on strategic communication, and advance societal know-how related to the governance of AI technology. Click here for more information about the project.

    The postdoc will contribute to the overall research project by designing and conducting an original study of how AI technologies are developed and implemented for PR purposes, such as, but not limited to, stakeholder management, customer service, and/or crises communication. In developing the research prospective, applicants are encouraged to employ a mixture of methods to collect and analyse empirical data and outline how the study can be accomplished theoretically.

    The successful applicant will work in close collaboration with Associate Professor Ib T. Gulbrandsen, the principal investigator (PI) of SCAI, as well as other members of the project team, and will be associated with the project group Artificial Intelligence and Datafied Communication, in addition to the Centre for Digital Citizenship and Digital Media Lab. Further, the postdoc position offers the possibility to be actively involved in public communication and outreach. And there will be opportunities to attend international conferences and workshops.

    Responsibilities and tasks

    The main responsibilities and tasks of the postdoc will be:

    • Be an active collaborative partner in the research project.
    • Conduct and complete an independent research project in collaboration with the group.
    • Publish independently and in collaboration with the research PI and group in relevant peer reviewed journals.
    • Plan and contribute to panels at relevant international conferences.
    • Plan and participate in research seminars and network meetings.
    • Contribute to popular dissemination of research findings.
    • Be an active and present colleague at the Department of Communication and Arts.


    The Department will give priority to applicants with the following qualifications:

    • PhD degree in Media and Communication Studies, Public Relations, Computer Science, Organization Studies, Sociology, Digital Humanities, or related disciplines.
    • Excellent academic record, as shown by timely completion of PhD fellowship, experience with publishing in peer reviewed academic journals and engagement with international research networks.
    • Expertise in mixed methods, as well as familiar with current developments in the literatures on PR and AI, and able to connect these literatures to empirical case studies.
    • Full professional proficiency in English and good communication skills.
    • Stated interest in and experience with engaging in disciplinary and interdisciplinary academic discussions.


    In the assessment of candidates, consideration will be given to:

    • Scientific production and research prospective (including an individual research plan based on the existing project to be submitted with the application).
    • Ability to promote and utilize research results.
    • Ability to collaborate closely with research partners.
    • Ability to contribute to the development of the department’s internal and external cooperation.


    For further information about the postdoc position, and to obtain a full academic description of the project, please contact PI Ib T. Gulbransen:

    Terms of employment

    The employment is full time, 37 hours per week, fully salaried, and includes an allowance for costs associated with conference participation of relevance to the SCAI project.

    The postdoc will refer to Dean Ida Willig.

    The position will be filled according to the Agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC) and Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities.  

    Application procedure 

    After the deadline for applications the Dean will shortlist applicants for assessment with assistance from the recruitment committee including the chairperson of the assessment committee.

    Shortly after the application deadline all applicants will be notified whether or not their application has been selected for assessment.

    The shortlisted applicants will be informed about the composition of the assessment committee, and each applicant will be given the opportunity to comment on the composition of the committee and - later on - their assessment.

    Once the recruitment process is completed, all applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application.


    To apply for the position go to 

    Only applications in English are accepted. 

    Applications must include: 

    1. Cover letter 

    2. CV 

    3. Documentation of education 

    4. Teaching portfolio (read more about teaching portfolio at Roskilde University here) 

    5. A complete list of publications 

    6. A maximum of 5 relevant scientific works that you want included in the assessment. If any of the publications that you want included in the assessment are the result of a joint effort, the extent and the nature of your contribution to each individual work must then be clarified in a co-author statement (find template here) 

    7. If relevant: Documentation for any additional research and/or teaching qualification

    Please submit your application no later than October 20, 2022.

    Material received after this date will not be taken into consideration. 

    We expect job interviews to be held in week 50, 2022.

    Roskilde University wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background. 

  • 08.09.2022 12:17 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Zurich, Switzerland

    The Media & Internet Governance Division (Prof. Dr. Natascha Just) of the Department of Communication and Media Research at the University of Zurich invites applications for two open positions of senior research and teaching associate/postdoctoral researcher (80%) and one PhD position (60%). Start of employment: Upon agreement, by 1 January 2023 at the latest.

    The Media & Internet Governance Division studies media policy and media economics in the convergent communications sector. Alongside research on traditional mass media, the division focuses on Internet Governance and Platform Studies. The successful applicants will work on dedicated topics that align with the division's research program. One of the two postdoc positions and the PhD position will primarily contribute to a research project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

    (Sinergia Project no. 209250:, which will, among other things, develop policy recommendations for dealing with problematic content on social media. It combines insights from governance research with computational social science methods to model and quantify the impact of regulatory measures.

    Further information and application details:

    Postdoc positions:

    PhD position:

    Review of applications starts immediately, but the positions will remain open until qualified candidates are found. 

    Please contact Alena Birrer, MA ( if you have any further questions.

  • 08.09.2022 12:15 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    2023/2024 issue 

    Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek is a forum for research focusing on the Nordic countries. The journal covers literary, linguistic, cultural, and historical research. Contributions to the journal may be written in Dutch, Danish, Norwegian (bokmål/nynorsk), Swedish, German or English. Articles can be submitted via a registration on our website. 

    We also welcome book reviews. 

    Previous issues can be found here:

    Welcome with your submission! 

  • 08.09.2022 12:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 26-27, 2022

    Online conference

    Deadline: October 2, 2022

    We are pleased to announce this year’s Chinese DiGRA conference, hosted by the School of Cultural Technology of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University on the 26th and 27th of November 2022. This year’s Chinese DiGRA is a fully online event. Accepted papers will be pre-recorded as videos and live panels and paper discussions held online live on Zhumu/Zoom.

    We invite submissions on any aspect of Chinese games, game industries, game design and gaming cultures. We also invite submissions from people located in the Chinese-speaking region who are researching any aspect of games. The conference encourages papers from students and early career researchers. We also welcome papers as well as demos from game industry workers. 

    The Chinese DiGRA conference facilitates networking amongst game scholars working in the Chinese-speaking region. Therefore, apart from the above topics we also encourage submissions from scholars located in the Chinese-speaking region working on any aspect of game research.

    Keynote Speaker: TBA


    Submissions can be in English or Chinese.

    Please submit a maximum 350-word (or 600-character) abstract.

    Important dates

    October 2nd: Deadline for submissions.

    October 17th: Decisions announced. Presenters receive additional practical information on how to record and submit their presentations (we recommend PowerPoint with voiceover or the free and open software OBS [Open Broadcast Software]).

    October 18th: Conference registration opens.

    November 7th: To facilitate subtitling, we ask all presenters to send us a video (or a PowerPoint presentation with voiceover) and transcript of their presentation in advance. We will translate and subtitle the video/PPT with voiceover. The recorded videos will be made available to the conference attendees shortly before and during the conference, followed by live Q&A sessions.

    November 26th and 27th: Conference.


    Please email a pdf version of a maximum 350-word/600 character (excluding references) abstract no later than October 2nd, 2022 to:<>

    Please make sure to include ‘CDiGRA2022 Submission’ in the subject line of your message.

    Abstracts will be selected by conference and program chairs based on their academic rigour and relevance to the themes of the conference. Note that the abstracts do not need to be anonymous. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by October 17th. Accepted authors will have an opportunity to submit their extended abstracts for inclusion in the DiGRA Digital Library. For questions regarding paper submission and the topics of the conference, or questions on the conference, please contact<>.

    About Chinese DiGRA

    Chinese DiGRA (中华电子游戏研究协会​ /​ 中華 數位遊戲研究協會)is a regional chapter of DiGRA (Digital Games Research Association) focusing on game research relevant to Chinese speaking countries and the surrounding regions. Chinese DiGRA aims to enhance the quality, quantity, and international profile of games research in the Chinese-speaking context, by developing a network of game scholars and researchers working in the Chinese-speaking world and/or on aspects of Chinese games and gaming cultures, forging links between academic and professional researchers on games, supporting teaching and PhD development in the region, and disseminating and promoting Chinese game scholarship around the world. Chinese DiGRA is run by a board comprised of top academics in the fields of Chinese games research from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. You can find more information on Chinese DiGRA, including papers from previous conferences, at our website>.

    Organizing Committee:

    Dr Gabriele Aroni, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, School of Cultural Technology

    Zhonghao Chen, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, School of Cultural Technology

  • 08.09.2022 12:08 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 15-18, 2022

    Lusofona University, Portugal

    The Media Literacy and Civic Cultures (MeLCi Lab) Autumn School “Media, gender, intersectionality and mediated social mobilizations”, to be held 15th to 18th November 2022, aims to introduce PhD students to current discussions in the field, as well capacitate PhD students with a set of hands-on research skills that help them in their projects, supporting their professional development. The agenda, workshops, and keynote speakers are available at: 

    By adopting an integrative and multidisciplinary approach, the school will bring together several scholars for a set of workshops and communications to foster research skills related to scientific writing, dissemination, funding applications, and innovative methodologies. We will address topics about media representations of gender and sexualities, mediated activisms, civic mobilisations, ethics, etc.

    MeLCi Lab Autumn School intends to be an inclusive space, and three equity grants will be available for students from underrepresented communities.

    MeLCi Lab is currently looking for proposals of PhD students who want to apply for the Autumn School. These applications can be submitted until the 16th of September.

    Applicants should submit their Curriculum Vitae (including scientific publications and activities), a motivation letter, a thesis summary, research questions, and methodologies.

    Please email your proposal to 

  • 08.09.2022 12:03 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Colleagues,

    We are delighted to announce registrations are open for the 2022 Policy & Internet Conference, to be held at the University of Sydney, September 28 and 29.

    With a focus on the immediate crises in our communication space, our invited speakers will address the conference theme, Datafication. Platformization. Metaverse. The state of global internet policy, to explore how the current developments within digital media spaces has a regulatory impact. The conference will present cutting edge research from around the globe that address issues such as what is the current state of play for the platform society and its associated internet regulation, how internet regulation includes/excludes groups and individuals, and the consequences of contemporary communication on the environment. 

    This conference will be held in a hybrid mode, so if you can’t make it to Sydney for the live event, please consider registering for the streaming online alternative.

    The conference will feature the following Keynote presentations:

    • Professor Rohan Samarajiva, Chair of LIRNEasia
    • Associate Professor Tanya Lokot, Dublin City University
    • Professor John Hartley, A.M., University of Sydney
    • Associate Professor Crystal Abidin, Curtin University 

    With a series of specialist panels featuring the work of:

    • Dr Damar Juniarto, Executive Director of Southeast Asia Freedom of Expression Network
    • Dr Matthew Nguyen, Tony Blair Institute
    • Dr Jay Thompson, RMIT University
    • Professor Terry Flew, University of Sydney
    • Professor Julian Thomas, Director, ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making & Society, RMIT University
    • Dr Joanne Gray, University of Sydney
    • Associate Professor Diana Bossio, Swinburne University
    • Professor Kim Weatherall, University of Sydney
    • Professor Gerard Goggin, University of Sydney
    • Professor Katie Ellis, Curtin University
    • Dr Wayne Hawkins, Director of Inclusion, ACCAN
    • Dr Natasha Layton, Monash University
    • Associate Professor Paul Harpur, University of Queensland

    More speakers will be announced soon.

    Looking forward to seeing you there, and for any further information, please contact Dr Jonathon Hutchinson [] or Milica Stilinovic [].




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